

Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
lol Greta sure triggers a lot of you snowflakes.
No..we have trouble with the way trumphaters use children.

for example:
From a previous ATTEMPTED trumphate scandal...only it wasn't TRUMP, it was Obama ( MR seaside mansion!!!) that started putting them in cages..REMEMBER?

Acting ICE Director: Migrants Are ‘Renting Babies’ to Cross the Border

Mark Morgan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), told Republican U.S. Senators during a Wednesday briefing that migrants from Central America were “renting babies” to help them cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the second highest ranking member of the United States Senate, said Thursday that the purpose of the briefing was to provide information to help underscore the crisis at the southern border, according to The Hill.

“I can’t believe that this actually happens but that people down there in Central America or Mexico are renting babies to get across the border and then sending them back and renting them again to get across the border,” Grassley said. “The public doesn’t know about it. I hope you guys will help advertise that, assuming the information that I heard yesterday was accurate because that’s a humanitarian crisis that we have to be concerned about.”

The way commies and agenda 21 firsters like the JESUIT pope and pedoes like Epstein and his LYING hanger onners like Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew are beyond creepy.

"Give us a child till he is seven and he is ours for life..."

WE know what y'all really think of children

...seen and NOT heard.

Study: Cold kills 20 times more people than heat

The study — published in the British journal The Lancet — analyzed data on more than 74 million deaths in 13 countries between 1985 and 2012. Of those, 5.4 million deaths were related to cold, while 311,000 were related to heat.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Allegedly grown men screaming and slobbering their terror and hatred of a 16-year-old girl.
All because she asked them to pay attention to seance.


Young children and spirits do not go well together, any good bar tender knows that..even at the bar lawyers get all stinking drunk at.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Nobody was listening to Bono blather on, so he's backing little Yoda. A new face for the youth.
Ah Mr greed was there sucking it all up was he?

Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to charity

Bono's anti-poverty foundation ONE is under pressure to explain its finances after it was revealed that only a small percentage of money it raises reaches the needy.

The non-profit organisation set up by the U2 frontman received almost £9.6million in donations in 2008 but handed out only £118,000 to good causes (1.2 per cent).

The figures published by the New York Post also show that £5.1million went towards paying salaries.

"Free publicity ain't free when it's public" - Toronto Tontos, by Max Webster.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Allegedly grown men screaming and slobbering their terror and hatred of a 16-year-old girl.
All because she asked them to pay attention to science.
They are pretty sad specimens.

I wonder how these guys manage to function from day to day with so little capacity for an adult outlook.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
They are pretty sad specimens.
I wonder how these guys manage to function from day to day with so little capacity for an adult outlook.
They lash out on the internet because they don't have the guts to lash out IRL. Which is probably a good thing. I hear the Mounties take a dim view of attacking 16-year-old girls (unless it's the Mounties doing it).

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
They lash out on the internet because they don't have the guts to lash out IRL. Which is probably a good thing. I hear the Mounties take a dim view of attacking 16-year-old girls (unless it's the Mounties doing it).
pretty much true.

Sadly, the abuse of First Nation 16 year old girls is pretty much ignored in parts of Canada.

You know that Western Republic that the Albirdans go on about? It's going to be very much smaller than what they think it will be when the First Nations realize that the Canadian federation will treat them a lot better than the shoot-shovel-shut up Yahoos in the West will.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Greta isn't going away, get used to it.
Re. CDN Elections,
I read that the kids voted in school with the same results for Liberals, but the Conservative vote was non existent being replaced by NDP and the Greens.
This is the future and Greta will be a leader, whether you guys like it or not.
The future generations don't want to live in a shit hole world, simple.

