The idolaters opposed Prophet Mohammed, because they stuck to the traditions of their fathers, and they blindly followed their fathers without using their reason.
In fact, almost every apostle (or messenger) faces such opposition from the idolaters (those who associate others with God the Creator in their worship)
The idolaters demanded many impossible acts the Prophet should do, so that they might believe in God alone without associate and to leave their idols of stone.
[Some associaters among the Arab said: “Had Mohammed been any prophet, he wouldn't have married such many women; wasn’t Jesus single and he did not marry?
Moreover, had he been any prophet, he would have brought us the miracles as had Moses and Jesus brought.”
Therefore, this aya was revealed, which means:]
(Quran 13: 40. We did send [many] messengers before you [Mohammed], and appoint for them wives and offspring.
And it was never the part of any messenger to bring a miracle [of His own accord, and he could not do that] except as God permitted.
For every period was a book.
41. God [in the Quran] cancels [some statements of the Torah] as He likes, and He affirms [in the Quran, some other statements of the Torah as He likes]; with Him is the Essence of the Book.)
More explanation is in the link:
In fact, almost every apostle (or messenger) faces such opposition from the idolaters (those who associate others with God the Creator in their worship)
The idolaters demanded many impossible acts the Prophet should do, so that they might believe in God alone without associate and to leave their idols of stone.
[Some associaters among the Arab said: “Had Mohammed been any prophet, he wouldn't have married such many women; wasn’t Jesus single and he did not marry?
Moreover, had he been any prophet, he would have brought us the miracles as had Moses and Jesus brought.”
Therefore, this aya was revealed, which means:]
(Quran 13: 40. We did send [many] messengers before you [Mohammed], and appoint for them wives and offspring.
And it was never the part of any messenger to bring a miracle [of His own accord, and he could not do that] except as God permitted.
For every period was a book.
41. God [in the Quran] cancels [some statements of the Torah] as He likes, and He affirms [in the Quran, some other statements of the Torah as He likes]; with Him is the Essence of the Book.)
More explanation is in the link: