

Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
A leader? In a post mortem poll 97% of Heavens Gate members regret their decision.

Consensus? There is no consensus and Science is never settled.
She's a drop out who stunted her own growth and mental functions. I bet $50 she cant spell cumulonimbus or knows what the Beaufort wind scale is.
Could Trump?
Just how did she stunt her own growth and mental function?
She is trying to convince the world that action speaks louder than words.
Scaning the worlds news websites online, I notice there is no mention of her on Fox News.
No surprises there.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Greta has now spoken at the Davos Economic Forum, here are some quotes:
"Let’s be clear. We don’t need a “low carbon economy.” We don’t need to “lower emissions.” Our emissions have to stop"
"We are not telling you to “offset your emissions” by just paying someone else to plant trees"
"Planting trees is good, of course, but it’s nowhere near enough of what is needed and it cannot replace real mitigation"
"until we have the technologies that at scale can put our emissions to minus, then we must forget about net zero. We need real zero."
"Any plan or policy of yours that doesn’t include radical emission cuts at the source, starting today, is completely insufficient for meeting the 1.5-degree or well-below-2-degrees commitments"
" this is not about right or left. We couldn’t care less about your party politics. From a sustainability perspective, the right, the left as well as the center have all failed"
"You say children shouldn’t worry. You say: “Just leave this to us. We will fix this, we promise we won’t let you down. Don’t be so pessimistic.”
"And then, nothing. Silence. Or something worse than silence. Empty words and promises which give the impression that sufficient action is being taken."
"unlike you, my generation will not give up without a fight."
"Last week I met with Polish coal miners who lost their jobs because their mine was closed. And even they had not given up. On the contrary, they seem to understand the fact that we need to change more than you do."
"I wonder, what will you tell your children was the reason to fail and leave them facing a climate chaos that you knowingly brought upon them? That it seemed so bad for the economy that we decided to resign the idea of securing future living conditions without even trying?"


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Greta Thunberg’s Great-Grandfather Is Greenhouse Gas Guru Svante Arrhenius
Published on January 20, 2020

Written by Martin Vrijland

If someone suddenly receives so much attention and is the rising star on the world stage, that is usually no coincidence. Also in the case of the Swedish climate and environmental activist Greta Thunberg it seems that a proper planning had preceded this.

Her mother, Malena Ernman, won the final for the Swedish participation in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009 and thus became a familiar face, which is useful if your daughter looks like you and later has to become a world star.

The secret promotion probably already started there. You can answer the question whether mother Malena can really sing so well (see here). However, it is much more interesting to study the Thunberg family and you will find that the subjects CO2, ‘global warming’ and ‘population reduction’ are descended from the same family.

Greta Thunberg (born in 2003) according to Wikipedia a distant second cousin of Svante August Arrhenius. Her father Svante Thunberg, an actor, is named after Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius is seen as the first scientist to describe the so-called Arrhenius effect, a natural enhancement of global warming through increasing evaporation of water and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the sea due to a decrease in reflectivity.

He predicted that an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere causes an increase in temperature on Earth. According to him, a doubling of CO2 would be correlated with a warming from 4 to 6 degrees, which was caused by solar heat for 2 / 3 th part and for 1 / 3 th part by CO2. This has been interpreted by researchers like Keeling as a greenhouse effect caused entirely by CO2. So you could say that the subject is rather in the family.

Svante Arrhenius was born in Gut Vik, near Uppsala, the son of Svante Gustav and Carolina Thunberg Arrhenius. It seems that Greta is not a distant cousin, but a direct great-granddaughter. Wikipedia does not say that Svante Arrhenius himself also married a Thunberg. Her name was Karolina Kristina Thunberg.

This is evident from the still visible search results from Google. However, if you click on the link itself, the content is similar to be adjusted in relation to what the search result still shows (see screenshot below). There seems to be a bit of fiddling with the pedigrees and it seems that the name Thunberg can actually be directly linked to this global warming founder, Svante Arrhenius.

It is also remarkable that Svante probably married in the family (from his mother’s side). Such an incest is typically something we see with old noble bloodlines (such as mentioned in my book mentioned). However, if there is fumbling with family trees, then the direct pedigree may not be proven anymore, but the family link is indisputable.

