ABEXIT - is it time for Alberta to think about leaving Canada?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
What I find disturbing is that Quebec calls themselves a Sovereign country....

No it hasn’t. Many Kweebeckers consider themselves a sovereign nation much like aboriginals. There’s a difference between a nation and a country. You know that if you were somewhat educated.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
To dump the under performing anchor called eastern Canada
Take a look at the age demographics in Que, Ont and the East coast... Within the next decade, there will be more retired folks in these provinces than there will be working people.
It's a train-wreck in slow motion.
Best to leave now and let them implode all on their own
I sure hope that your boycotted oil company implodes in the process.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I sure hope that your boycotted oil company implodes in the process.
I honestly don't know where you live, and it's just an assumption that your area code might be 905? Anyway, Western Canadian Oil & its products are only 'boycotted' (lets cal lit throttled) from reaching more of a market in ON & QC, and from getting past Quebec to reach the rest of Canada in that direction. It's also 'boycotted' (lets cal lit throttled) from exporting west beyond Canada at the 1950's level unless it flows through the US first. Great deal for them.

The Montreal refinery produces everything from gasoline to heavy fuel oil, solvents, petrochemicals and other petroleum products. These are distributed primarily across Quebec and Ontario via the Trans-Northern Pipeline, which runs from Montreal to Lake Erie and has connections to Ottawa and Toronto. Finished products are also shipped by truck, by rail and over water.

Suncor’s Montreal refinery processes conventional crude oil as well as diluted bitumen and “sour” or high-sulphur crude, according to the company’s most recent annual information form. It says that in 2017, the Montreal refinery processed on average 24,300 barrels per day of diluted bitumen, 86,700 barrels per day of conventional crude and 14,700 barrels per day of other types of oil. In order to get more Canadian Oil to other Canadian markets outside of Western Canada via pipelines in the USA, American Oil sales have also had to increase dramatically into these markets (like Ontario & Quebec & the Lower Mainland of BC). These Markets can still strut about condemning Canadian Oil....& it's a great deal for the USA buying Canadian Oil for penny's to resell it for dollars. The American Oil Market is thriving & ours could be too....but here we are.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Above, Canada's percentage increased from 8% to 44%, and to accomplish that, America's share increased from 1% to 37%...who's share increased the most without factoring in that Canada's share has to pass through the US just to reach Markets in it own freak'n country?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What I find disturbing is that Quebec calls themselves a Sovereign country while still largely involved in Canada's Parliament and obtaining all kinds of transfer payments and tax breaks from the Canadian government courtesy of all the tax payers. I wonder if Alberta, Saskatchewan, & B.C. decided to call themselves The Sovereign West would we get as much help and sympathy such as Quebec has over the many, many years.

It's rather ironic that someone who claims to know the main features of a nation is so ignorant that he tries his damnedest at every opportunity to alienate himself from other people. "Book smart" but socially ignorant I guess!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
https://scontent.fyka1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/73395378_10157444415008070_4424772872816295936_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_oc=AQmnlRCHoKuj[QUOTE="Cliffy, post: 0"]Ever notice that Smurphy is always denigrating everybody who disagrees with his preconceived ideas of what is?[/QUOTE]
It’s weird how things like this happen.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
To dump the under performing anchor called eastern Canada

Take a look at the age demographics in Que, Ont and the East coast... Within the next decade, there will be more retired folks in these provinces than there will be working people.

It's a train-wreck in slow motion.

Best to leave now and let them implode all on their own

There are a lot of young people and families TRYING to make it work here, but yeah, a lot more older age/pension types are moving in while the younger are leaving.

But it's odd, you drive through parts of NB - at least in the South East - and you can see houses that are 250,000 and more being built AND being lived in. Continually.

As I asked a friend as we were driving by such places the other day, where the fuk are they getting the money for them and what are they involved with, because whatever it is, it's NOT the normal employment that's typically offered that you hear about.

And then there's the French areas of NB, or the coastal area with the fishermen...

That said, our hospital here is becoming a waiting area for elderly who need special homes or nursing homes, but can't get in to any and so are admitted because they can't be in their private homes. Meanwhile it takes up beds for people who are really sick.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The $250000 house there is like a $4000 house here but the clientele is the same. Rich citiots that sold their house for a million plus and are looking for a small town or what they think is rural lifestyle. Then, because they have nothing to do they take over and not only will you not recognize your town you won't like it either.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Nope. Obviously we are a distinct and unique culture with the framework already in places thanks to Quebec. We'd be far better off if we handled our own affairs in the manner Quebec does.

Sakatchewan is by far the richest piece of real estate on the planet with Alberta a close second. We've been f-cked over ever the NWT as formed. It's time First Nations got Rights to property and an equitable chunk of the riches of the land. They had jobs for 300 years prior to being stuck on Rezes.

