Chinese mining corporation acquires Nunavut gold mine


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Wow signed an agreement to allow Chinese troops in Canada untethered, even the US Airforce has to check in and report their movement for NORAD.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Wow signed an agreement to allow Chinese troops in Canada untethered, even the US Airforce has to check in and report their movement for NORAD.
Not required to check in and report to local authorities.

Do U.S. Air Force personnel check in and report to local authorities?

Oh dear. Another lie.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
When he gets hie UN seat.
Uhhh nope. Groper is a good little Chicom lover just like his daddy. And China played the f*cking stupid goof like a fiddle. For a number of years now they've been trying to install a police liason unit in Vancouver that would be answerable only to the CCP. Now they got a better deal by being permitted to install security forces in Canada to protect Chinese investments that the previous govt put the kibosh on. Chicom companies were not allowed to purchase Canadian businesses nor own any natural resources in Canada.

As the push for more Green crap goes on, the demand for gold will skyrocket and Captain Clueless in Ottawa decided to let the f*cking Chicom pieces of shit grab a piece of OUR action despite the fact the previous govt made it "illegal", for lack of a better word.

I think someone needs to investigate Trudeau to see if he has any connections to Canada.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
We have to give away our resources to get a Progressive free trade deal from China, Xi made it clear to Trudeau /s

Maybe a deal to free the 2 Canadian's or reopening the agri trade deal coulda been negotiated with this give away?
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
When I read this I was furious. WTF is he doing anyway giving away our resources to China. Is he that stupid? Look at what China has done so far and is notoriously sneaky about it and it didn't come to the attention of anyone until Covid 19. They have the worlds PPE stock piled, they have most of the medications that we need including antibiotics - they've been busy beavers stocking up on various minerals as well like gold, silver and the stuff used in electronics (can't remember the name). The whole world has been too busy worrying about nonsense like Climate Change and China in the meantime is slowly taking over many of the things we need.

Between the U.S. & Canada as well as Europe, we need to start taking back control of our economic future. Wouldn't surprise me at all if, like George Soros, the Chinese have invested funds into the "eco terrorist" market as well to destroy our ability to use/sell what remaining resources we have. This is getting too freakin' scary they way things are now and we need to get rid of the current government and get back to some common sense and what is best for ALL Canadians.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Wow signed an agreement to allow Chinese troops in Canada untethered, even the US Airforce has to check in and report their movement for NORAD.
No. No troops. It's normal for mining companies to hire PMCs for security. They could contract a PMC from Botswana or a Chinese company but it definitely wont be "troops".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
When I read this I was furious. WTF is he doing anyway giving away our resources to China. Is he that stupid? Look at what China has done so far and is notoriously sneaky about it and it didn't come to the attention of anyone until Covid 19. They have the worlds PPE stock piled, they have most of the medications that we need including antibiotics - they've been busy beavers stocking up on various minerals as well like gold, silver and the stuff used in electronics (can't remember the name). The whole world has been too busy worrying about nonsense like Climate Change and China in the meantime is slowly taking over many of the things we need.

Between the U.S. & Canada as well as Europe, we need to start taking back control of our economic future. Wouldn't surprise me at all if, like George Soros, the Chinese have invested funds into the "eco terrorist" market as well to destroy our ability to use/sell what remaining resources we have. This is getting too freakin' scary they way things are now and we need to get rid of the current government and get back to some common sense and what is best for ALL Canadians.
Liberal governments have been trying to diversify Canadian trade away from America for like ever . Remember the change to metric to put us on the same page as Europeans to open up world wide markets ? How did that work ?
The Trudeau Liberals are betting the farm on China becoming the worlds dominant economy and positioning to leave us as their major American hub . It is a large gamble , but don’t worry Justine and Gerry will be fine if and when it blows up in our face .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The ones you were whimpering weren't contacted about Chinese troops, shithead.

Why would Chinese troops register their action with NORAD for their security role? The article clearly states the Chinese company doesn't have to keep Canadian officials abreast of their "security" force. Unlike other foreign interests in our country.

p.s. I know you are trying to belittle me, but use some common sense


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Why would Chinese troops register their action with NORAD for their security role? The article clearly states the Chinese company doesn't have to keep Canadian officials abreast of their "security" force. Unlike other foreign interests in our country.

p.s. I know you are trying to belittle me, but use some common sense
A neighbour of mine works two weeks in two weeks out in Nunavut.
When he was leaving to catch the plane yesterday....I told'll be working for the Chinese huh?

He said "as long as they pay me a fair wage"..........................