CDN Election 2019


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
There are two sides. Those that care about the future of the country. And leftys.

'There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who think there are two kinds of people in the world and those who do not.' - Robert Benchley.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
'There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who think there are two kinds of people in the world and those who do not.' - Robert Benchley.

And that "do not" brigade thinks that anybody who refuses to be a Socialist/ LIE-beral party member must be must be REMOVED FROM SOCIETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A communist is simply a socialist in a hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The communist takes people out and shoots them in the head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The socialist rob people blind and leaves them to starve or freeze in a ditch...................................

or in some Homeless Hilton in Toronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the PROOF of that statement is revealed by the number of illegals being crammed into Toronto Homeless Hilton`s by the poverty pimps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is another article illustrating what a foul mess LIE-berals are making of our education system! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Young people and their troubling views on socialism and communism

By Walter E. Williams, Special to Postmedia Network

Published: December 6, 2018. Updated: December 6, 2018 4:55 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51% of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42% prefer the latter. Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favourably. Half of millennials have never heard of Communist Mao Zedong, who ruled China from 1949 to 1976 and was responsible for the deaths of 45 million Chinese people.

(To be fair- our kids have never lived in a truly capitalist and democratic country! The welfare state has been in existence for 50 years now and ha distorted all manner of situations!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The number of people who died at the hands of Josef Stalin may be as high as 62 million. However, almost one-third of millennials think former U.S. President George W. Bush is responsible for more killings than Stalin. By the way, Adolf Hitler, head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was responsible for the deaths of about 20 million people. The Nazis come in as a poor third in terms of history’s most prolific mass murderers. According to professor Rudolph Rummel’s research, the 20th century, mankind’s most brutal century, saw 262 million people’s lives destroyed at the hands of their own governments.

(This nasty editing of Soviet crimes is a DIRECT RESULT of LIE-beral and civil service union collaboration as they feather their own nests at public expense!! The Socialists havea LONG HISTORY of reacting violently to anybody who dares contradict their values or policies!! We have only to listen to Our idiot Boy Justin shouting “RACIST” at anybody who disagrees with him to recognize that vicious Socialist anger with dissidents of ANY sort!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals TALK about freedom and fair play in exactly the same terms as their Soviet Socialist fellow travellers!! Socialists sincerely believe their murderous system is INFALLIBLE!! The staunch Socialist blames ALL FAILURES on outside influences and on personal betrayals by individuals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It is for this reason that former Ontari-owe NDP premier Bob Rae could blame the banks for not loaning him the money he needed to make us RICH!! Rae DOES NOT wish to admit that he DOUBLED the Ontariowe debt in 4 short years!!!! Nor does Rae have anything to say about his “Rae Days” when the province became so broke and indebted he was forced to send civil service union HOGS home for UNPAID days off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Young people who weren’t alive during the Second World War and its Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32% of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.

(DELIBERATE twisting of facts - for greater effect is a favoured Socialist policy!)

America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery under capitalism.” This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are bashing in each other’s heads.”

(Capitalism as “Slavery’? And yet Nazis happily used capitalism during their re-armament efforts and to keep people complacent in the 1930`s!!!!)

(Good fences make for good neighbours and quietly ignoring people you don’t like is better than fighting pitched battles! But lost in the Cortez and Sanders wishful thinking is the ugly reality that Socialism IS DANGEROUS -and that Socialists are working like moles to undermine our system and change it to suit their own greedy ways!!!!!!!!!!)

(We have only to look at the reality that a civil service union Hog earns one thierd MORE than a worker in the private sector DOING THE SAME JOB- and that does not take Hog pensions into account!! No LIE-beral casn explain why the Hog clerk taking your $100 water bill payment should earn more than the cashier taking payment of your $150 grocery bill!! Such Hog wages are DELIBERATE SOCIALIST BRIBERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

When the tragedies of socialist regimes — such as those in Venezuela, the USSR, China, Cuba and many others — are pointed out to America’s leftists, they hold up Sweden as their socialist role model. But they are absolutely wrong about Sweden. Johan Norberg points this out in his documentary “Sweden: Lessons for America?”

