SRT* (an another interpretation)


Dec 10, 2008
Re: SRT (an another interpretation)

"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" - 2018
1 - The speed of objects in Newton / Galileo / Descartes system is relative
and transform by the laws: v=d/t, v(2) - v(1) =at or v(2) ^2 - v(1)^2 = a2d.
Classical physics uses Galileo transformations to explain this situation.
2 - The speed of light in a vacuum is constant regardless of the motion
of the source of the light / - Michelson experiment /
This fact is contradict with the idea of “transformation theory”
Lorentz transformation theory violates constant speed of light.
Lorentz transformation theory says: the light speed is not always constant.
The speed of quantum of light sometime can be c=1 and sometime cannot be equal 1.
3 - '' . . . the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" explains behavior
of quantum of light in the vacuum (in Minkowski an absolute space-time)


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Dec 10, 2008
"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" --- 2018
1 - One SRT postulate says: all laws (including laws of motion )
in all inertial systems ( it means in planets where Newton / Galileo /
Descartes laws work) are equal.
2 - Another postulate says: the speed of light in a vacuum is constant
regardless of the motion of the source of the light / - Michelson experiment /
3 - In all inertial systems the speed of objects / particles is relative and never
can reach the constant speed of light and therefore to compare one postulate
with another postulate is nonsense.
4 - But the fact of constant speed of quantum of light contradicts the idea of
“transformation theory”. Then it possible to say:
Lorentz transformation theory violates constant speed of light.
Lorentz transformation theory says: the light speed is not always constant.
The speed of quantum of light sometime can be c=1 and sometime cannot be equal 1.
5 - Maxwell introduced light as EM subject and Lorentz introduced
an electron in Maxwell's EM theory.
'' Could not an electron transfer a part of its energy to light ?''
''What is connection between a quantum of light and an electron?''
'' What mechanism works between an electron and quantum of light ?''
6 - Just as electrons jump from one atomic orbital to another
(by emitting or absorbing light) in the Bohr model of the atom,
so also in electromagnetic events electrons can jump from event to event
by emitting or absorbing quantum of light
7- '' . . . the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" explains behavior
of quantum of light in the vacuum (in Minkowski an absolute space-time,
in the flat continuum without gravity-masses)
"One might still like to ask:
'How does it work?
What is the machinery behind the law?'
No one has found any machinery behind the law. . .
We have no ideas about a more basic mechanism from which these results can be deduced."
- Richard Feynman


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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Sounds more like the 'old timers' had to publish something or they didn't get paid.

If the speed of light varies at all there would be 'spots with no light' as well as spots with 2x the normal light. Were the stupid of hanging onto their income??


Dec 10, 2008
Sounds more like the 'old timers' had to publish something or they didn't get paid.
If the speed of light varies at all there would be 'spots with no light' as well as spots with 2x the normal light.
Were the stupid of hanging onto their income??
If the speed of light is constant - no EM waves
If the speed of light varies - there are EM waves


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Light slows down when it hits the atmosphere and bends.

Nature's Lens: How Gravity Can Bend Light Like a Telescope

no gawd about it.
By slowing down do you mean the distance is longer and the speed remains the same or the speed slows down also. ie light is going a certain speed and it reflects off your face and that slows it down a certain amount to when that light reaches your face again it is going even slower?? I don't buy that at all, . . . sorry.
Not sure what God has to do with the topic. Being immortal and beings in the universe are also immortals means the universe and earth are less that 100 hours old before the garden was shut down. How about the earth was a ball of liquid magma 4BYA and the matter that is in the universe today started to be gathered 40BYA and the 'bang' was 15BYA. Using some numbers from the Bible the earth being melted would be 3.5BY from when the 1,000 year reign starts. That works out to 360,000 of our years in that version. The Bible's version has the 24 Elders having close to 2,000 years of being taught about the Kingdom of God, the people alive at the start of the 1,000 years has that and when the GWT is happening they are inside New Jerusalem for another 1,000 years since 'Judgment Day' is a 'full day'. Then people are free to set up their home in the universe as that is the New Earth. The Book if Enoch has lots of visions about what the realm of the angels is like. We should be able to 'track them' when we get there. As such the vision inspired by those trips should be God's version of what the new earth will look like. So far I am unaware of any pics or vids that are accurate representations of the words written down.
The people that are resurrected for the 1,000 years are all done within a few hours. The start of the new earth is supposed to include all flesh that was ever conceived on this earth. That could all be done in 100 hours as the people will all be alive already and they just need to step out if the City to be in their new home. That isn't in the book, the time part, who gets resurrected at that time is.

When you read an article like this does anything 'stand out' as being 'true or false' as far as following 'what is reasonable' and what is obviously 'snake oil', sounds good but has no real scientific foundation. (such as gravity bending light rather than the light shed by itself is being reflected by some 'ice' that is acting the same way that is the cause of 'sun-dogs' and 'moon-dogs' as witnessed from the surface of the earth. Here is an example of what I mean.

Space-time can bend, flex and warp under the influence of mass and energy, and it's this rugged geometry that gives us the force of gravity.
Gravity exists anytime two pieces of matter get within a certain distance of each other. Positive and negative charges are parameters, nothing is flexing and warping.

I don't think we even have enough real data to say there is a black hole at the center when the path the stars are taking seem rather lazy when the gravity is so strong light can't even escape. If our speed is known and we can tell how much the solar system weighs the ratios should show a path that we would follow as we got closer the path should get closer to being a straight line into the core. If the core is very hot mass will be trying to expand and that always overcomes gravity. It would be like the core of the earth having so much force on the atmosphere that it was pulled past the 'crust'.

