Julian Assange in custody.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Sajid Javid

Nearly 7yrs after entering the Ecuadorean Embassy, I can confirm Julian Assange is now in police custody and rightly facing justice in the UK. I would like to thank Ecuador for its cooperation & @metpoliceuk for its professionalism. No one is above the law
2:35 AM - Apr 11, 2019
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No one is above the law?
Well, no one who isn't in office I suppose.
I would imagine that the world has seen the last of this particular fellow, who has long been a thorn in the side of the various powers that be.
While I don't find him an especially sympathetic figure I would be very interested in hearing what he has to say about a whole bunch of subjects.
I somehow doubt he is going to be testifying publicly.

On a humorous note "rightly facing justice in the UK" is poli speak for "being extradicted to the usa"

Poor Old Blighty


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
This arrest seems an adjunct to the predatory persecution that was inflicted in the Mueller Probe by powers associated with the American Intelligence Service Establishment. These old ‘cold warriors’ with their traditional binary world of good and evil.. America and Russia.. the latter aided by a fifth column of traitors and their facilitators.. 'Chelsea' Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Donald Trump. This remains their focus even as Trump has re-oriented the game to reflect the reality of burgeoning and aggressive economic empire in China. Russia is simply now (and has always been) a modest nuclear power with the GDP of Spain, and, a long tradition of insular and self protective world stance.

There is a real question as to whether Assange has committed a crime. The Swedish sexual assault charges have been dropped. He was a journalist who was given information by people who might or might not have committed a crime to obtain it. The charge that he conspired with 'Chelsea' Manning to obtain the Defense Department docs which included crimes of murder and torture by American troops is really wafer thin.

He might or might not have have provided some info as to how to circumvent a password and set up holding account on the cloud to receive the info. That is wafer thin as a conspiracy. It’s seems to me it is protected by the 1st Amendment. Something for which the brittle old cronies at the CIA and DIA have never had any respect. Assange is not an American citizen, did not commit these supposed offenses the U.S. soil., never signed the Official Secrets Act.

Trump likes Assange and he hates the Intelligence Establishment and vice versa. Both the alt-left and the alt-right have a grudging respect for Assange. All of these charges stem from the Obama Administration in 2010 who found themselves outmanoevered by WikiLeaks by exposing the sleazy underbelly of American operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. If he is convicted on these charges, I would say he would be a prime candidate for a pardon. That would be a way for Trump to stick it to these old 'spy masters' who have run a constant campaign of innuendo and slander against him.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Ecuador wins Douche Move of the Week,

You give someone asylum for 7 years then you don't even kick them out and give them a chance to go somewhere else? Just let the cops walk in and take him?

Apparently Julian is the house guest from hell.


Council Member
May 19, 2017
There is a real question as to whether Assange has committed a crime. The Swedish sexual assault charges have been dropped.

So he gets arrested for a bail violation for a charge that is no longer being pursued.
I'll bet a lawyer has fun with that.

Trump likes Assange and he hates the Intelligence Establishment and vice versa. Both the alt-left and the alt-right have a grudging respect for Assange. All of these charges stem from the Obama Administration in 2010 who found themselves outmanoevered by WikiLeaks by exposing the sleazy underbelly of American operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. If he is convicted on these charges, I would say he would be a prime candidate for a pardon. That would be a way for Trump to stick it to these old 'spy masters' who have run a constant campaign of innuendo and slander against him.

Wanna watch for who is really behind this ?
Read whatever comment Hillary makes.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Maybe the Wiki that was on the rover that crashed somehow survived and will make it back home to earth.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Assange is a traitor and a terrorist. Should be publicly hanged.
Why start with him when obvious traitors go back as far as JFK being murdered in cold blood. Today it is an act that gets you a career change at 2x the money and free hookers.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Trump now pretends he wasn't a big fan of of Wiki Leaks and their criminal activity. Big surprise.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
At the very least Assange seems to be protected by the 'Whistle Blowers' Protection Act which absolves individuals of theft and conspiracy charges when exposing information that is in the public interest.

In fact I think there's mechanism to reward whistleblowers rather than prosecute them. It indemnifies individuals who breach trespass, privacy or contract law to expose criminal activities. It would be hard to argue that what Assange released on WikiLeaks was NOT criminal or not in the public interest.. OR.. represented any kind of real threat to American Security.

His real crime was embarrassing America, and exposing the reckless attitude of the military and intelligence services to the lives of Afghanis or Iraquis who happened to get in the cross hairs of one of their heavy machine guns, missiles or canons. A crime which certain elements of the American policy establishment deem unforgivable.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I don't know how Assange can be guilty of treason since he isn't even an American.

Likewise I don't see how he is protected by the whistle blower thing.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ecuador wins Douche Move of the Week,
You give someone asylum for 7 years then you don't even kick them out and give them a chance to go somewhere else? Just let the cops walk in and take him?
Apparently Julian is the house guest from hell.
Ecuador wants restoration of US & UK aid and trade.

Enough was enough.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I'm not sure about the mechanism by which American law is extended all over the planet, even to non-Americans. Assange is an Australian and as far as I know, he didn't do any of his alleged crimes the the US. Does that mean that I am subject to arrest in my home country and subject to extradition to the United States if the Americans decide that they don't like me and therefore demand my extradition?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm not sure about the mechanism by which American law is extended all over the planet, even to non-Americans. Assange is an Australian and as far as I know, he didn't do any of his alleged crimes the the US. Does that mean that I am subject to arrest in my home country and subject to extradition to the United States if the Americans decide that they don't like me and therefore demand my extradition?
If a plane crashes on the border, where do you bury the survivors?

These day you can rob a bank while yachting across the Pacific.

E-crimes ae borderless.