COVID-19 'Pandemic'


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oh look, another article that speaks of sepsis in Covid-19 patients:
As COVID-19 continues to ravage our healthcare systems, the race to find solutions is on. For Dr. Bob Hancock, a Vancouver-based microbiologist, this means tackling sepsis — a potentially life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by the body’s response to an infection, and the second leading cause of death among COVID 19 patients.
Hancock, the co-founder of B.C.-based Sepset Biosciences inc, recently received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to conduct a multi-center clinical study to investigate which patients with COVID-19 are at higher risk of developing sepsis.
“The goal is to tell the physician within an hour whether or not a patient will develop sepsis — who’ll go down quick and who won’t,” said Hancock. “The right patients can be moved to the ICU immediately.”
Thanks JLM, I'm glad you got off your ass and looked something up.

Now for Dirtybird's question.

No. I would not because embryonic stem cells only come from four to five day old blastocysts or younger embryos. NOT FETUSES

So since "aborted fetuses" arent a source for stem cells you may as well put that shit fight you wanted to start to bed.

My question is,"are you willing to donate your eggs?"
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
strange how we have heard nothing about how Melania is doing........ given the fact that Trump said she has the virus too. Or was that a fabrication.?? Yet he spends a lot of time talking about HIMSELF at the rally. NOT a WORD about HER His self centeredness has no limits.....No wonder he cold care less about how many are afflicted or die from the virus.
His vaudeville Act and fairy tales continue..

Fox and others ask Trump all the time, she is doing good, but you wouldn't know that listening to news organizations that hope they all die of COVID would you?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I did the math and If Canada were to have followed the same path as Sweden in the covid response and had the same results as Sweden we would have 21,645 dead instead of our current 9,627.

And we may as well add that the end the lockdown crowd would be just as happy about it. Human life is but a number.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Not necessarily a medical expert, but a bit of training perhaps. The first diabetic coma I attended was freaky. Done enough of them now to have a reasonable idea of what to expect. Here is a hint though. If someone is passed out and you are unsure if they are diabetic or not force some sugar into their mouth. A diabetic will come back in a couple of minutes, a drunk likely won't. Just be aware that when they come around they will be combative and disoriented. A diabetic really should go to the hospital afterwards but probably will not want to.

So a smart person would have a beer handy if the sugar didn't work! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
We haven't heard him speak of Melania (or Melanie as he has called her in the past) because he doesn't give a crap about anybody but himself. To a man like Trump a trophy wife is just that, something to be put on display to pump up his own ego then forgotten about. Sure he parades her out for the occasional photo op, then puts her back in her box.
First hand experience I am sure , no conjecture or innuendo there .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Oh she did, she renegotiated her pre-nup before agreeing to move to the WH after super spreader in chief won the election in 2016. Yeah I've heard her nasty streak in those leaked phone calls, the nails came out for sure, especially when speaking of the porn-hooker who her hubby was "doin" while she was at home with baby Baron.
Wow , you really do have first hand experience.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Trump said she was doing well when asked about her on the Rush Limbaugh show and the Mark Levin show on Friday. CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT, CBS, MSNBC, and Wapo could care less about Melania unless she dies, that’s why you haven’t heard about her.

Interesting wording Walter.

And do you really believe all those news sources want to see her dead? Why would you make such a claim? Of the ones I listen to they offered best wishes to Trump and Melania after they were diagnosed.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Interesting wording Walter.

And do you really believe all those news sources want to see her dead? Why would you make such a claim? Of the ones I listen to they offered best wishes to Trump and Melania after they were diagnosed.
It would have a lot more credibility if her physician made a statement about her condition. Trump saying that she is "doing fine " (generic response) has ;not merit. Given that he is the husband..... one would expect something with a bit more compassion , and genuine concern. He lacks that capacity.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
He was a piece of work that guy! And the next one was very little better, she stuck with him for over 20 years- absolutely useless!

It puzzles me that some people choose to remain in bad relationships, but getting out isn't always so easy. I've had a couple of friends who were in bad relationships, one a woman and the other a man and both hung in there for far too long. But it's too easy to judge from the outside why people make the choices that they do.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
It would have a lot more credibility if her physician made a statement about her condition. Trump saying that she is "doing fine " (generic response) has ;not merit. Given that he is the husband..... one would expect something with a bit more compassion , and genuine concern. He lacks that capacity.

I think it's well known that he lacks empathy, so his barely mentioning her is not surprising.