
Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yea , give me the comparison from 8 years ago .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

Yeah, it demonstrates one of the main problems of the COLA clause well, in that the COLA just devalues the dollar, like trying to drive somewhere with your rear wheels jacked up in the air. (Maybe it's not a completely accurate analogy but it's close)


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
So in one short month of posting on this board , you already have the measure of Walter and post demeaning comments about him . So much for meaningful Discussion.

Oh hi pms, nice to hear from you again. First, I have been posting in this board a little over 2 months, so a little longer than what you stated. I know I know, that still pales to your omnipresence and greatness here but even you were once a newbie am I right?

As far as my measuring of Walter, it wasn't too difficult a task to quickly identify how Walter felt towards the opinions that I expressed here. Oh and the post to which you are referring was me being facetious, not demeaning. Ya know, trying to inject a little levity. Hell even Walter gave it a thumbs up, thank you Walter. But more to your point about my measurement of Walter taking place in less than one month (again, actually a tad longer but I'm nit-picking.) It seems to me that you (thought) you had me measured in pretty short order as well, no? Remember, when you point a finger at someone else there are three pointing back at you unless of course you lost one in a freak accident or something but again, I'm nit-picking.

All that said, do me a favor? Well actually it's more a favor for other newbies who may wade into the CC waters. Could you provide (in your unmitigated wisdom and since I clearly wasn't aware of any) the acceptable timeline required to measure the mindset of fellow posters? Perhaps there could be a thread pinned in the introductions area, ooh maybe a PowerPoint presentation! That could be both fun and educational! That way your guidelines could be known and adhered to.

Always a pleasure.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
How about that Joe Biden ? It appears his final chapter has been written .

Yeah how 'bout him? Sorry fella, another fail there. I'm not losing any sleep over Biden. But since you brought him up care to have that conversation yet re the nepotism with Biden vs Trump? I'm ready when you are.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You are dealing with an obsessed addict here, Pete...………...she repeats ad infinitum the same old shit over and over about Trump that she was harping about 3 years ago, without ever considering a close examination of herself is in order! Maybe you can't blame her, obsession is a sickness.
OCDs are no laughing matter


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yeah how 'bout him? Sorry fella, another fail there. I'm not losing any sleep over Biden. But since you brought him up care to have that conversation yet re the nepotism with Biden vs Trump? I'm ready when you are.

Probably 3/4 of the world is guilty of that. You've heard the old adage "blood is thicker than water"! :)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yeah how 'bout him? Sorry fella, another fail there. I'm not losing any sleep over Biden. But since you brought him up care to have that conversation yet re the nepotism with Biden vs Trump? I'm ready when you are.
Biden is being sued in Ukraine by the prosecutor he demanded be fired for investigating his son which was a joint fraud investigation started by the UK Govt.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Biden is being sued in Ukraine by the prosecutor he demanded be fired for investigating his son which was a joint fraud investigation started by the UK Govt.

You are talking about the discredited former prosecutor Viktor Shokin right? The guy who was removed because of his failure to investigate Burisma? This guy?

Shokin left his post as Ukraine’s top prosecutor amid outcry both within Ukraine and abroad over his lack of progress in investigating corruption cases. One case that Shokin failed to investigate that led to particularly acute criticism — even from the then-U.S. ambassador — was that of Burisma, a gas company whose owner was accused of stealing government funds.

The owner fled Ukraine after the country’s 2014 revolution, and Burisma hired a slew of well-connected foreigners to join its board, including former Polish President Aleksandr Kwasniewski and Hunter Biden.

Shokin was criticized for not investigating corruption at Burisma and, under pressure from Ukraine’s international backers including Joe Biden, was fired in March 2016.

But in the Tuesday affidavit, filed with Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigations, Shokin describes himself as a “victim.”

We hear a lot about Biden, including that he apparently did no wrong in dealing with Ukraine. If he is further investigated and it is found that there was interference then by all means he deserves to be held accountable but there are conflicting stories around this.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
When he wins term 2, who will you blame it on? Climate Change®? Botswana? The Chupacabra?
Let's wait and see who he gets to help him win............Russia helped last time.......along with Coomey...........This time....we will see.

But that does not matter to you you don't care how he wins......just that he does. You have thrown, ethics, standards, protocol out the window for this psychopath. In Trump world ....all bets are off.......and then you claim he won legitimately. Like he prevented witnesses at the rial..making the "trial" a farce" ....... and now you claim he is innocent. The perverse world of Trump and his supporters..