Americans might be surprised to learn that Sweden’s experiment with socialism was a relatively brief flirtation, lasting about 20 years and ending in disillusionment and reform. Reason magazine reports: “Sweden began rolling back government in the early 1990s, recapturing the entrepreneurial spirit that made it a wealthy country to begin with. High taxation and a generous array of government benefits are still around. But now it’s also a nation of school vouchers, free trade, open immigration, light business regulation, and no minimum wage laws.” School vouchers, light business regulation and no minimum wage laws are practices deeply offensive to America’s leftists.

(School vouchers so your kid can go to a school SEPARATE from the illegals and from gang thugs and thus get a better education?? And NO minium wage laws either?? Cdn LIE-berals would go BERSERK if such things were proposed here!! CLEARLY the ALLEGED Swedish Socialism is OVER STATED!!!!!!!!!!)

Our young people are not the first Americans to admire tyrants and cutthroats. W.E.B. Du Bois, writing in the National Guardian in 1953, said, “Stalin was a great man; few other men of the 20th century approach his stature.” There was even leftist admiration for Hitler and fellow fascist Benito Mussolini.

(Business people to often have a SADLY NARROW focus - looking only at whatever gets workers to show up on time and do a serious days work!! Social conditions outside the plant are beyond their purview!!!!!!!!)

(But the narrow socialist view leads to serious stupidity!! Sacha Trudeau- the brother of Our idiot Boy Justin has told us that Cuban dictator Castro was the “greatest South American leader of the twentieth century and far superior to any merely elected leader”!)

(And Pierre Trudeau heaped fawning praise on Chinese Chairman Mao for “his genius in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows” during the Great Leap Forward economic 5 year plan! Yes- 30 million dead in 5 years speaks clearly of both Trudeau and Soviet values!! Fulsome praise for the Chinese mass murderer gives us clear ideas about Trudeau family values!!!!!!!)

(And it is clear that Trudeau family values have been passed down- since Our idiot Boy Justin ahs told us “he likes the way the Chinese get things done”!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(No wonder the kids have so little respect for capitalism and democracy when we allow such vile leaders into places of power and influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

When Hitler came to power in January 1933, George Bernard Shaw described him as “a very remarkable man, a very able man.” President Franklin Roosevelt called Mussolini “admirable,” and he was “deeply impressed by what he (had) accomplished.”

(Social order and discipline are important- but not at ANY PRICE!!! There is a line between reining in anarchists- and clipping the wings of free speech and democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In 1972, John Kenneth Galbraith visited Communist China and praised Mao and the Chinese economic system. His Harvard University colleague John K. Fairbank believed that America could learn much from the Cultural Revolution, saying, “Americans may find in China’s collective life today an ingredient of personal moral concern for one’s neighbour that has a lesson for us all.”

(Ah- the devil in the details!!!! Is it wrong to ensure that all citizens get a chance at decent food and a roof over their heads and a chance at honest work? Few would disagree with such goals! The argument lies in the METHOD of achieving those goals - and the amount of torture and blood shed along the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Consider the Cdn civil service union Hog - who gets paid one third MORE than a person in the private sector doing the same job! How is it fair that the Hog gets so much more cash- and this is WITHOUT considering the solid gold pension the Hog gets?????????)

(The harsh truth is that LIE-berals and civil service Hogs are engaged in a huge conflict of interest- they are CHEATING our democracy! LIE-berals are buying Hog votes and in exchange Hogs get all that wonderful gravy!! And the rest of our society gets CRIPPLED by debt!!!!!!!!)

Are Americans who admire the world’s most brutal regimes miseducated or stupid? Or do they have some kind of devious agenda?

(We should also consider the actions of Mao`s Red Army- its first goal was to teach ALL its recruits to read and write! The illiterate man can be easily cheated or swindled by the dishonest employer or govt! The educated man can read fact and information for himself!!!!!)