Svante Arrhenius was involved in eugenics and was a member of the board of the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene. The website states the following about this:

Arrhenius involved himself in the eugenics movement by joining the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene, a group focused on researching and promoting the benefits of controlled reproduction in humans (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005). This society was formed in 1909 in an attempt to popularize eugenics and encourage policy changes to promote eugenics (Bjorkman & Widmalm, 2010). Arrhenius was not only a member; he was on the board for society (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005). The society gave lectures and handed out pro-eugenic pamphlets to the public, but because it was illegal for them to discuss any method of birth control, the group was thought to have limited influence overall (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005).


Greta’s (presumed) great-grandfather was therefore a high peak. Around 1900, this Svante Arrhenius became involved in the founding of the Nobel Institute and the associated Nobel Prizes. In 1901 he was – despite a strong opposition – elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

For the rest of his life he would remain a member of the Nobel Committee of Physics and a de facto member of the Nobel Committee of Chemistry. He used his influential position to arrange Nobel Prizes for his friends (Jacobus van ‘t Hoff, Wilhelm Ostwald and Theodore Richards) and tried to prevent his enemies (Paul Ehrlich, Walther Nernst, Dmitri Mendeleev) from receiving them.

He also received a Nobel Prize in 1903 and so in fact rewarded himself, because he was involved in setting up the institute that awards the prizes. So science was then all about favoritism and not about content.

It is interesting that in several publications it is discussed that the global warming story is about establishing a world government and population reduction. I wrote about that in my last article (see here). In this article Publicist Brandon Smith also makes it clear that a manifesto from the UN Secretary General from the 90 shows that global warming was invented to frighten the world population and then push through an agenda. In his article he also conclusively demonstrates that that agenda is also about population reduction. Well, that agenda item can also be traced to Greta’s (presumed) great-grandfather.

So if Greta Thunberg blows so high from the tower that we need to listen more to the science of global warming with CO2, it now appears that this theory comes directly from her (very likely) great-grandfather and that this same great-grandfather was a scammer who awarded himself and his friends Nobel Prizes. That is telling about the way many scientists today are being pushed aside when they criticize the official reading of global warming as a result of CO2.




and who supported limits on human reproduction in order to keep gene pools CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOD LORD MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes - the founder of the CCF that morphed into our NDPee was also an advocate of Eugenics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Douglas considered that people who were mentally challenged should NOT BE PERMITTED TO REPRODUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IN AN ARTICLE ABOUT the evolving views on Eugenics!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Douglas was in support of abortion for the "defective" and was also a supporter of medical neutering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


when a CDN native woman out west who was a HARD CORE DRUNK and serious drug addict

and was heavily into the SEX TRADE in order to finance her bad habits

was discovered to BE PREGANT WITH HER TENTH CHILD - that revelation

including the fact that all of her previous children had been born SERIOUSLY DAMAGED both mentally and physically

and that all her kids were now in the care of govt agencies



Naturally the long suffering public saw no reason why the woman should not be given an IMMEDIATE hysterectomy

while LIE-berals and their civil service union HOG ALLIES lined up to defend the drug addled broad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One Univercity of B.C. professor even commented that "she admire the courage of the woman"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes - our Universities are infested with goofs who think being a DRUNKEN , DRUG ADDLED HOOKER

SHOOTING OUT MASSIVELY DAMAGED KIDS on a regular basis while showing no more care

