How the past Zionists opposed Prophet Mohammed

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Another disobedience they committed:

Quran 2: 55-56, which mean:
(55. And [remember] when you said [to Moses], 'Moses, We will not believe you till we see God manifestly', so the thunderbolt seized you while you were looking.

56. We then sent you[r souls to your bodies and you returned alive, as were you before], even after your death, that you might show gratitude.)

More explanation is in the link:


And many other bounties about which they did not show gratitude:

Quran 2: 57, which means:
(And We made the cloud overshadow you,
and sent down on you the manna and quails; [We said to them]: 'Eat of the good food [items] wherewith We have provided you' –
They wronged Us not, but they were wont to wrong themselves.

More explanation is in the link:


Their rebellion against God and against Moses:

Quran 2: 58-59, which mean:
(58. And remember We said: "Enter into this town [of Jericho], and eat of the plenty [amount of food] therein as you wish;
and enter [by] the gate submissive [to Us], and say: 'Forgive [us]',
We shall forgive you your [past] faults and increase [the portion of] those who do good."

59. But those who wronged [their people] changed the words which had been told them for some other words, so We sent down upon the wrong-doers pestilence out of heaven according to their evil doing.)

More explanation is in the link:


Another God's bounty on them:

Quran 2: 60, which means:
(And [remember] when Moses prayed for water to his [thirsty] people; We said: 'Strike the rock with your staff.'
Then gushed forth therefrom twelve [water] springs. Each tribe knew their own drinking-place.
So eat [of the manna and quails] and drink [of the water of the springs; that is some] of the sustenance provided by God, and do not act corruptly, spreading mischief in the earth.

More explanation is in the link:


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And you believe your lies?


God expounds more about their conduct:

Quran 2: 61, which means:
(And [remember] when you [Children of Israel] said, 'Moses, we can no longer tolerate only one kind of food. Pray therefore your Lord for our behalf to produce for us the earthly crops such as green herbs, snake cucumbers, garlic, lentils, and onions.'

[God] said: ‘Would you take in exchange [the vegetables, garlic and onion] which is less [in value] instead of the [manna and quails] which is better? Go [therefore] to any country and you will find what you asked for.'

And they were afflicted by abasement and destitution, and they, [after being dignified,] incurred the wrath of God.

That was because they disobeyed [their Lord's commands], and slew the prophets wrongfully. That was on account of their disobedience and transgression [on the weak among them.]

More explanation is in the link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
No, we don't believe your lies.

All of you? In democracy it means a great deal; but about the truth it means nothing .. and it is a fact that most people follow the falsehood, and they - like you - insist on the falsehood.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
All of you? In democracy it means a great deal; but about the truth it means nothing .. and it is a fact that most people follow the falsehood, and they - like you - insist on the falsehood.
Yet you can’t look at your sister and play with goats . Go figure .


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
All of you? In democracy it means a great deal; but about the truth it means nothing .. and it is a fact that most people follow the falsehood, and they - like you - insist on the falsehood.

No, it is you that insists on the falsehood. It is you that continues to follow and preach Satans gospel. It is you that is the devils spawn, following the devils spawn, trying to trick others into following your satanic master. You have been exposed for what you are, a minion of satan. NOT a follower of God.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
No, it is you that insists on the falsehood. It is you that continues to follow and preach Satans gospel. It is you that is the devils spawn, following the devils spawn, trying to trick others into following your satanic master. You have been exposed for what you are, a minion of satan. NOT a follower of God.

If I invite people to Satan, show us where did I say this?

If I follow the falsehood: while I am a monotheist and want to devote my work exclusively to God alone ... then what about the Trinity follower and the one who says Jesus is God Himself and Jesus is the son of God?


Zionists work to stir sedition among Muslim sects so as to weaken them, and to stir enmity between Muslims and Christians to reap the advantage for themselves.
This has been worked by Zionists in the present time, as had also been done by the past Zionists.

"[The Jew Shas son of Qais met the tribesmen of Aws and Khazraj: the two tribes of the people of the Medina, and he saw them cooperating and loving each other; so their unity made him sad, and he reminded them with the wars that were between them in the pre-Islam period which lasted one hundred and twenty years, then that fighting stopped by their conversion to the Islam.

So when he reminded them about that, they quarreled and cried: "The sword, the sword!" And they were about to fight each other.

Their problem reached Mohammed, the apostle of God, and he went out to them together with his companions of the immigrants and helpers, and said to them: "Will you say the words of the pre-Islam ignorance while I am present among you, even after God has honored you with the Islam!?"

So the people realized it was only an instigation from Satan, so they repented and embraced each other; therefore, this aya was revealed:]

(Quran 3: 100. Believers, if you obey a party of those [Jews] given the [Heavenly] Book, they will turn you, after you have believed, into unbelievers.

101. But how could you [Muslims] disbelieve, the while God's revelations a are recited to you, and His messenger [Mohammed] is present among you b?
Whoso holds fast with [the religion of] God, he indeed has been guided to a 'standard and straight' way c.)

101 a i.e. the Quran.

101 b to guide you.

