Canada Failing to Put Climate Change Plans in Action


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Alberta, oilpatch begin public fight with federal government over new fuel regulation

A private spat between Alberta and the federal government is becoming a public fight focused on Ottawa's proposed clean fuel standard — a measure aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions with significant economic consequences for many industries, including the oil and gas sector.
The Alberta government fears the new regulation could harm the province's economy, which is still recovering from a recent recession.
Most Canadians have never heard of the clean fuel standard (CFS) before, but the policy would raise prices for gasoline, diesel, natural gas and other sources of energy. These price rises would be in addition to the increase stemming from the federal carbon tax.
The CFS is part of the federal government's effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reach its international climate change commitments under the 2016 Paris Agreement. The CFS aims to make all fuels cleaner, and includes policies such as adding ethanol to gasoline or requiring more renewable natural gas to be produced from landfills and food waste.
While a carbon tax targets the person using the fuel, the CFS is aimed at companies supplying the fuel.
"It is a policy that has kind of crept up on people because we have been more concerned with the carbon taxes and other policies that have been brought forward," said Warren Mabee, from Queen's University's Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy. "There will be a cost involved. People will notice an increase on certain bills."
As concerns mount, the federal government has delayed the release of the CFS. The proposed regulations for liquid fuels will be announced in spring 2019, while the regulations for gas and solid fuels will only come out in fall 2020.

New titanium industry could grow out of oilsands waste

After several years and nearly $100 million of research, engineers say they have developed new technology to extract valuable metals from the waste produced by the oilsands in northern Alberta.
Canadian Natural Resources and Titanium Corp. have a proposal to construct a $400-million facility at CNR's Horizon oilsands site to produce titanium and zircon from the materials left over from bitumen production.
Zircon is used to make ceramic tiles and other products, while titanium is used in products ranging from golf clubs and bicycles to aircraft and missiles.
Not only could the facility be profitable, but it could also reduce the environmental footprint of the oilsands,say the researchers behind the technology.
"We're looking at the opportunity to produce valuable metals in addition to our conventional products," said Meera Nathwani-Crowe, a manager of innovation at Canadian Natural Resources, which is partnering with Titanium Corp. to develop the project.

We call it creating value from waste.

- Scott Nelson, Titanium Corp.
"We're very optimistic," said Scott Nelson, chief executive of Titanium Corp. "This would be the first project. There are six sites that are candidates for our technology. So this would be an enormous new industry for Alberta — the production of minerals from the oilsands to be exported around the world — particularly China."
As oilsands facilities collect and process bitumen from underground, materials left over are dumped into large tailings ponds. The proposed facility would extract the titanium and zircon before the waste is sent to the tailings ponds. Additional bitumen and solvents may also be recovered.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Anybody want to wash their hands in the water on the 'clean' side of their 'retention barrier' and I'm pretty sure that sludge should not leave the site by any means in case it spills. That being said if the pile was in something that spun around it would sort it out by weight. All the sand is dumped in the surrounding swamp instead of being shipped south to be used in the 'grit' industry. It uses a fraction of the sand produced.

The most valuable are the parts that when added to lubricating oil allows for closer tolerances in the bearings. 'Bucky-balls are soccer ball pieces of 'hard carbon'. soot is the same material and soot can be manufactured anyplace for almost nothing. Ft Mac needs to sell it by the gram to make a profit, it is given away.
The best product that could stretch all the way into Manitoba is selling the sand with the bonding agent still in it as the 3rd world nations can us it as ready made asphalt so gravel never needs replacing and potholes only need a fast pass with a grader and the traffic straddles the ruts so it stays flat for the most part all by itself. That is a product doesn't have as far as I know we have a monopoly on a product we won't even put on the market because it might be one that is wanted in many locations in an 'as is' condition.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Anybody want to wash their hands in the water on the 'clean' side of their 'retention barrier' and I'm pretty sure that sludge should not leave the site by any means in case it spills. That being said if the pile was in something that spun around it would sort it out by weight. All the sand is dumped in the surrounding swamp instead of being shipped south to be used in the 'grit' industry. It uses a fraction of the sand produced.

The most valuable are the parts that when added to lubricating oil allows for closer tolerances in the bearings. 'Bucky-balls are soccer ball pieces of 'hard carbon'. soot is the same material and soot can be manufactured anyplace for almost nothing. Ft Mac needs to sell it by the gram to make a profit, it is given away.
The best product that could stretch all the way into Manitoba is selling the sand with the bonding agent still in it as the 3rd world nations can us it as ready made asphalt so gravel never needs replacing and potholes only need a fast pass with a grader and the traffic straddles the ruts so it stays flat for the most part all by itself. That is a product doesn't have as far as I know we have a monopoly on a product we won't even put on the market because it might be one that is wanted in many locations in an 'as is' condition.

