Julian Assange in custody.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
If a plane crashes on the border, where do you bury the survivors?
These day you can rob a bank while yachting across the Pacific.
E-crimes ae borderless.
So, the Americans patrol the world?

By who's authority?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ecuador wants restoration of US & UK aid and trade.

Enough was enough.
Do you have a link to 'the good old days' they miss so much? For Iran that would be 1953-1979, for Cuba the decade before Fidel. Something similar for the country in question.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Do you have a link to 'the good old days' they miss so much? For Iran that would be 1953-1979, for Cuba the decade before Fidel. Something similar for the country in question.
And they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
And they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they went.
Of course they did Dear.

More pretty candies??


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I'm not sure about the mechanism by which American law is extended all over the planet, even to non-Americans. Assange is an Australian and as far as I know, he didn't do any of his alleged crimes the the US. Does that mean that I am subject to arrest in my home country and subject to extradition to the United States if the Americans decide that they don't like me and therefore demand my extradition?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
By what occurred in London today we lay witness to the onset & possibility of freedom of the press being grounded permanently (in effect rendered dead) world reach wide by the dictate of a lawless USA government & it's much over extended reach! A rogue governments blatant & open warfare on freedom of the press! - James Buik


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
I'm not sure about the mechanism by which American law is extended all over the planet, even to non-Americans. Assange is an Australian and as far as I know, he didn't do any of his alleged crimes the the US. Does that mean that I am subject to arrest in my home country and subject to extradition to the United States if the Americans decide that they don't like me and therefore demand my extradition?

Canada has extraterritoriality laws too. For example, if a person is accused of molesting a child abroad, he can be tried in canada under Canadian law. Inasmuch as I think that person should be punished, I do have a problem with that principle. In a strictly legal sense, how can Canadian law apply to a Canadian abroad? I could support a UN law against child molestation for example. This would make all UN-memebr-states one jurisdiction in the application of that law. It would make sense for a Canadian court for enfore UN laws even when violated beyond Canada's borders. I could also see Canada encouraging other states to toughen their child-molestation laws and extradite an accused to the country of the alleged crime to stand trial. But I've always struggled to understand the rationale behind extraterritoriality laws.

Toronto does not apply its laws to Ottawa. Ontario does not apply its laws to Quebec. So why should Canada apply its laws to other states?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
By what occurred in London today we lay witness to the onset & possibility of freedom of the press being grounded permanently (in effect rendered dead) world reach wide by the dictate of a lawless USA government & it's much over extended reach! A rogue governments blatant & open warfare on freedom of the press! - James Buik
While in custody he can become Julie Assange and start over and earn movie and book royalties like Chelsea.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Canada has extraterritoriality laws too. For example, if a person is accused of molesting a child abroad, he can be tried in canada under Canadian law. Inasmuch as I think that person should be punished, I do have a problem with that principle. In a strictly legal sense, how can Canadian law apply to a Canadian abroad? I could support a UN law against child molestation for example. This would make all UN-memebr-states one jurisdiction in the application of that law. It would make sense for a Canadian court for enfore UN laws even when violated beyond Canada's borders. I could also see Canada encouraging other states to toughen their child-molestation laws and extradite an accused to the country of the alleged crime to stand trial. But I've always struggled to understand the rationale behind extraterritoriality laws.
Toronto does not apply its laws to Ottawa. Ontario does not apply its laws to Quebec. So why should Canada apply its laws to other states?
There are no treaties amongst Nations of the world to combat crime?
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.