than a WORM - IS A VIABLE LIFE STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
That's hilarious
This isn't ,
1. Physical, direct impacts
Over 18 million hectares have burned in the Australian bushfire season 2019–2020 as of mid-January according to media reports, destroying over 5,900 buildings including over 2,800 homes. In addition to human fatalities, many millions of animals are reported to have been killed.
2. Ongoing ecological and biodiversity impacts
After initial devastation of the fires, impacts are ongoing. An estimated billion animals, and many more bats and insects, are likely to die in total over the coming weeks and months as a result of lost habitat and food sources. This loss is part of a much bigger picture of a world where biodiversity is in steep decline. We are losing wildlife at an ever-increasing scale across the planet, with impacts to ecosystems vital for our own global food production. The world’s terrestrial biodiversity is concentrated in forests: they are home to more than 80 per cent of all terrestrial species of animals, plants and insects. So, when forests burn, the biodiversity on which humans depend for their long-term survival also disappears in the inferno. With over 1 million species currently facing extinction if we continue with business as usual, extreme weather events such “megafires” become an increasing matter of concern for species survival.
3. Public health
As a result of intense smoke and air pollution stemming from the fires, in January 2020 reports indicated that Canberra measured the worst air quality index of any major city in the world. Wildfires produce harmful smoke which can cause fatalities. Wildfires produce fine particle air pollution, which is directly threatens human health even during relatively short exposures. Close to the fires, smoke is a health risk because it contains a mixture of hazardous gases and particles that can irritate the eyes and the respiratory system. The effects of smoke exposure and inhalation range from eye and respiratory tract irritation to more serious disorders, including reduced lung function, bronchitis, exacerbated asthma and premature death. Exposure to particulate matter is the main public health threat from short-term exposure to wildfire smoke. According to the World Health Organization, older people, people with cardiorespiratory diseases or chronic illnesses, children, and people who work outdoors are particularly vulnerable.
4. The impacts of the fires crosses borders
Smoke from wildfires can travel great distances. It is often pushed into the stratosphere by the heat from fires. Smoke from bushfires in Australia has drifted across the Pacific and may have reached the Antarctic, according to the World Meteorological Organization. This has led to hazardous air quality in major cities throughout Australia, and affected New Zealand and cities in South America after smoke reached both Argentina and Chile.
5. Mental health costs
Fires do not only cause physical harm; many people experience mental trauma from the experience of emergency evacuation and losing homes, pets, belongings, livestock or other sources of livelihoods. Some communities found themselves unable to evacuate quickly when lost electricity meant fuel stations weren’t operational or blocked roads kept people trapped in high risk areas. Some were forced to seek safety on beaches and on boats, sheltering children overnight while witnessing unprecedented firestorms. Such experiences can have lasting mental health impacts across affected communities.
6. Economic costs
The price tag to the Australian economy is still being analyzed, but it’s clear that infrastructure has been damaged and that impacts extend to industries such as farming and tourism. Some businesses and institutions have been forced to close their doors during periods of excessive levels of air pollution.
7. Climate feedback loops
The bushfires have not only been made more likely and intense by climate change, they also add to it. Until the 2019–2020 Australian bushfire season, the forests in Australia were thought to reabsorb all the carbon released in bushfires across the country. This would mean the forests achieved net zero emissions. However, global warming is making bushfires burn more intensely and frequently and the 2019–2020 bushfires have already emitted 400 megatonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, according to the Copernicus monitoring programme. This is as much as Australia's average annual carbon dioxide emissions in just the past three months. These will increase Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming, and heighten the likelihood of recurring megafires that will release yet more emissions. This is a deeply concerning climate feedback loop.
8. Environmental costs: pollution
Ash from the fires has landed in school playgrounds, backyards, and is being washed up on Australia’s beaches and into freshwater stores and water catchments. Drinking water catchments are typically forested areas, and so are vulnerable to bushfire pollution. Bushfire ash contains nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorous. Increased nutrient concentrations can stimulate the growth of cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae. Cyanobacteria produce chemicals which may cause a range of water quality problems, including poor taste and odour, and sometimes toxic chemicals. During a blaze, plumes of smoke, ash and other debris catch on the wind and scatter across the landscape. Sometimes they blow over the ocean, where they add nutrients. When burned soils flow into streams and rivers, they fertilize water plants and algae. The extra nutrients can have benefits in moderation but too much can over-fertilize and cause excess algal growth. Algae absorb oxygen in the water in order to grow, and deplete dissolved oxygen when they die and decompose, which can asphyxiate fish and other marine life, with localized impacts to biodiversity. The same can be true in ocean environments, where smoke has shown to have a negative impact on marine ecosystems in several past incidents: haze from record wildfires in Indonesia killed coral reefs in the late 1990s, according to a study in Science, as iron-rich smoke billowed out over the coast and fertilized the water, causing a huge plankton bloom. The resulting so-called red tide asphyxiated coral reefs around the Mentawai Islands, off southwest Sumatra.
9. Agricultural impacts
The bushfires have scorched pasture, destroyed livestock and razed vineyards, with regrowth and recovery likely to stretch water resources already challenged by drought. Reports indicate that the country’s dairy supply will likely be hit hardest, with Victoria and New South Wales—Australia’s key milk-producing states—suffering the greatest loss of farmland and infrastructure damage. Meat, wool, and honey output may also be impacted. About 13 per cent of the national sheep flock is in regions that have been significantly impacted and a further 17 per cent in regions partially impacted, according to Meat & Livestock Australia. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in their 2019 report on Climate Change and Land found that climate change has already affected food security and the agriculture industry due to warming, changing precipitation patterns, and greater frequency of some extreme events (high confidence). In some dryland areas, increased land surface air temperature and evapotranspiration and decreased precipitation amount, in interaction with climate variability and human activities, have contributed to desertification. These areas include Australia.
10. Public attitudes are changing
While Australians are reported to have been subject to misinformation campaigns and targeted attempts to undermine the link between climate change and more intense bushfires, this bushfire season has given Australians, and the watching world, an insight into the humanitarian, ecological and economic catastrophes of a changing and warming climate. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and other members of the United Nations family will continue to use its digital platforms to share accurate information and facts about the science of climate change and how it is increasing the likelihood and intensity of extreme—and tragic—weather events like this.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
That's going to be a huge Carbon bill that the Climate change terrorists are going to have to pay for starting all those fires. Has Greta chipped in yet?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Whats the link?
Is Hilary protesting along with Jane Fonda and the club?
Just curious about what they have in common.
Probably has to do with the Ping Pong Pizza Parlor Child Sex Slave Camp on Mars.

