Latest Federal Polls


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
... Like the ski shacks that used to be up Whistler, eh?
Pretty much. Same is happening on all the gulf islands except maybe Hornby although most people could not afford a vacation place there anymore. You could afford to live there if you are independently wealthy(read government pension)or a pot farmer.
There are lots of sheep on Lasquiti that are owned but run wild. Kind of a strange place. There is a lady in our fire department ,late 30s that grew up on Lasquiti. I think she is the black sheep of the family. Has shaved armpit and legs even.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Pretty much. Same is happening on all the gulf islands except maybe Hornby although most people could not afford a vacation place there anymore. You could afford to live there if you are independently wealthy(read government pension)or a pot farmer.
There are lots of sheep on Lasquiti that are owned but run wild. Kind of a strange place. There is a lady in our fire department ,late 30s that grew up on Lasquiti. I think she is the black sheep of the family. Has shaved armpit and legs even.
One of my nephews is a fireman in BC, btw.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
... Like the ski shacks that used to be up Whistler, eh?

LIE-berals have an AMAZING FLARE.........................................

for dealing with affordable housing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They make it DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals waste our tax money in a MILLION WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are going into this election with one very strong wish -that nobody asks them about Omar Khadr and his vile family -that LIE-berals allowed to come to Canada in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are like gamblers on a losing streak-they keep doubling down on bad bets hoping their luck will change! Khadr was a BAD bet!

Nor do LIE-berals wish to discuss the THIRTY EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS they gave out to 4 other accused Jihadists!! Those 4 clowns ACTUALLY GOT MORE MONEY THAN Khadr -if you recognize how easy the other 4 had it since they were never shot and never spent time in Gitmo prison - unlike Khadr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yankees think that the LIE-beral stance on Khadr Krap and radical Muslims is NOT a local issue-Muslim international terror worries Yankees badly since it is so easy to cross the border secretly into United States- Yankees fear Muslim raiders from Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sun media compares Cdn Safety Minister Ralph Goodale to Saddam Hussein Iraqi information minister “Comical Ali” for his B.S.- the shoe fits!

If LIE-berals put Islamophobia Motion 103 into law will the Human Rights Commission arrest anybody who is critical of the Khadr Krap deal?

Do LIE-berals consider it to be a hate crime for Cdns to criticize their deal with the devil/Omar Khadr? It seems so!

LIE-berals says Omar Khadr is entitled to reward under the Cdn Charter-which was written by the vile Pierre Trudope-thanks Pierre-for another legal Salmon Arm salute!

LIE-berals think that printing fake news retractions about how and where Khadr clowns fought and died will somehow deflect critics of their madness!

Our idiot Boy Justin says we have to reward Khadr because his Cdn Charter of Rights were violated- either LIE-beral logic or the Charter is SCREWED!

It is false reasoning by Our idiot Boy when he tries to insist that our laws should apply to all Cdns anywhere in the world- no matter what they are doing.

Our idiot Boy Justin says Omar Khadr has rights under our constitution- but Khadr voluntarily left Canada, fought in a foreign country and was wounded and taken prisoner by a foreign army. If he has a legal beef then he should take it up with those involved and NOT with Cdns!

If Omar Khadr thinks he is owed money then let him seek it from Taliban and Al Quaida-the people he was fighting for!

The mother of Omar Khadr used to give media interviews saying we are bigoted, cowardly and stupid- she was talking about LIE-berals!

Omar Khadr says he has regrets about his life. Fine. Let him become an HONEST Cdn and GIVE BACK the blood money LIE-berals are offering him!

At least Omar Khadr will not be able to claim for welfare or for “affordable” housing any more?

Why would LIE-berals pay Omar Khadr anything? He fought in a foreign country, in a foreign army and was imprisoned in a foreign country? Why us? WTF?

The Egyptian born father of Omar Khadr was a convicted bomb maker when LIE-beral Chretien invited him to immigrate to Canada! WTF?

A LIE-beral called me a racists today because I offer blanket condemnation of LIE-berals and their destructive values. Soon it may be a HATE crime to criticize a LIE-beral?

