You will have to explain why a registered Democrat would vote for Trump.You know, you make an interesting point OB. I have a very good friend who lives in the US. She is a registered Democrat who voted for Trump in 2016. I should mention here that I was happy for her that her chosen candidate won and that I too was excited to see what Trump would do as President. Well it wasn't long before the bloom fell off for me, but she to this day continues to support him and intends to vote for him in the upcoming election.
You speak of Trumpers thinking in slogans and you are right, not that my friend does but I do find that sometimes she doesn't always have all the information around given issues (I believe because she limits her sources to seek out a fuller picture) and is quick to make a judgement before having that information. And that is frustrating. She and I have had very heated discussions but have remained friends. And in fairness she too has brought information to my attention that has made me too rethink some of my positions.
Lickily the difference is that with her we both are willing to bend and accept the other's side on some points and often have good discussions where we both can speak of the pros and cons to both sides of this political nightmare. I still try to sway her to not vote for Trump but she won't budge lol. And in the big picture we both value our friendship enough that we won't let this opposition get in the way of that. Trump is not worth losing a good friend over.
WHere did Moosie say that? How long after the election do you want mail in votes to be accepted?So you're against people's votes being counted?
Amateur hour at the Trump White House
The coronavirus outbreak at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is just one facet of a much deeper presidential malaise.
President Game Show Host continues to deliver the laughs.
You will have to explain why a registered Democrat would vote for Trump.
Majority of Voters Say Trump Hasn't Paid 'Fair Share' of Federal Income Taxes as Biden Leads by 12 Points
It's over. It's been over for a long time.
No they didn't.Didn't they say that back in '48 and again in '16?
And of course there is the fact the each state handles their elections and they have different rules and regulations.WHere did Moosie say that? How long after the election do you want mail in votes to be accepted?
AS I understand it in BC's current election they must be postmarked by election day.But it will be several days before all are counted.
No they didn't.
The polls were never anywhere near this.
Were you up on the political happenings at the time ? I hope that didn’t start till long past then .I was around in 48! Were you?
Were you up on the political happenings at the time ? I hope that didn’t start till long past then .
Dewey never at any point polled 12 points ahead.
Neither did Hillary.
New poll shows Clinton over Trump by double-digitsNot surprising as the U.S. population at the time was barely over 100 million!