There is nothing we need from the east.

It's not about money, it's not about resources, it's about 131 years of disrespect and enough being enough.

POOR petros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He does not understand that native reserves are a 19th century ANACHRONISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Native populations have OUT GROWN the food sources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the early and mid 20th century - natives managed to get along with the fur trade..........................

but when fashions changed - natives were ABANDONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reserves were set up in the first place so that natives could have a METIS style life..........................

they could still have some hunting and fishing and fur trapping................................

but it was EXPECTED they would also DO SOME FARMING to supplement their food supply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SADLY natives refuse to dig in the dirt and grow food....................................

their fur trade has COLLAPSED with no alternative in sight....................................

the population is now TOO LARGE to support a hunter/gatherer life style


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
POOR petros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So WHAT are natives left with????????????????

The old hunter life is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Metis version of half hunter and half farmer is not ACCEPTABLE to many natives........................

The fur trade IS DEAD AS DISCO............................

and natives REFUSE to work like white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But that refusal does not stop natives from DEMANDING a white life style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complete with FREE HOUSING, flush toilets and central heating.............................

as well as an array of motor vehicles - ATVs, pick up trucks and skid-doos..............................

AND THE FOSSIL FUEL needed to operate the machinery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals CLAIM we are in the midst of a "Climate Emergency"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet LIE-berals see NOTHING WRONG with letting thousands of natives LIVE A VERY HIGH CARBON life style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many reserves are FLY IN ONLY - with the attendant massive pollution of air planes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many reserves rely on DIESEL POWERED GENERATORS for their electricity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals DO NOT want to ask if natives have the same size -OR LARGER carbon foot print.............................

of a typical Cdn suburban dweller - meaning the kind of people whose life style LIE-berals WANT TO DESTROY..........................

for the CLAIMED "good of the planet"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals DO NOT want to discuss their plans to jam ALL white people into little concrete boxes...............................

in violence prone over crowded dirty cities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simply to save on LIE-beral gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While at the same time LIE-berals spend BILLIONS to enable a pack of people -

suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction and suicidal depression and unemployment.....................................

to continue living in the woods in that CARBON RICH messed up life stye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natives whine that they dont have jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course they DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over 75 percent of ALL jobs in Canada require POST SECONDARY EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But ONLY TWENTY FIVE PERCENT of natives graduate from high school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In addition - jobs are hard to come by in a big city - but IMPOSSIBLE to find on some BLIGHTED RESERVE.............................

that ONLY EXISTS thanks to LIE-beral welfare payments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad natives HAVE NOT NOTICED that a lot of white people DONT HAVE JOBS EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ask a B.C. lumber mill worker what they think of the economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ask an Alberta oil worker - OR any of the other business people THAT USED TO MAKE A LIVING.....................

selling services to oil workers..............................

or ask a CAW worker what THEY THINK of the economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ask all the people in Ontari-owe - whose disposable INCOME has reportedly SHRUNK BY TWENTY PERCENT ...........................

in this year 2019 thanks to LIE-beral mandated tax inflation.....................................

WHAT THEY THINK of the current "booming economy"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are two kinds of Cdns now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those who get govt gravy.............................

and the OTHERS who suffer to produce govt tax GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natives are caught in a time warp - they are NOT LIVING in the twenty - first century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And IT WILL BE PAINFUL for them until they CHOOSE TO CATCH UP to modern reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
POOR petros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So WHAT are natives left with????????????????

The old hunter life is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Metis version of half hunter and half farmer is not ACCEPTABLE to many natives........................

The fur trade IS DEAD AS DISCO............................

and natives REFUSE to work like white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But that refusal does not stop natives from DEMANDING a white life style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complete with FREE HOUSING, flush toilets and central heating.............................

as well as an array of motor vehicles - ATVs, pick up trucks and skid-doos..............................

They are not ALL like that! I know many who are exactly the same as you and me!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I sure hope that your boycotted oil company implodes in the process.

Eastern Canada has already boycotted the majority of Western Canadian energy.... All we're looking to do here is boycott Eastern Canada in not sending any tax dollars your way.

There are a lot of young people and families TRYING to make it work here, but yeah, a lot more older age/pension types are moving in while the younger are leaving.

But it's odd, you drive through parts of NB - at least in the South East - and you can see houses that are 250,000 and more being built AND being lived in. Continually.

As I asked a friend as we were driving by such places the other day, where the fuk are they getting the money for them and what are they involved with, because whatever it is, it's NOT the normal employment that's typically offered that you hear about.

And then there's the French areas of NB, or the coastal area with the fishermen...

That said, our hospital here is becoming a waiting area for elderly who need special homes or nursing homes, but can't get in to any and so are admitted because they can't be in their private homes. Meanwhile it takes up beds for people who are really sick.