LIE-berals pay terror thug Omar Khadr $10 million dollars-Cdn soldiers now see its more profitable to fight AGAINST Canada!

LIE-berals offer us a 150th birthday present- a ten million dollar bill as reward to terror thug Omar Khadr!

$10 million dollars awarded to Omar Khadr is so gross that we might guess that Trudope will soon quit politics after insulting us so completely?

$10 million dollars to Omar Khadr- and the shameless anti democratic values of Trudope family are on full and loathsome display!

The Muslim woman who attacked Cdn Tire customers with golf club and knife has told a LIE-beral hug a thug judge that she intends to KEEP ON attacking Cdns- so the judge let her out on bail!

The Muslim woman who attacked Cdn Tire store customers with a golf club and knife wants to plead guilty, give up Cdn citizen ship and be sent home and the LIE-beral hug a thug judge in charge has told her not to be so hasty or rash and to think about it for a while? WTF? Accept her plea, get her an airline ticket and fire her radical lunatic ass out of her before she makes MORE TROUBLE!

LIE-berals WANT to keep the Muslim Cdn tire golf club attacker as a Cdn citzen.....WTF?

Will Our idiot Boy Justin be brazen enough to run in the 2019 election after ALL LIE-beral policy has been exposed as FAILURE?

The Muslim woman who attacked Cdn Tire customers with a golf club and knife now says she wants to give up Cdn citizenship and go home-will some damned LIE-beral please buy her an airline ticket before the crazy bitch changes her mind!

Our idiot Boy Justin said he approves of the Trump order to bomb Syria-Our idiot Boy is probably AFRAID to disagree now since he has offered so many otherv insults to Yankees over everything from women`s rights to Huawei spying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Syrian butcher Assad drenches the children of people he hates in nerve gas-and Justin says we should engage in dialogue-what will he possibly say to Assad?

Justin says he would talk to ISIS butchers - do you think they would let Our idiot Boy finish talking before they behead him?

And WHY would a Muslim attack Swedes? Are they not quite harmless? Should we assume that Jihadists are REALLY ARE mindless butchers filled with hate?

LIE-berals ignore the increasing unease that Cdns feel for the escalating Muslim terror body count.

LIE-berals see no reason to learn that British security and immigration ignored warnings from Italian cops re the Manchester bomber coming to Britain.

LIE-berals refuse to believe that Cdns are uneasy with so called LIE-beral security that is filled with loopholes.

Cdns refuse to believe Our idiot Boy Justin when he tells us we must let Toronto 18 convicted terrorists stay here.

Many Cdns do not believe that LIE-beral mandated changes to our immigration law are in our best interests.

Reverse bigoted LIE-beral multicultural policy is creating fertile ground for future race riots in Canada.

Most Cdns think Sharia Law offers reduced civil rights compared to current Cdn law- therefore bringing in Muslims is damaging to Cdn democracy.

LIE-beral anti Islamophobia policy is so biased it is actually CREATING hate instead of ending it!


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
One of my nephews is a fireman in BC, btw.
I was gonna say that I also have a nephew who has been a fireman in the Toronto area that I haven't seen in over 20 years

I just googled the Newmarket fire department with his name and...... hot damn........
The guy is deputy fire chief!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I was gonna say that I also have a nephew who has been a fireman in the Toronto area that I haven't seen in over 20 years
I just googled the Newmarket fire department with his name and...... hot damn........
The guy is deputy fire chief!
That's okay!

You just don't want to be the fire chief in Tonawanda, New York.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
This week’s 338Canada projection: Is the NDP on the verge of collapse?

