Secrond ranguage .It's not English, stupid.
So, you drunk, stoned, or both tonight?
Secrond ranguage .It's not English, stupid.
So, you drunk, stoned, or both tonight?
I'd like to propose the following draft legislation for consideration by Parliament, the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. state legislatures. I think it is a common-sense law that, with a minimum constriction on the rights of individuals, will promote gun safety for the benefit of all:
Canadian Gun Owners Fail Again to Show Up for Conservative Party
Why won’t we support our only ally in the House of Commons?
Because they are a hopeless political party with no prospect of ever gaining power.
You are a moron.
I'll vote for any of the conservative candidates. I won't vote Trudeau.
Remember, fellow peasants, the AR 15 is absolutely useless as a hunting rifle.
Seems perfect for this kind of hunting. Suppressed too! On farmland, that makes perfect sense. Illegal in Canada, all of it, as our leaders are morons.
Remember, fellow peasants, the AR 15 is absolutely useless as a hunting rifle.
Seems perfect for this kind of hunting. Suppressed too! On farmland, that makes perfect sense. Illegal in Canada, all of it, as our leaders are morons.
.243 is the smallest cartridge allowed in Canada. Since the ar15 is a .223 that makes it illegal for hunting. Any .223 is illegal for hunting,not just the ar15, and you know that.
I've hunted deer with 6.5 Creedmor. Nice little cartridge, faster than hell, lotta punch for its size. But I don't consider it enough of an advance on the .308 to justify the cost..270 makes a nice deer rifle. I've used .308 winchester pretty much my whole life. 120grain for deer. 180 grain for elk.
No, they are not illegal for hunting in Canada. I have a Remington Model 7 in .223 Remington which I carry all the time in the woods. In fact, in New Brunswick, outside of deer, bear and moose season, the only rifles you are allowed to carry are rifles under .23 caliber. In fact, I think you are talking specifically about big game hunting, as in NB. Otherwise, as far as I know, the .223 is legal in every province, just not for large game.
New York State taking the NRA to court to end their existence.
About time.
There is what is called a suspicious outlier in the ownership graph.
Can anyone guess who it is...?