The objections of the idolaters to the Prophet


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I don't know the Golden hoard which is the legacy of Genghis Khan (who pretty much destroyed the Roman Empire) formed the Ottoman Empire that wasn't too small ;)

Yes but, academia has a habit of arrangeing things according to the order of the day. The Roman Empire exists today, and it is formidable. The Ottamans hang in thier as well. And the fukkin British Empire, there,s no shortage of Imperialism I think. Rome is the Holiest of Empires, eaters of children, a clique so steeped in perversion as to rot grapes on the vine, the Muslims are beginners, green with envey perhaps, new to the game, being schooled, I think they,ll make out OK. They catch on fast, especially because of thier training which in many cases involves live armaments and frequent explosions.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I was with you for a couple of sentences then you took a left turn Lol

There isn,t any fukking left, there is here and nowhere else, the differnce between the totalitarion left and right is what?
And you picked left because you,re unfamiliar with the other 358 degrees. I earlier admitted to previous leftist infections. In fact I,m after all this time a centrist , sticking between the navigational aids, I ,am unwilling to adopt a vulgar perspective in the face of the evidence of the historical results. Nevertheless back to global warming. In my considered opinion no such calamity like global warming is in effect at this time. Ah the evidence does not support global warming, quite the opposite, frozen hailed to death crops all over he world point in another direction, I hope you like ice.

Why do you hate me?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
There isn,t any fukking left, there is here and nowhere else, the differnce between the totalitarion left and right is what?
And you picked left because you,re unfamiliar with the other 358 degrees. I earlier admitted to previous leftist infections. In fact I,m after all this time a centrist , sticking between the navigational aids, I ,am unwilling to adopt a vulgar perspective in the face of the evidence of the historical results. Nevertheless back to global warming. In my considered opinion no such calamity like global warming is in effect at this time. Ah the evidence does not support global warming, quite the opposite, frozen hailed to death crops all over he world point in another direction, I hope you like ice.

Why do you hate me?

Nope just chose left out of a random direction

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The stone work in your ancestral region often reflects great technicle advancment and when subjected to reverse engineering indicates a somewhat more precise past, anything written in the rocks is a thousand times more reliable than convienient modern mythological situations designed to titilate the adherents. That is not to say that tradition is not a powerful thing, the truth rules in any case. As for myself I seem to have a British past, my seed escaped from a wharf in Liverpool before the second great war and the other half from Irish horse thieves. It seems hanging was in the balance. With a whole vast new continent to plunder my ancestor made a considered stratigic choice tailord to continuation as opposed to tangling from hemp.

Quran 29: 50, which means:
([The Jews] say: "If only revelations [inscribed on stone like that which Moses brought down from God a] had been sent down on [Mohammed, we would then have believed.]"

Say, [Mohammed, to them]: "The revelations are with God [Who sends them down as He pleases
b]; and I am only an obvious warner c.")

50 a It means: like the Tablets.

50 b And the Stone Age had passed away, and now this has been the age of the science, knowledge and eloquence of the Arabic language; therefore, now there is no need for sending down the stones.

And if you had been true in your claim that you will believe when you see them, then you would not have disbelieved Moses when he brought down the Tablets, and your fathers said: “Who believe it is from God!?” then the Mount cleft and the cleft-portion inclined and hovered over them and was about to kill them, had they not cried: “We believe! We believe!”

50 c So anyone seeks after the Next Life and its prosperity, let him believe, and who desires for the Fire and its hell, let him disbelieve.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The idolaters demanded miracles like those of Jesus Christ:

[Quraish tribesmen said to the Prophet – salam to him: "If you truly are a Prophet as do you claim, then do for us the miracles that Jesus son of Mary did before, and then we may believe you; because Jesus cured the congenitally blind and the albino; he also revived the dead and foretold about the 'Unknown'."

Therefore, this aya was revealed in reply to their words:]

Quran 6: 50, which means:

(Say [Mohammed, to these disbelievers]:

"I am not telling you that I have the treasuries of [the mercy of] God [so that I can work miracles like those of Jesus who cured the congenitally-blind and the albino and revived the dead],

nor that I know the Unknown,

nor that I am angel [like him, because Jesus was an angel that came down from heaven according to God's command, and entered in the body of the fetus in the womb of Mary.]

I only follow [the commands] revealed to me [from my Lord.]"

Say: "Are the blind [to the way of the truth like Abu-Jah'l], and the man seeing [it like Mohammed] equal?

Will you not contemplate [about that?]"

More explanation is in the link:


Further explanation of the previous aya:

So God gave to Jesus Christ those miracles in order that they might respect him, and might not kill him.

But in spite of that, such miracles did not avail anything with the Children of Israel; because when the Jews saw such miracles which Moses had not brought before, they denied them and said: “These are not the miracles of prophets, but they are only a great sorcery done by a devil having much knowledge about the sorcery.”

