

Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
hopefully corona will keep the diatribe quiet for awhile. ;)

Yes - our LIE-beral loving Cdn news media is currently VERY BUSY trying to explain away and somehow EXCUSE

the DISGRACEFUL LIE-beral power GRAB that would have shut down our Parliament FOR NEARLY TWO YEARS!

And made Our idiot Boy into the Soviet Socialist Dictator he LONGS TO BECOME!

Here are some fun questions we should be asking LIE-berals:

Just HOW TONE DEAF to public moods are LIE-berals? We have just had news that the 50% increase to the carbon tax gravy grabbing SCAM will go ahead in spite of the economic madness hitting the world!

LIE-berals spend with one hand and TAKE with the other!

In other news - federal LIE-beral IMBECILES are going ahead with their latest planned pay increase! As if running up over $100 billion dollars in new national debt between 2016 and 2019 was a virtue worthy of reward! And now that Wuhan Virus is breaking the bank and the economy - tone deaf LIE-berals still insist they are ENTITLED to a pay increase!

In related news - LIE-berals have sent all their civil service union HOGS home ON FULL PAY - while doling out unemployment insurance cash to the rest of us!

So here is a QUESTION for all those LIE-berals who CLAIM to be so interested in SOCIAL JUSTICE! WHY NOT LAY OFF THE HOGS and offer them the same unemployment deal as the rest of us are getting?

Oh - right - HOGS ARE LIE-beral allies and must continue to be fed GRAVY so that LIE-berals can retain voter support and that support is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT NOW that the LIE-beral disgraceful effort to shut down and neuter our parliament till December 2021 has been shot down!

And in related news - LIE-berals have apparently been BADLY STUNG by ANGRY public opinion over their SNEAKY attempt to neuter and close our parliament until December 2021 so that LIE-berals could have a free hand to do and spend and tax as they please - with NO NEED for the LIE-beral MINORITY to ask permission from the other parties regarding ANY LIE-beral act!

Deeply embarrassed LIE-berals are now pretending they felt the need to have such power “so they could deal with the banks”! And yet WHAT DEAL has any LIE-beral MADE at this time with our always greedy banks?

LIE-berals have chosen to hand out unemployment insurance money and to subsidize wages at our businesses - but WHERE is there any govt money being supplied to banks? This claimed LIE-berral need to have a strong hand with banks is a shameless LIE designed merely to assuagwe public anger over the shameless FAILED LIE-beral power grab!

Yes - having total power makes getting a deal with banks easier - IF LIE-berals were actually seeking a deal! But the bankers KNOW that ALL our politicians are in a COOPERATIVE MOOD due to the desperation in our economy and the opposition parties have ALREADY DEMONSTRATED their willingness to take strong swift action in concert with LIE-berals!

That LIE-berals would claim they NEED to close down parliament for NEARLY TWO YEARS in order to avoid a POSSIBLE 24 to 48 hour delay in getting a deal with a bank - which they aint working on anyway - is exactly the sort of reasoning that allowed elected politician Adolf Hitler to become Der Fuhrer!

I have said it before and it is worth repeating: “Our idiot Boy Justin is an aspiring Soviet Socialist Dictator!

In related older news - Pierre Trudope wrote a book called “Two Innocents in Red China” about his travels in that land in the late 1950`s and in the book Our Pet made FAWNING reference to political activities in China- by praising what Pierre called “The genius of Chairman Mao in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows”!

Yes- Pierre Trudope PUBLICLY PRAISED SOVIET CHINESE mass murder!

And his idiot son Justin has told us “he likes the basic Chinese democracy” and he went on to tell us ‘he likes the way the Chinese get things down”! Our idiot Boy then wept sad tears upon hearing of the death of bloody handed Cuban dictator Castro and Our idiot Boy then suffered so much public embarrassment over his twisted affection for the Soviet dictator that he CANCELLED his plans to deliver a eulogy at the funeral for Castro after discovering how FEW Cdns shared the Trudope family love of the Cuban Tyrant!

Idiot brother Sacha Trudope went so far as to pen a gag inducing homage to Castro that was relentlessly mocked and deservedly ridiculed in Cdn news media - for among other things- the claim by Sacha that “Castro was the greatest of all South American leaders and far superior to any elected leader”!

