

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Congratulations!.. A correct answer
Regular as a metronome.

Can we call a truce?

Canadians have always been there, usually in proportions to their population far exceeding the norm, and planning and fighting with exemplary skill and courage. Not only have they filled their generally-subordinate roles brilliantly, their acceptance of the fact that, because of the size of their contribution they won't be the Big Boss, has saved billions or trillions of wasted politicking and infighting.

Vimy Ridge, the Devil's Brigade, and Omaha Beach are just a few examples of their quality.

My personal favorite anecdote was of a Canadian UN convoy in the collapsing Yugoslavia that was halted by a Serbian (heavily-armed) checkpoint and told they could go no further. According to the accounts, the commander said "I understand, sir," returned to his vehicle, and ordered his convoy to smash through the checkpoint without another word. The Serbs, of course, did nothing. I was in the AF in Europe at the time, and I can personally attest to the admiration the Brits and Yanks expressed of the economy of effort and sheer balls of the "peacekeepers."

I was just jerkin' y'all around.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Thought we called a truce last time
That was on a whole 'nother subject.

Hmm. . . pretty weak defense, I admit. How 'bout "Can we return to the truce? I'll be a better boy, I promise?"

Or, if you prefer. . .

It was wrong of me, generally, to bait y'all by deliberately tossing an emotional grenade, and even more wrong to disparage the courage and skill of Canadian forces over the decades.

I apologize to Canada, its people, its veterans and serving servicepeople, and especially RCS, should he ever decide to return.

I'll try to be a better man.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Tell ya what... You just be who you are and I'll do the same. I'm sure we'll find a middle ground
Note: many posters at CC will use a purple color to denote sarcasm when they deem necessary
I wasn't being sarcastic, I was being an asshole.

That said, I refuse to signpost comments. It may lead to misunderstandings, but I strongly dislike the alternative.

See ya in the middle.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Kinda like the trainer that laces-up the actual fighter's gloves

The TRUTH OF COURSE was that WW2 was a team effort!

For instance It was not until summer 1942 that United States began manufacturing General Sherman tanks that were MUCH SUPERIOR to their previous OBSOLETE General Stuart tanks with their 37 mm popgun and LIGHT armour!

The Sherman`s were the best tanks made by Yankees during the war but were STILL OBSOLETE compared to German tanks!

It was not until Yankees began mounting Brit 17 pounder guns onto their Sherman`s that allied tank crews had a chance against German Tiger tanks!

The Sherman also replaced the badly designed and cumbersome General Lee tank with its FAULTY TRANSMISSION

that would fail and strand a crew in the middle of an anti tank ambush kill zone!

The Sherman also replaced the General Grant tank - same LARGE and cumbersome design as the Lee- but with better transmission!

In 1941 Yankees made arrangements to manufacture the Brit 6 pounder anti -tank guns as they HAD NOTHING like it on the drawing board!

In 1940 the Yankee air force HAD NO FIGHTER capable of meeting German fighters on equal footing!

Both the existing Yankee P-39 and P-40 fighters were OBSOLETE the day they came off the assembly line - they LACKED a supercharger and their performance suffered BADLY above 20,000 ft compared to ANY German fighter - leaving them vulnerable to AMBUSH by high flying German fighters!

Performance of P-47 fighters of 1940/41 were crippled by lack of Yankee capacity to build a suitable sized 4 blade propeller and P-38 was a flying FIRE HAZARD with both machines requiring MAJOR effort to keep them in the air! Yankee writer Martin Caidin notes in his history of P-38 that it was not uncommon to see FIFTY PERCENT of P-38`s DROP OUT OF A MISSION due to engine trouble!

The first major raid by U.S 8th army airforce on Germany in early 1943 went so BADLY WRONG that Yankees went back to bombing targets in France and Belgium - meaning CLOSER TO THEIR FIGHTER BASES - until summer 1944 -to avoid having their Flying Fortress fleet massacred!

Yankees went back to bombing Germany ONLY AFTER P-51 escort fighters- designed by Yankees around the Brit specified Rolls Royce engine and based on design features - regarding wing loading and other specs - based on Brit experience with Hawker Typhoon and Hawker Tempest fighter experiments!