(Encouraging the public to become informed on govt activities is generally seen as a wise action! But the Socialist devils are in the details!! For instance Socialists consider it a CRIME to print anti socialist views - so a full explanation of Socialist govt activities and values is NEVER OFFERED to the Socialist citizen!!!!!!!!!)

(The Red Army leaders see clearly how valuable it is to have literate soldiers since they can then read maps and fire artillery to precise coordinates and they can read Party literature- meaning approved propaganda - on their own time and thus be further led to a proper Socialist mindset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Our socialist oriented LIE-berals have recognized the value of Red Army training and propaganda and thus LIE-berals have worked very hard to infiltrate our school system with the intention of raising a generation of kids who know and support Socialism- and who have been POISONED against capitalism and democracy!!!!!)

(Cdn LIE-beral values have become so poisoned that they think it is acceptable to PUNISH Laurier U. Student Lindsey Shepard for playing a 5 minute clip of Psychology professor Jordan Peterson discussing the nuances of Free Speech versus Compelled Speech- right after the class had been forced to sit through the entire 3 hour long Nazi propaganda film”Triumph of the Will” extolling the virtues of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Peterson was simply debating the wisdom of LIE-beral govt making it ILLEGAL NOT to say certain words in conversation - meaning words like “ZHE” that are understood and capable of being used correctly ONLY by a very small minority of citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Peterson points out that in his work as a senior psychologist he has identified over 75 of these very obscure slang words and I think people like him are RIGHT TO ASK HOW it can legitimately be made ILLEGAL to refuse to use words you don’t understand and cannot even define!! Sadly, LIE-beral shameless vote buying knows few limits!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The question by Peterson is in SHARP CONTRAST to Nazi values- yet our LIE-berals think “Triumph of the Will” with its mindless support of Nazism is better for young minds than hearing Peterson carefully dissect LIE-beral efforts at mind control by limiting free speech!!!!!!)

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Maxime Bernier says Trudeau's warning against white supremacy is ethnic attack

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Maxime Bernier, the founder of a right-wing party running in October federal election, said on Monday that Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's warnings about the dangers of white supremacy were an attack on an "entire ethnicity."
Bernier, a former Cabinet minister who quit the Conservative Party last year to form his own faction called the People's Party of Canada, has focused on limiting immigration and promoting free trade.
His comments on Monday were in reference to last week's move by the Trudeau government to change a report on terrorist threats in Canada that was first published last year to no longer explicitly mention "Sikh extremism."
"We're told the word Sikh was removed because 'entire religions should never be equated with terrorism.' And yet, (Trudeau) has been warning us for weeks about the dangers of 'white supremacy,' equating an entire ethnicity with terrorism," Bernier wrote on Twitter and Facebook.
"Hypocrite! It's all about pandering for votes," he wrote.
Trudeau's office declined to comment, but Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale's office condemned the statement.
"While the vast majority of Canadians celebrate our country's diversity, toxic elements continue to peddle vile, hateful intolerance," Goodale's spokesman, Scott Bardsley, said in an email.
"We condemn Mr. Bernier's attempt to legitimize them. All political leaders have a responsibility to denounce hatred and intolerance, not court them," he added.
The Public Safety Ministry said the number of police-reported hate crimes in Canada jumped 47 percent in 2017, the most recent year for which there are official data.
While Canadian politics are not as polarized as those in the United States, there are indications, especially online, of increasing intolerance in Canada, which has a tradition of openness and welcoming immigrants from around the world.
Trudeau attacked Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer in parliament last month for not explicitly condemning white supremacy after the mass shooting at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Opinion polls show that Liberals have lost ground to Conservatives in recent months, with Scheer's party taking the lead. Scheer defeated Bernier for the Conservative leadership in 2017.
The People's Party would win 0.5 percent of the national vote if it were held now instead of October, a Nanos Research poll showed last week.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Trudeau on CBC live at a town hall in Cambridge.

