Hypocrisy of the Left


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Socialists... did the Nazis have numerous government programs?

Ooops is right!

OH POOR LIE-berals!!!!!!

Their policies are failing so fast that they would rather talk about Stalin and Hitler and Goebbels than about their idiot Boy Justin!!!!!!!!!!!

Sun writer Candace Malcolm skewers our prime minster-that foolish and destructive Boy Justin Trudope and roasts him over a political fire! Our brainless Boy has so shamed us in front of all sensible people that he ought to be run out of town-and out of office! Its one thing for a private citizen to hold idiot views but its quite another for a Cdn prime minister to be such a fool! Malcolm says this:

Trudeau’s speech to UN naive.

By Candice Malcolm. First posted: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 07:45 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 07:54 PM EDT

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau addresses the United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters, September 20, 2016 in New York City. According to the UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon, the most pressing matter to be discussed at the General Assembly is the world's refugee crisis.

Trudeau's lack of substance suits the UN perfectly
Canada and our 'sorrys' perfect solution for world conflict

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, darling of the left and champion of progressive elites everywhere, delivered an Oscar-worthy performance in his inaugural address to the United Nations General Assembly this week.

With flair and pizazz, Trudeau warned against the rise of nationalism and anti-globalization sentiments, and urged leaders to confront fear by championing immigration and diversity.

“When leaders are faced with citizens’ anxiety, we have a choice to make. Do we exploit that anxiety or do we allay it?” said Trudeau.

This, in a nutshell, is everything wrong with Trudeau’s world view.

Trudeau used his platform on the world stage not to condemn terrorism, war crimes or crimes against humanity.

He didn’t talk about the plight of Christians in the Middle East, the genocide against Yazidis at the hands of ISIS, or of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine.

Trudeau didn’t raise concerns over the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram, its violent insurgency in Nigeria, or the status of 276 missing female students kidnapped from their school in 2014.

Trudeau made no mention of the ongoing civil wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen or Libya, or the role of state-sponsors of terrorism such as Iran and Saudi Arabia in fueling these conflicts and spreading a violent ideology.

He failed to mention the tens of thousands killed in these wars in 2016, or to discuss the millions affected by armed conflicts, terrorism, tyrannical governments and abusive regimes, many of whom had representatives in attendance for Trudeau’s speech.

Instead, Trudeau spent his moment in the spotlight condemning his political opponents, and taking a swipe at conservatives everywhere.

In Trudeau’s mind, Islamist terrorism and unchecked immigration are not as troubling as the fact many people want to talk about terrorism and unchecked immigration.

Somehow, discussing solutions is akin to “exploiting public anxiety”.

Ironically, Trudeau delivered his remarks from an armed fortress of security – the United Nations headquarters in New York City.

Days earlier, a radicalized Muslim migrant, according to police, planted improvised explosive devices in several locations in New York and New Jersey.

Three of those bombs detonated, one in the popular Manhattan neighbourhood of Chelsea, injuring 29 people.

In response to this terrorism, New York was on virtual lock down.

On top of the exceedingly heightened security alongside the United Nations General Assembly, the police presence was amplified even further.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo noted it was “probably the largest security presence ever amassed.” Ever.

Midtown Manhattan was transformed into a virtual police state. There were policemen and women on every corner, heavily-armed officers patrolling the city and large caravans of black SUVs blocking entire streets.

Civilians couldn’t get anywhere near the UN. I was there, I saw it.

Trudeau stood behind a wall of security and basically told the rest of us that we shouldn’t worry about terrorism, violence or unchecked immigration.

Rather than condemning terrorists and jihadists — the ones spreading the fear and anxiety Trudeau identifies — Trudeau scolded those who react to it, those who want to protect citizens and proactively stop terrorism.

Rather than being a champion of peace and stability on the world stage, Trudeau doubled down on his own narrow political agenda.

Trudeau’s message may be well-received by elites inside the United Nations bubble.

But to those on the outside — without police escorts and armed security guards — Trudeau demonstrated how naive and out of touch he is when it comes to the valid concerns of everyday Canadians.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Bigger font, more redundant punctuation, and longer posts, please.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Pro-Gun Control Democrat Reportedly Shot And Killed Her Former Campaign Treasurer

Progs be violent.