Hawker Tempest was the fastest single seat and single engine piston driven fighter ever built and Brit experiments with it contributed heavily to their specs for P-51! And the Hawker Typhoon proved to have rather poor performance above 20,000 ft and Brits got some very critical wing design ideas from the Typhoon experiments - all of which contributed to the "Yankee" P-51!

Yankees also adopted the Brit 17 pounder antitank gun as well as the SABOT rounds as that stuff was way better than anything
on a Yankee design board! The SABOT armour piercing ammunition was so good even the Germans copied it once they managed to find some samples to take back to the lab!

And of course Yankees jumped on the chance to buy the Brit radar design!

When the Normandy Invasion came along -Yankees BOTCHED IT SO BADLY that Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs that

"if the other armies- meaning Brits and Cdns had suffered as the Yankees did, then the invasion WOULD HAVE FAILED! Yankee navigators got lost, Yankee planners completely guessed wrong regarding how long it would take SeaBees to clear beach obstacles and mines, Yankee planners grossly over estimated the power of their own airforce and Yankees BADLY over estimated the quality of General Sherman tanks!

Even in areas that Yankees considered their own unique effort - Brits were behind the scenes! In 1933 - Germans began building their Enigma coding machines - and then sold the rights to the design to Imperial Japan!

In 1938 - a bunch of PRIVATE SECTOR Brit Patriots assembled in support of Churchill and managed to STEAL a copy of the Enigma machine! And Brits began READING ALL German communications in spring 1940 and began reading ALL Japanese communications later that year!

Brits gave Yankees SO MANY HINTS about intercepted Japanese messages that the top secret Yankee Purple code group was able to PARTLY DECIPHER Japanese messages and clue in that Japan was going to attack Midway island - thus setting up the very dramatic carrier battle at Midway -which gave the allies a REAL MORALE BOOST but actually DID LITTLE to change the course of the war as Japan was already very low on fuel - thus Japanese ability to either attack or defend was already compromised!

As for Britain - she was bankrupt by spring 1941 and Churchill secretly gave Roosevelt a NASTY CHOICE - either provide Brits with war materials so they could fight on to victory - or Brits would negotiate a peace with Germany AND LEAVE WASHINGTON ALONE
to deal with BOTH Germany and Japan!

Yankee Lend/Lease started up RIGHT AFTER that discreet Churchill speech!

From such details we can easily see that Britain generally supplied the brains and the strategy and Yankees largely provided the SUPPLIES and that IT WAS A TEAM EFFORT!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Idris Elba (who has coronavirus): “For me, that’s a stand-out thing that is really obvious. This is almost like the world’s cry out. Like: ‘Hey, hey, hey – you are kicking me and what you’re doing is not good, so we will get rid of you.’

“As any organism would do, (the world) is trying to get rid of an infection, and maybe this is it for the world.”

Greta Thunberg gets coronavirus.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Idris Elba (who has coronavirus): “For me, that’s a stand-out thing that is really obvious. This is almost like the world’s cry out. Like: ‘Hey, hey, hey – you are kicking me and what you’re doing is not good, so we will get rid of you.’

“As any organism would do, (the world) is trying to get rid of an infection, and maybe this is it for the world.”

Greta Thunberg gets coronavirus.

Here is a fun question: " do you suppose that Greta will modify her hatred of automobiles as a result of being EXPOSED

to the Wuhan Pestilence on public transit? Will she reconsider the virtue of PRIVATE vehicle ownership?

On related news - how many Cdns will CHOSE personal transportation over public transit in future - with its convenient AVOIDANCE of disease!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
On related news - how many Cdns will CHOSE personal transportation over public transit in future - with its convenient AVOIDANCE of disease!

I have always been in favour of driving except for the long distance trips that require flying. It is the only way to get where you want to go in an acceptable time frame.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Care to elaborate 'cause as far as many, if not most/all Brits or French are concerned, they might suggest that they played a role in those wars that doesn't fit with the Sgt Rock-esque version of the Americans having single handedly won WW II (and WW I according to our forum historian).