Wouldn't be allowed by Environment Canada to be exported in its current state


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Why did you bother replying to that gibberish?

Caught by mistake I guess Lol


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Canada’s climate change plan — Alberta is out, so is it dead on the table?

Speaking to reporters, Notley said this move sends a strong message and, "until the federal government gets its act together, Alberta is pulling out of the federal climate plan and let’s be clear, without Alberta, that plan isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.”


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Here is yet another article illustrating the total failure of LIE-beral policy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau will fall 66 Mt short of 2030 greenhouse reduction targets

By Lorrie Goldstein. Published: December 30, 2017. Updated: December 30, 2017 5:35 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada

The Trudeau government has finally admitted that even if it implements every one of its current climate change polices, costing Canadians tens of billions of dollars, it will still fall far short of its greenhouse gas reduction targets for 2020 and 2030.

(With some comments of my own in brackets):

(This failure is largely because so much of the carbon tax revenue will be used to top up the pay, pensions and perks of civil service Sunshine List Hogs- who happen to have the largest of carbon foot prints! Higher costs for heating and lighting our houses and work places will not stop us from doing so- it will just make it harder for us to pay our bills and save for old age- which LIE-berals desperately WANT us to do! Its just LIE-berals going in idiot circles yet again!)

The acknowledgement comes in the government’s latest mandatory submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, submitted Dec. 29.

Has anybody at that body discussed the article first printed in Cdnm Geographic magazine- that mentioned there was a definite and measurable improvement in air quality in the 9 months after the 9/11 terror attack- during which time 25 percent of the worlds airline fleet was grounded? The link between Hogs on airplanes and the resulting MASSIVE air pollution is real and proven! Airplanes air the DIRTIEST WAY to move either goods or people- and its mostly Hogs riding them- and whining about OUR pollution!)

It outlines government efforts to meet the greenhouse reduction targets Prime Minister Justin Trudeau agreed to when he signed Canada on to the Paris climate accord.

Presented by Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna, the report barely acknowledges the government will fall far short of its 2020 target, although a chart within it clearly shows that goal will not be met.

Cdn Environment Minister McKenna has about the same intellectual capacity as her nemisis- plastic headed doll Barbie and is resentful of being mocked as “climate Barbie” for her inane and cartoonish climate announcements!)

However, the report explicitly acknowledges that even if the government fully implements its entire existing climate action plan — including projects not yet begun — it will still fall 66 megatonnes short of its 2030 goal of annual emissions of 517 megatonnes (a megatonne, or Mt, represents one million tonnes of emissions).

A 66 Mt shortfall would mean shutting down the equivalent of almost all of Canada’s agricultural sector (72.8 Mt of emissions in 2015, the last year for which figures are available) within 13 years.

Between 2014 and 2015, Canada only reduced emissions by 5 Mt, from 727 Mt to 722 Mt.

Even the Trudeau government’s estimate that it can reduce Canada’s emissions to 583 Mt annually by 2030, compared to 722 Mt today, appears to be a pipe dream.

That’s because, it takes “into consideration all climate change policies and measures that have been announced in Canada and for which enough information is available” including “those additional policies and measures that are under development but have not yet been fully implemented…”

The report nonetheless insists Canada is “100% committed” to meeting its 2030 target, but only through future investments in public transit, clean technology and carbon sequestration.

Our idiot Boy Justin has- in 2 years- run up over 50 billion dollars in deficits- an unprecedented national spending spree- and has yet to fund a SINGLE new subway or other significant transit project! LIE-berals have only doled out pennies to repair existing transit and have made it clear they will not be roped into political partnerships with cities wanting to build new transit projects!)

The fact Canada will miss both its 2020 and 2030 targets under current policies is unsurprising.

What’s new is that even the Trudeau government admits it.

Prior to that, the UN, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and federal Environment Commissioner Julie Gelfand had all issued recent warnings Canada is not on track to meet its emission promises.

That is, unless it spends billions of taxpayers’ dollars annually buying so-called “carbon offsets” on fraud-ridden international carbon markets, which the Trudeau government said last year is part of its plan.

The Europeans have supplied us with detailed evidence of the utter failure of their Carbon tax scam- riddled with fraud and forgery and fake reporting of emissions and windfall profits for organized crime! Throwing Cdn tax money at the “carbon offsets market is simply a reward to criminals- as the money will end up in the pockets of corrupt dictators in third world countries!)