It be POLITICIANS who be NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is the nature of the job now- people who could not survive in the real world are now winning elections and getting hired as spin doctors and public relations scammers and all sorts of very easy and well paying jobs that they are frantic- TO KEEP- in a society that has been driven stony broke by LIE-beral madness!!!!!

Once you have lived as a politician- the idea of going back to the real world fills them with such dread they are not really responsible for their actions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article that illustrates the LIE-beral love of grand announcements- without the bother of including any real substance! The post includes some comments of my own in brackets):

'Unsexy' infrastructure spending on the way but will it be enough?

(Yes- six months into the rule of Our idiot Boy Justin and people are already asking if he has anything solid to offer!)

By Antonella Artuso, Queen's Park Bureau Chief.

First posted: Saturday, April 09, 2016 01:54 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, April 09, 2016 03:10 PM EDT

Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi announces new funding at the TTC Hillcrest Complex, Harvey Shop in Toronto on Thursday April 7, 2016. Dave Abel/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network.

(I have to think this spending `announcement` from Sohi is just recycled news-as Jackass John Tory announced two hundred million dollars in new spending at the same yard last fall and got BOOED for it by TTC workers! Perhaps 200 million is nicer looking if it comes from a LIE-beral than from a spineless dork? Or maybe it is because Jackass John was being stingy with civil service Hog raises in pay? And whining about those stupid TCHC bonuses awarded in spite of several lethal fires at Toronto Housing and in spite of the rapidly decaying condition of the buildings and in spite of the rising tide of unpaid rents!)

Get ready for some “unsexy” infrastructure spending over the next three years.

Public transit commuters might not notice much change despite the heady promises of infrastructure spending from their new federal government.

Instead, the $3.4 billion over three years devoted to transit in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s spring budget will go largely to maintenance and replacement backlogs — new signal systems, not new subway lines, new buses, not new routes.

Many public transit advocates, including TTC Chair Josh Colle who expects Toronto to get around $800 million, warmly welcome this as a necessary and positive funding step on the part of the federal government to maintain the system and improve its reliability.

(I say its disgraceful that Trudope should be borrowing money to BUY the votes of transit workers who have been ignoring their duty to maintain the system while spending maximum money on themselves-they got the salary and pension gravy and we got to deal with the breakdowns! And now our prime minister Trudope-the Boy with nice hair-for Brains is making it easier for already over paid and under worked Hogs to get even MORE gravy! Given that there are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OWING to civil service Hog unions-all of it in the form of deferred pension promises and payments made by LIE-berals-we didn’t have the money then and we don’t have it now but LIE-berals needed to BUY those votes so the promises were made and LIE-berals are doing their swinish best to keep them and if it bankrupts Canada-and it IS RUINING US-that’s just to bad for ordinary people as they are no friends of LIE-berals anyway!)

Commuters will notice what doesn’t happen, breakdowns and delays, Colle said.

“Unsexy” is how both Colle and federal Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi described the budget’s Phase 1 funding this week.

This is not a flashy new dress. We’re talking support garments. Toronto’s $10-billion to $15-billion downtown relief subway line is like a garter belt, fun for some folks to imagine but pure fantasy.

Ryerson University Prof. Murtaza Haider, with the Ted Rogers School of Management, predicts Toronto transit users already discouraged by the billions of dollars put into the underused UP Express and the Sheppard “stub-way” are going to be very disappointed.

(The Shepard `stub-way` carried twice as many customers in its first year than planners expected! It would and could carry many more customers IF LIE-berals would stop hogging the gravy and use some of it to build that downtown relief line! As it is the Shepard stubway simply connects to the already overloaded Young St line- and it discourages passengers!)

The $3.4 billion allocated in the budget, of which Ontario is slated to receive just under $1.5 billion, is not meant to address all public transit needs in the country, Haider said.

This money comes on top of substantial funds already committed to by the federal and provincial governments but falls far short of meeting the country’s infrastructure deficit, he said.

(Later- there was grand Ontari-owe LIE-beral announcement- offering up as much as $14 million dollars for repairs to Durham Region not so affordable housing and it’s the usual LIE-beral offer. It is contingent on various things that likely wont happen and starts to look even more like a crap offer when you realize Durham Housing needs $230 million dollars in repairs!)

“I think we need a lot more than is on the table right now,” he said. “The infrastructure deficit is the result of underspending for a good 30-year period or more.”

