Sorry you a right , my mistake . Girth inserted him into the conversation .
Not a problem, buddy. Sorry I lost my temper.
Sorry you a right , my mistake . Girth inserted him into the conversation .
Only because there are significant financial penalties for getting caught disobeying.Let me ask you this, do you wear a seatbelt while driving? A motorcycle helmet if on a motorcycle? Do you drive the speed limit? Slow down in school/playground zones? Do you refrain from driving drunk? Drive on the correct side of the road? Pay your income tax? Property tax? Any of these?
And you gobble up every second of he is virtually addicted to camera attention.
You really need to try for a fact once in a while. How many courses on mask wearing have you taught? Have you ever even been fit tested for a mask? There are potentially very serious health risks to wearing the same mask for too long at a stretch. Mostly from bacteria. Which you would know if you ever took a course instead of believing whatever the media spoon feeds you.Of course it is, but it's a favorite of taxme's, pgs too claimed that there are dangers associated with wearing masks which is of course ridiculous. Many professions require the wearing of masks for hours at a time. Crazy conspiracy theory sites push this crap and then the mindless spread it as truth.
Oddly enough that might be the best reason. I recently read an article from a medical journal about a study on infection rates in patients where the doctors wore masks and those that didn't. There was no statistical difference in infection rates. Couldn't determine from the article if they were comparable surgeries or not.I guess surgeons wear masks during surgery so the patient won't recognize him in case he screws up.
Westjet pilots agree to 50% pay cut in order to save jobs.
Maybe everybody should be cut by 50%
Maybe every price should be cut 50%
Hundreds are the new twenty .Congratulations for making sense for possibly the first time in your life! : I've often thought present currency should be divided by ten which would probably put things back to where they were 40 years ago and would have the added benefit of not having to pack a wheel barrow load of money to buy a loaf of bread! These incessant raises in wages and prices have just "killed" our dollar!
So Trump going to the hospital is him exaggerating this thing?
And most will recover with no ill effects .Nope it just proves that Petros is right, nobody is safe and everyone will get it at sometime.
You really need to try for a fact once in a while. How many courses on mask wearing have you taught? Have you ever even been fit tested for a mask? There are potentially very serious health risks to wearing the same mask for too long at a stretch. Mostly from bacteria. Which you would know if you ever took a course instead of believing whatever the media spoon feeds you.
If you really think wearing a random piece of cloth on your face will protect you or anyone else by all means do so. But change it out every couple of hours and make sure they get washed.
JLM used OJ , liar .
Nope it just proves that Petros is right, nobody is safe and everyone will get it at sometime.
Did he not walk . That equals coming to his defence , in your eyes . Stretch much ?I stand corrected, but then you did come to O.J's defense. So, still not surprised.
Both from Firefighter training and hazmat training. We get it tested every year. AND I guarantee you don't know anywhere near as much as I do about face masks or you would know about the potential for bacterial build up in a mask from not cleaning.Have I been fit tested for a mask? Well yes actually I have been, both by my husband who took safety courses through his job to certify him in the handling of dangerous goods, and by medical staff while my husband was receiving chemotherapy treatments at home through his chemo port. When receiving at home chemo treatments you are given something called a chemo spill kit in the event of well, a spill. It is a complete PPE kit including an N-95 mask that the medical staff taught me how to properly fit. Does that qualify? Good enough for ya?
Tell me, what course was it that you took that taught you of the potentially very serious health risks associated with wearing a face mask, mostly from bacteria. Please post a direct link to the organizations that host these courses. Also please provide the direct link to studies speaking of these life threatening bacteria in face masks. I would sincerely like to read those studies.
Yes I do believe that wearing a face mask makes a difference in the spread of covid and I will continue to do so. And no need for the closing lesson from you, I know probably, more than you, the protocols to follow related to face masks.
It is very concerning to see that the mask issue is still being debated. Just as it is a concern that folks don't get that gathering in small close places is a prescription for virus spreading. Just look at the actions of the white house: no masks and no distancing ........ in their continued public events.Have I been fit tested for a mask? Well yes actually I have been, both by my husband who took safety courses through his job to certify him in the handling of dangerous goods, and by medical staff while my husband was receiving chemotherapy treatments at home through his chemo port. When receiving at home chemo treatments you are given something called a chemo spill kit in the event of well, a spill. It is a complete PPE kit including an N-95 mask that the medical staff taught me how to properly fit. Does that qualify? Good enough for ya?
Tell me, what course was it that you took that taught you of the potentially very serious health risks associated with wearing a face mask, mostly from bacteria. Please post a direct link to the organizations that host these courses. Also please provide the direct link to studies speaking of these life threatening bacteria in face masks. I would sincerely like to read those studies.
Yes I do believe that wearing a face mask makes a difference in the spread of covid and I will continue to do so. And no need for the closing lesson from you, I know probably, more than you, the protocols to follow related to face masks.
It is very concerning to see that the mask issue is still being debated. Just as it is a concern that folks don't get that gathering in small close places is a prescription for virus spreading. Just look at the actions of the white house: no masks and no distancing ........ in their continued public events.
Just heard on CTV: apparently staff that get the virus ( in Trump regime et al).....are discouraged from making it public...........The dictator has spoken..........again Just as he has controlled the information about his condition.
an aside: but the supporters at the hospital were organized by the republican Trump gang . No surprise there It is all about photo ops and imagery. NO SUBSTANCE.But mostly regard for human and their health.