Of course, the government doesn’t acknowledge international carbon markets are riddled with fraud.

LIE-berals are too busy dreaming of international recognition on stage in various ceremonies as they hand over huge cheques to fawning audiences to be worried about either fraud or the Cdn economy!)

On the other hand, Interpol, the world’s largest international police organization of which Canada is a member, does.

In setting greenhouse gas reduction targets and failing to meet them, Trudeau is continuing a tradition of previous prime ministers, including Brian Mulroney, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin and Stephen Harper.

(Harper at least recognized the fraudulent nature of Kyoto Accord and its replacement- Paris Accord- and refused to buy into the fakery!)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signs the Paris Agreement on climate change during a ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Friday, April 22, 2016.

Indeed, Trudeau’s Paris climate accord commitment to lower Canada’s emissions to 17% below 2005 levels by 2020 and to 30% by 2030, used to be Harper’s targets, which Trudeau mocked as inadequate in opposition, before adopting them.

(There IS a reason why we call them LIE-berals!)

Meanwhile, the federal and provincial governments will continue to scoop up billions of dollars from Canadian taxpayers through carbon pricing every year, while failing to come close to achieving Canada’s promised emission reduction targets.

And LIE-berals will continue using those carbon tax billions to BUY civil service Hog votes- so LIE-berals can cling to power at any price!)

That’s because carbon pricing as the feds and provinces are implementing it, is nothing more than a cash grab from Canadians and is not designed to effectively lower emissions.

(I suggest the cheapest and simplest and fairest way to reduce carbon emissions is to derail the grossly costly civil service Hogs gravy train! One employed Cdn in 3 works for govt and we all know they get way better pay and pensions and perks than are available in the private sector- cut back Hog pay and the amount of fossil fuel burned in Canada will be curtailed as the people with the biggest carbon foot print run low on cash and out of gas!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Hmmmn let me cut your buying power by 11% and tell you it is all fine .



Yeah- cut the salaries of LIE-berals and civil service union Hogs by 11 percent and prepare to be deafened by the
the SQUEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yeah- cut the salaries of LIE-berals and civil service union Hogs by 11 percent and prepare to be deafened by the
the SQUEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating just how ineffective deals like the wretched Paris Accord is for influencing the environment. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Banned ozone-eating chemical emissions somehow are rising, baffling scientists

From Associated Press. Published: May 16, 2018. Updated: May 16, 2018 1:47 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Technology

WASHINGTON — Something strange is happening with a now-banned chemical that eats away at Earth’s protective ozone layer: Scientists say there’s more of it — not less — going into the atmosphere and they don’t know where it is coming from.

When a hole in the ozone formed over Antarctica, countries around the world in 1987 agreed to phase out several types of ozone-depleting chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Production was banned, emissions fell and the hole slowly shrank.

(Yeah- so much for that international agreement! This ozone deal is just as dead as the Paris Accord that was supposed to halt greenhouse gas emissions and has failed miserably- while LIE-berals stick to their carbon crap and trade scam!)

But starting in 2013, emissions of the second most common kind started rising, according to a study in Wednesday’s journal Nature. The chemical, called CFC11, was used for making foam, degreasing stains and for refrigeration.

“It’s the most surprising and unexpected observation I’ve made in my 27 years” of measurements, said study lead author Stephen Montzka, a research chemist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

“Emissions today are about the same as it was nearly 20 years ago,” he said.

(WE already have evidence of the lengths business in places like China will go for the sake of profit- with lead and melamine and other toxic substances showing up in everything from jewellery to milk products so why should they not use banned flurocarbons as well? And shall we ask if the $2 billion dollars per year that Our idiot Boy Justin is sending to places like Vietnam to purchase carbon credits are actually fueling this flurocarbon as local industries with Cdn dollars now in their pockets supply banned but low cost products to poor peasant farmers?)

Countries have reported close to zero production of the chemical since 2006 but the study found about 14,300 tons (13,000 metric tons) a year has been released since 2013. Some seeps out of foam and buildings and machines, but scientists say what they’re seeing is much more than that.

(And of course Russia is an economic basket case so is it possible they are using those cheaper but more dangerous chemicals as well? And what of Iran with its large but poor population? Do Iranian Mullahs worry about the environment or do they use those cheaper chemicals so they can save pennies for their nuclear program? And we can say the same about North Korea where sanctions are hitting hard! Is the Rocket Boy an environmentalist as well as dictator for life?)