(What Haider is saying here is that Hogs have been neglecting the system and MILKING it dry of cash for 30 years! Things are so bad in Toronto-with so much govt gravy being sucked up by Hogs that not even Jackass John Tory and his modest `smart track crap are viable-NO transit will be built or even BEGUN during the term of Jackass John-as I have said many times before-the city is bankrupt. Rob Ford had it right-Toronto can build transit OR it can dole out gravy to Hogs-but NOT both and Ford was planning to use the ONLY tool open to him- to build transit by shutting off the Hog gravy train- its how his Eglinton LRT got moving! Civil service entitlements are ruining the country-AND polluting the air because of such a lack of efficient public transit that ensures many people will use their cars!)

There has been no money promised for the downtown relief line and even funding for SmartTrack — Toronto Mayor John Tory’s transit vision — is “not 100% there,” Haider said.

“Now we’re at the state where we have paralysis by analysis,” he said. “When you look at what got done, that is equally scary.”

(I say yes-the amount of money spent on Metrolinx and its endless studies is probably enough to put another stop or TWO on the Shepard Line!)

The 2016 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, produced by representatives of public works, construction, civil engineering and municipalities, gives the physical condition of public transit in Canada an overall rating of “good: adequate for now: in acceptable condition.”

The report did note that 26% of public transit was only in fair condition.

Another 15% was in poor condition and 2% in very poor condition — transit assets that would cost about $9 billion to replace.

“Assets in fair, poor and very poor conditions represent a call for action” the report says.

(I say that assets in fair, poor and very poor condition ALSO represent future legal liabilities-this means train signals failing and causing collisions, street cars derailing, brakes failing, bridges (like Gardener Expressway) becoming dangerous and needing to be closed etc. Infrastructure in rough condition means lawsuits from injured people-so far the city has been lucky nobody has been beaned by concrete falling from Gardener Expessway! Anybody who wants to see the Toronto future has only to study the Montreal Champlain Bridge- reduced now to 2 lanes from 4 as its now too old and rickety to support 4 lanes of traffic- this is what we can expect for Gardiner with the current band of Hogs `working` on it!)

A country-wide study released by CUTA, the Canadian Urban Transit Association, concluded that $56.6 billion is required for transit infrastructure between 2014-18, $15.9 billion to rehabilitate or replace existing infrastructure and $40.7 billion for expansion.

(I say that’s a funny number as 55 Billion is just about what we will owe (by about the spring of 2018) to OSSTF-the Ontari-owe high school teachers union. In 2018 we will be heading for another provincial election and our premier McWynnty-known to some as the Great Whore because she has sold herself, her party and our FUTURE to the Hogs- will be seeking re-election that year. And given that she has publicly SWORN to do whatever is necessary to keep the support of teachers; lets try to guess where The Whore would choose to spend 55 billion dollars? Would she spend on infrastructure that is certainly needed but wont buy LIE-berals any votes-or will she spend on teachers who will make or break LIE-beral party in the next election? )

Toronto Environmental Alliance says it costs an average of $300 million per km to build subways, $100 million per km for surface light rail transit and $250 million for underground routes.

Charles Lammam, Fraser Institute’s director of fiscal studies, said most of the federal budget’s deficit is not actually targeted at infrastructure spending, which arguably could be called economic stimulus, but at social programs that are highly unlikely to lead to significant job creation.

The reality of the budget did not match the “rhetoric” on infrastructure during the Liberal government’s election campaign last year, he said.

About $4 billion in the budget was devoted to infrastructure but even in that envelope there are projects like cultural and recreation centres which do not have the economic impact of transportation improvements, he said.

(I say GOSH, we NEED those cultural and recreation centres so the un-employed millions will have some place to go where its warm and dry-with the mess LIE-berals are making of the economy with fabulous greed and a well filled gravy train, there will be LOTS of ordinary people not working!)

“From a theoretical perspective, if you’re investing in needed infrastructure that helps move people and goods, it can foster more productivity and higher growth,” Lammam said. “When we looked at their budget we found that very little of the deficit that they’re planning for this year — $29.4 billion — is being driven by infrastructure spending.”

CUTA president and CEO Patrick Leclerc said the new infrastructure dollars, on top of the federal Gas Tax Fund and New Building Canada Fund, have been positively received by cities across the country.