Oh Nut Zone Doug thinks his LIE-beral propaganda is so much more CLEVER than the Soviet version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nut Zone Doug thinks that he can herd a bunch of brain washed kids.................................

even after they get out into the real world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nut Zone Doug apparently DOES NOT FOLLOW Cdn news any more....................................................

and is HAPPILY OBLIVIOUS of the violence at Cdn schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is oblivious of Devan Selvy stabbed to death on the front lawn of his school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And oblivious of the kids in Calgary driven to suicide by bullying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nut Zone Doug IS OUT OF THE LOOP........................................

and OUT OF HIS MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article presenting some highly suspect statistics!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

New study shows spike in violent incidents in Ontario's elementary schools

(THAT IS VERY ODD!! A couple of years back - when Wynne-bag LIE-berals were trying to save their govt -there was another report that claimed a LONG TERM DROP in violence!! Oh well - in Soviet Socialist Land - the TRUTH becomes whatever is NECESSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

From Cdn Press/ Msn,ca

Published Sept 11, 2019

TORONTO — A study from the University of Ottawa suggests there has been a sharp increase in the level of violence teachers face while working in Ontario's elementary schools.

A team of researchers surveyed more than 1,600 educators last year to gauge the number of times they encountered violence from students, parents or administrators during the 2017-18 school year.

They then compared those results to a survey undertaken by three major unions in 2005, which found that only seven per cent of teachers at the time reported experiencing bullying over the course of their careers.

The researchers found that number had surged nearly seven-fold in the intervening years, with 54 per cent of respondents saying they had experienced physical violence such as punching, kicking or biting — primarily at the hands of students.

(Uh huh - and how much of this surge in violence is related to civil service union HOG manipulation of numbers!! In recent years there has been much debate about how LITTLE teachers are really doing to combat bullying at school!! And from personal evidence I know very well that teachers think nothing of HIDING events that occurred in their schools to improve “public relations”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(But now we have a game change!! Teacher HOGS are engaged in a BITTER WAR with Ford govt for control of both schools and the lives of our kids!!!!!!!!!!! Teachers want all the power and all the gravy - and NO RESPONSIBILITY for kid outcomes!! Teachers seem to think the school system was created FOR THEIR PERSONAL PROFIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Teachers have cried bitterly over the EQUAO standardized testing - that too often reveals HOW LITTLE our kids are learning in core subjects like math!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The survey found 72 per cent of participants reported explicit verbal insults or obscene gestures from a student, with 41 per cent saying they'd had similar encounters with a parent.

(WE should ask if these numbers are not exaggerations?? After all, teachers expect to PROFIT personally if they can play on public sympathy!! Are teachers issuing more Fake News Now- that directly contradicts the heavily edited news they issued in previous years?? Or are they FINALLY telling the TRUTH about school conditions???????????????????????)

The report says such incidents included anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim slurs delivered in class, taunts of "build the wall," and calls for teachers to "go back to your country."

(Oh great - as a result of MESSED UP LIE-beral immigration policy we now have racist crap in class!! It has been over 3 years since teachers in New Brunswick began complaining of being badly treated by recently arrived and mostly Syrian Muslims!! With female teachers most likely to complain of abuse from young male Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In that 3 year period there were also reports out of New Brunswick of Jewish students being bullied by newly arrived Muslims!! Union HOG leaders met with Our idiot Boy Justin and apparently found ways to HUSH UP the teacher complaints for the good of the LIE-beral image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Criminology professor and study co-author Chris Bruckert says the spike reflects many changes in both social conditions and educational programs over the past 12 years.

"When we talk about this as a crisis, that's not hyperbole," Bruckert said in a telephone interview. "There is a serious problem in our elementary schools, and it needs attention."

(It reflects a wider debate about the wisdom of LIE-beral policy and values!! Some Cdns- who get govt pay cheques - are DEVOTED to LIE-beral values- for personal profit!! But the rest of us bitterly OPPOSE LIE-beral gravy grabbing that is loading us up with debt and crippling our future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bruckert said the issue of violence in the classroom has received scant academic study, citing just 37 peer-reviewed papers completed internationally between 1988 and 2016 and only one focusing on Canadian data. That article, published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence in 2011, had already begun documenting a dramatic surge in teacher-reported violence.

Researchers found 80 per cent of those surveyed reported experiencing some form of physical violence or personal insults at some point in their careers.

