CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017

Ms Freeland with some truth-telling, as usual.

The object, as she says, of these foreign attacks are not so much to obtain a specific result but to amplify the polarization in the culture.

Look at what they have managed to do in America and in the UK, where they took pre-existing problems and blew them up.

It is exactly what the white nattys here are all about.

You establish two sides and do everything you can do to keep them apart.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Poor stupid Cliffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He could not get any more blinkered or blinded if he crazy glued his eyes and ears shut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One has to ask what manner of twisted little TROLL Cliffy really is!

In 2015 -as a result of the oil price collapse- Harper had a$1.5 billion dollar deficit- with plans to eliminate the deficit in 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instead Our idiot Boy got elected instead and IMMEDIATELY ran up $32 billion dollar deficit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So HOW is $32 billion better than $1.5 billion????????????????????

Is Cliffy not aware that that this years LIE-beral deficit is next years TAX INCREASE??????????????

Is Cliffy that STUPID?????????????

Or is he just a BAD LIAR???????????????????

The Harper plan was to balance govt books and keep us in the black so we would not pay HUGE amounts of interest on debt!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral plan is clear- that $32 billion dollar debt the first year............................................

and then a SERIES of $20 billion dollar debts from 2017.............................................

on into the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We know that govt debt cripples the economy so maybe Cliffy can explain how Harper Balanced Books are worse than ENDLESS LIE-beral DEBT??????????????????????

As Cliffy is a LIAR.......................but NOT a glib one.............................DO NOT hold your breath while waiting for a coherent explanation from Cliffy or his fellow Troll Hoid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before anybody rushes to condemn Doug Ford- we really need to consider what the TRUE MOTIVES of the anti Ford movement are!! The truth is that the anti Fordc movement HATES him simply because he is eroding the very special gravy train benefits thet protestors have been enjoying for many years - at the painful expense of the general public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are nurses who treat autistic kids angry at Ford because he is hurting kids or because he has cancelled the nurses cash cow?

Toronto (Red) Star newspaper told us about 10 years ago that about 5000 new teachers are hired in Ontari-owe each year to replace older teachers who are retiring or getting out of the biz etc.

So HOW can the sky be falling if recent Ford govt actions result in the loss of 1000 teacher jobs? Surely standard attrition rates will easily absorb this change???

And yet teacher union Hogs have told us that Ford funding changes will result in 10,000 lost teacher jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And how can that be???????????

Unless union HOGS are already gearing up for the BIG FIGHT next year when teachers will be re-negotiating their govt contracts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus we CANNOT BELIEVE anything the union HOGS tell us because it is nothing but SELFISH POSTURING in an effort to frighten the public and bully Ford into supplying MORE GRAVY to the already over fed HOGS!!!!!!!!!!

And there is good reason to assume teachers simply want to make life as difficult as possible for Ford govt and for any parent who supports Ford!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers bitterly resent ANY parental or govt over sight of THEIR school system!

Teachers are certainly driven by greed for gravy - but they know that Ford govt and the majority of Ontarians who elected him are fighting hard to regain logical control over our education system that has been terrorized by union HOGS for far to long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus opposition to Ford is driven by arrogance and lust for power as well as for gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Star asks: who can build transit faster- Tory or Ford? Answer- whoever chooses to derail the gravy train first will find it easiest to build transit!

Toronto mayor Jackass John Tory is crying crocodile tears as he laments Ford govt moves to take over TTC!

Sadly- Jackass John is REALLY lamenting the loss of opportunity for City Hall councillors to BUY TTC union Hog votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lawyer Howard Glodblatt is representing the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontari-owe in their lawsuit against alterations made to the sex education curriculum made by Doug Ford.

Goldblatt said in court that “there might not have been a legal challenge if Ford had not also issued a warning to teachers who said they would continue to use the now scrapped curriculum”!!

So basically what Goldblatt appears to be telling us is this fight is all about teachers being openly resentful of being told what to do by ELECTED leaders they don’t like!!!!!!!!!!

If Jackass John Tory wants to lead a sanctuary city then FINE - LET HIM FIGURE OUT HOW TO PAY FOR IT! We are indebted to Ezra Levant and his Rebel media for exposing the LIE-beral LIE about how many illegals are really coming here- and what the TRUE COST of feeding, housing and clothing them will be!

LIE-berals admit that about 200 illegals per day are crossing at the most popular Quenec crossing point- but the LIARS DO NOT ADMIT that it is ONLY ONE CROSSING POINT! Nor do the LIARS admit that 200 per day is actually a LOW average- on some days as many as 500 cross per day!

At 200 illegals per day multiplied by 365 days at ONLY ONE CROSSING POINT- that gives us 73,000 illegals per year- and LIE-berals REFUSE to give us the true number! LIE-berals DO ADMIT that on some days as many as 500 people cross at that one Quebec crossing point! So how much money can Ford save by refusing to play along with idiot LE-berals collecting illegals as if they were stray cats?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Ms Freeland with some truth-telling, as usual.

The object, as she says, of these foreign attacks are not so much to obtain a specific result but to amplify the polarization in the culture.

Look at what they have managed to do in America and in the UK, where they took pre-existing problems and blew them up.

It is exactly what the white nattys here are all about.

You establish two sides and do everything you can do to keep them apart.