(I say of course the new money has been well received by cities-they don’t give a shit where the money comes from just so long as they get a cut of the gravy! Cdn govt MUST STOP thinking that they each have a separate supply of tax payers-we have FOUR levels of govt preying on us like parasites and they have bled us dry!)

Phase 1, which covers the next three years, allows transit agencies and municipalities to improve the systems they already have, whether modernizing equipment or maintaining the system in a state of good repair, he said.

Phase 2 of the federal government’s plan to spend $120 billion over 10 years on infrastructure will see transit systems move into expansion mode, so that’s when riders will beginning noticing new service, he said.

(I say the whole LIE-beral plan is a sick joke-phase one is ALREADY proven as a shameless handout to civil service unions that wont do anything for the economy in the short term but which will further CRIPPLE the economy in the long term with massive new debt. Phase 2 assumes that LIE-berals will be RE-elected in 4 years AND that they will be ABLE and WILLING to honour their old promises. As LIE-berals are masters of the bait and switch I wont be holding my breath while waiting for bold new transit moves in five years time!)

“Our reaction was very positive because it’s a forward-looking plan,” Leclerc said. “Although the details are not yet know, Phase 2 is absolutely critical in appreciating the plan.”

The Kathleen Wynne government’s own budget promises $137 billion over 10 years for public infrastructure.

(I say The Whore budget of 137 billion over 10 years for infrastructure is another funny number-there are 19 separate Hog unions employed by Ontari-owe govt and they are owed something like 300 billion in deferred pension promises and its worth asking if The Whore will spend that 137 billion on new tracks and transit lines or simply hand it over to transit Hogs to dump into their pension plan? The Whore can hand over 137 Billion dollars to Hogs and honestly claim she is funding transit but we know that she is ALSO BUYING those Hog votes by topping up her outrageous pension promises -and so what if the province is bankrupt? Or that TTC is grossly overloaded and constantly breaking down? All that matters is that Hogs are happy and LIE-berals get votes! What a shameless shell game!)

“We are so pleased the federal government is investing in Ontario’s plan,” a spokesman said.

( I am sure the spokesman really IS truly delighted-and expects to PROFIT personally as ALL Hogs (and spokes people representing Hogs) benefit from LIE-beral plans!)

(Ain’t it grand when a plan comes together? Just too bad for the suckers STUCK on unreliable and over loaded public transit!)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Andrew Cuomo Accidentally Tells the Truth: Democrats Won't Make America Great Again


If things go well the Democrats will keep losing:

"We are not going to make America great again. It was never that great."
— New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

It be POLITICIANS who be NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is the nature of the job now- people who could not survive in the real world are now winning elections and getting hired as spin doctors and public relations scammers and all sorts of very easy and well paying jobs that they are frantic- TO KEEP- in a society that has been driven stony broke by LIE-beral madness!!!!!

Once you have lived as a politician- the idea of going back to the real world fills them with such dread they are not really responsible for their actions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article that illustrates the LIE-beral love of grand announcements- without the bother of including any real substance! The post includes some comments of my own in brackets):

'Unsexy' infrastructure spending on the way but will it be enough?

(Yes- six months into the rule of Our idiot Boy Justin and people are already asking if he has anything solid to offer!)

By Antonella Artuso, Queen's Park Bureau Chief.

First posted: Saturday, April 09, 2016 01:54 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, April 09, 2016 03:10 PM EDT

Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi announces new funding at the TTC Hillcrest Complex, Harvey Shop in Toronto on Thursday April 7, 2016. Dave Abel/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network.

(I have to think this spending `announcement` from Sohi is just recycled news-as Jackass John Tory announced two hundred million dollars in new spending at the same yard last fall and got BOOED for it by TTC workers! Perhaps 200 million is nicer looking if it comes from a LIE-beral than from a spineless dork? Or maybe it is because Jackass John was being stingy with civil service Hog raises in pay? And whining about those stupid TCHC bonuses awarded in spite of several lethal fires at Toronto Housing and in spite of the rapidly decaying condition of the buildings and in spite of the rising tide of unpaid rents!)

Get ready for some “unsexy” infrastructure spending over the next three years.

Public transit commuters might not notice much change despite the heady promises of infrastructure spending from their new federal government.

Instead, the $3.4 billion over three years devoted to transit in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s spring budget will go largely to maintenance and replacement backlogs — new signal systems, not new subway lines, new buses, not new routes.