Measurements from a dozen monitors around the world suggest the emissions are coming from somewhere around China, Mongolia and the Koreas, according to the study. The chemical can be a byproduct in other chemical manufacturing, but it is supposed to be captured and recycled.

Either someone’s making the banned compound or it’s sloppy byproducts that haven’t been reported as required, Montzka said.

(A cynic like myself would say its both- use of banned substances in some poor countries because they are cheaper than safer alternatives; and sloppy by products that manufacturers either cannot or will not bother to recycle in places where inspectors are not available!)

An outside expert, Ross Salawitch, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Maryland, is less diplomatic. He calls it “rogue production,” adding that if it continues “the recovery of the ozone layer would be threatened.”

High in the atmosphere, ozone shields Earth from ultraviolet rays that cause skin cancer, crop damage and other problems.

Nature removes 2 per cent of the CFC11 out of the air each year, so concentrations of the chemical in the atmosphere are still falling, but at a slower rate because of the new emissions, Montzka said. The chemical stays in the air for about 50 years.

(LIE-berals are spreading a LOT of Fake News about their dedication to the environment with their dedication to buying those idiot carbon credits from third world countries that then use OUR money for environment damaging new industries! And govts in third world countries are too often driven solely by profit motive and do not look beyond their own front doors for problems!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Canada's libtard population is well known, World renown in fact, for their lack of intelligence coupled with emotional volatility
... And exactly what has tater tot got done on either file?


Here is an article illustrating how everybody is looking for the easy solutions to energy shortages-along with some comments of my own in brackets):.

We need an energy revolution. End financial subsidies for all forms of power generation and invest them in the research and development of new ones

Greg Vezina, Special to the Sun. First posted: Saturday, March 19, 2016 07:32 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, March 19, 2016 07:40 PM EDT

Both in Canada and globally, we desperately need new ways of thinking about how to meet our future energy needs, using both fossil fuels and green energy.

The problem is, we’re nowhere near doing it.

U.S. billionaire Bill Gates knows the enormity of the challenge.

He advises applying “math skills” to developing technologies to revolutionize the way our energy is made and used.

Gates says we need “a miracle” that can only be found in the research and development of new energy technologies.

He’s committed $2 billion over five years to help.

But that compares to $2 billion spent globally every day on capital equipment to locate and produce oil and gas, and we consume 35 billion barrels of oil alone every year.

Oil, natural gas and coal which, when burned, produce traditional pollution and greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change, supply 90% of global energy demand, while 73% of electricity power generation comes from fossil fuels.

(Gates is happily ignoring the fact that between 70-85 percent of ALL pollution related to “transportation”-that`s planes, trains, cars, trucks, ships, busses carrying anything from passengers to products-is being produced by airplanes. One way to cut back on fossil fuel consumption is simply to cut back on insane pensions for civil servants. We cannot pay them what they think they deserve and we cannot pay them what LIE-berals have promised them-not without breaking our economy! So lets cut back on insane civil service pension promises and force them by economic means to either stay home or to travel by less damaging methods such as trains and buses! And its civil servants who have the biggest carbon foot print in our society anyway thanks to their special deals with govt. )

While natural gas burns at half the carbon intensity of coal, about 80% of natural gas is methane or CH4.

That traps 25 times more heat than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period and 34 times more over a 20-year period, contributing 28% of the warming carbon dioxide does.

Canada and the U.S. have moved to harmonize some carbon emission standards and earlier this month agreed to cut industrial oil and gas methane emissions by almost half by 2025.

(Sadly this deal was DEAD BEFORE Trump came on the scene-no LIE-beral would ever MAUL our economy to the extent needed to meet the recent Paris climate change deal! Its all just talk designed to let LIE-berals pick our pockets in the name of “environment”!)

But wind and solar power require equivalent natural gas and/or nuclear power backup and face energy storage, scalability and environmental challenges.

A recent German study concluded only electrical vehicles with a battery charged by renewable energy have a lower environmental impact than gasoline across the majority of categories.

(As we in Ontari-owe know-green energy is HUGELY costly and no LIE-beral govt will have the stomach to force us to give up our gas powered machines! One has only to look at the scale of the problem-the MASSIVE line up of gas powered toys available on virtually every dock in Muskoka! And now-TRY to picture LIE-berals telling all those well heeled- and to frequently employed as LIE-beral loving civil service Hogs- that they MUST scrap all their toys! At their cost!)

