Is Trump FIT (Mentally, emotionally, ethically ) FIT for the JOB???


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Donald Trump might be the dimmest President the US has ever had

It should come as no surprise - and it has not - that he is sorely lacking in sophistication, knowledge of the world, understanding of government and a rudimentary grasp of economics

President Donald Trump does not read - except in small doses and when his own name appears prominently. Prior to the presidency, his only activities were work and golf. He does not mingle with intellectuals, cultural trend-setters or artists.
It should come as no surprise - and it has not - that he is sorely lacking in sophistication, knowledge of the world, understanding of government and a rudimentary grasp of economics.
Sitting atop arguably the great resource on the planet - the body of knowledge retained by American government experts on everything from economics to medicine to military history - he remains blissfully ignorant on a range of subjects.
He surrounds himself with dim yes men who know little more than he and, in any event, tremble at the prospect of correcting their “Dear Leader.” But sometimes you wonder whether Trump is just, well, dumb.
The Associated Press reports:
President Donald Trump has been handing out his cellphone number to world leaders and urging them to call him directly, an unusual invitation that breaks diplomatic protocol and is raising concerns about the security and secrecy of the US commander in chief's communications. Trump has urged leaders of Canada and Mexico to reach him on his cellphone, according to former and current US officials with direct knowledge of the practice. Of the two, only Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken advantage of the offer so far, the officials said... “If you are speaking on an open line, then it's an open line, meaning those who have the ability to monitor those conversations are doing so,” said Derek Chollet, a former Pentagon adviser and National Security Council official now at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
For someone who mocked Hillary Clinton for setting up a home email server that was vulnerable to hacking, Trump and his negligence defy explanation. Either he does not understand that his calls might be intercepted or does not care.


Yikes terrible all he does is Work and golf . He doesn’t hang around with intellectuals and trendsetters , well wack his pee pee .

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Work at what?

There is no evidence that Trump works at anything. He's even too goddam lazy to take briefings or write a few notes before speaking.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
A number of former and current White House staffers say he watches television for hours every day.
yes,,,,that has been reported via various media outlets.....He also spends a lot of time tweeting.

It seems that both are not good for him.......unless tweeting is his therapy. (emotional outlet) Twitter is not wise for impulsive people with anger issues we have seen.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Work at what?

There is no evidence that Trump works at anything. He's even too goddam lazy to take briefings or write a few notes before speaking.
That fits with what I personally thought about why he even ran for the job. He is not interested in the job itself.......has no knowledge about it, has no idea of foreign affairs or what teh military is doing where...........etc etc. He is i their for publicly -Trump. The more exposure he gets the better he loves it........He can ramble on and on when the cameras areon him..........and say nothing of substance. ( except trash who ever has his attention at the moment or an old grudge. He does not answer questions......because he can't.......he does not know the material.

His massive TV watching is at least in part based on the fact that he uses up a lot of oxygen via the media. .......and Trump likes to hear about himself.....and watch clips of himself talking like a bully. ....just your garden variety but severe narcissist .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Work at what?

There is no evidence that Trump works at anything. He's even too goddam lazy to take briefings or write a few notes before speaking.

Could you do his job, Idiot? "Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes" Sound familiar?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Could you do his job, Idiot? "Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes" Sound familiar?

You might have a point if the man was 'doing' the job.

If he even wanted the job.

If he didn't see it as just a way to enhance his image.

If he *respected* the job.

But he does NONE of that.

THAT is the issue here. There have been horrible presidents before but none of them compare to the subject that is Trump.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
Lemme see, Trump is a failure at business, as an entrepreneur, a husband, a human being, apparently he's a flop at internal and foreign policies, too. But, he is a master of hyperbole and bloviation, he'll get back in, I think.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Lemme see, Trump is a failure at business, as an entrepreneur, a husband, a human being, apparently he's a flop at internal and foreign policies, too. But, he is a master of hyperbole and bloviation, he'll get back in, I think.
Nobody likes idiot more than other idiots.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You really are getting senile. A chimp could do a better job than Trump. Hell, even I could do a better job.

It could be a hell of a lot worse, you just have to take a close look at Justin Trudeau to see how bad things can really be and HE got re-elected! :)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Why Trump’s “state of mind” will be key in impeachment

certainly HOPE his mental state is a big contributing factor in explaining his behavior.

His comfort with lying, with behaving in unethical ways, and lack of concern about breaking the laws.

Like DEMANDING to know the whistle blower's identity.........when there are laws in place to PROTECT the WB.

Like his poor immunise control........and poor judgement. , his overall hostility to anyone that disagrees with him...... ie his inability to handle criticism effectively and maturely. ..and the list goes on.