Many public transit advocates, including TTC Chair Josh Colle who expects Toronto to get around $800 million, warmly welcome this as a necessary and positive funding step on the part of the federal government to maintain the system and improve its reliability.

(I say its disgraceful that Trudope should be borrowing money to BUY the votes of transit workers who have been ignoring their duty to maintain the system while spending maximum money on themselves-they got the salary and pension gravy and we got to deal with the breakdowns! And now our prime minister Trudope-the Boy with nice hair-for Brains is making it easier for already over paid and under worked Hogs to get even MORE gravy! Given that there are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OWING to civil service Hog unions-all of it in the form of deferred pension promises and payments made by LIE-berals-we didn’t have the money then and we don’t have it now but LIE-berals needed to BUY those votes so the promises were made and LIE-berals are doing their swinish best to keep them and if it bankrupts Canada-and it IS RUINING US-that’s just to bad for ordinary people as they are no friends of LIE-berals anyway!)

Commuters will notice what doesn’t happen, breakdowns and delays, Colle said.

“Unsexy” is how both Colle and federal Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi described the budget’s Phase 1 funding this week.

This is not a flashy new dress. We’re talking support garments. Toronto’s $10-billion to $15-billion downtown relief subway line is like a garter belt, fun for some folks to imagine but pure fantasy.

Ryerson University Prof. Murtaza Haider, with the Ted Rogers School of Management, predicts Toronto transit users already discouraged by the billions of dollars put into the underused UP Express and the Sheppard “stub-way” are going to be very disappointed.

(The Shepard `stub-way` carried twice as many customers in its first year than planners expected! It would and could carry many more customers IF LIE-berals would stop hogging the gravy and use some of it to build that downtown relief line! As it is the Shepard stubway simply connects to the already overloaded Young St line- and it discourages passengers!)

The $3.4 billion allocated in the budget, of which Ontario is slated to receive just under $1.5 billion, is not meant to address all public transit needs in the country, Haider said.

This money comes on top of substantial funds already committed to by the federal and provincial governments but falls far short of meeting the country’s infrastructure deficit, he said.

(Later- there was grand Ontari-owe LIE-beral announcement- offering up as much as $14 million dollars for repairs to Durham Region not so affordable housing and it’s the usual LIE-beral offer. It is contingent on various things that likely wont happen and starts to look even more like a crap offer when you realize Durham Housing needs $230 million dollars in repairs!)

“I think we need a lot more than is on the table right now,” he said. “The infrastructure deficit is the result of underspending for a good 30-year period or more.”

(What Haider is saying here is that Hogs have been neglecting the system and MILKING it dry of cash for 30 years! Things are so bad in Toronto-with so much govt gravy being sucked up by Hogs that not even Jackass John Tory and his modest `smart track crap are viable-NO transit will be built or even BEGUN during the term of Jackass John-as I have said many times before-the city is bankrupt. Rob Ford had it right-Toronto can build transit OR it can dole out gravy to Hogs-but NOT both and Ford was planning to use the ONLY tool open to him- to build transit by shutting off the Hog gravy train- its how his Eglinton LRT got moving! Civil service entitlements are ruining the country-AND polluting the air because of such a lack of efficient public transit that ensures many people will use their cars!)

There has been no money promised for the downtown relief line and even funding for SmartTrack — Toronto Mayor John Tory’s transit vision — is “not 100% there,” Haider said.

“Now we’re at the state where we have paralysis by analysis,” he said. “When you look at what got done, that is equally scary.”

(I say yes-the amount of money spent on Metrolinx and its endless studies is probably enough to put another stop or TWO on the Shepard Line!)

The 2016 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, produced by representatives of public works, construction, civil engineering and municipalities, gives the physical condition of public transit in Canada an overall rating of “good: adequate for now: in acceptable condition.”

The report did note that 26% of public transit was only in fair condition.

Another 15% was in poor condition and 2% in very poor condition — transit assets that would cost about $9 billion to replace.

“Assets in fair, poor and very poor conditions represent a call for action” the report says.