101 c Which will lead him to Paradise.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Still blaming Zionists? Nassir, you are a waste of skin and Allah is punishing you personally.

Muslims kill, destroy homes, livestock and property in the ME. Since 2000, they have been destroying a lot more places, and murdering innocent people, outside the ME. Fortunately, people have learned that, as a group, you cannot be trusted. Muslims have been killing, raping and pillaging for almost 1500 yrs.

Quite a track record of shameful conduct.

Stop killing. Stop lying. Stop burning and blowing up the homes of your neighbours. Stop using Allah as an excuse for Muslims acting badly. 1500 years of this is the reason why no one likes or trusts you. Clean up your own yard first.

In the meantime, shut up.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Zionists suck, a nation would rather have plague, the Zionist is a diseased pseudo human and only crushing thier heads will save them.

The same treatment with minor modifications is also usefull for sexual perverts, politicians, roman catholic priests and useless fornicating health experts. The only good Zionist is screaming in a pot of boiling motor oil.

5w30 seems to produce melodious tones.

Remember to keep the temperature at a very slow boil to prolong the simmering harrmony. When the magnificent agony begins to wane just add another one. All jokeing aside this can be done with household pets as well , puppies are especially vocal. Now they won,t shtt all over your carpet. Just some suggestions for that special evening with that special person. The wine needs consideration as well.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
If I invite people to Satan, show us where did I say this?

If I follow the falsehood: while I am a monotheist and want to devote my work exclusively to God alone ... then what about the Trinity follower and the one who says Jesus is God Himself and Jesus is the son of God?


Zionists work to stir sedition among Muslim sects so as to weaken them, and to stir enmity between Muslims and Christians to reap the advantage for themselves.
This has been worked by Zionists in the present time, as had also been done by the past Zionists.

"[The Jew Shas son of Qais met the tribesmen of Aws and Khazraj: the two tribes of the people of the Medina, and he saw them cooperating and loving each other; so their unity made him sad, and he reminded them with the wars that were between them in the pre-Islam period which lasted one hundred and twenty years, then that fighting stopped by their conversion to the Islam.

So when he reminded them about that, they quarreled and cried: "The sword, the sword!" And they were about to fight each other.

Their problem reached Mohammed, the apostle of God, and he went out to them together with his companions of the immigrants and helpers, and said to them: "Will you say the words of the pre-Islam ignorance while I am present among you, even after God has honored you with the Islam!?"

So the people realized it was only an instigation from Satan, so they repented and embraced each other; therefore, this aya was revealed:]

(Quran 3: 100. Believers, if you obey a party of those [Jews] given the [Heavenly] Book, they will turn you, after you have believed, into unbelievers.

101. But how could you [Muslims] disbelieve, the while God's revelations a are recited to you, and His messenger [Mohammed] is present among you b?
Whoso holds fast with [the religion of] God, he indeed has been guided to a 'standard and straight' way c.)

101 a i.e. the Quran.

101 b to guide you.

101 c Which will lead him to Paradise.
Have you been told yet today?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Kings of Jews against God to the destruction of their people:

Quran 14: 28-30, which mean:
(28. Will you [man] not consider those [kings and chiefs of Jews] who substituted ingratitude a instead of [gratitude for] God's grace, and they settled their people [in the afterlife] in the Home Barren [of all blessings]?

[Then God – be glorified – explained about what such ‘Home, Barren of all blessings’, is:]
29. [That is] Hell in which they are broiled; an evil abode [for them, in which they abide.]

30. And they set up [statues which they worshiped as] peers of God; that they might mislead [their people] from His way [leading to His Gardens.]
Say [Mohammed to the progeny of those Jews, contemporary to you]: "Enjoy [your life of the World with wealth and children], for [surely] your fate [in the Next Life] will be into the Fire [because you have followed the program of your kings and chiefs.]

28 a So after had God rescued them from Pharaoh, and saved them from his enslaving, and settled them in the land of Canaan, and made them kings and chiefs, they denied all these bounties, and instead of commanding their people with God-fearing and righteousness, they started to compel them to worship the idols and to kill the prophets and the ascetics who enjoined righteousness, and they altered the Law of Prophet Moses.

30 b This is in the Torah [included in the Old Testament], Book of Kings 1, chapter 12:

“26 Jeroboam c thought to himself, “The kingdom will now likely revert to the house of David.
27 If these people go up to offer sacrifices at the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem, they will again give their allegiance to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah. They will kill me and return to King Rehoboam.”
28 After seeking advice, the king made two golden calves. He said to the people, “It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.”
29 One he set up in Bethel, and the other in Dan.
30 And this thing became a sin; the people came to worship the one at Bethel and went as far as Dan to worship the other.
31 Jeroboam built shrines on high places and appointed priests from all sorts of people, even though they were not Levites.
32 He instituted a festival in the eighth month, like the festival held in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. This he did in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves he had made.”

c Jeroboam son of Nebat was a slave of Solomon; he was an Ephraimite from the city of Zeredah. Solomon put him in charge of the whole labor force of the tribes of Joseph. Then he rebelled against Solomon and went to Egypt, where the king of Egypt brought him close and offered to him; then when Solomon died, Jeroboam returned from Egypt to Jerusalem and fought against Rehoboam son of Solomon competing with him for the kingdom, which at last was divided between them.
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Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Still trying - and failing - to beg Allah's forgiveness for living a shameful life! Nothing you could ever do will change his judgment of you, Nassir.