So much for the Trudope clan level of interest in democracy and honest govt!

This LIE-beral power scam is the sort of thing we expect to see in a third world Banana Republic where the unpopular president wants to be appointed “president for life” with the power to jail all opponents!

LIE-berals have already made it CLEAR that to question any LIE-beral policy is to expose yourself as a Racist subject to harassment in our Human Rights Kangaroo Courts - run by radical LIE-beral judges!

The Trudope LIE-beral power grab HAS NO PLACE IN AN HONEST DEMOCRACY! But that is the point isnt it - that LIE-berals have been seeking ways to RIG our elections for many years now!

We have only to look at LIE-beral Maryam Monseff having her very public melt down after being told there would need to be a referendum before LIE-berals could implement “electoral reform” - with Monseff in a tearing rage because SHE KNOWS the public mood - but was hoping to sneak the LIE-beral policy past us anyway in spite of public hostility!

Or we could look at LIE-beral Jean Chretien who was well into his third term of office and looking at BAD party polling numbers and getting very worried that donations to the party had fallen to such a low ebb that it would be hard for LIE-berals to pay for the next election campaign!

So Chretien made up a story that it would be best to FORBID corporate donations to any political party - since Cdn business hated BOTH LIE-berals and their idiot NDPee cousins anyway - and to INCREASE LIE-beral finances - Chretien chose to have TAX PAYERS supply the gravy LIE-berals needed - based on how many votes they got in the previous election! Thus Cdn tax payers were STUCK WITH THE BILL for the cost of a political campaign by HATED LIE-berals who had not got over the PUBLIC SHAME of the three billion dollar adscam theft!

Yes - in spite of major fiscal MISCHIEF by LIE-berals - Stephen Harper became our next prime minister!

Our idiot Boy Justin has continued the LIE-beral financial manipulations - with Lavalin paying a $100 grand fine for breaking election finance laws related to %85 million dollars given to LIE-berals and of course Lavalin has also pleaded guilty to various corruption and bribery charges for its activities not just in the third world but HERE AT HOME AS WELL!

And our LIE-beral loving news media - the ones that benefited from the six hundred million dollar LIE-beral media slush fund set up for “media that LIE-berals trust” went on to REWARD LIE-berals by NOT TALKING about Lavalin corruption that had occurred INSIDE CANADA!

In other news - There will be a small POSITIVE effect of Wuhan Virus as it becomes clear just how much pollution comes from air planes- that wonderful holiday machine much favoured by LIE-berals and HOGS - that is now being shut down!

A related effect will be the realization of how many civil service union HOGS are flying on OUR borrowed tax money and there SHOULD BE questions about whether we can continue borrowing gravy to please HOGS!!

LIE-berals promote social distancing to protect us from Wuhan Virus- while refusing forced quarantining of travellers that would do a fine job of promoting super sized social distancing!

In related stupid news - LIE-berals now tell us that most cases of Wuhan Virus are being spread through “community contacts” - as if all those travellers that LIE-berals allowed to swarm through our airports without any testing or quarantine measures somehow went home and GOT MAGICALLY CONTAGIOUS!

How is it that Our idiot Boy Justin can warn Cdns not to leave Canada - but ignores people flying IN to Canada?

Trudope tells us govt HAS the fiscal resources to help us through the Pestilence- yet
there was a $26 billion dollar deficit BEFORE we got sick!

Is it true that LIE-berals are secretly delighted by the Wuhan Virus as it gives them the excuse to spend like CRAZY? It sure LOOKS that way! LIE-beral gravy for the masses an DAMN the debt wall - there is an economy to save - by choking it to death WITH FUTURE DEBT!