(I say that assets in fair, poor and very poor condition ALSO represent future legal liabilities-this means train signals failing and causing collisions, street cars derailing, brakes failing, bridges (like Gardener Expressway) becoming dangerous and needing to be closed etc. Infrastructure in rough condition means lawsuits from injured people-so far the city has been lucky nobody has been beaned by concrete falling from Gardener Expessway! Anybody who wants to see the Toronto future has only to study the Montreal Champlain Bridge- reduced now to 2 lanes from 4 as its now too old and rickety to support 4 lanes of traffic- this is what we can expect for Gardiner with the current band of Hogs `working` on it!)

A country-wide study released by CUTA, the Canadian Urban Transit Association, concluded that $56.6 billion is required for transit infrastructure between 2014-18, $15.9 billion to rehabilitate or replace existing infrastructure and $40.7 billion for expansion.

(I say that’s a funny number as 55 Billion is just about what we will owe (by about the spring of 2018) to OSSTF-the Ontari-owe high school teachers union. In 2018 we will be heading for another provincial election and our premier McWynnty-known to some as the Great Whore because she has sold herself, her party and our FUTURE to the Hogs- will be seeking re-election that year. And given that she has publicly SWORN to do whatever is necessary to keep the support of teachers; lets try to guess where The Whore would choose to spend 55 billion dollars? Would she spend on infrastructure that is certainly needed but wont buy LIE-berals any votes-or will she spend on teachers who will make or break LIE-beral party in the next election? )

Toronto Environmental Alliance says it costs an average of $300 million per km to build subways, $100 million per km for surface light rail transit and $250 million for underground routes.

Charles Lammam, Fraser Institute’s director of fiscal studies, said most of the federal budget’s deficit is not actually targeted at infrastructure spending, which arguably could be called economic stimulus, but at social programs that are highly unlikely to lead to significant job creation.

The reality of the budget did not match the “rhetoric” on infrastructure during the Liberal government’s election campaign last year, he said.

About $4 billion in the budget was devoted to infrastructure but even in that envelope there are projects like cultural and recreation centres which do not have the economic impact of transportation improvements, he said.

(I say GOSH, we NEED those cultural and recreation centres so the un-employed millions will have some place to go where its warm and dry-with the mess LIE-berals are making of the economy with fabulous greed and a well filled gravy train, there will be LOTS of ordinary people not working!)

“From a theoretical perspective, if you’re investing in needed infrastructure that helps move people and goods, it can foster more productivity and higher growth,” Lammam said. “When we looked at their budget we found that very little of the deficit that they’re planning for this year — $29.4 billion — is being driven by infrastructure spending.”

CUTA president and CEO Patrick Leclerc said the new infrastructure dollars, on top of the federal Gas Tax Fund and New Building Canada Fund, have been positively received by cities across the country.

(I say of course the new money has been well received by cities-they don’t give a shit where the money comes from just so long as they get a cut of the gravy! Cdn govt MUST STOP thinking that they each have a separate supply of tax payers-we have FOUR levels of govt preying on us like parasites and they have bled us dry!)

Phase 1, which covers the next three years, allows transit agencies and municipalities to improve the systems they already have, whether modernizing equipment or maintaining the system in a state of good repair, he said.

Phase 2 of the federal government’s plan to spend $120 billion over 10 years on infrastructure will see transit systems move into expansion mode, so that’s when riders will beginning noticing new service, he said.

(I say the whole LIE-beral plan is a sick joke-phase one is ALREADY proven as a shameless handout to civil service unions that wont do anything for the economy in the short term but which will further CRIPPLE the economy in the long term with massive new debt. Phase 2 assumes that LIE-berals will be RE-elected in 4 years AND that they will be ABLE and WILLING to honour their old promises. As LIE-berals are masters of the bait and switch I wont be holding my breath while waiting for bold new transit moves in five years time!)

“Our reaction was very positive because it’s a forward-looking plan,” Leclerc said. “Although the details are not yet know, Phase 2 is absolutely critical in appreciating the plan.”

The Kathleen Wynne government’s own budget promises $137 billion over 10 years for public infrastructure.

(I say The Whore budget of 137 billion over 10 years for infrastructure is another funny number-there are 19 separate Hog unions employed by Ontari-owe govt and they are owed something like 300 billion in deferred pension promises and its worth asking if The Whore will spend that 137 billion on new tracks and transit lines or simply hand it over to transit Hogs to dump into their pension plan? The Whore can hand over 137 Billion dollars to Hogs and honestly claim she is funding transit but we know that she is ALSO BUYING those Hog votes by topping up her outrageous pension promises -and so what if the province is bankrupt? Or that TTC is grossly overloaded and constantly breaking down? All that matters is that Hogs are happy and LIE-berals get votes! What a shameless shell game!)

