Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The vast majority of Canadians do not own guns.


What's your point?

Persecuting minorities is fun?

The vast majority of not know anybody who owns guns and will probably never even see a gun.

Do you know 15 people, including women and children? If you do, you probably know someone that owns agun.

Kids that live in Mommy's basement probably don't know anyone that owns a gun.

the only people who think and talk about guns all day long are the ones who are obsessed with them.

The only people that talk about them a lot are those that use them, and those that want to rob of of our liberty......which are you? (Rhetorical question)

the idea that you would need a gun to protect yourself is not a Canadian idea.

Did a Canadian come up with it?


It is an ancient idea, one that used to be simply accepted as common sense.

But you guys have no sense, common or otherwise.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Not very many Canadians even think about guns.
The vast majority of Canadians do not own guns, do not know anybody who owns guns and will probably never even see a gun.

the only people who think and talk about guns all day long are the ones who are obsessed with them.

the idea that you would need a gun to protect yourself is not a Canadian idea.

So no cite...then bullshit.

I wonder if there's a reason John Tory is softening his stance on his call for a gun ban mere weeks before a federal election? I wonder....

Toronto mayor says city-wide handgun ban would be enough

For more than a year John Tory has been calling for national restrictions on handguns but, after getting mixed reactions, told CBC Radio's The House he's willing to reconsider.

Tory indicated a local ban might be more politically palatable.

...Yeah, guns aren't even on peoples' radar. Tory is caving for no reason whatsoever...right?...right?
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Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
I actually agree with Hoid on this......they are simply not a factor in most peoples' lives, positive or negative.

So they don't vote on it.

Of those that are concerned, the vast majority are gun owners......and they DO vote on it.

Gun laws/control may not be high on the priority list with average citizens, but political pandering by politicians on gun violence and making our streets safer through bans is persuasive to a largely ill informed public.

I don't agree that people don't vote on it...It's easy to vote for people to vote for gun bans when it doesn't affect them... when it's not their privileges, rights, or possessions that are threatened with government confiscation, even if it is short-sighted.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Not very many Canadians even think about guns.

WRONG AS USUAL hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns think a LOT About guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As in - I wonder who will get shot next?????????????????????????

As in - I wonder what stupid things the LIE-berals will say about guns.................................

in order to EXCUSE their totally ineffective "catch and release" legal system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS in - I wonder if I will be able to enjoy hunting in future if LIE-berals keep screwing around with gun laws??????????????????

AS in - I wonder if I could get an illegal gun to have in the house to protect me from HOME INVADERS????????????????????

AS in - I wonder if I could run away fast enough to be safe if another Danforth shooter appeared?????????????????

AS in - I wonder which part of the city is SAFEST to live in - meaning lest likely to get hit by stray gun fire????????????????????

AS in - will my insurance PAY FOR THE REPAIRS if my house is hit by stray bullets??????????????????????????????

AS IN - I wonder how much my insurance will go up if I make a claim for repairs to bullet holes??????????????????????

You see- Cnds think OFTEN ABOUT GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Opening day of Zucchini season...
Did the zucchinis enjoy living in captivity?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Did the zucchinis enjoy living in captivity?


Those Zucchinis have been MURDERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you not see the shotgun in the photo that is the MURDER WEAPON????????????????????????

And just look at that CAT........................................

the vicious creature fetches the sad corpses after the gunner cuts down the helpless Zucchinis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Gun laws/control may not be high on the priority list with average citizens, but political pandering by politicians on gun violence and making our streets safer through bans is persuasive to a largely ill informed public.
I don't agree that people don't vote on it...It's easy to vote for people to vote for gun bans when it doesn't affect them... when it's not their privileges, rights, or possessions that are threatened with government confiscation, even if it is short-sighted.
The nonsense gets worse.

Going after illegal guns and those known to use them illegally can get you dubbed a racist.

Canada has a gang problem, not a gun problem.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The nonsense gets worse.

Going after illegal guns and those known to use them illegally can get you dubbed a racist.

Canada has a gang problem, not a gun problem.

TRUE DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the Cdn RACISTS call themselves LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Gun laws/control may not be high on the priority list with average citizens, but political pandering by politicians on gun violence and making our streets safer through bans is persuasive to a largely ill informed public.

I don't agree that people don't vote on it...It's easy to vote for people to vote for gun bans when it doesn't affect them... when it's not their privileges, rights, or possessions that are threatened with government confiscation, even if it is short-sighted.
SO where you are at is that gun owners have to convince the average Canadian that they should be allowed to have guns and that their being allowed to have guns does not pose a public risk.

The best way to go about is to be a bunch of passive aggressive internet trolls calling everyone who would like to reduce the number of guns in the country all the special little names you have.

This is why you people are so politically adrift

nobody wants you on their team or wants to represent you


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I actually agree with Hoid on this......they are simply not a factor in most peoples' lives, positive or negative.

So they don't vote on it.

Of those that are concerned, the vast majority are gun owners......and they DO vote on it.

Personally I don't care about how they legislate on guns per se. While I used to hunt and enjoy shooting at targets just to hone my skills I've gotten away from that aspect of my life. What I do value is the ability to maintain that freedom should I ever have a renewed interest. As a person who was always vigilant about the safe handling of guns, I don't want some asshole removing my freedom. What's the next step? Removing my fishing pole because I'm likely to poke some guys eye out? I've said it a thousand times...………………."CONTROL THE CRIMINAL".