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
lol Speaking of a string of failures, Cadet Bone Spurs has a very long list of them. lol
Poor guy just can't seem to make much of anything work. But he does seem to be able to con the gullible quite well.
He is a con man alright. No question there. The problem is that he is not even good at he has to use threats, extortion , and vendettas to con folks into falling in line. and get what HE wants.......and what HE wants is all that matters.

What is so astonishing is that so many cannot see through him or if they do........give him the pass anyhow.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
hahaha Yeah, instead of meeting them face to face or even on the phone, he calls them names in Twitter and in the newsmedia. Yeah that's not behind their backs. haha
You groupies are hilarious.
Real classy , professional, intelligent isn't it??


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
This is who Trump is, it's all about bravado and posturing. It's juvenile, reminiscent of a teenage breakup. I'll break up with you before you break up with me. There is no constraint, no thought and worse of all, no accountability. The GOP created their golden God and they may very well pay a price. They will all be expected to heel-click in blind loyalty no matter what Trump demands, and they will.

A handful of Republican senators tried to stop President Trump from firing Gordon D. Sondland, the ambassador to the European Union who testified in the House impeachment hearings, but the president relieved the diplomat of his post anyway, according to people briefed on the discussions.

The senators were concerned that it would look bad for Mr. Trump to dismiss Mr. Sondland and argued that it was unnecessary, since the ambassador was already talking with senior officials about leaving after the Senate trial, the people said. The senators told White House officials that Mr. Sondland should be allowed to depart on his own terms, which would have reduced any political backlash.

But Mr. Trump evidently was not interested in a quiet departure, choosing instead to make a point by forcing Mr. Sondland out before the ambassador was ready to go. When State Department officials called Mr. Sondland on Friday to tell him that he had to resign that day, he resisted, saying that he did not want to be included in what seemed like a larger purge of impeachment witnesses, according to the people informed about the matter.

Mr. Sondland conveyed to the State Department officials that if they wanted him gone that day, they would have to fire him. And so the president did, ordering the ambassador recalled from his post effective immediately. Mr. Sondland’s dismissal was announced just hours after another impeachment witness, Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, and his twin brother, Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, were marched out of the White House by security officers and told their services were no longer needed.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
My intolerance of what? Dishonesty? Lack of integrity? Willful ignorance? Gullibility? Dishonour?
Yeah, I see no good reason to change.
Good for you . All the elements you mention have been eroded..and replaced by crass , unintelligent, sound bites that are mean to antagonize, intimidate and degrade. Hopefully this phase will pass.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Oh hi pms, nice to hear from you again. First, I have been posting in this board a little over 2 months, so a little longer than what you stated. I know I know, that still pales to your omnipresence and greatness here but even you were once a newbie am I right?
As far as my measuring of Walter, it wasn't too difficult a task to quickly identify how Walter felt towards the opinions that I expressed here. Oh and the post to which you are referring was me being facetious, not demeaning. Ya know, trying to inject a little levity. Hell even Walter gave it a thumbs up, thank you Walter. But more to your point about my measurement of Walter taking place in less than one month (again, actually a tad longer but I'm nit-picking.) It seems to me that you (thought) you had me measured in pretty short order as well, no? Remember, when you point a finger at someone else there are three pointing back at you unless of course you lost one in a freak accident or something but again, I'm nit-picking.
All that said, do me a favor? Well actually it's more a favor for other newbies who may wade into the CC waters. Could you provide (in your unmitigated wisdom and since I clearly wasn't aware of any) the acceptable timeline required to measure the mindset of fellow posters? Perhaps there could be a thread pinned in the introductions area, ooh maybe a PowerPoint presentation! That could be both fun and educational! That way your guidelines could be known and adhered to.
Always a pleasure.
Rent free.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Let's wait and see who he gets to help him win............Russia helped last time.......along with Coomey...........This time....we will see.
But that does not matter to you you don't care how he wins......just that he does. You have thrown, ethics, standards, protocol out the window for this psychopath. In Trump world ....all bets are off.......and then you claim he won legitimately. Like he prevented witnesses at the rial..making the "trial" a farce" ....... and now you claim he is innocent. The perverse world of Trump and his supporters..
Mueller said there was no Russian collusion.