You're an imbecile, according to definition.
With God's favor, I am not an imbecile.
However, to be an imbecile is better than to be a devil, if you but knew;
because the imbecile will not be taken to account, while the devil - being malicious and malignant - will go to Hell.
God forgives all sins, with the exception of the idolatry (or the 'association of others with God.')
Quran 39: 53, which means:
Say: "O My servants, who have been extravagant [in sins] against their own souls! Despair not of God's mercy [and forgiveness];
[for] surely, God does forgive all sins [to anyone that repents and turns to Him];
surely, He is the Most Forgiving [to those who repent],
the Most Merciful [to those who regret.])
I asked Abu Abd-Allah: "If one asks God's forgiveness, will his sin be deleted from his recorded 'book of deeds'?"
He said: "No, everything he does will be written in his 'book of deeds' ."
I said: "What then is the benefit from the asking of forgiveness?"
He said: "God may then
agree to consider about him!"
So it is horrible, not an easy thing.
Therefore, the idolater will be requited for everything, while the believer in God without associate or son, will be mildly dealt with: either by mild punishment in the life of the World, or in the Afterlife, and then will go to Paradise in heaven.
While the idolater (the polytheist and atheist) will go to Hell without judgment.
The devil knows he is disobeying God, and evenso he insists deliberately on his disobedience and does not ask God's forgiveness neither does he repent or feel sorry ..
while a sinner will almost be forgiven if he asks forgiveness and turns to God in repentance, vowing that he will not repeat his disobedience once again.