Ask any of the MAGAhats on the board. I'm sure they know all about it.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
That's going to be a huge Carbon bill that the Climate change terrorists are going to have to pay for starting all those fires. Has Greta chipped in yet?
Join her Facebook page and ask her. I don't facebook.
I booked my flights to Canada return and paid carbon credits (Air New Zealand is 51% govt owned ) on top of my flights to fight for the cause, in part doe to Gretas influence.
I will be back in Canada next Aug thru mid Sept.
My buddy from Canada who arrive 8 days from now has also done the same.
Everybody wants to help, except when they actually have to do something.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
What did your purchase of carbon credits actually accomplish (in a practical form)?
Im glad you asked.
A carbon credit is a permit or certificate allowing the holder, such as a company, to emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. The credit limits the emission to a mass equal to one ton of carbon dioxide. The ultimate goal of carbon credits is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Also, I run a Tesla solar battery system with 2KVA solar panels for my home electrical needs.
According to my Solar Edge monitoring system, I have saved the earth 13,508.5 kg.of CO2 emissions saved , the equivalent of 9.6 trees planted, in 2 years.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Join her Facebook page and ask her. I don't facebook.
I booked my flights to Canada return and paid carbon credits (Air New Zealand is 51% govt owned ) on top of my flights to fight for the cause, in part doe to Gretas influence.
I will be back in Canada next Aug thru mid Sept.
My buddy from Canada who arrive 8 days from now has also done the same.
Everybody wants to help, except when they actually have to do something.

Greta said Carbon credits are useless and only not using fossil fuels is the only way, I guess you and buddy are stealing her future.



captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Im glad you asked.
A carbon credit is a permit or certificate allowing the holder, such as a company, to emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. The credit limits the emission to a mass equal to one ton of carbon dioxide. The ultimate goal of carbon credits is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Also, I run a Tesla solar battery system with 2KVA solar panels for my home electrical needs.
According to my Solar Edge monitoring system, I have saved the earth 13,508.5 kg.of CO2 emissions saved , the equivalent of 9.6 trees planted, in 2 years.

Why not just plant the 9.6 trees yourself for a fraction of the cost?

Better yet, apply the full amount you paid and plant dozens of trees and affect an even greater impact?

.... This is the futility of the global warming marketing scam, if the 'approved solution' is to grow more biomass, trees, etc, do we really have a global warming/climate change/climate emergency/climate crisis actually happening?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I find it amazing that the Climate change warriors are jumping on the plant a tree program after denouncing it as false solution. Especially after the claim that Canada is an actual carbon sink because of our massive forests and our millions of acres of native grass lands as well as millions of acres of agricultural lands by some experts.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Why not just plant the 9.6 trees yourself for a fraction of the cost?
Better yet, apply the full amount you paid and plant dozens of trees and affect an even greater impact?
.... This is the futility of the global warming marketing scam, if the 'approved solution' is to grow more biomass, trees, etc, do we really have a global warming/climate change/climate emergency/climate crisis actually happening?
I do such endeavours like planting trees through Landcare, which is a voluntary association here in NZ.
Beach cleanups, mangrove restoration, do gooder stuff.
You make lots of friends.
We pay 34 cents per kWh in NZ, in Orillia my buddy pays .06cents per kWh. that 2016 prices for Orillia.
You do the math.