How is it that LIE-berals - not just here in Canada - but around the world - can be so bewildered that the economy is slipping into recession - while they IGNORE the RECORD DEBTS and frozen wages and rising taxes that are all blighting the
lives of ordinary people AND THAT was our situation BEFORE Wuhan Virus!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Here is a fun question: " do you suppose that Greta will modify her hatred of automobiles as a result of being EXPOSED
to the Wuhan Pestilence on public transit? Will she reconsider the virtue of PRIVATE vehicle ownership?
On related news - how many Cdns will CHOSE personal transportation over public transit in future - with its convenient AVOIDANCE of disease!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
YOU ARE OF COURSE REFERRING TO CDN passenger service - which our rail companies have been deliberately SCREWING UP
for many decades now because they define passengers as a PAIN IN THE ASS!
Cn and CP LIKE moving dry good like grain and lumber etc because if there is a derailment - the cargo can be picked up over a
period of days or weeks as is convenient to the company!
But a passenger car derailment DEMANDS IMMEDIATE and costly response!
Lumber can lay in the snow on a river bank till somebody gets round to collecting it! NOT SO WITH PEOPLE!
And it seems UNLIKELY you have ever got on the Go rail commuter system here in Ontari-owe!
Depending on where you are going - The Go can be MUCH MORE CONVENIENT than driving! Certainly going to down town Toronto
on The Go from an outlying suburb is vastly more convenient than driving and CHEAPER AS WELL once you factor in parking and wear and tear on the car!
The Euro rail system is fast and efficient - according to relatives who have used it during their back packing adventures!
Grumpy Greta the Demon Swede has a lot of BAD ideas but her fondness for efficient rail travel is NOT one of them!
My wife says the European rail ystem was really good when she was younger but she has lived in Canada for over 20 years now. Done right it can certainly move large numbers of people over distances. Mostly I never lived anyplace that had transit except Vancouver in the 70s and it sucked then.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I find the European (continental) rail system efficient, clean, inexpensive, and pleasant. I use it 3-4 times per year. Even the legendarily slow, late, and dirty Italian trains are nothing of the sort.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
North America needs a new passenger rail system built from scratch. Sadly, I dont think we could do it.
We did once. Then we tore it all up.

Can you imagine a hub system with bullet trains connecting the 100 largest cities in NorAm? With local lines branching from there and self-driving compact autos covering the "last mile?"

Sadly, we no longer have the will nor the money to do such things. I blame Bill Clinton.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I dont need it imagine it, I can remember it sans bullet trains and self driving autos. Too much money has gone into air travel to back out now.

Airports and train stations would need to be one in the same. All the rail stations are now farmers markets.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
My biggest problem is to get off the island to get to a train. We used to have train service from Victoria to Courtenay. A speeder that rattled up in the mornings and back in the afternoon ometimes. Of course the commuter demand for travel for business or medical or even shopping travel was the other way but the union crew lived in Victoria.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
My wife says the European rail ystem was really good when she was younger but she has lived in Canada for over 20 years now. Done right it can certainly move large numbers of people over distances. Mostly I never lived anyplace that had transit except Vancouver in the 70s and it sucked then.

So you have NO experience of a decent public transit system operated in any country outside Canada!

And have no relevant comment to make regarding my assertion that Cdn rail companies are DELIBERATELY messing up

our passenger train options because they DONT WANT TO BE BOTHERED with fussy passengers - or with the EXTRA EXPENSE and higher MAINTENANCE that would be needed to ensure passenger trains do not derail as often as freight trains!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I dont need it imagine it, I can remember it sans bullet trains and self driving autos. Too much money has gone into air travel to back out now.

Airports and train stations would need to be one in the same. All the rail stations are now farmers markets.

Oh yes - HUGE MONEY SUNK INTO AIR TRAVEL! But who ever said that air travel was good for LOCAL TRIPS or for general commuting around town or around the province?

A company I used to work for had offices in both Toronto and Ottawa and the boss used to routinely hop a Via train in the morning

and travel between the cities for the day - being the boss meant he could simply arrange for somebody to pick him up at the station and drop him off afterwards - Boss had tried BOTH flying in and taking trains and PREFERRED TRAINS as the train station was in the middle of the city - close to job sites and offices!

The ability of trains to enter the HEART of the city quickly and easily MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE over airplanes

since they are usually NOISY and require MUCH MORE SPACE to land or take off!

In addition getting on a train IS MUCH SIMPLER and MUCH LESS TIME CONSUMING! After all when was the last time you heard of a TRAIN HIJACK?