While when the Christians saw such miracles which he worked, they became enthusiastic about him, until they ascribed him as the son of God, and another sect claimed he is God Himself.

Therefore, the material miracles are useless, because they will lead to destruction and to admission into the Fire; so when you see the miracles which you demand, done as you demanded:

>> either you will deny them and say: 'This is an obvious sorcery!' as did Jews claim about the miracles of Jesus;
>> or you will be enthusiastic about me and say he is the son of God as did Christians say, and then your destination [in both cases] will be in the Fire.

So the material or objective miracles will not avail anything to let you believe; but better than this, you should think with your minds and look with your eyes to these stones which you worship: Can they profit or harm you? And in case you realize that they cannot do anything of that, then abandon them, and instead worship God your Lord and Creator and your Provider with the provision, if you believe in my words.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The idolaters demanded God's messenger drive out the believers:

Many of the poor believed in the Quran and the Prophet, so the idolater wanted the Prophet drive the poor, and that only then they might come to his sessions ...
Moreover, they thought how could it be the poor would be before them in the belief and in rank ..

"[When the (idolaters or) associaters spoke badly – and disparaged the poor Muslims, and asked the Prophet to drive them away, so that they may then come to sit with him, – His saying – be glorified was revealed in this aya:]"

(Quran 6: 52. And drive not away those who call upon their Lord by morning and evening, seeking His neighborhood;
nothing of their account falls upon you [Mohammed], and nothing of your account falls upon them;
that you drive them away, and so become a wrong-doer [: so you will wrong them.]

53. Even so We have tried some of them by others [:the rich by the poor],
that the [rich] say: "Are these [poor men] the ones whom God has favored [with the Islam] among us [so they outstripped us to it?]"

[So the angel in charge of their punishment will answer them:]
Is not God Best Aware of the grateful [And He guided them to the way of the Islam and they converted?]

[Then God commanded His messenger to {welcome them and to} start them with salutation whenever he sees them, so as to honor them:]
54. And when those, who believe in Our revelations, come to you [Mohammed], say: "Peace be to you! your Lord has prescribed for Himself mercy [to you]:
that whoso of you commits evil then repents after that and reforms [his deeds], surely [God] is Most Forgiving [to those who repent], Most Merciful [to those who regret.]


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The idolaters demanded God's messenger drive out the believers:

Many of the poor believed in the Quran and the Prophet, so the idolater wanted the Prophet drive the poor, and that only then they might come to his sessions ...
Moreover, they thought how could it be the poor would be before them in the belief and in rank ..

"[When the (idolaters or) associaters spoke badly – and disparaged the poor Muslims, and asked the Prophet to drive them away, so that they may then come to sit with him, – His saying – be glorified was revealed in this aya:]"

(Quran 6: 52. And drive not away those who call upon their Lord by morning and evening, seeking His neighborhood;
nothing of their account falls upon you [Mohammed], and nothing of your account falls upon them;
that you drive them away, and so become a wrong-doer [: so you will wrong them.]

53. Even so We have tried some of them by others [:the rich by the poor],
that the [rich] say: "Are these [poor men] the ones whom God has favored [with the Islam] among us [so they outstripped us to it?]"

[So the angel in charge of their punishment will answer them:]
Is not God Best Aware of the grateful [And He guided them to the way of the Islam and they converted?]

[Then God commanded His messenger to {welcome them and to} start them with salutation whenever he sees them, so as to honor them:]
54. And when those, who believe in Our revelations, come to you [Mohammed], say: "Peace be to you! your Lord has prescribed for Himself mercy [to you]:
that whoso of you commits evil then repents after that and reforms [his deeds], surely [God] is Most Forgiving [to those who repent], Most Merciful [to those who regret.]
Does god tell you to play with your goats ? Are you allowed to play with yourself if your goat is not handy ?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The two replies above indicate two devils who evade the truth and insist on the falsehood.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Just because there are no pictures posted doesn't mean we don't know what you are doing with your brother's favorite goat when he is not home.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Just because there are no pictures posted doesn't mean we don't know what you are doing with your brother's favorite goat when he is not home.

I am quit of your lies, and you are guilty with your lies.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Another objection of the idolaters to the Prophet and the Quran

Quran 38: 1-14, which mean:

[When the Prophet came to the tribe of Quraish and told them about his message, and invited them to worship God alone and forsake the worshipping of the idols, they denied and mocked him.

Therefore, God – be glorified – revealed this aya confirming the Prophet:]

1. (Şsad):

(or Truthful) [i.e. Mohammed is truthful.]

[I swear] (by the Quran with its admonitions!)

More explanation is in the link:



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I am quit of your lies, and you are guilty with your lies.
The reason he said that is based on what happens when it is his turn to wears the goats head mask.

