Canada Failing to Put Climate Change Plans in Action

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Climate change data is wildly overestimated

As the federal Liberals forge ahead with expensive tax-and-spend policies to tackle climate change, more and more Canadians aren’t buying into their agenda. In June, Ontarians finally disposed of their left-wing tax-friendly government in favour of one that will fight Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax. Albertans are likely to do the same next year.


Interesting how all of this negativity towards JT is surfacing just prior to the liberal campaigning that is just around the corner


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Interesting how all of this negativity towards JT is surfacing just prior to the liberal campaigning that is just around the corner

Apparently you have forgotten that over two years ago the public support for the LIE-beral Wynne-bag govt stood at ELEVEN PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A record LOW for a Cdn premier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you also deliberately forget that Mike Harris got elected to that second term in office with a Cdn national record majority!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its` just too bad the Red Tories in the party screwed him over- and the public over- and replaced Harris with the hapless Ernie Eaves of destruction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What it comes down to is that the 55 plus percent of Cdns who do not normally vote in any election have reached boiling point and are utterly sick of LIE-beral policy that insults their values and their intelligence and picks their pockest for the benefit of an elite few Hogs at the govt trough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have sown much anger with their hypocrite values and are now reaping the reward - MAJOR DISGUST with all things LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns have seen the alleged best that LIE-berals have to offer and we do not want any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yep the world order plan is coming together Carbon tax neutral my ass

It's a $25 Million buy in to have Canada's emissions forgiven. Then it goes up. The more money you pay, the more emission forgiveness you receive. So in reality Canada can increase emissions, as long as they pay into the fund.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
it's a $25 million buy in to have canada's emissions forgiven. Then it goes up. The more money you pay, the more emission forgiveness you receive. So in reality canada can increase emissions, as long as they pay into the fund.

no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if it was only twenty five million then cdns could live with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the truth is over two billion dollars in lie-beral carbon credit purchases per year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

with the money going to countries like vietnam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

too bad lie-berals cannot explain how giving away free money benefits canada in any way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Where's DiCaprio finally proof of Global Warming

Canada’s cattle producers tightening their belts as drought diminishes pastures

Cattle producers on the Prairies are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst as an ongoing drought continues to diminish pastures.
"If it's not a make-or-break issue for (farmers) financially, for some it may be a make-or-break issue for them emotionally," said Charlie Christie, chairman of the Alberta Beef Producers. "It's a stressful thing."
Last year's season ended extremely dry and there wasn't enough snow to increase moisture levels. The spring was long, cold and dry, leaving little growth to feed cattle populations.
Many parts of Alberta remained dry this summer, so farmers started to buy feed they usually grow and costs skyrocketed.
"It's a challenge to say the least," said Christie, who farms near Trochu in central Alberta. "We are starting to worry about next year now."
READ MORE: Canadian beef industry group optimistic about CETA
While producers are hoping for rain, not only for this year but to prepare the ground for next, they are also having to make tough decisions as they watch barley yields and cereal crops which will make up their winter feeds.
They are bringing cows home faster, pulling calves from their mothers sooner and putting calves on the market. Some ranchers are already making the choice to sell cows to feedlots to reduce the overall herd.
The beef producers group is monitoring feed stocks for the next couple of weeks before deciding whether to ask the government for assistance.
"You never want to ask for a handout," Christie said. "It will just depend where things are at, but every day it gets a little bit worse, a little more troublesome."
READ MORE: Farmers are getting less for beef cattle, but you’re paying the same for steak. Here’s why
Across the boundary in Saskatchewan, Agriculture Minister David Marit said higher hay prices are making it harder to get adequate feed.
"As a result, we are anticipating some producers may have no choice but to liquidate animals from their herds," Marit said in an emailed statement. "Cattle producers in these dry areas have approached the ministry requesting support to help them tackle these challenging conditions."
Saskatchewan has reached out to Ottawa requesting the federal government activate its livestock tax deferral now to help producers in affected areas. The deferral allows farmers who sell part of their breeding herd due to drought or flooding to defer a portion of sale proceeds to the following year.
On his property near Gull Lake, Rick Toney of the Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association said some producers are deciding whether to move cows north to the few pockets which did get rain or take the hit of bringing expensive feed into their areas. That cost is just too much for some.
"What are the economics here? There's a lot of people that are looking to sell off 40 per cent, 60 per cent or their entire herd. Cattle are coming to market," he said.
Toney said current conditions have many producers worried.
"Everyone is going to have to tighten their belt. There's going to be less money for servicing debt, less money for everything.
"What are we going to have next spring for grazing? We are going to need our fingers crossed and hopefully this drought turns around.''
Producers in Manitoba have already started contacting the province about low feed stocks, said Brian Lemon, general manager with the Manitoba Beef Producers. However, they haven't asked for assistance yet.
Lemon said prices for any available feed are becoming too high for cattle producers, who can't pass the cost along. And at some point there just won't be any feed available.
"The producers are fairly resilient. We will do what's right for our animals. We will do what's right for our families," he said.
"At the end of the day, it's not the first time it's been a dry season and it probably won't be the last one. It's unfortunate."


