CDN Election 2019


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yes, y'all want to be goose stepping down Mulberry Lane.

Oh dont worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its all just Fake News being issued by desperate LIE-berals who have run out of time..........................

out of political excuses...................................................

and out of new ideas to save their disgraced and increasingly DESPISED policies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Desperate LIE-berals are trying to SMEAR a return to responsible gfovt as some sort of Fascist dictatorship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a clear sign of LIE-beral entitlements and GREED that they think opposition to their gravy grabbing greed is somehow morally evil!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating what a TERRIBLE JOB LIE-berals are doing with our legal system! With some comments of my own in brackets):

B.C. gangster Jarrod Bacon released, parole board warns of ‘potential for violence’

By Simon Little

Published: October 9. 2018

Newly released documents from the Parole Board of Canada show officials had significant reservations about the release of notorious B.C. gangster Jarrod Bacon.

Bacon was released from prison on mandatory statutory release on June 14, though his release documents were only made available this week.

He was serving a 12-year sentence, later upgraded to 14 years on appeal - minus time served - for conspiracy to traffic cocaine, on a 2012 conviction.

Under Canadian law, offenders must be allowed to serve the final third of their sentence in the community unless the Correctional Service of Canada can prove the offender is likely to commit specific high-risk crimes.

(Oh right- the parole board will consult with its mind readers and tarot card readers to get precise dates and details of future crimes!!)

(And why release from jail at the two thirds point in the sentence?? Why not make half way house time mandatory AFTER the full sentence is served!! Surely making the most vicious thugs serve a FULL sentence is in the best interests of Cdns!!!!!!!!!)

However, Bacon's parole documents reveal serious concerns on the part of officials that he has "ingrained criminal values which are persistent and aggravating," and that his file demonstrates an "ongoing potential for violence and recidivism."

(So his past criminal history and the opinions of govt psychiatrists are not enough to convince a parole board they are dealing with a thug? AS my old Dad used to say- parole board officers would be more reluctant to release- if they knew the thugs would be moving in NEXT DOOR TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"You are described by your caseworkers as an individual dedicated to a lifestyle focussed on crime," reads the document.

"By your own admission, as indicated in your file, you have the same type of mentality as you had prior to your incarceration."

Bacon was previously released in 2017 due to an error. However, he was arrested months later for violating his release conditions. His release was revoked, but Bacon successfully appealed, arguing the Board didn't have the power to revoke a release that never should have happened.

(If any LIE-beral hug a thug judge accepts THAT IMBECILE ARGUMENT - about a stupid clerical error- it ought to constitute grounds for DISBARMENT on grounds of mental impairment of a crippling and pernicious nature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Jarrod Bacon released 16 months early due to typo; error could lead to second statutory release

"The fact that you were found in a strip club that is known to be frequented by members of organized crime, you were accompanied by an individual with ties to organized crime and drug trafficking, you gave a false identity to police and were very aggressive with them by trying to break the window of the police vehicle in which you were detained, indicates to the board that your criminal values remain the same," said the board of his 2017 release.

(The phrase career criminal definitely seems to apply!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The board also noted Bacon had participated in multiple violent assaults while incarcerated, one of which resulted in him being transferred to a maximum security prison.

The documents say that while a statistical assessment of Bacon's case found him of a low-to-moderate risk, his caseworkers disagree, and that he remains a "high public safety risk."

(Perhaps we should be publishing the names of case workers who advocate on behalf of career criminals so the quality of their opinions may be assessed? If some parole board idiot is being routinely DUPED BY THUGS then it would signal UN-FITNESS for the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"The Board further notes with concern your involvement in street gangs and organized crime, as you are a member of the Red Scorpions and the Bacon Brothers. You are considered to have ongoing influence in the gang environment and violence is implicitly linked to this environment," the report reads.

(So the guy is a social PLAGUE who ought to be declared a “dangerous offender” and why will LIE-berals REFUSE to take this step and lock the clown up??????? Permanently???????????????????)

(Are LIE-berals that desperate to save on gravy that they will not jail thugs? Are LIE-berals that desperate to buy votes - even from criminals?? Or are LIE-berals simply that contemptuous of public safety???????)