September is upon us. Back to school is in full swing, football season and NHL training camps are soon getting under way, your favorite cafés are probably serving pumpkin spice lattés… and, with Canada’s 43rd federal general election on the horizon, you will probably get a visit or a phone call from your local candidates hoping to sway your vote their way.
Voting day is scheduled for Oct. 21, a full seven weeks from today. With 49 days and several debates to go, we present today the state of the race according to the available data.
Let’s recap the past week:
Early last week, the Angus Reid Institute unveiled its August federal numbers indicating that the Conservatives held a four-point lead over the Liberals. ARI had the Conservatives ahead by as much as 13 points last spring and 8 points in July.
On Saturday, a new poll by Léger published in Le Journal de Montréal showed a tied race nationally between the Liberals (34 per cent) and the Conservatives (33 per cent). Even though this is technically a statistical tie between the two main parties, it was the first time Léger measured the Liberals in first place since late last fall. Additionally, Léger placed the NDP as a distant third (tied with the Greens) with only 12 per cent of national support and a meager 7 per cent in Quebec.
Finally, EKOS released its latest federal numbers on the 338Canada Blog on Sunday. According to this poll, the Liberals have taken a national lead of four points over the Conservatives (37 to 33 per cent). The Liberal gains appear to be mostly at the NDP’s expense—EKOS measured NDP support at only 7 per cent nationally—the lowest the party has polled all year. As it was mentioned in this analysis, this specific figure may well have been an outlier, but abnormal data have seemed to only go one way for the NDP of late.
Consider the following graph. The coloured bars are the 338Canada popular vote projection confidence intervals and the black dots are the latest polls’ results:
When we calculate the weighted average of all the latest polls, we see that the Conservatives and Liberals are essentially tied at 34 per cent apiece. As we will see below, according to current ranges of numbers, a near-tie vote between the Liberals and Conservatives would give an edge to the Liberals in terms of seats.
The NDP slips to an average of 13 per cent. While we notice that EKOS may be somewhat off on its NDP figure, Léger (12 per cent) and Angus Reid (14 per cent) generally agree on where the NDP stands—almost seven points lower than its 2015 result.
The Green Party remains stable with an average of 10 per cent nationally. Maxime Bernier’s PPC stands at 2.9 per cent.
In Quebec, the Bloc québécois climbs to 20 per cent support (4.7 per cent nationally).
Seat-wise, the Liberals climb to an average of 165 seats, just 5 seats short of a majority. The Conservatives are not far behind with an average of 142 seats. Notice however how the confidence intervals overlap significantly:
Strong numbers for the Liberals in Canada’s two most populous provinces, Ontario and Quebec, partly explain why the LPC holds the advantage over the CPC despite polling similar levels of national support. For the Conservatives, polling at or above 60 per cent in Alberta may inflate their national figures, but it doesn’t win them any more seats (the CPC is projected ahead in all 34 Alberta seats).
For those wondering why the confidence intervals are so wide, the reasons are two-fold: 1) Polls do not agree on where major parties stand; just last week, we saw the Angus Reid Institute with a 4-point CPC lead, EKOS with a 4-point Liberal lead, and Léger somewhere in the middle; 2) The model accounts for the possibility of polls being wrong by a few points. The coloured bars’ extremes are the absolute worst—and best-case—scenarios or each party. The extremes are not as likely to occur as figures near the middle.

Hoid you should get out there and really canvass for the Green party, get those discouraged NDP votes.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
in fact a weaker NDP means a stronger Green in a minority government.

things could not be any better at this point

it would be nice if the conservatives could make it a little closer


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
in fact a weaker NDP means a stronger Green in a minority government.
things could not be any better at this point
it would be nice if the conservatives could make it a little closer

How is your Green party doing in Ont. and Que? Do they have a chance of taking the NDP vote?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oddly enough Lasquiti is getting expensive. I think too many rich view it as cheap vacation land. Funny part is that the welfare bums that have been there for 2 generations may end up getting taxed out of their slums.
Are they taxing weed?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Quote: Originally Posted by Curious Cdn 3.7 is still propaganda. It's nowhere near that low if you count the whole population like we do and every other developed country does.
You're not wrong.

But it is irrelevant. Many of the unemployed simply don't want to be employed.

I live in one of the most depressed areas of this country.......and I see "help wanted" ads all over the place for low level workers.

At this low an unemployment rate, the only people not working are the unemployable, or those that don't want to work.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
many people can't afford low level jobs.

by the time they pay child care and transportation they end up owing money in order to work part time min wage jobs

the theory that the only people not working are people who don't want to work falls under the heading "Things I would like to believe are true"