(Another way to cut environmental damage would be to BAN those nasty “bubble systems” that are popping up like mushrooms in Muskoka-and they are designed to run an electric air compressor ALL WINTER to blow air bubbles into the water around fancy and costly cedar docks to prevent ice damage that might in-convenience our Hogs trying to sun themselves in warmer weather!)

Compounding the problem is the limited ability of batteries to store energy.

As Mark P. Mills writing in Forbes notes, the total annual output of battery storage from the $5 billion Tesla mega-factory under construction in Nevada will, when finished, store about five minutes worth of annual U.S. electricity demand.

It would take the production of 100 mega-factories over 40 years to build a battery “tank” farm capable of storing enough electrical power to match that held in one, 60-million barrel Cushing, Oklahoma oil tank farm.

Ontario’s coal-fired power plants were replaced largely by natural gas plants, cleaner but still an emission-producing fossil fuel, with industry doubling the amount of its own, self-generated diesel power to avoid public power costs, plus a few percent of very costly wind and solar power.

Indeed, Gates argues we should skip the transition from oil and coal to natural gas in favour of new forms of carbon-free energy that can only be developed by moving “at an unnaturally high pace”.

(Oh sure...just throw money at the problem till you bury it!)

The Ontario auditor general has criticized the province’s conversion of the Thunder Bay and Atikokan coal plants to operate as back-up power plants, burning biomass pellets, as costly and inefficient.

(The Thunder Bay plant is producing electricity at a cost 25 times HIGHER than other forms of generation-with a carbon footprint that stretches back to Europe as nobody in North America produces pellet fuel of the sort the Thunder Bay and Atikokan plants now burn! But LIE-berals are seeking a local source of pellets-by which they mean some LIE-beral pal will get a solid gold deal to produce the fuel! Did anybody compare the relative carbon outputs of burning coal using the latest air scrubbers on the stacks versus burning pellets shipped in from Europe? Or were LIE-berals to excited about saving civil service Hog jobs to bother with details?)

Meanwhile, nearly 200 countries at December’s United Nations COP21 Conference in Paris committed to raise $100 billion per year by 2020 to assist developing countries deal with climate change.

But as of October 2015, the real-world annual budget was only $700 million.

In 2015, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimated direct global energy subsidies to the fossil fuel sector at $500 billion US, over four times renewable energy subsidies.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated 2015 fossil fuel subsidies of $5.3 trillion US, when including environmental and human health costs. (Similar data for renewable energy is not available.)

Canada still gives its fossil fuel industry $2.74 billion US in yearly subsidies, about 60% coming from the federal government in 2013 and 2014 and the rest from the provinces.

What we should do is eliminate all fossil fuel and green energy subsidies, and implement life cycle, cost-accounted economic and sales tax-based policies to level the playing field among all energy suppliers for businesses, consumers and taxpayers.

(But WHO will explain to LIE-beral pals-the OWNERS of those wind farms-that they can no longer have those wonderful prices for their electricity that are 9 TIMES HIGHER than for any other form of generation? And who will explain to the huge majority of voters why govt had to kill off their jobs by eliminating the energy needed to keep producing those jobs? The economic upheaval of quick and massive changes will be IMMENSE-so huge that it will make The Great Depression look like little kids closing a lemonade stand because their ice cubes melted and the drinks got warm!)

Similarly, we need a user pay economy, combined with putting the $5-trillion plus in annual global energy subsidies into the research and development of new and sustainable technologies.

That would add up quickly and get things moving in the right direction.

(OH right! Ontari-owe LIE-berals have been fiddling with Ontari-owe economy and environment for 14 years and have buried us in huge debt with only marginal improvements in air quality. LIE-berals cannot claim credit for turning northern US states into an un-employed rust belt that no longer produces close to 50 percent of the pollution that used to blow through Toronto! And LIE-beral economics have destroyed big chunks of Ontari-owe economy as well with businesses and jobs moving to lower cost places. LIE-berals CAN claim credit for ruining us with debt and taxes so they can buy Hog support with more gravy-which Hogs then use to maintain and even expand THEIR carbon footprint as our carbon footprint shrinks! Making sure that a minority continues its large carbon production while making the majority pay is NOT progress.....unless you are a Hog!)

(Common sense and short term reality demands we find sensible ways of cutting back on fossil fuel use WITHOUT destroying our economy! That “miracle” of new energy technology will appear some day-in its own good time. We must pick between things we need-like low cost heat and light and things that are frills-like airplanes and bubble systems and gas guzzling toys!)

Vezina, chairman of Hydrofuel Inc., is the co-author of Democracy Eh?, A Guide to Voter Action