Trump USA : 2020


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Then stop having them.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I'm surprised the nation isn't up in arms over the fact Trump doesn't give a shyte what so ever about kids.

He's pretty much making it so kids are to be forced back to school.

I know if I had a kid in the US at this point, that kid would not go anywhere NEAR a school until I was certain it was safe. But, holy fuk... "We don't want the directives to be too strong/severe." What the everloving fuk?


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
I think Mary Trump's new book should be required reading for anyone over the age of 13. It gives an insight of the most dysfunctional human being in the World.

Agreed, I have a copy on order and look forward to hearing what a family member of his has to say about him as she has insight to offer. Commander In Cheat was a pretty eye opening book as well.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Again, what does it matter to you canucks? He is not your leader! Your leader is Justin and from what I have been reading, he isn't very good at his job. Perhaps fix that first before you criticize other countries...

I think the bigger question is why you think the actions of US government shouldn't matter to Canada and the world. But let's start with Canada. It matters on issues such as trade, alliances against common adversaries, a shared border, tourism, pipelines, continental security, economic, cultural and environmental connections. Just to name a few.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Because it shouldn't, especially for those nations who don't want anything to do with the US.
Canada being one of them.
Oh my gosh.... and you think that because of those things, it gives you the right to interfere with US domestic issues?
If those things bother the canuck population, then perhaps you should be looking for better trade partners? Better alliances against the common adversaries? Seal the border? Don't let their tourists in? Don't build pipelines across the border? Look after your own security? Don't have anything to do with them economically? What culture? Look after your own environment?
Believe me, doing that would make a lot of canucks happy!

How is voicing an opinion interfering with US domestic issues? Lets start there. You are totally lost on why it matters to Canada and to the world, as much as it matters the actions that other countries take. You seem to struggle with understanding simple global civics, perhaps an online course would be beneficial? Then perhaps we could have a balanced discussion.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
I think they are going to vote for him again.... what will you canucks do then? Complain and get angry?

Complain and get angry? What some call complaining others may call voicing opinions, I choose the later. And will I get angry? Well no I personally wouldn't get angry as that seems an irrational response. Anger would not change the outcome so would be pointless.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Agreed, I have a copy on order and look forward to hearing what a family member of his has to say about him as she has insight to offer. Commander In Cheat was a pretty eye opening book as well.
So you are falling for the Trump entrepreneurial spirit and supporting her financially , good for you , as they say a fool and her/his money .


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
So you are falling for the Trump entrepreneurial spirit and supporting her financially , good for you , as they say a fool and her/his money .

Ooh look at you being all clever and spunky on a Friday morning. Good to see you pgs, how you been? Miss me? Supporting her financially? Is that what I'm doing? Will my 23 bucks (got a great sale price on Amazon) support Mary Trump financially? Well considering that she earned a Master's degree in literature at Columbia University and a doctorate in psychology at Adelphi University and likely inherited some money from her father Fred Jr. I doubt that she is dependent on my 23 bucks for her financial security. But you can believe that if you like.

And you may call me a fool if you like as well, many will criticize others choices, I do it so have at it.

So what are your plans for the rest of the day? Gonna hang out here with me?


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
And how are opinions going to solve problems?
Are you saying that the US is the most important country in the world?
Mr. Mockingbird, the reason why the US is able to get away with so much crap all over the world is because you deem it so important. As if the lifeblood of the world will be cut off should should anything bad happen to the US.

Opinions which often lead to discussion can famously solve problems, that's just common sense.

Let's see, what next.... The USA being the largest economy in the world certainly cements its importance on the world stage. That too, is common sense.

Could you elucidate as to what you believe would happen to the world should the USA economy suddenly collapse? I'll be waiting... no googling now, eyes on your own paper.

Oh and for the record, that's Mrs. Mockingbird.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
They don't need any opinion or advice on how to run their country. Remember, they were a powerful nation even before Canada was a nation.
Many of your fellow citizens and your european masters will though. Boohoo for them.
That's true, nor will your opinions.

Do tell, why then does the President have advisers on his own staff if advice is not needed to run a country?

I can't control anyone's anger, nor would I try, or cry over it as you seem to be doing. To each their own

I think opinions do change outcomes, because, as I stated earlier, opinions lead to discussion which can then sway decisions.