“We are so pleased the federal government is investing in Ontario’s plan,” a spokesman said.

( I am sure the spokesman really IS truly delighted-and expects to PROFIT personally as ALL Hogs (and spokes people representing Hogs) benefit from LIE-beral plans!)

(Ain’t it grand when a plan comes together? Just too bad for the suckers STUCK on unreliable and over loaded public transit!)

Larger font


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Mais non: those numbers are large enough.
..and as usual, going into pockets instead of infrastructure is just the turding on the cake.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Is it not FASCINATING that Cuomo would tell people "that America was NEVER that great"?????????????????????

What was he THINKING????????????????????????

With a name like Cuomo his family did not come over on the Mayflower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which means his Italian ancestors made a huge leap of faith and travelled to a foreign land - at huge personal cost- and just trusted to luck that they were strong enough to manage in a country whose language they did not know or speak on arrival!!!!!

Cuomo family ancestors give the LIE to how great America was!!!!!!!!!!!

Or they would not have come so far at such cost and risked so much to get here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Liberals Attack ‘Queer Eye’ Star For Tweeting ‘Not All Republicans Are Racist’

A star of the Netflix show “Queer Eye,” Jonathan Van Ness, is getting heat from the left after he sent out a tweet calling for Democrats to stop demonizing Trump supporters.

What a hateful bunch!..and worse, hateful re IMAGINARY projections of their own personalities, which they put on whoever they are told to...it IS a real mental illness.

Likely most of the trolls are paid for by one communist government or another in a case like this.
I wonder if that actually helps the employment stats.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Liberals Attack ‘Queer Eye’ Star For Tweeting ‘Not All Republicans Are Racist’

A star of the Netflix show “Queer Eye,” Jonathan Van Ness, is getting heat from the left after he sent out a tweet calling for Democrats to stop demonizing Trump supporters.

What a hateful bunch!..and worse, hateful re IMAGINARY projections of their own personalities, which they put on whoever they are told to...it IS a real mental illness.

Likely most of the trolls are paid for by one communist government or another in a case like this.
I wonder if that actually helps the employment stats.

Communist trolls helping employment stats?????

Sort of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The trolls get work but the policies they support ruin the work options of ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it sort of evens out job wise- except that the least deserving people are getting the easy troll work while useful people are getting screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just the usual LIE-beral style bait and switch crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They give you money with one hand and take EXTRA with the other hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017




Oh my- Our idiot Boy Justin is trying to make nice with natives by offering them a national holiday and Day of Remberance! The idiot Boy was popular with natives who hoped he could change their lives for the better- and of course once they got a good look at his true values- native suicides spiked!

All Our idiot Boy did for natives was remove the Conservative mandated requirement that all native reserve govt spending should be posted online for all to see- in an effort to end the endemic corruption of band councils! The most egregious example was Atiwapiskat council blowing through $150 million dollars in tax money given to build housing- without ever building a single house or offering up a single receipt as to where the money went! And the Native National Assembly of chief blowhards suggested the Harper govt should offer up MORE GRAVY in order to “rebuild native trust in Cdn govt”!

So insanity in native affairs is the order of the day for LIE-berals and is nothing new! Just consider the sorry mess Ontari-owe LIE-berals concocted in order to buy the votes of Ontari-owe natives as described below:

Here is a head scratcher of a news item-one which ought to have all voters up in arms over what appears to be another very sneaky LIE-beral back room deal. I present the news article along with some comments of my own in brackets):

Ontario strikes deal to sell Hydro One shares to First Nations.

The Canadian Press. First posted: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:11 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:29 PM EDT

TORONTO -- First Nations in Ontario will get the chance to buy shares in Hydro One, a public utility the Liberal government has partially privatized.

(I have to say this is a jaw dropping piece of fiscal sleight of hand! LIE-berals will SELL Hydro stock to DEAD BROKE native bands who are struggling to pay their grocery bills or to get decent housing, and virtually their only income is from welfare and from the illegal sale of cigarettes? It is just another stunning piece of LIE-beral vote buying at any price!)