It's a frightening situation Serryah.

If these numbers re: age demographics are accurate, it will have a devastating impact on those jurisdictions and the nation (what's left of it)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
The $250000 house there is like a $4000 house here but the clientele is the same. Rich citiots that sold their house for a million plus and are looking for a small town or what they think is rural lifestyle. Then, because they have nothing to do they take over and not only will you not recognize your town you won't like it either.

It is happening in all rural parts of the country, ts. In our neck of the woods citiots from the Left Coast are arriving in ever increasing numbers - which in itself is a good thing in many ways. In others, not so much.

"You might've heard whispers among the locals of citiots, but you're certain they mean someone else. You might be right — simply being from the city does not make one a citiot. Being unable or unwilling to modify your city behavior when in the country? That's what will earn you this handle."


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Could Chrystia Freeland save Canada?

It’s been a long time since separatism was a meaningful issue in Canada, but Monday’s election results seem to have brought it back to the fore. In Quebec, the Bloc Québécois surged back to political relevance by winning 32 seats, while the Liberals were shut out of Alberta and Saskatchewan in a way that was reminiscent of the last Pierre Trudeau government in the early 1980s.

In some ways it’s worse in Alberta and Saskatchewan now than it was a generation ago, as former politicians like Jay Hill and Danielle Smith give voice—and political oxygen—to the so-called “Wexit” movement. Never mind, for the moment, that the idea of Western separation is fundamentally flawed, or that it would solve none of the problems (principally the restoration of the energy sector to its past glory) that its supporters like to pin on Confederation. Illogical economic and political arguments didn’t stop Britain from supporting Brexit, after all.

If the Liberal government wants to contain the spread of Western alienation, it should turn to the most powerful Albertan in its midst to do it: Chrystia Freeland. Yes, she technically represents the downtown Toronto riding of University-Rosedale, but her Alberta roots are deep. She was born and raised in Peace River, and her paternal grandfather was a farmer who rode in the Calgary Stampede. Her mother even ran for office as a New Democrat in 1988 in the riding of Edmonton-Strathcona.

And in a government that has no elected representatives in Alberta, Freeland is the most obvious choice to serve as its political minister, and its champion. Yes, they could appoint someone (or, perhaps, ask recent Senate appointee Paula Simons to take on the mantle for a while), but Freeland is a far better fit. She’s one of the government’s most influential voices, and as their lead in the recent NAFTA renegotiations, she’s someone who knows a thing or two about dealing with hostile political leaders.

That skill set is going to be needed, too. The premiers of both Alberta and Saskatchewan seem intent on continuing to stoke the separatist fires that are currently raging in their respective provinces, with Alberta’s Jason Kenney explicitly blaming Justin Trudeau for having set them in the first place. Never mind that Trudeau bought a pipeline, or made tax concessions that allowed LNG Canada (the biggest energy project in Canadian history) to begin construction. And never mind that it was Stephen Harper—not Justin Trudeau—who first mused about the need to “phase-out” the oil sands. For many Albertans right now, the federal government is the perfect target for the rage they’re feeling, and they have a premier who is more than happy to continue directing it Eastward.

That rage may not abate any time soon, regardless of what the federal government does. Yes, it’s supporting the construction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion, which will help Alberta’s beleaguered energy sector. But that won’t increase global prices, and it won’t change the fact that global demand for fossil fuels may peak much sooner than anyone had predicted even a few years ago.

Alberta and Saskatchewan may want the federal government to “get out of the way,” as many Wexiteers like to say, by letting it do what it does best. But the problem is that what it does best may not be as essential to the global economy in 20 years as it is today, and there aren’t enough pipelines in the world to change that. And so, what Alberta and Saskatchewan need is someone with the courage and credibility to lead a conversation about what comes next for the West—about how it can prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

There might not be anybody in government today that’s better equipped to do that than Chrystia Freeland. As a former journalist, she knows how to communicate with people. As a student of the global economy, she understands the trends that are at work, and the pace at which they’ll unfold. And as an Albertan, she can empathize with the people who are being affected by it and speak to their experience in much the same way that Rachel Notley did when she was Alberta’s premier. It won’t be easy work, and it certainly won’t be pleasant. But if Freeland can contain the anger that’s spreading across the Prairies, she will have earned the respect of the rest of the country, and maybe the chance to lead it.


Food for thought.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Actually what the remark proves is how CLUELESS YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try putting the shoe on the other foot................................

and PICTURE THE SCREAMING if LIE-berals BLOCKED Quebec..................................

from exporting electricity from James Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And at the same time - LIE-berals TAXED QUEBEC EXTRA ....................................

so Alberta could HAVE EXTRA FEDERAL TRANSFER PAYMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Could Chrystia Freeland save Canada?

