A win for the LGTBQ community


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I won't even pretend to know what's going on here in this thread at this point, as earlier this morning I sat down and started reading from post #1 and made it to the bottom of page 10...and was constantly googling names & terms like I was fighting my way through a different language where even the context of the post didn't offer much for clues. I've no idea what's happened in the last 9 pages 'cuz I just haven't made it that far, but if anyone else is struggling to read through this.....maybe this might help.

It's a Glossary of Terms that might be found throughout this Thread: http://thesafezoneproject.com/resources/vocabulary/

Yeah, there's a lot of names and other stuff thrown around that if you don't know, you could get real lost.

Thanks Ron.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I know. There's an element of tragedy in all comedy.

As to the last bit, that just changed. Thanks to (brace yourself), Neil Gorsuch.

Yeah my brain is still WTF over that one. I mean...

My worry is that for now the ruling JUST covers jobs and only in certain situations. Sure precedent has been set but it can also be judged the other way at any point.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Why not? and if not what is it?
In your opinion?

Trans people aren't 'opinion', they are fact.

Historically, in every part of the world, there has been Trans people.

How society sees them is the only thing that's changed.

All that's changing now, in Western societies, is how Trans people are being seen, again, and the fact that science is diving into just what makes a Trans person Trans, and how does an "advanced" society (haha) deal with it?

And if you pay attention, most negativity and outright hate is pushed onto Trans Women; Trans Men don't get this much public BS, so in the end, in my opinion, this hate on Trans Women isn't because they're Trans, rather it's either a person's obsession with a Trans Woman having a dick, OR it's the mental leap of a man not being to really understand why a Trans Woman would want to be a Woman at all, because... what man would? Which says more about the anti-Trans Woman person for having that bad a hate on for Women.

TERF's are the female side of the equation but IMO, theirs is a lot of fear base.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
Trans people aren't 'opinion', they are fact.

Historically, in every part of the world, there has been Trans people.

How society sees them is the only thing that's changed.

All that's changing now, in Western societies, is how Trans people are being seen, again, and the fact that science is diving into just what makes a Trans person Trans, and how does an "advanced" society (haha) deal with it?

And if you pay attention, most negativity and outright hate is pushed onto Trans Women; Trans Men don't get this much public BS, so in the end, in my opinion, this hate on Trans Women isn't because they're Trans, rather it's either a person's obsession with a Trans Woman having a dick, OR it's the mental leap of a man not being to really understand why a Trans Woman would want to be a Woman at all, because... what man would? Which says more about the anti-Trans Woman person for having that bad a hate on for Women.

TERF's are the female side of the equation but IMO, theirs is a lot of fear base.
And money.

And Ego.

TERFs in their leadership are professional hatemongers. They used the women's movement in the 60-70's to as is said here to "game the system" and pass their work off as feminism without questions.

Thankfully this is changing.

But... Every single headlining TERF of note makes $ off of their hate, books, speaking events and these days bloggers, vloggers and selling swag...they're a brand.

And what happens when they're wrong?

No more brand.

Plus you have the ego of every hard core radfems having to eat crow over being a transphobe for the last 6 decades.

And the money thing that's gotten worse as groups like WPUK and WoLF take $$$ from christian hate groups and others like the FRC and FoF and the ADF.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Trans people aren't 'opinion', they are fact.

Historically, in every part of the world, there has been Trans people.

How society sees them is the only thing that's changed.

All that's changing now, in Western societies, is how Trans people are being seen, again, and the fact that science is diving into just what makes a Trans person Trans, and how does an "advanced" society (haha) deal with it?

And if you pay attention, most negativity and outright hate is pushed onto Trans Women; Trans Men don't get this much public BS, so in the end, in my opinion, this hate on Trans Women isn't because they're Trans, rather it's either a person's obsession with a Trans Woman having a dick, OR it's the mental leap of a man not being to really understand why a Trans Woman would want to be a Woman at all, because... what man would? Which says more about the anti-Trans Woman person for having that bad a hate on for Women.

TERF's are the female side of the equation but IMO, theirs is a lot of fear base.

Your facts are still only opinions whether you quote a doctor, psychiatrist or someone else it is still an opinion, not a fact

And that dear lady is "my opinion" and that's a fact!


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
HRT does not change genetics.
Again you're literally using genetics wrong in relation to transition and everything about it.


Genes have zero to do with HRT and transition.

They also have nothing, literally firetrucking nothing to do with trans athletes.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The sketch almost writes itself. . .

Interior, Canadian rural bar, night

PETROS: Well, looky here, boys. We got us a fairy!

CROWD: Throw him out! Kick his ass!

Four men drag the "fairy" out the door.

Gravel parking lot, exterior, night

CROWD: Kill the fag! Kill the fag! Kill the fag!

JINENTONIX (rips off the skirt of the victim): Hang on, boys! This ain't no fag! It's just a real ugly broad!
Probably an Eastern German holdout.

But anyway, cute little rant except I don't hate gay people, and unlike 100% of the virtue signalers in here who are all yap, I've actually gotten off my ass to personally fly a friend's brother to Quebec City for gender reassignment surgery. And that was YEARS before the virtue signalers gushed over how "brave" Jenner was. BFD. Try doing that as an average person in a small, northern mining town 20 years before it was "acceptable".

Meanwhile I can see you as a coach for a female sports team, grabbing crotches to make sure no biological women make the team. Because, you know, even though you have a dick you can still be a female in pseudo-science land, pseudo-hermaphrodites not necessarily withstanding.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Again you're literally using genetics wrong in relation to transition and everything about it.
Genes have zero to do with HRT and transition.
They also have nothing, literally firetrucking nothing to do with trans athletes.
No I'm not. It has everything to do with trans athletes.

HRT does not alter or reverse the 3000 genes that make male bones bigger and muscle stronger.

Wish it all you want but you cant undo what genetically starts at conception.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
No I'm not. It has everything to do with trans athletes.

HRT does not alter or reverse the 3000 genes that make male bones bigger and muscle stronger.

Wish it all you want but you cant undo what genetically starts at conception.
Crocodile Dundee agrees with you



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
This is the progressive mentality. You either agree with them are you are a liar/bigot/troll/etc.
Progressives cannot seem to engage in civil debate, or respectfully disagree. They are always right, and we are always wrong.

You do have that right.

Plus, it's not just agree with in principle, its agree with in every detail. Any disagreement or push back on the subject, in this case transgenderism, then you're a transphobe.

What this does is polarize the subject. Makes me wonder about the agenda of those that take that stance. Are they really lgbtq supporters, or is their entire agenda to keep things polarized thereby slowing down or reversing the positive changes made in society towards conciliation.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
And if there is anything that will keep anyone from changing his opinion on a subject it's an argument from a codescending individual such as tigerbrite or serrya


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
No I'm not. It has everything to do with trans athletes.

HRT does not alter or reverse the 3000 genes that make male bones bigger and muscle stronger.

Wish it all you want but you cant undo what genetically starts at conception.
It literally does you are lying.

Bone density shifts as does everything about musculature and how it behaves.