The government says it has reached an agreement in principle with the province's First Nations to loan them up to $268 million to buy up to 15 million shares at $18 per share.

(LIE-berals think of everything-except the final cost! They will `loan` natives the money to buy the stocks-without that pesky need for anything like collateral or a job or a sensible way to pay back bad loans as any sensible banker demands! But then LIE-berals LOVE fiscal smoke and mirrors style financing- natives can buy their Hydro stock with dividends from Hydro stock- which means isolated native reserves will be onside with LIE-berals to turn out Hydro system into a giant LIE-beral slush fund- so they can profit!)

That offer is above the province's book value, but below the $24-to-$26 range the stock has been trading in recent months.

(That`s nice-it turns the ancient concept of `buy low and sell high` on its ear-selling cheaply to natives who have never even seen a stock market before!)

For the deal to go through, at least 80% of the band councils will have to approve the agreement by the end of next year.

If ratified, Ontario would sell the shares to a new investment vehicle owned collectively by First Nations and provide seed capital of up to $45 million over three years.

(Since there has been no announcement that I am aware of- does this mean the deal has fallen through? Have natives become as disgusted with LIE-beral bait and switch crap as I have? Or should we assume this Hydor sale to natives is simply another in a long series of LIE-beral back room deals that LIE-berals and their media pals don’t thin we need to be informed about- even though it is being financed ENTIRELY with OUR MONEY!)

Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault says in a statement that this would give economic development opportunities to First Nations across the province.

(Oh hey-there IS MAGIC in LIE-beral money! LIE-berals must BORROW money to LOAN/give to natives so they can buy a debt ridden crown corporation with a ramshackle collection of distribution grid equipment that is worn out and badly in need of COSTLY replacement. Then the natives get to BORROW against their bankrupt Hydro holdings so they can make further investments! Its like MAGIC-borrowed money galore just pulled out of thin air and spent on-well-we DON’T and WON’T know how it is spent will we! Because LIE-berals have ALREADY slammed shut the books on OUR Hydro One-as if it was none of our business what our govt does with our money at the crown corporation we STILL OWN!)

(Ontari-owe natives are the people who BLEW THROUGH ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS in Attiwapiskat-that had been given to them for building desperately needed housing. And they spent it ALL- WITHOUT PRODUCING A SINGLE RECEIPT-AND without building a SINGLE HOUSE! These are the people who got paid millions to build houses in Kashetchewan and virtually all of the houses are RUINED because ALL the houses were built on a FLOOD PLAIN-INUNDATED on a yearly basis! These are the people who were given- by federal govt- a brand new MODERN prefabricated jail-and left it to rot on the Kashetchewan docks-too much trouble to assemble it I guess-while two idiot convicts set fire to their own jail cells in the ramshackle mess the band had previously been using as a jail! And both dorks burned to death while native constables scrambled to find the keys to open enough doors to get the dorks out-and what imbecile sets fire to a room he is locked into anyway?)

(And LIE-berals THINK these chronic drunkards and drug addicts and cigarette smugglers will be handling Hydro stock-that we are paying for with borrowed money and sky high hydro rates- more sensibly than their housing allowance?)

Thirty per cent of the utility's shares have already been sold, and if 15 million shares are sold to the First Nations, it would represent another 2.5%.

(Just to ENSURE that the maximum possible MESS can be made by sloppy white hating natives, LIE-berals have ORDERED the following: ALL Hydro books will be SEALED-NO PUBLIC AUDITORS allowed-forever and a day-its NONE of our business what crap LIE-berals and natives are up to-AT OUR EXPENSE with Hydro money!)

(Further, after the Attiwapiskat and Kashetchewan messes-PLUS other scandals involving natives using housing money for cruises in Caribbean and paying band council chiefs and assorted hangers on a HUGE PILE OF MAD MONEY; Conservatives ORDERED ALL NATIVE BANDS to post their books and expenses online so govt could see at a glance where the MULTI MILLIONS were going. Failure to post the information meant being cut off from govt funds! But our prime minister Trudope-that Boy with nice hair for BRAINS has cancelled that demand for public exposure of spending habits-natives can now do as they please with our money and tell anybody who complains to stuff it where the sun don’t shine, without ANY repercussions! Thank you LIE-berals for sh+tting all over responsible govt and public accountability!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Did they want to revoke his security clearance because he said mean things about them?