

Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
How does paying carbon tax reduce your carbon footprint?
if you're still doing the dirty deed?

There are 4 or five hydro dams in a 50 mile radius around me and still pay 10 cents "off peak" 7PM to 7AM and 20 cent "on peak"

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Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
How does paying carbon tax reduce your carbon footprint?

From my understanding, the increase in price in gas is supposed to make you want to drive less thus burn less carbon. I am unclear how the rebates work or why they are there other than to make it seem like TrueDope is not getting tax dollars from the scheme. The excessively high gas prices in BC should work the same way except the fuel companies grab the $$$ rather than the government but greenies should be just as happy ..... if the theory is valid. I am not convinced driving frequency is tied to the price of gas. Most people drive what they need regardless of price.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Im glad you asked.
A carbon credit is a permit or certificate allowing the holder, such as a company, to emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. The credit limits the emission to a mass equal to one ton of carbon dioxide. The ultimate goal of carbon credits is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Also, I run a Tesla solar battery system with 2KVA solar panels for my home electrical needs.
According to my Solar Edge monitoring system, I have saved the earth 13,508.5 kg.of CO2 emissions saved , the equivalent of 9.6 trees planted, in 2 years.
So emissions are fine as long as you pay for them. You know in most educated circles that is known as a scam.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I find it amazing that the Climate change warriors are jumping on the plant a tree program after denouncing it as false solution. Especially after the claim that Canada is an actual carbon sink because of our massive forests and our millions of acres of native grass lands as well as millions of acres of agricultural lands by some experts.

Chalk it up to being another inconvenient truth

I do such endeavours like planting trees through Landcare, which is a voluntary association here in NZ.
Beach cleanups, mangrove restoration, do gooder stuff.
You make lots of friends.
We pay 34 cents per kWh in NZ, in Orillia my buddy pays .06cents per kWh. that 2016 prices for Orillia.
You do the math.

Glad to hear of your activities, but it still doesn't really speak to the practical affect of buying a carbon offset when your actual cash would have generated a much greater impact via planting more trees yourself, and as was pointed-out, just buying an offset doesn't change the fact that you are emitting

From my understanding, the increase in price in gas is supposed to make you want to drive less thus burn less carbon. I am unclear how the rebates work or why they are there other than to make it seem like TrueDope is not getting tax dollars from the scheme. The excessively high gas prices in BC should work the same way except the fuel companies grab the $$$ rather than the government but greenies should be just as happy ..... if the theory is valid. I am not convinced driving frequency is tied to the price of gas. Most people drive what they need regardless of price.

Originally, BC's carbon tax was to be revenue neutral (but only after paying for the gvt admin, etc). The BC gvt quickly gave up on the neutrality aspect and it is now nothing more than another source of cash for General Revenues.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Chalk it up to being another inconvenient truth

Glad to hear of your activities, but it still doesn't really speak to the practical affect of buying a carbon offset when your actual cash would have generated a much greater impact via planting more trees yourself, and as was pointed-out, just buying an offset doesn't change the fact that you are emitting

Originally, BC's carbon tax was to be revenue neutral (but only after paying for the gvt admin, etc). The BC gvt quickly gave up on the neutrality aspect and it is now nothing more than another source of cash for General Revenues.
Well that is the reason for taxes after all .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Chalk it up to being another inconvenient truth
Glad to hear of your activities, but it still doesn't really speak to the practical affect of buying a carbon offset when your actual cash would have generated a much greater impact via planting more trees yourself, and as was pointed-out, just buying an offset doesn't change the fact that you are emitting
Originally, BC's carbon tax was to be revenue neutral (but only after paying for the gvt admin, etc). The BC gvt quickly gave up on the neutrality aspect and it is now nothing more than another source of cash for General Revenues.
Off set trees are saplings. After 4 years they can be mowed down. Where is the offset of carbon and not money chucking?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Someone once told me you can tell how your message is getting across by the number of people who carry it forward.
In whatever way...

Isnt that nice!!!!!!

Nut Zone Doug exchanges philosophical concepts with his RED CHINESE SPY MASTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
There is no obligation to care for a sapling beyond 3 years. It's a cash cow. Better than selling drugs.
Hey Western Forest Products receive carbon offsets for planting tree , that they are required to replant in their stumpage . Good deal if you can get it .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Join her Facebook page and ask her. I don't facebook.
I booked my flights to Canada return and paid carbon credits (Air New Zealand is 51% govt owned ) on top of my flights to fight for the cause, in part doe to Gretas influence.
I will be back in Canada next Aug thru mid Sept.
My buddy from Canada who arrive 8 days from now has also done the same.
Everybody wants to help, except when they actually have to do something.


NUT ZONE DOUG BUYS CARBON CREDITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OKAY CARBON CLOWN - why dot you explain to us

exactly HOW you saved the climate by flying 15,000 miles ONE WAY

and then mitigated all the carbon damage you did by buying those NEBULOUS CREDITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and TRY TO FOOL PEOPLE ??????????????????

EXPLAIN YOUR CARBON MAGIC TO US NUT ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
There is no obligation to care for a sapling beyond 3 years. It's a cash cow. Better than selling drugs.