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if it was only twenty five million then cdns could live with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the truth is over two billion dollars in lie-beral carbon credit purchases per year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

with the money going to countries like vietnam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

too bad lie-berals cannot explain how giving away free money benefits canada in any way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The $25 Million is a buy in... that's just to start.

It's what we call a fleecing.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The $25 Million is a buy in... that's just to start.

It's what we call a fleecing.

Oh yes- FLEECING indeed- shaved down to the BONE!

And with the farm report we jsu tgot from Twin Moose-see above- we will be hit with double blasts!!!!!!!!!!!!

First blast is the soaring cost of food as the drought hits everything from the cost of hamburger to the grains going into you kids cereal to the cost of the cheese in your Kraft Dinner!

And the second economic blast will be soaring food prices thanks to the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade scam that only cleans cash from wallets and leaves the dirt in the air!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Climate Change Is Already Sinking Home Values, Study Shows

Climate experts have warned for some time that flooding caused by rising sea levels could wreak havoc with local economies, but new research suggests this is already happening — and in Canada, it's homeowners in Greater Vancouver who stand to lose the most.
According to new research from the First Street Foundation, a U.S.-based non-profit that studies climate change, homeowners in eight coastal U.S. states have lost a total of US$14.1 billion in home value since 2005 due to increased tidal flooding.
The study, an expansion of work first published in the peer-reviewed Population Research and Policy Review, found that there is a "discount" on properties due to flooding risk; that this discount is growing over time; and that it's directly linked to a given property's exposure to flooding.
By comparing property sales in flood-prone areas to comparable properties in similarly-priced areas outside flood zones, they found that some 820,000 homes — including 384,000 in Florida alone — have been slapped with a flood discount.
"We all knew that flooding issues were getting worse from sea level rise, but the home value loss associated with it is truly staggering," First Street Foundation executive director Matthew Eby said in a statement. "The time to act is now."
The problem could affect Canada as well, particularly the pricey Greater Vancouver real estate market.
Interactive maps from U.S.-based organization Climate Central show that just a one-degree rise in temperatures would raise sea levels enough to flood vast tracts of the southern part of the Greater Vancouver region, along with lower areas of North Vancouver, if no action is taken to stop it.
A one-degree temperature rise is considered virtually inevitable at this point.
It's not just Vancouver. Depending on how much temperatures rise, Halifax's harbourfront could be submerged, as could entire neighbourhoods in Charlottetown and parts of New Brunswick.
But it's the Greater Vancouver area where the largest number of people could be affected. An estimated 250,000 residents of the suburb of Richmond live in homes no more than a meter above sea level.
Officials are not blind to the problem. Richmond is building "superdikes," some as much as 50 metres wide, in anticipation of increased flooding.

Never mind the scientists the realtor's have undeniable proof that GW is real because the real estate value is dropping SMH


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Suicide is easier during annual floods. Seriously all the high ground is probably already taken. Perhaps some airbags and an anchor line is what they need. Like when your wilderness cabin is on a flood plane.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Proofread before posting.

For all those confused about rising sea levels- and flooding there is a fine old book called "The Living Beach" written by a retired university professor called Silver Donald Cameron!!!!!!!!

Flooding on our east coast is almost entirely a function of continental drift and erosion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such erosion has been going on as long as there has been a North America!!!!!!!!!!

The problem is made worse by IDIOT LIE-beral policies that give out TAX CASH to idiots in "disaster areas" so they can REBUILD the washed away house on the same eroding land!!!!!!!!!!!!

The phrase "Slow Learners" applies to BOTH LIE-berals and some house builders on the east coast!

Of course it does not help that the weather is getting wilder and the east coast waves getting bigger and thus ACCELERATING that ancient pattern of erosion!