The self-conceit of the blasphemer

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Zionists of Tel Aviv have become greatly arrogant [as it was prophesied in the Quran], so they kill Palestinians and Muslims as if they kill insects; their leaders the Satanists plan to annihilate and subject Muslims; for this purpose they have worked hardly and strenuously .. they have much wealth, weapon and support of the corrupt Christian countries in Europe and America (and the corrupt Muslim governors)

Therefore, the Zionists and Satanists denied God and mocked Him, be glorified His majesty!

But they don't know that God is Mightier than all the mighty, and their end is imminent and very easy to God.

God has set them on Muslims, because these latter have wronged each other and become associaters and idolaters by the way of the enthusiasm about their imams and patrons so once Muslims refrain from such enthusiasm and return to the Quran teachings to glorify God alone.. then His help will come to Muslims sooner.


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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Here is the explanation of this great Quran soora 86:

Soora 86

(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)​

1. [I swear] by the sky [of Nineveh] and [its] 'night visitant'!

2. But can you imagine what such 'night visitant' was!?

[Then God – be glorified – explained what that ‘night visitant’ was, so He said:]
3. It was the comet with bright light.

4. There will not be [an angel] for every soul to guard it [when the punishment will come.]

5. Now let man [who denies Our might] consider from what he was created.

6. He was created from a gushing [seminal] fluid.

7. Issuing from between the back [bone of man] and the chest bones [of woman.]

8. Certainly, He is Most Able to return him back [as a fluid.]

[Then God – be glorified – said:]
9. On the day when secret [deeds of man] shall be scrutinized.

10. And he will have neither power [with which to avoid God’s chastisement] nor helper [to help him against God.]

[Then God – be glorified – swore by the heaven and the earth, which in fact is an oath of threatening and warning: implying the destruction [of the heaven and the earth], so He said:]
11. By the [gaseous] heaven that shall return back [to its initial state of smoke.]

12. And the earth that [shall] break up.

13. Surely, this [Quran] is a conclusive word.

14. It is no frivolity.

15. The [associaters] are devising their schemes [against you, Mohammed.]

16. But, I [too] am scheming [My] schemes [to terminate them completely.]

17. So wait for the disbelievers: and give them respite for a little while.

More explanation is in the link:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
What Abu Abd-Allah once wrote and told me to translate it, which was not published in the newspapers at that time .. because they mocked it and did not believe.. thinking that he was merely a mad man, while he was the wisest man among them:

Some of his words that I recall now:

The apostle of the Christ warns America of comets falling down on them out of the sky
.. this is to take place forty days after publishing this warning in the newspapers.

America, this arrogant powerful state.. they are biased to the side of the Zionists, in spite of that they see before their eyes the killing and massacres of Palestinians; therefore, if America does not refrain from its bias to the Zionists and from their transgression .. I warn them of stars (comets) out of the sky falling down upon them: the wrong doers, and this to take place 40 days following the publishing of this warning in the newspapers.

As it is in the Quran 56: 75-76, which means:
(75. But, no! I swear by the falling [sites] of comets [in the future.]

76. And it is surely an awesome oath, did you but know [that.])

See more explanation of this aya in the link:

Moreover, God can afflict the wrong-doers by other kinds of afflictions like the hurricanes, the earthquake, the floods, the plagues ..etc; and wrong-doers will come to know what outcome will be theirs.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

Therefore the warning was not published and was out of application at that time, because how can it be any warning which does not reach to the warned people!

So now, it may be part of the publishing of such warning to reach the warned: the arrogant people who, from now on, may be involved with its consequences; God is the All-Knowing.

And by now, I may have published it and have not concealed it.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

The interpreter of the Quran and the Bible said also: "I think such falling stars (and comets) may come from the Pleiades, which now have become nearer and more bright than before."

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

Why disbelievers have been set on Muslims:
While Muslims have the Quran .. but they do not follow its teachings, and because of the wrong-doing of Muslims to each other, and consequently they fell in the idolatry (which is the enthusiasm about their imams and patrons) .. and so they have become the prey for the West and East opinions and falsehood .. therefore, God set on them the Mongol and Tatar, the Crusaders, the Imperialists and now the Zionists ..
Now this may have come to an end, and Muslims will once again regain their role in leading the world to every virtue and to believe in God alone without associate or son or patron.

So the imperialists and Zionists have been set on Muslims, as had Nabuchodonosor been set on the Children of Israel when they forsook the heavenly book and disobeyed the prophets of God and fell in the idolatry.



The history of the Children of Israel is like the history of Muslims:
How many tyrants had been set on the Children of Israel in the past, on account of their disobedience, wrong-doing and idolatry .. Pharaoh had been set on them for some hundreds of years to enslave and torture them .. then Assure .. then Nebuchodonosor who enslaved them for 70 years.. then Titus who shuttered them to every corner of the earth, ( in addition to the conflicts among themselves as it is in the Book of Judges).

So the Muslim history is similar to the history of the Children of Israel; whenever they disobey God and wrong each other and fall in the idolatry .. God would set on them their enemy to plunder their wealth and abase them.

Anyhow, this is about to end in the coming years, by God's will.

I say this because some people have misconception and say: If Muslims (and the Islam is true), why then Muslims are in such situation and their enemy has been set on them?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If one wants to know about the Children of Israel in the past and how they stubbornly contradicted God's commandments, see the posts of the Zionists bouncing between my posts .. all of it is mockery and ridicule .. because they cannot withstand God's revelations and commandments .. they are the worst among mankind.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
If one wants to know about the Children of Israel in the past and how they stubbornly contradicted God's commandments, see the posts of the Zionists bouncing between my posts .. all of it mockery and ridicule .. because they cannot withstand God's revelations and commandments .. they are the worst among mankind.

and you are a blasphemer, the devils spawn.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
All the Abrahamic religions are the spawn of Satan. Lucifer was "The bringer of Light". Jesus was "The bringer of Light". Coinkydink? I think not.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The Zionists of Tel Aviv have become greatly arrogant [as it was prophesied in the Quran], so they kill Palestinians and Muslims as if they kill insects; their leaders the Satanists plan to annihilate and subject Muslims; for this purpose they have worked hardly and strenuously .. they have much wealth, weapon and support of the corrupt Christian countries in Europe and America (and the corrupt Muslim governors)

Therefore, the Zionists and Satanists denied God and mocked Him, be glorified His majesty!

But they don't know that God is Mightier than all the mighty, and their end is imminent and very easy to God.

God has set them on Muslims, because these latter have wronged each other and become associaters and idolaters by the way of the enthusiasm about their imams and patrons so once Muslims refrain from such enthusiasm and return to the Quran teachings to glorify God alone.. then His help will come to Muslims sooner.



So how is life for pedophile goat humpers these days?


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
The Zionists of Tel Aviv have become greatly arrogant [as it was prophesied in the Quran], so they kill Palestinians and Muslims as if they kill insects; their leaders the Satanists plan to annihilate and subject Muslims; for this purpose they have worked hardly and strenuously .. they have much wealth, weapon and support of the corrupt Christian countries in Europe and America (and the corrupt Muslim governors)

Therefore, the Zionists and Satanists denied God and mocked Him, be glorified His majesty!

But they don't know that God is Mightier than all the mighty, and their end is imminent and very easy to God.

God has set them on Muslims, because these latter have wronged each other and become associaters and idolaters by the way of the enthusiasm about their imams and patrons so once Muslims refrain from such enthusiasm and return to the Quran teachings to glorify God alone.. then His help will come to Muslims sooner.


Get mental help for your sickness.