(Oh GOSH!! And just HOW do teachers deal with ANY class disruption - now that corporal punishment is off the table?? And since so many kids ride buses- the old standby of keeping the kid after class is GONE since the kid cannot miss the bus without having major transportation issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As kids get older - the problem grows - along with the kids strength!! Teachers used to resorted to suspension from school but that merely encouraged kids to drop out!! And there was a HUGE politically correct backlash as the number of visible minority kds being suspended from school was so large!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Teachers have rendered themselves IMPOTENT to maintain discipline - for reasons of political correctness and in exchange for gravy from LIE-berals - who care more about re-election than our kids future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bruckert said the Ottawa research team's focus on a single school year shines a light on how prevalent the issue has become. She said the root causes are multifaceted, encompassing shifts in everything from poverty levels to in-class expectations.

(The more teacher HOGS are paid- the HIGHER are the public expectations for their efforts in class!! It is an absurd truth that the more gravy teachers grab - the more kids are pushed into poverty as their parents wages are TAXED AWAY!!!!!
Teachers and LIE-berals are creating their own troubles with shameless gravy grabbing and obscenely costly vote buying - that also drives the social unrest that teachers are whining about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Changes in Ontario's educational policies, such as a shift away from zero-tolerance disciplinary approaches and one-size-fits-all education plans, are largely positive steps that nonetheless demand more of teachers, Bruckert said.

(Complaints about “one size fits all” education are merely an attempt by LIE-berals and HOGS to absolve themselves of blame for education failures!!! We all know that 2 + 2 = 4 - unless you are a LIE-beral trying to HIDE the dismal results of LIE-beral immigration policy and multicult propaganda!! After all - our entire economy is One size fits all - so you either fit or suffer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

She said educators, in turn, are increasingly dealing with students exposed to social conditions that have changed considerably since 2005. Examples she cited included income disparity forcing parents to work multiple jobs, more limited social interactions driven in part by growing reliance on technology, increasing polarization in society at large and the ravages of the national opioid crisis.

(In other words- Ontari-owe HOGS are dealing with the results of DECADES of LIE-beral rule- that people like Doug Ford are fighting to rectify -with teacher opposition at every turn!! A lawyer representing high school teachers even told us they might not have taken the sex ed fight to court if Ford had not ORDERED teachers to use his revised curriculum - this is classic HOG policy - to demand TOTAL CONTROL -even over our ELECTED GOVT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Cuts to services both inside and outside of schools exacerbate the issue, she said, adding the various factors contributing to the problem do not rest on the shoulders of any one government or policy.

(Ontari-owe is the most INDEBTED sub national political entity on the planet - and Toronto citizens got FAR TO ACCUSTOMED to getting TEN TIMES MORE funding from Queens Park LIE-berals -than any other citizens - such madly UNFAIR disparity could NOT CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bruckert said rates of violence disproportionately impact teachers from a racialized background or those with disabilities, noting they reported higher rates of violence than other survey participants.

(Yes- we have heard about Muslim terrorists and their radical agenda for Sharia Law that VERY MANY Cdns object to!! And as noted- many Muslim students OBJECT to being taught be a female and object to being in classes with Jews!! So much for LIE-beral sponsored tolerance and inclusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

She also said disabled students are disproportionately implicated in the study results, noting that while students with more specialized needs are reported to "act out" more often, they and the teachers who work with them are increasingly left without necessary supports in and out of class.

"To blame them is putting the focus absolutely on the wrong place," she said. "It's not the kids' fault and it's not the teachers' fault. They need more support."

(There is much debate regarding the wisdom of integrating ALL disabled kids into class regardless of their medical condition and without considering their potential behaviour and ability to disrupt a class!! LIE-berals are catering to the same sort of lobbyists that are fighting cuts to the COSTLY and often ineffective Autism treatments that certain snake oil sales practitioners are offering!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(HYPOCRITE Teachers routinely bitterly OPPOSE the one size fits all education curriculum and then willingly agree to allow any sort of education problem or potential disruption to be jammed into their classes in exchange for GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Uninformed and jaded...but sincere.
As an individual or is that for the collective she represents. I have to assume lightweight water bottles where developed for the elite group that races yachts 'for a living'. The scope of your claimed innocence is the only thing around here that is growing.