WELL GOSH GOOFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you think the sapling deal is UNFAIR - then why dont you speak to your LIE-beral member..............

of either Parliament or provincial legislature and get it resolved????????????????

OH...................RIGHT...........................LIE-berals ONLY PRETEND to have an interest in the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN OTHER NEWS - CONSIDER THIS LIE-beral recycling MESS::::::

Here is an article illustrating the LIE-beral confusion over waste generally and recycling specifically!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

U.S. vows 100% tariffs on French Champagne, cheese, handbags over digital tax

From Reuters

Published: December 2, 2019 Updated: December 2, 2019 10:06 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ World

WASHINGTON — The U.S. government on Monday said it may slap punitive duties of up to 100% on $2.4 billion in imports from France of Champagne, handbags, cheese and other products, after concluding that France’s new digital services tax would harm U.S. tech companies.

(The French govt is of course BANKRUPT - which is why Paris endured weeks of Yellow Vest protests and riots until the Macron govt backed off its carbon tax SCAM gravy grabs!! But money does not grow on trees so Macron has instead chosen to “alter” French govt pension plans - meaning SLASH THEM - thus inciting more RAGE AND FEAR from the public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Macron has panicked the usual crowd of civil service union HOGS AT THE GOVT TROUGH!! French PIGS are just like their Cdn version - meaning so entitled that govt cannot shovel gravy into their pension plans fast enough to keep them solvent - and the deficits ARE MOUNTING!! Hence the French urgency to either raise more gravy with carbon tax SCAMS - or cut spending on pensions!!!)
(But voters who are rioting DO NOT vote for those who are slashing their pensions thus Macron has seized on the digital tax as a way to EXPORT his fiscal problem and put it on foreigners!! In truth this digital tax idea has been around for many years and has now reached critical mass as a result of China and other third world nations choosing NOT to recycle any more electronics for western nations as the toxic metal by product pollution is TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Wealthy people around the world dearly love their electronic devices - but they ALL want somebody else to do the DIRTY RECYCLING WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So Macron kills two birds with one stone getting gravy with his digital tax and putting some French people to work at recycling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The U.S. Trade Representative’s office said its “Section 301” investigation found that the French tax was “inconsistent with prevailing principles of international tax policy, and is unusually burdensome for affected U.S. companies,” including Alphabet Inc’s Google, Facebook Inc, Apple Inc and Inc.

(Yes- Yankee companies are happy to EXPORT their product -but do not wish to tend to the waste later!! The digital tax idea is on a par with demanding that Japan PAY to have all their cars that were sold in North America and then worn out - shipped BACK to Japan to be recycled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said the government was exploring whether to open similar investigations into the digital services taxes of Austria, Italy and Turkey.

(One wonders if the Europeans have DARED to slap digital taxes on products coming from Red China??????????????????)

“The USTR is focused on countering the growing protectionism of EU member states, which unfairly targets U.S. companies,” Lighthizer said. His statement made no mention of proposed digital taxes in Canada or Britain.

(Yes- everybody LOVES FREE TRADE - till one of THEIR industries is harmed!!!)

The U.S. trade agency said it would collect public comments through Jan. 14 on its proposed tariff list as well as the option of imposing fees or restrictions on French services, with a public hearing scheduled for Jan. 7.

It did not specify an effective date for the proposed 100% duties.

(No - the whole mess is an ongoing negotiation - with NOTHING yet resolved - other than the STANDARD LIE-beral opinion that if Trump is involved then United States MUST BE IN THE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
From my understanding, the increase in price in gas is supposed to make you want to drive less thus burn less carbon. I am unclear how the rebates work or why they are there other than to make it seem like TrueDope is not getting tax dollars from the scheme. The excessively high gas prices in BC should work the same way except the fuel companies grab the $$$ rather than the government but greenies should be just as happy ..... if the theory is valid. I am not convinced driving frequency is tied to the price of gas. Most people drive what they need regardless of price.
Gas prices are directly related to US wars.
It cost a lot to move the worlds biggest polluters.
Biden came here in a C-5 Galaxy so he could drive around in an armoured car.
Most people will drive because there are few options.
We pay $2.45 Kiwi for hi octane, or $1.70 US per litre.
I use my Giant Iguana push bike, and take it on the train into the city, which I keep in the back of my truck, to get to public transport.
Im 100 klicks away from the nearest public transport.
Im 42 kms from the nearest booze, smokes , gas facilities so we shop weekly.
We grow a lot of our own veggies, grapes, pomegranates, olives, lemons, limes, lettuce, carrots, spuds.
We fish for Snapper, Kingfish, net flounder etc.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Gas prices are directly related to US wars.
It cost a lot to move the worlds biggest polluters.
Biden came here in a C-5 Galaxy so he could drive around in an armoured car.
Most people will drive because there are few options.
We pay $2.45 Kiwi for hi octane, or $1.70 US per litre.
I use my Giant Iguana push bike, and take it on the train into the city, which I keep in the back of my truck, to get to public transport.
Im 100 klicks away from the nearest public transport.
Im 42 kms from the nearest booze, smokes , gas facilities so we shop weekly.
We grow a lot of our own veggies, grapes, pomegranates, olives, lemons, limes, lettuce, carrots, spuds.
We fish for Snapper, Kingfish, net flounder etc.
Well good for you .