The war was lost until the US got directly involved. The only thing that saved the Brits was a narrow channel and the Germans lack of navel vessels.

Was it a combined effort? Of course but if not for the Yanks the was was lost.

Why are you so anti-American?


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
On related news - how many Cdns will CHOSE personal transportation over public transit in future - with its convenient AVOIDANCE of disease!
I have always been in favour of driving except for the long distance trips that require flying. It is the only way to get where you want to go in an acceptable time frame.

Try driving from Oshawa to downtown Toronto at 7 in the morning and then take out all public transit on top of that.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The war was lost until the US got directly involved. The only thing that saved the Brits was a narrow channel and the Germans lack of navel vessels.
Yep, can't win a war without bellybutton bottles.

I disagree with your assessment of the war. It was at stalemate until the U.S. jumped in.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
On related news - how many Cdns will CHOSE personal transportation over public transit in future - with its convenient AVOIDANCE of disease!

I have always been in favour of driving except for the long distance trips that require flying. It is the only way to get where you want to go in an acceptable time frame.

There is ample evidence to suggest that a properly run railway system is BETTER for us than air travel!

The Euro rail system proves that trains are better for the environment than either driving or flying! Grumpy Greta is RIGHT about that at least! With the added bonus that a rail car is NOT a pressurized flying sewer full of canned air spiced with whatever germs the passengers release into the recycled air during the trip!

On a rail car - the air IS NOT recirculated nearly so much since the machine is wheeling along at ground level and the extra venting will remove some of the contaminants and render your rail car air a little bit SAFER!

ON the plus side -various authorities AGREE that driving is less environmentally damaging than flying!

Air travel is ALWAYS the DIRTY WAY TO GO!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There is ample evidence to suggest that a properly run railway system is BETTER for us than air travel!
The Euro rail system proves that trains are better for the environment than either driving or flying! Grumpy Greta is RIGHT about that at least! With the added bonus that a rail car is NOT a pressurized flying sewer full of canned air spiced with whatever germs the passengers release into the recycled air during the trip!
On a rail car - the air IS NOT recirculated nearly so much since the machine is wheeling along at ground level and the extra venting will remove some of the contaminants and render your rail car air a little bit SAFER!
ON the plus side -various authorities AGREE that driving is less environmentally damaging than flying!
Air travel is ALWAYS the DIRTY WAY TO GO!
Rail is like public transit. Neither convenient or fast. The last time I took a train and it was a long time age it took 12 hours to get from Vancouver to Kamloops.ANd then not having a vehicle at that end. About a 4 hr drive.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Thought we called a truce last time

Poor T-bonesforbrains ENJOYS calling truces and then honouring them like a TRUE LIE-beral!

Meaning that he chooses to tear up the agreement just as soon as is convenient - just like a true Nazi!

And aint it grand that he RETREATS as rapidly as he advances whenever he is confronted with a STRONG ARGUMENT!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Rail is like public transit. Neither convenient or fast. The last time I took a train and it was a long time age it took 12 hours to get from Vancouver to Kamloops.ANd then not having a vehicle at that end. About a 4 hr drive.

YOU ARE OF COURSE REFERRING TO CDN passenger service - which our rail companies have been deliberately SCREWING UP

for many decades now because they define passengers as a PAIN IN THE ASS!

Cn and CP LIKE moving dry good like grain and lumber etc because if there is a derailment - the cargo can be picked up over a

period of days or weeks as is convenient to the company!

But a passenger car derailment DEMANDS IMMEDIATE and costly response!

Lumber can lay in the snow on a river bank till somebody gets round to collecting it! NOT SO WITH PEOPLE!

And it seems UNLIKELY you have ever got on the Go rail commuter system here in Ontari-owe!

Depending on where you are going - The Go can be MUCH MORE CONVENIENT than driving! Certainly going to down town Toronto

on The Go from an outlying suburb is vastly more convenient than driving and CHEAPER AS WELL once you factor in parking and wear and tear on the car!

The Euro rail system is fast and efficient - according to relatives who have used it during their back packing adventures!

Grumpy Greta the Demon Swede has a lot of BAD ideas but her fondness for efficient rail travel is NOT one of them!