Bacon was released on a number of conditions, including residing in a halfway house or community correctional centre for a minimum of six months, avoiding drugs and alcohol and providing financial disclosures to his parole officer.

(Oh right- he gets a half assed 6 month restriction during which time a parole officer may check up on him from time to time- I am sure that will scare him onto the straight an narrow legal pat!!! And as he has already been found in a strip club- where we may assume the forbidden alcohol was consumed - while consorting with other criminals- the guy has already proven what he thinks of the parole conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

His current location is protected by privacy legislation.

(Isnt that just the capper to this LIE-beral crapper deal!! The guy has PRIVACY RIGHTS such that cops and the public don’t know were he lives!! Only his over burdened parole officer- who is operating under LIE-beral instructions to make nice with the thug will know where he goes or what he does!! Do LIE-berals even care about parole violations- just so long as the public does not hear about such things???????????????)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

POOR STUPID CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is such a bigot that he thinks it is UNFAIR for people to have opinions that differ from his own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is an article illustrating how out of control the situation in many towns with substantial native populations is becoming thanks to LIE-berals and their indifference to native waste and corruption on reserves! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Iqaluit Northmart store on fire, among multiple fires in the area

CBC/Radio-Canada Published November 8, 2018

An early-morning fire at the Northmart store in Iqaluit has forced the evacuation of nearby homes, including for seniors, as crews work to put out the blaze and respond to other fires reported in the area.

Kieran Oudshoorn/CBC Firefighters at the scene of the Northmart store in Iqaluit, one of several fires reported in the area on Wednesday morning.

"We got a call at 2 a.m. that there was a fire in the store, and we came down and there was a big fire," said Hassan Kassar, assistant manager of Northmart, one of two retailers selling groceries and merchandise to people in the Nunavut capital.

"Unfortunately we are going to be closed today obviously with the situation we are in, until we are able to get into the building and assess what the situation is," said Kassar.

The fire is one of several blazes, also affecting another building and multiple vehicles, reported Wednesday night and early this morning, all in the same area.

(Arson is apparently becoming a SERIOUS PROBLEM in the northern territory as it is now reported to have become prohibitively costly to get fire insurance on local schools thanks to all the recent arson! Govt has responded by putting up security cameras and increasing police patrols around area schools. The arson at the grocery store in addition to fires in vehicles and another buildings suggests the fire bugs sought out easier targets!)

RCMP, and municipal enforcement and firefighters are all attending to them.

(Yes- and the town LOST a substantial portion of its ENTIRE WINTER food supply in the grocery store fire! The town brings in substantial supplies every year BEFORE winter hits and stock piles it- and the stock pile is now destroyed! And now Emergency supplies will now have to be flown in at considerable cost- which the govt will have to subsidize or people will go very hungry!)

With files from Kieran Oudshoorn

(To many Natives end up looking at the messes and failures of their lives and want to blame somebody - and they find the LIE-beral siren song that “we are all systemic racists” to be very seductive and they are prompted to lash out at others instead of looking at the face in the mirror!)

(Native delusions, LIE-beral self serving propaganda and harsh economic reality make for a FIERY MIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


House Member
May 18, 2010
The Canadian GDP chart, also courtesy of trading, shows us that something started going wrong in 2015.


House Member
May 18, 2010
The US GDP growth chart, courtesy of shows us the steady growth in the US economy.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Scheer has announced he will have he official party climate (change) plan before summer recess.

No longer content to merely criticize the carbon taxes the tories will unveil the plan that will save the world.

In June. Maybe July. It might take a while to get it spell checked etc.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Scheer has announced he will have he official party climate (change) plan before summer recess.
No longer content to merely criticize the carbon taxes the tories will unveil the plan that will save the world.
Canada needs to be saved from becoming a shithole country, numb nuts is getting us deeper and deeper in poo pooh.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Scheer has announced he will have he official party climate (change) plan before summer recess.

No longer content to merely criticize the carbon taxes the tories will unveil the plan that will save the world.

In June. Maybe July. It might take a while to get it spell checked etc.
Good , adapt or perish. If it gets warmer take off your sweater , if it gets colder don a jacket .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If climate changes - deny it.
It always changes . It always has changed and it always will change . I am amazed so many otherwise intelligent individuals can not grasp this .