What were you thinking when those people were dying at the hospital? Allah expected you to honour him. You didn't and he has judged you.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The hypocrites and Jews plotted together against God's messenger:

[Abdullah son of Ubay the chief of the hypocrites went to the Jewish tribe of Bani Quraiza who inhabited the city of Yathrib or Medina, and consulted with them against the Prophet, and they designed a plot;

he said to them: “Ally with Quraish to fight Mohammed and expel him out of our land with captivity and slaying.”
So God told His messenger about that, in order to beware of them, and this aya was revealed:]

(Quran 17: 76. And they indeed have designed to annoy you [Mohammed] off the land [of Yathrib], to expel you out of it [by means of fighting and hurting];
in that case [if they had done that], they could not have tarried [in it] but only few [days, then We would have exterminated them by plague, earthquake or slaying] after your [leaving the city of Yathrib or Medina.]

77. [This was Our] program for the messengers whom We sent before you [Mohammed] d: you can never find any changing in [this] Our program.)

77 d It means: We didn’t send any messenger (or apostle) before you, and his people expelled him, but We then destroyed them.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Jun 14 10:01

120 countries at UN condemn Israel over Gaza violence

The UN General Assembly on Wednesday adopted by a strong majority of 120 countries an Arab-backed resolution condemning Israel for Palestinian deaths in Gaza and rejected a US bid to blame Hamas for the violence.
The resolution deplores Israel's use of "excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate force" against Palestinian civilians and calls for protection measures for Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.
At least 129 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire during protests near the border with Gaza that began at the end of March. No Israelis have died.
Presented by Algeria and Turkey on behalf of Arab and Muslim countries, the measure won a decisive 120 votes in the 193-member assembly, with 8 votes against and 45 abstentions.
US Ambassador Nikki Haley dismissed the resolution as "one-sided" and accused Arab countries of trying to score political points at home by seeking to condemn Israel at the United Nations.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The camel meat had been lawful before the Torah was revealed:

[The Jews objected to the Prophet about making lawful the camel meat, and that it was lawful to Abraham; so the Jews said: "Everything that we forbid, then it had also been forbidden to Noah, Abraham and other prophets until it has reached us";
therefore, this aya was revealed:]

Quran 3: 93, which means:
(All [kinds of food] were lawful to the Children of Israel except [the meat of camel] that Israel [: Jacob] forbade for himself a [in the days] before the Torah was revealed, [but later on when the Torah was revealed to Moses, God forbade you the meat of camel b.]
Say [Mohammed, to them]: "Produce the Torah and recite it [to us] if you indeed are truthful [in your claim.]"

93 a The meaning: Jacob did not forbid his sons any kind of foods, but only Jacob [Israel] forbade the camel meat for himself exclusively; and that was because of a disease that he had, so he made some dietary regimen.

93 b and others; such [forbidding of the camel meat for you in the Torah] was because of your transgression.
But God has not forbidden it for us, Muslims.
So you said: the camel meat was forbidden for Jacob and his sons, and that it is written in our Torah [: the Law.]


Quran 3: 94, which means:
(And whoever after that [recital of the Torah c] shall invent a lie concerning God; such [liars] will be the wrong-doers d.)

94 c And the evidence becomes clear.

94 d Who deserve the punishment.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
[When the aya 93 was revealed which means: (Say [Mohammed, to them]: "Produce the Torah [or the Canon] and recite it [to us] if you indeed are truthful [in your claim.]"),
some of the Jews went to their scholars and asked them: "Is it written in the Torah that Abraham and his sons did not eat the camel meat because it was forbidden to them?"
They said: "No such thing is in the Torah."
So the Jews said: "You, Mohammed, have told the truth."

Therefore, this aya was revealed:]

(95. Say [Mohammed, to these Jews], "It is God Who said the truth [because I don't know the Unknown, and I don't know the statement of your Torah which is written in Hebrew e, but God told me all that by the tongue of Gabriel];
therefore, follow the faith of Abraham
f, a 'Hanief ' [: a monotheist,] who was not [one] of the associaters." g)

95 e And I don't know about the religion of Abraham. Therefore, you should say: "God has said the Truth"; and now when you have become certain that I am truthful, and the proofs or evidences have been manifested to my apostlehood …

95 f According to which I work, and acting according to its program; because Abraham was a 'Hanief', i.e. he devoted himself to God alone.

95 g Because he did not worship the calf, Baalim, Astaroth or others; as did you [Jews] worship.

i forgot what the thread was about. ;)[/QUOTE]

[B]Cliffy[/B] and [B]Spaminator[/B] are two faces of one coin; i.e. they are the same one with two names.
Because he did not remember :laughing6: and displayed the same picture by Cliffy.