In case anyone forgot what a gifted public speaker he is


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Trudeau on CBC live at a town hall in Cambridge.

In case anyone forgot what a gifted public speaker he is
Umm ahh umm we are umm working. For middle ahh class Canadians and ahh those who want to umm join them aaa on the downward aaahhh spiral .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The leader of a country taking unscripted questions from an audience.

Only one guy who can do that.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Trudeau on CBC live at a town hall in Cambridge.

In case anyone forgot what a gifted public speaker he is

Here is an interesting article that will probably annoy LIE-berals! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Metro grocery stores to permit reusable containers in some departments

From from Canadian Press

Published: April 15, 2019. Updated: April 15, 2019 11:02 AM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada


LILLEY: Trudeau flirts with terrorist supporters, angers India, again

MONTREAL — Grocery chain Metro Inc. will allow customers to use reusable containers and zipper bags to purchase fresh products in stores across Quebec.

(If this idea catches on then it will completely undermine the LIE-beral blue box job creation racket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The grocery and drug store company says in a statement today it wants to reduce the amount of single-use packaging it sells.

(So the Metro experiment will allow us to honestly gauge how much interest Cdns really have in COSTLY LIE-beral style plastic recycling programs!! Cdns appear to be looking for simple and low cost and effective recycling options- none of which are on offer from LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Metro Inc. senior vice-president Marc Giroux says the plan is a simple one and allows for customers to bring clean resealable containers and bags from home without compromising product safety or quality.

Beginning April 22, customers across the province will be able to use their own packaging at the deli, meat, fish, seafood, pastry and ready-to-eat meal counters.

The practice is already being tested in stores in three Quebec cities: Drummondville, L’Ancienne-Lorette and Saint-Eustache.

Story continues below

The company says it has set objectives to reduce its environmental impact and is finalizing a packaging and printed materials policy to be introduced this year.

(Of course there are assorted issues with plastics that are NOT related to food stores! For one thing - much of the micro plastic in our oceans comes FROM OUR CLOTHING during the wash process!! Recycling of food containers will somewhat limit the number of large plastic lumps floating about but will do nothing to limit the number of small slivers flaked off decaying plastic!!!!!!!!)

(In addition- we do know that there are several major reasons for retail items to be “over packaged”!! For one thing - large packaging discourages thieves as the containers are harder to hide!! Another reason for lots of packaging is to make the product inside LOOK larger and more valuable!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals have not yet figured out how to get around the theft and security problem that mandates excess packaging!! LIE-beral priorities are so screwed that in early 2018 Wynne-bag LIE-berals announced a new “diversion program” that would NO LONGER criminally prosecute first time shop lifters And instead offer up some sort of rehabilitation!! Gosh! And who says LIE-berals are TOUGH ON CRIME????)

(Of course with the number of criminals walking into LCBO shops in 2018 and stealing what they want and then walking out without paying -and daring anybody to stop them- LIE-beral interest in prosecuting shoplifters suddenly JUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It’s the usual LIE-beral crap- the public can be perpetual victims but its HANDS OFF LIE-beral property and gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
cross posted from Alberta election thread

Re the NDP

This is the best thing that could have happened to the NDP going into 2020.

Having the party in Alberta espousing everything you don't stand for was making them look bad.

When Alberta turns off the taps and really starts hurting the poor people in BC it is much better for a conservative to be doing it than an alleged left winger.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
cross posted from Alberta election thread

Re the NDP

This is the best thing that could have happened to the NDP going into 2020.

Having the party in Alberta espousing everything you don't stand for was making them look bad.

When Alberta turns off the taps and really starts hurting the poor people in BC it is much better for a conservative to be doing it than an alleged left winger.

Oh Hoid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why dont you look at it the way REAL CDNS DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NDP had FOUR YEARS in which to demonstrate their values, morals and business sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND FAILED MISERABLY and they are now being openly MOCKED for being ENVIRONMENTAL HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NDPers are now relegated to the political status they have worked so HARD to achieve:::



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC