
Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Is she really "your dear" or were you just being facetious?

LIE-berals think it is ODD that after his impeachment trial - Bill Clinton was publicly very apologetic- while after his impeachment trial - Donald Trump showed his TRIUMPHANT FACE!!

The difference between Clinton and Trump is the difference BETWEEN GUILTY AND INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related IRONY - LIE-berals think it is UNFAIR that the impeachment hearing heard no witnesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet LIE-berals SEE NOTHING WRONG with SHUNNING any discussion of what it was that Biden was up to in Ukraine - that Trump believed SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the Impeachment dog and pony show exposes its petty and bigoted face - Trump popularity has ACTUALLY IMPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How IRONIC that enraged Iranian dictators are calling Trump a “terrorist in a suit” - simply because he ordered the killing of the top Iranian terrorist general!!!!!!!!

Iranians tell us they plan VENGEANCE on Yankees as the price for killing their General - so I guess that means BUSINESS AS USUAL in Middle East!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news I guess we can hope that Iranian vengeance is as effective as LIE-beral efforts to remove Trump from office???????????????

And is it not IRONIC that LIE-berals can compile a LONG LIST of VICIOUS anti Yankee terrorist entities that the Iranian General has worked with - including Hezzbollah, Hamas and Syrian dictator Assad - and then tell us killing the General was stupid because it will “Provoke a strong reaction”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related news- LIE-berals say that Yankee allies are shunning Trump!!!!!!!!!!

Well OF COURSE they are!! LIE-berals always RUN AND HIDE when the bill is presented !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw a really funny cartoon today - done by Andy Donato at the Toronto Sun - and it shows a picture of Our idiot Boy Justin talking to somebody on the phone and BOASTING: “Trump called me a really nice guy and he said it to both of me”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRUMP IS RIGHT that Our idiot Boy really IS a weak HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals CLAIM the “whole world is laughing at Trump”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND THAT IS A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is ONLY THE LIE-beral world that is laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that LIE-beral LAUGHTER IS UNEASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because what will the world think of LIE-berals AFTER their impeachment CRAP FAILS????????????????????????

Is it not AMUSING that LIE-berals are DISTRESSED that the Trump plan to defend himself from impeachment is - in the words of one LIE-beral is to: “insult, sit out and wait”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And why should he not do exactly that since LIE-berals HAVE NO HARD EVIDENCE of anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor have LIE-berals made ANY EFFORT to explain what it was that Trump thinks ought to be investigated in Ukraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ENTIRE KEY to impeachment is whether there is actually something to investigate and LIE-berals REFUSE to discuss that issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And is it not TYPICALLY LIE-beral HYPOCRISY that LIE-berals think it is within THEIR RIGHTS to go on a fishing expedition into Trump biz activities - and yet LIE-berals GO BERSERK when Trump wants to rifle through THEIR Biz activities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it not odd - that some LIE-berals are trying to scare us by whining that the Chinese military build up is so FORMIDABLE that we should tip toe around the Beijing Butchers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet the same people are whining and complaining that Trump is trying to light a fire under various NATO SLACKERS who are not pulling their weight in the Alliance!!!!

As if enlisting the help of ALLEGEDLY like minded YANKEE ALLIES AGAINST Red China was some sort of CHEAT MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in related news - it has just been announced that Cdn LIE-berals have quietly left eight billion dollars in defense spending ON THE SHELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy budgeted that $8 billion and counted it as defense spending in order to get that NATO SLACKER LABEL off his neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND THEN - Our idiot Boy has REFUSED TO USE THAT DEFENSE MONEY - BECAUSE AS I have said - Our idiot Boy DESPISES THE MILITARY - exactly as his vile father Pierre did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy told us the truth when he announced that he liked that basic Chinese democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have said - Our idiot Boy is an aspiring Soviet Socialist Dictator..............and a general all round dick head as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How hypocritical are LIE-berals on matters of national security??????????????

Are LIE-berals prepared to sell us all out to the SOVIET CHINESE just to score points against Trump??????

IT LOOKS THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals suggest that Trump is whipping up fear over a possible coming recession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Yet LIE-berals INSIST that the best solution to a possible recession - is MORE of the NATIONAL DEBT that is FUELING Recession fears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals INSIST that their kinder and gentler ideas for govt will heal all wounds and restore calm!! One has only to look at the Youtube video about Seattle to see how kinder, gentler LIE-beral dominated and now sarcastically named “Free-attle” - because of all the LIE-beral mandated free handouts for “the poor” - meaning the HARD CORE DRUG ADDICTS worked out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a recent news report - City of Oakville Ont employees removed a real estate company sign from in front of a house- because it was on grass that was to close to the city sidewalk - in violation of local bylaws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The house owner is IRATE that the city wants $60.00 bucks to give back the sign!

If Oakville workers got a good look at and had to deal with the kind of mess and the tent cities that have sprung up in Seattle - often forcing pedestrians OFF the sidewalks and into the streets to get by - along with heaps of trash and human waste and used hypodermic needles and condoms - they would GO BERSERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oakville would NOT TOLERATE the mobs of drunken and drugged up LOONS acting out -sometimes violently on so many street corners day and night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the more pathetic sights in the video is of some guy -obviously drunk or drugged- or BOTH - wearing several pairs of pants to beat the cold- and the outer layer of cloth has fallen down and trapped his legs- and the guy is staggering all over the street - falling down onto his face repeatedly - unable to hoist his pants back up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At one point the guy manages to get propped up against a mail box - but no - over he goes again- trying desperately not to hit his head again on the sidewalk!!!!!!!

What would prim and proper Oakville make of a homeless addict not just laying beside a sidewalk - but actually BLOCKING the sidewalk - twitching and jerking like a hooked fish and cursing a blue streak in a minutes long FAILED EFFORT to hoist his pants up???????????????????

The “Seattle is dying” documentary from KOMO News is a vision of drug addict HELL as envisioned by tax payers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Free-attle is a vision of HEAVEN as imagined by drug addicts and dealers - as the violence prone and - fond of vandalism - addicts make clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is the “solution” that Toronto mayor Jackass John and his Silly Hall colleagues want for Toronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like in Toronto - the LIE-berals in Free-attle INSIST the problem is there is not enough Poverty Pimps handing out free socks and sleeping bags and not enough free needle exchanges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why is it that the more power and influence LIE-berals accumulate - the more drug addicts and homeless people and NOT SO PETTY crime we must deal with???????????????


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
Rent free.
lol You seem to be emulating a parrot most of the time. Spews a few words and occasionally sticks a headline he likes in a post sometimes, then repeat. Activity that hardly requires any thought.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
I am enjoying the Never Trumpers in here raging and crying over the Impeachment Acquittal trying to tell each other that they are not raging and crying over the Impeachment Acquittal.

The rivers of tears are flowing south so freely. It is quite refreshing and amusing.
Eagle, wake up! You're dreaming.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
You gals are a scream! :) Anyhow Trump's popularity rating today is as high or higher than at any other point in his term since March 12 2017.

"But does the standard presidential approval question actually capture what voters think of Trump’s job performance? There are several reasons it might not tell the full story. For one, in this hyper-partisan era, presidential approval numbers have become increasingly polarized and don’t move around all that much, so they may now say more about which “side” people are on (pro-Trump or anti-Trump, Republican or Democrat) than voters’ actual evaluation of how the president is doing."


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"But does the standard presidential approval question actually capture what voters think of Trump’s job performance? There are several reasons it might not tell the full story. For one, in this hyper-partisan era, presidential approval numbers have become increasingly polarized and don’t move around all that much, so they may now say more about which “side” people are on (pro-Trump or anti-Trump, Republican or Democrat) than voters’ actual evaluation of how the president is doing."

I can see a little bit of truth in your statement! Now if the chart had shown he was at his lowest point what would you say about that?