Alberta and Saskatchewan may want the federal government to “get out of the way,” as many Wexiteers like to say, by letting it do what it does best. But the problem is that what it does best may not be as essential to the global economy in 20 years as it is today, and there aren’t enough pipelines in the world to change that. And so, what Alberta and Saskatchewan need is someone with the courage and credibility to lead a conversation about what comes next for the West—about how it can prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Food for thought.

An interesting article, however, the portion quoted above is pretty hinky in that it makes some very erroneous assumptions.

Interestingly, only Canada is attempting to put the brakes on oil/gas extraction. Norway, the Middle East, the USA, Mexico, etc, etc are all aggressively moving forward in developing new fields, and yes, building thousands of miles of new pipelines each year. Add to this, the myriad of byproducts that are generated from oil.. Without alternatives to them, the MacLeans ideal rings hollow

That said, MacLeans magazine has their opinion, but that is all it is - an opinion and in no way a fact


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Could Chrystia Freeland save Canada?

It’s been a long time since separatism was a meaningful issue in Canada, but Monday’s election results seem to have brought it back to the fore. In Quebec, the Bloc Québécois surged back to political relevance by winning 32 seats, while the Liberals were shut out of Alberta and Saskatchewan in a way that was reminiscent of the last Pierre Trudeau government in the early 1980s.

In some ways it’s worse in Alberta and Saskatchewan now than it was a generation ago, as former politicians like Jay Hill and Danielle Smith give voice—and political oxygen—to the so-called “Wexit” movement. Never mind, for the moment, that the idea of Western separation is fundamentally flawed, or that it would solve none of the problems (principally the restoration of the energy sector to its past glory) that its supporters like to pin on Confederation. Illogical economic and political arguments didn’t stop Britain from supporting Brexit, after all.

If the Liberal government wants to contain the spread of Western alienation, it should turn to the most powerful Albertan in its midst to do it: Chrystia Freeland. Yes, she technically represents the downtown Toronto riding of University-Rosedale, but her Alberta roots are deep. She was born and raised in Peace River, and her paternal grandfather was a farmer who rode in the Calgary Stampede. Her mother even ran for office as a New Democrat in 1988 in the riding of Edmonton-Strathcona.

And in a government that has no elected representatives in Alberta, Freeland is the most obvious choice to serve as its political minister, and its champion. Yes, they could appoint someone (or, perhaps, ask recent Senate appointee Paula Simons to take on the mantle for a while), but Freeland is a far better fit. She’s one of the government’s most influential voices, and as their lead in the recent NAFTA renegotiations, she’s someone who knows a thing or two about dealing with hostile political leaders.

That skill set is going to be needed, too. The premiers of both Alberta and Saskatchewan seem intent on continuing to stoke the separatist fires that are currently raging in their respective provinces, with Alberta’s Jason Kenney explicitly blaming Justin Trudeau for having set them in the first place. Never mind that Trudeau bought a pipeline, or made tax concessions that allowed LNG Canada (the biggest energy project in Canadian history) to begin construction. And never mind that it was Stephen Harper—not Justin Trudeau—who first mused about the need to “phase-out” the oil sands. For many Albertans right now, the federal government is the perfect target for the rage they’re feeling, and they have a premier who is more than happy to continue directing it Eastward.

That rage may not abate any time soon, regardless of what the federal government does. Yes, it’s supporting the construction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion, which will help Alberta’s beleaguered energy sector. But that won’t increase global prices, and it won’t change the fact that global demand for fossil fuels may peak much sooner than anyone had predicted even a few years ago.

Alberta and Saskatchewan may want the federal government to “get out of the way,” as many Wexiteers like to say, by letting it do what it does best. But the problem is that what it does best may not be as essential to the global economy in 20 years as it is today, and there aren’t enough pipelines in the world to change that. And so, what Alberta and Saskatchewan need is someone with the courage and credibility to lead a conversation about what comes next for the West—about how it can prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

There might not be anybody in government today that’s better equipped to do that than Chrystia Freeland. As a former journalist, she knows how to communicate with people. As a student of the global economy, she understands the trends that are at work, and the pace at which they’ll unfold. And as an Albertan, she can empathize with the people who are being affected by it and speak to their experience in much the same way that Rachel Notley did when she was Alberta’s premier. It won’t be easy work, and it certainly won’t be pleasant. But if Freeland can contain the anger that’s spreading across the Prairies, she will have earned the respect of the rest of the country, and maybe the chance to lead it.


Food for thought.

I used to have a lot of regard for Chrystia Freeland as I had read up on her background and admired her for her articulousness and her careful thought process and unfortunately after being in the position for awhile I quickly determined she had become Trudeau's "YES" woman!