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
SO where you are at is that gun owners have to convince the average Canadian that they should be allowed to have guns and that their being allowed to have guns does not pose a public risk.

No, legal gun owners are already allowed to have guns, the onus is not on people to defend their right to maintain legal possession of their own property and their privileges. And it certainly isn't on them to prove they're not a threat to society...this is confirmed during the exhaustive license application and training process in order to be eligible to obtain and hold a gun license. And there is zero evidence showing that law abiding gun owners pose a public risk, despite the rhetoric you may have bought into. It's criminals that cause the problems, despite what you've been told, not law abiding citizens.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
SO where you are at is that gun owners have to convince the average Canadian that they should be allowed to have guns and that their being allowed to have guns does not pose a public risk.

I have had a PRC done on me every 3 years for the last 15 years, are you saying that a PRC is useless?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
No, legal gun owners are already allowed to have guns, the onus is not on people to defend their right to maintain legal possession of their own property and their privileges. And it certainly isn't on them to prove they're not a threat to society...this is confirmed during the exhaustive license application and training process in order to be eligible to obtain and hold a gun license. And there is zero evidence showing that law abiding gun owners pose a public risk, despite the rhetoric you may have bought into. It's criminals that cause the problems, despite what you've been told, not law abiding citizens.
I believe gun bans work.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I believe gun bans work.

Arizona – -( Jamaica is an island nation with draconian gun controls. It has one of the highest murder rates on the planet. It was not always so. In 1962, before independence, Jamaica had a murder rate of 3.9 per 100,000 population, one of the lowest in the world. It was lower than the U.S. murder rate of 4.6 per 100,000 in 1962. The U.S. murder rate in 2012 was slightly lower than in 1962; 4.5 per 100,000. Jamaica's murder rate in 2012 was 45.1, eleven times greater than it had been under British rule. The firearms act was first passed in 1967. Draconian enforcement of the act began in the middle 1970's. David Kopel sums it up well:
In response to a sharply rising crime rate in Jamaica in the early 1970s, the government imposed complete gun prohibition. In fact, possession of a bullet meant a mandatory life sentence in prison. There was a special gun court where people would be tried in secret for gun possession offenses. And in conjunction with this tremendous crackdown on guns, they also did everything else that you can imagine Oliver North or Ross Perot doing to our Bill of Rights in your worst nightmares. They had gun sweeps, drug sweeps, militarized law enforcement, the government breaking into people's houses, with no probable cause at all, to look for illegal weapons and drugs. Every kind of oppressive measure you could want, censorship of violent television and movies, everything you could want in terms of “let's get really serious and crack down and get rid of all these silly constitutional liberties that are standing in the way of rough and tough law enforcement,” they did. What happened was the crime rate and the homicide rate dropped substantially for the first six months. They then started to rise again, got back to their old levels, and within a few years were far ahead of their old levels, and a few years later were at double and triple the levels which had inspired this kind of crackdown in the first place.
That description was written in 1995. Since then, the murder rates have risen even more, to peak about 2009. Jamaica murder rates have dropped a bit since then, but have remained near the top in homicide rates around the world since the late 1990's.

In spite of its obvious failure, the Jamaican government has not backed off of its draconian gun control experiment. Currently, the Jamaican government is in the middle of a ‘Get the Guns' campaign. It started in September of this year and has resulted in the confiscation of 130 illegal weapons and 1,500 rounds of ammunition as of a press release last Friday, the 27th of November, 2015. That is the equivalent of a modest American gun collection. From
The commissioner says he is pleased with the achievement as guns are used in over 80 per cent of murders committed locally.
According to Williams, in time, the recovery of the weapons will result in a reduction in major crimes.
How much time it will take is very uncertain. The draconian laws have been in place for 40 years already. From a story in the, it appears that a great many of the guns are coming from another country with extremely strict gun control, Haiti:
It involves collaboration with the Haitian law enforcement authorities due to the high inflow of illegal guns from the French-speaking island.
A commenter at the site indicates another source for the confiscated guns:
Mostly the home-made ones, and the rusty ones you stuff the nuzzle with gun powder! We need the WMDs Mr Commish!
An American who lived in Jamaica in 1961 reported that there was no problem in bringing a pistol to the island in 1960, or in possessing it at that time.

It is clear that the possession of guns is not the cause of the high murder rate in Jamaica. It is the change of the government from one in which most of the population trusted the police and the application of the rule of law, into a government in which two sets of criminal gangs trade rule based on who can commit the most vote fraud in the latest elections. Gun control is simply a ruse to distract the public from the real cause of the murders – a government that is allied with the criminal gangs, and a corrupt police force.

If draconian gun control laws have not reduced the homicide rate in an island nation over the last 40 years, and in fact, have likely contributed to the increase, there seems little reason to believe that they would decrease homicides in the United States, where the sources of guns are much greater, the potential for illegal manufacture much higher, and the Constitutional restraints on police enforcement of gun laws much stronger.

The current initiative to ‘Get the Guns' is reminiscent of the gun ‘buy back' events in the United States. They are primarily for political theater, rather than any real effect on crime rates. The number of guns needed for extremely high levels of murder are so small that they can easily be smuggled, illegally manufactured, or procured from corrupt police.

When the people trust the government and the police, murder rates drop to extremely low levels.

One significant way that a government can show that it trusts the people is to trust them with arms. Trust is a two way street.

Read more:

You might as well believe in the Tooth Fairy. Maybe you do.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
a gun ban did not work in a country with a rapidly rising crime rate.

well d'uh