Hypocrite LIE-berals keep telling us we are in the midst of a "Climate Emergency" but they are FAILING to do anything


In fact, LIE-beral implementation of the carbon tax SCAM will ENSURE that the air pollution problem GETS WORSE as LIE-berals will use the carbon tax gravy to subsidize the HIGH CARBON LIFESTYLE of their civil service union HOG ALLIES!

By comparison - an airport is generally ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE CITY and thus is MUCH HARDER to access!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Funny it wasn't Greta that came out with this, anyway air pollution is making Corona virus more lethal.

Pollution made COVID-19 worse. Now, lockdowns are clearing the air.

As the novel coronavirus tears around the world, it’s exploiting our biggest weaknesses, from creaking health care systems to extreme social inequality. Its relationship with one pervasive and neglected problem, however, is more tangled: Air pollution has intensified the pandemic, but the pandemic has—temporarily—cleaned the skies.
When new evidence emerged this week that dirty air makes COVID-19 more lethal, it surprised no one who has followed the science of air pollution—but the scale of the effect was striking. The study, which must still undergo peer review for publication, found that the tiny pollutant particles known as PM2.5, breathed over many years, sharply raise the chances of dying from the virus.
Researchers from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health analyzed data on PM2.5 levels and COVID-19 deaths from about 3,000 U.S. counties covering 98 percent of the U.S. population. Counties that averaged just one microgram per cubic meter more PM2.5 in the air had a COVID-19 death rate that was 15 percent higher.
“If you’re getting COVID, and you have been breathing polluted air, it’s really putting gasoline on a fire,” said Francesca Dominici, a Harvard biostatistics professor and the study’s senior author.
That’s because the fine particles penetrate deep into the body, promoting hypertension, heart disease, breathing trouble, and diabetes, all of which increase complications in coronavirus patients. The particles also weaken the immune system and fuel inflammation in the lungs and respiratory tract, adding to the risk both of getting COVID-19 and of having severe symptoms...……….Much more BS in the article

Using the highest and most concentrated populations on the planet and relating it to faster spread due to pollution in these centers are disingenuous at best.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Did I mention CO2?
Looks......nope, sure didnt.

Well the accusation is made on the premise of air pollution and 97% of the scientist agree that it is CO2 pollution that is warming our planet, the science is settled proclaimed by the church of climatology at the center of the Climate change thingy (credit Captain Morgan).

What else is someone gonna assume what you are talking about?
Last edited:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Well the accusation is made on the premise of air pollution and 97% of the scientist agree that it is CO2 pollution that is warming our planet, the science is settled proclaimed by the church of climatology at the center of the Climate change thingy.

What else is someone gonna assume what you are talking about?

They make it all sound so sciencey


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You're in the Greta (read: global warming thread) Einstein... Besides, you're very existence in a Western nation is proof that you are nothing more than a parasitic polluter.

So, whatcha gonna do about this?

GOSH CAP! You sound a LOT MORE BITCHY than you once did!

And..............AINT YOU a Cdn?

What IS YOUR SAINTLY GREEN STATUS that enables you to sneer at the rest of us while claiming GREEN VIRTUE for yourself?

And YES! I ALSO saw that article about how Wuhan Virus is made worse by air pollution!

AND YES! The people who wrote the article DID SOUND LOGICAL AND INFORMED and "sciency"!

And if they are right then IT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY some people get HIT MUCH HARDER by the Wuhan Pestilence than others!

The article MAKES CLEAR that the presence of certain types of particulate matter in the lungs CAN AID Wuhan Virus in hurting you!

Thus a person living NEAR AN AIRPORT or near a major freeway would have more particulate matter in the lungs then somebody

living out in the quiet countryside and thus that city person WOULD be rendered more vulnerable and this offers a clear explanation

of why some people have only mild symptoms while others get HIT HARD!

Hve you fgotten so crotchety over the death of Wexit that you now HATE sciency stuff?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
GOSH CAP! You sound a LOT MORE BITCHY than you once did!
And..............AINT YOU a Cdn?

I'm a Westerner

What IS YOUR SAINTLY GREEN STATUS that enables you to sneer at the rest of us while claiming GREEN VIRTUE for yourself?

My Saintliness is founded in reality and not being an idiot like the ecofanatics and low-info mouth breathers such as yourself.

Clear are we?