You have to be aware that this place is full of godless people so don't let them under your skin as they take that as a sign they won something when all the did was show what assholes they are deep down inside. You won't be converting anybody, god has a special place for godless people.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 38: 2-4, which mean:
[Then God – be glorified – told His messenger about the arrogance of those associaters and their haughtiness and refusal to believe and submit to God, so He said:]
2. But [actually] the unbelievers are on arrogance and contradiction.

[Afterwards, God – be glorified – started to threaten and terrify them, and He said:]
3. And how many a generation before them We destroyed; when [the earthquake seized them] they cried [: Run away from the city], but [the angel, sent for their destruction, said:] “It is not a time for escaping”.

4. So they wonder that a warner has come to them out of themselves; so the unbelievers say: "This is a sorcerer telling lies [: for he claimed the prophethood.]"

The reason he said that is based on what happens when it is his turn to wears the goats head mask.

You have to be aware that this place is full of godless people so don't let them under your skin as they take that as a sign they won something when all the did was show what assholes they are deep down inside. You won't be converting anybody, god has a special place for godless people.

I know they are useless, but I speak to people in general.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I mentioned the Quran would fit into the weekend Jesus spent at the village the woman at the well came from. (in another thread) That is based on Jesus was only a Prophet at that time. As holy as you take it to be the NT prophecies, and especially Revelations, is the authority on how the return goes down.
In that light the 7 letters to the 7churches cover all Gentiles and those 14 different relationships is how the sheep/goats are divided. False Christian make up the bulk of 'Christians' and every one of them will die when the 7 vials are poured out, it will follow this ratio,

And it shall come to pass,
that in all the land,
saith the LORD,
two parts therein shall be cut off and die;
but the third shall be left therein.
And I will bring the third part through the fire,
and will refine them as silver is refined,
and will try them as gold is tried:
they shall call on my name,
and I will hear them:
I will say,
It is my people:
and they shall say,
The LORD is my God.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
[When Omar the son of Khattab converted, it was so troublesome to Quraish; therefore, they gathered to meet Abu Talib and ask the Prophet to leave them and what they worshipped, and they then would leave him and what he worshipped.

Abu Talib then sent for him, and the Prophet came and said: “I ask them for one word by means of which the Arab will submit to them, and the non-Arab give tribute.”

They said: “We may give you ten words, so what is such word?”

He said: “You should say: No god but God!”

So they went away, saying:]

5. "Has he made [all] the gods into One God? This indeed is a very astonishing thing."

6. And the chiefs of them departed [and said to each other:] "Go and be constant to [worship] your gods; [for] this is a thing binding [on us.]"

7. “We have not heard of anything like this in any previous creed i; this surely is [something] invented [by Mohammed.]”

8. "So has the 'admonition' [: the Quran] been revealed to him exclusive of us?"

[So God – be glorified – said:]
But actually they are in doubt of My admonition.
In fact they have not yet suffered My chastisement.

9. Or have they the treasures of the grace of your Lord, the All-Mighty, the All-Offering ?

10. Or have they the ownership of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them?
Hence let them come up [to Us] by the means [leading up to heaven]

11. Whatever hosts [of the idols and of Satan] of those rallied [against you, Mohammed] will [certainly] be defeated there [before you, as were defeated those ancients who rallied against their messengers.]

12. Before them the people of Noah denied, and [the tribe of] Aad and Pharaoh with his stakes [with which he tortured the believers.]

13. And [the tribe of] Thamood, Lot's people and the people of the [miraculous] Tree [of Midian]; those were the allies [against their prophets.]

14. Not one [of them] but denied the messengers, so My punishment came justly and inevitably [on them.]


i It means: [The idolaters said:] "We did not hear about the people of the other religions that they rejected the statues, but only the new religion brought by Mohammed;
for Christians have the statue of Mary and the statue of Jesus which is the cross,
and Jews have the statues of the angels having wings which they call the cherubim, in addition to the two gold calf statues which they worshiped in the past; moreover they worshiped the stone statues which they called the Baalim and Ashtaroth.
So likewise we [idolaters] also take statues of the angels to sanctify them in order that the angels will intercede for us before God."

More explanation is in the link:
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The RCC references Mary, the mother of Jesus when Mary of Bethany is the Beloved Disciple of John the Baptist. She is the author of the Gospel of John and the Revelations of John so she alone is the most important person in the NT.

Since everybody misses that point there are no true believers more or less.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Explanation of the post #38:

The idolaters objected to the Quran which denied their statues and idols .. they said:
We haven't heard anything similar to the teachings and claims of Mohammed about the rejection of the statues and idols ..
because we see Jews have the Cherubim which is a statue of winged angels, and they have also the statues of the gold calf (made by the Samaritan), and they have the two calf statues made for them by Jeroboam, in addition to worshiping the Baalim.

Moreover, we see Christians also erect statues of Jesus and his mother in addition to statues of some saints.

Therefore, only Mohammed invites to such innovation against the idols and statues"