And nothing knows how the difficulty of that terrain better than light itself. Forced to follow every hill, valley, bump and wrinkle in the universe, light's path is constantly jostled back and forth as it tries, in vain, to follow a straight and narrow path.

When that happens we call that diffused lighting, not even shadows exist. When there is nothing in focus it would be like looking at stars during a cloudy night and then writing a paper about how much you learned.
Why not use out own sun to show that the stars that go behind it have their light sucked into the sun faster than if the light was not bent.

The presence of a nearby massive object will deflect light from its original path. Even though the photon, the carrier of light and the electromagnetic force, has no mass of its own, the influence of gravity is universal.

Gravity now acts on more that just mass, what a crock of shit, lol.

Once that space-time terrain is shaped, everything in the universe must work to navigate the geometry.

Once the check clears we'll say anything if it means another check is coming.

Perhaps the most visually striking example of this effect is the curious phenomenon of gravitational lensing, in which a massive object can … well, act like a lens. This effect can bend the path of light to such a supreme degree that background objects take on a fun-house mirror appearance, their images distorted to the point that they're almost unrecognizable.
Total science, that is why finding one is such a rare event. The lights you can see inside the ring seem to be in focus, why are they not distorted?

By pure coincidence, the base of a typical wineglass is a good approximation to the gravitational lensing behavior of a simple, (relatively) small, spherical object like a star. If you look through a (hopefully empty) wineglass at the room around you — and you may want to do this sober so it makes more sense — you'll see a very distorted picture. If you point the wine glass straight at an object, you'll see the object stretched into a ring surrounding the center of the glass's base. In less extreme cases, you'll see arcs or the same image repeated on multiple sides of the base.
Maybe not, maybe they are the very same principle, just like water vapor can cause a mirage on the earth. Ice in space, such as when out oceans biol away in one event are blown into deep space rather than being sucked into the sun. The opposite happens at the core of every galaxy that exists though.

When we look deep into the universe, sometimes we come across a chance alignment. Something truly massive, like a giant cluster of galaxies, will lie in front of many unassociated background galaxies. The light from the distant background must follow the twisted and warped gravitational path set by the cluster, and the result is a curiously beautiful set of images. Like looking through a giant wine glass, we'll see multiple images of the same galaxy, bent in long thin arcs, odd blobs and sometimes even perfect rings.
The circular pattern is caused by the light that is visible in the center of the circle of light.

These warped and distorted images give us important clues about the contents of the cluster — the massive object between us and the background that's providing enough gravity to make a decent lens. By comparing the grotesque images of the galaxies behind the cluster to normal galaxy images, we can build a fairly reliable estimate of the mass of the big cluster. We can even estimate how that mass is distributed within the cluster.

From photo to artistic inspired picture. Fact and fiction is the real change going on.

It is science fiction from there, if you see something I missed point it out.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
We need a "Stupid Shit MHz Said" thread.

There are some doozies that'll get you blowing root beer out your nostrils.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Sometimes a light comes on like when he suggested an SSD drive for a slow laptop...
My neighbor has one and his laptop starts up twice as fast as mine...
But I only shut mine down once a week or when updates need a reboot....
Most of the time I put it in sleep mode.....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Sometimes a light comes on like when he suggested an SSD drive for a slow laptop...
My neighbor has one and his laptop starts up twice as fast as mine...
But I only shut mine down once a week or when updates need a reboot....
Most of the time I put it in sleep mode.....
If that's the case booting from a thumb drive would be as quick.

It's easy to try anyway.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Start here, debunk me before I post any opinion.
NASA finds dead spiral galaxy
NASA previously thought the universe's oldest dead galaxies were ellipticals, but this discovery is evidence of galactic evolution.


Dec 10, 2008
''DUALITY'' of Quantum Particle.
a) Sometimes quantum of light's speed IS constant.
In this kind of movement quantum of light DOESN'T have EM waves.
b) Sometimes quantum of light's speed IS variable.
In this kind of movement quantum of light DOES have EM waves.
Maybe the problem of ''DUALITY'' of quantum particle is hidden here.


Dec 10, 2008
No known theory can be distorted so as to provide even
an approximate explanation [of wave-particle duality].
There must be some fact of which we are entirely ignorant and
whose discovery may revolutionize our views of the relations
between waves and ether and matter.
For the present we have to work on both theories.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we use the wave theory;
on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays we think in streams
of flying energy quanta or corpuscles.
— Sir William Bragg


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Dec 10, 2008
No known theory can be distorted so as to provide even
an approximate explanation [of wave-particle duality].
There must be some fact of which we are entirely ignorant and
whose discovery may revolutionize our views of the relations
between waves and ether and matter.
For the present we have to work on both theories.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we use the wave theory;
on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays we think in streams
of flying energy quanta or corpuscles.
— Sir William Bragg
There must be some fact of which we are entirely ignorant
— Sir William Bragg
What is the '' fact of which we are entirely ignorant '' ?
Planck / Einstein described ''quantum of action'' as: E=hf
where ( h) is a ''quantum of action'' of particle and (f) its frequency.
(wave / particle duality - simultaneously )
Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit described how this action is possible: E=h*f
( h bar = h/2pi )
That means the fact of wave-particle duality
''which we are entirely ignorant '' is hidden
in the movements / states of quantum particle.
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