HOID is spewing fresh ripe organic LIE-beral fertilizer as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals WELCOME FOREIGN INTERVENTION into our elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIE-berals love it when Yankee Super Pac lobbyists spend huge sums of grant money on Cdn environmentalists such as air head David Suzuki!!!!!!!!

Yankee Super PAC LOBBYISTS ARE REALLY EXCITED about helping LIE-berals shut down Cdn oil patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shutting down the Cdn oil patch will make the Yankee oil patch more VALUABLE and will enable some serious price gouging after the Cdn competition is killed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And drastically reduced oil supply will AID LIE-beral efforts to force us into poverty and dependence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals want us all to be like the illegals they are importing at such ABSURD long term cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals KNOW that people who are impoverished and semi employed in McJobs and who are thus TOTALLY DEPENDENT on govt aid ARE CHEAPER TO BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Conservative governments are far more malleable for the Americans


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Conservative governments are far more malleable for the Americans

Yet another absurd statement from HOID ...........................................

our LIE-beral loving LACKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even if you were logical, and responsible................................................

you would STILL BE LAUGHABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So what's the deal with this election?

Is Trudeau going to get less than 40% of the popular vote and still be the Prime Minister again?

Is the U.S Democrat Party going to meddle in the 2019 Canadian Elections again?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Spies: Canada can expect election meddling, but not on scale seen in U.S.
Canadian Press
April 8, 2019
April 8, 2019 10:55 AM EDT
A voter casts a ballot in the 2011 federal election in Toronto on May 2, 2011. It is very likely that Canadian voters will experience some kind of online foreign interference related to the coming federal election, a new report from the national cyberspy agency warns.Chris Young / THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — Canadian voters will very likely experience some kind of online foreign interference related to the coming federal election, a new report from the national cyberspy agency warns.
But the agency says the meddling is unlikely to be on the scale of Russian interference against the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
In an assessment released today, Canada’s Communications Security Establishment says that last year half of all advanced democracies holding national elections were targeted by cyberthreat activity.
It’s a threefold increase since 2015, and the Ottawa-based CSE expects the upward trend to continue this year.
The report suggests Canada can expect foreign adversaries to try to sway voters by focusing on polarizing social and political issues, promoting the popularity of one party over another, or trying to shape the public statements and policy choices of a candidate.
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Malign actors also use cybertools to target the websites, email, social-media accounts, networks and devices of political parties, candidates and their staff, the report adds.
The CSE’s assessment, an update of a pathbreaking effort two years ago, is being presented at a news conference this morning by Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan and Democratic Institutions Minister Karina Gould.
It comes just six months before Canadians head to the ballot box in a federal election.
Electoral processes around the world have been targeted by cyberthreat activity in recent years, the CSE says.
“However, as we noted in 2017, Canada’s federal elections are largely paper-based and Elections Canada has a number of legal, procedural and information technology (IT) measures in place that provide very robust protections against attempts to covertly change the official vote count.”
It is likely, however, that adversaries will try to deface websites or steal personal information that could be used to send out incorrect information to Canadians, causing some kind of disruption to the election process, the report says.
The aim of such activity would be to “sow doubt among voters,” making them question the election’s legitimacy or discouraging them from even taking part.
Nefarious actors hijack Twitter accounts or open new ones that tweet about popular subjects like sports or entertainment to gain followers, the CSE notes. “However, these accounts then switch to political messaging with Canadian themes following international events involving Canada.”
The report cites a 2016 episode in which false information appeared online about a “failed Canadian raid” against Russian separatist positions in Ukraine, alleging that 11 Canadian military personnel were killed. People shared an English-language version of the item over 3,000 times on Facebook.
Considerable evidence has pointed to Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
In 2017, Facebook said hundreds of dubious accounts, likely operated out of Russia, spent about $100,000 on some 3,000 ads about contentious issues such as LGBT rights, race, immigration and guns from June 2015 to May 2017.
Facebook later said an estimated 10 million people in the United States saw the ads.
In addition, the U.S. Justice Department has announced indictments against Russian intelligence agents for allegedly hacking Democratic party emails and computers during the 2016 campaign.
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland warned just last week that malicious foreign players would target Canada’s coming election, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pointed the finger at Russia as the most likely meddler.
The report says an increasing number of foreign adversaries have the cybertools, the organizational capacity and a sufficient understanding of the Canadian political landscape to try to fiddle with the October ballot, should they have the inclination.
“Even if a foreign adversary does develop strategic intent to interfere with Canada’s democratic process, we consider foreign cyberinterference of the scale of Russian activity against the 2016 United States presidential election improbable at this time,” the report says.
“However, we judge it very likely that Canadian voters will encounter some form of foreign cyberinterference ahead of, and during, the 2019 federal election.”
A group of five senior public servants will decide whether an act of foreign interference warrants ringing the public alarm bell about a serious threat to the coming election.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Ms Freeland with some truth-telling, as usual.
The object, as she says, of these foreign attacks are not so much to obtain a specific result but to amplify the polarization in the culture.
Look at what they have managed to do in America and in the UK, where they took pre-existing problems and blew them up.
It is exactly what the white nattys here are all about.
You establish two sides and do everything you can do to keep them apart.
There are two sides. Those that care about the future of the country. And leftys.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Wasn't this before she was denounced and fired?


But LIE-berals NEVER let facts get in the way of a good political SPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That might explain why so much LIE-beral policy is being POORLY RECEIVED these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!