The self-conceit of the blasphemer


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Fakebook will deliver you from evil!!!!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So why do you, Zionists and their like, why do you confound the falsehood with the truth, while you are supposed to be highly educated .. while the Quran is the obvious truth but you follow and insist on the falsehood: the atheism, Satanism and idolatry!?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
So why do you, Zionists and their like, why do you confound the falsehood with the truth, while you are supposed to be highly educated .. while the Quran is the obvious truth but you follow and insist on the falsehood: the atheism, Satanism and idolatry!?

The truth is poverty, fascism, suicide belts, and murdering women. Allah nutbar.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
So why do you, Zionists and their like, why do you confound the falsehood with the truth, while you are supposed to be highly educated .. while the Quran is the obvious truth but you follow and insist on the falsehood: the atheism, Satanism and idolatry!?
You know what is really funny, torch light, if you had been born in the US or Canada, you would be a right wingnut Christian evangelical and you would be telling Muslims that they would be sent to everlasting fire for not being Christian and accepting Jesus Christ as their personal saviour.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
So why do you, Zionists and their like, why do you confound the falsehood with the truth, while you are supposed to be highly educated .. while the Quran is the obvious truth but you follow and insist on the falsehood: the atheism, Satanism and idolatry!?
We don't. You do.

Jews and Judaism lived in that area since 3000 B.C.

The blood thirsty savage murderous cult of Islam didn't exist until circa 610 A.D.

Get mental help for the tiny remaining fragment of what was once your mind.

Supposedly the Quran was revealed in one of the most savage primitive areas of the world, the Middle East.

Allah, our supposed creator(LOL) could have had the angel (a Western invention BTW) dictate to a literate European, Indian, Chinese, etc.

In addition, Muslims swear that the Quran cannot be truly understood except in the original Arabic.

If Allah truly was the originator then surely He/She/It would have made the logic etc so crystal clear that its logic would be unassailable.

That didn't happen.

Instead, your brand of systematic insanity is an excuse for rape, slavery, and murder which admittedly you have become experts at.

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The Zionists of Tel Aviv have become greatly arrogant [as it was prophesied in the Quran], so they kill Palestinians and Muslims as if they kill insects; their leaders the Satanists plan to annihilate and subject Muslims; for this purpose they have worked hardly and strenuously .. they have much wealth, weapon and support of the corrupt Christian countries in Europe and America (and the corrupt Muslim governors)

Therefore, the Zionists and Satanists denied God and mocked Him, be glorified His majesty!

But they don't know that God is Mightier than all the mighty, and their end is imminent and very easy to God.

God has set them on Muslims, because these latter have wronged each other and become associaters and idolaters by the way of the enthusiasm about their imams and patrons so once Muslims refrain from such enthusiasm and return to the Quran teachings to glorify God alone.. then His help will come to Muslims sooner.



Uh, just wondering, why do you have a video of the meteorite that burned up in Russia in with this other BS you're spouting off?

Also, why do you keep posting this when you know all you get is negative responses from people? You won't convert anyone willingly - though by your own admission everyone who reads anything you post is automatically Muslim (Mormon like much?) and really, what's the point??

Seriously, discussions with you can be okay, until your own hypocrisy slaps you in the face, then you ignore people and blather on about stuff we've already read be-effin-for.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Natural reaction of anyone actually reading his bullshit...

House is a lunatic like you; this series I saw some of its movies: a blasphemer, atheist, porn like a harlot, and not in fact any true medical stories, nothing like this in reality; the series intend to mitigate and moderate the ugly image of Zionists among people.
ho ho ho!

Uh, just wondering, why do you have a video of the meteorite that burned up in Russia in with this other BS you're spouting off?

This is because you have not read the post carefully, and so you have not realized the point.

Also, why do you keep posting this when you know all you get is negative responses from people? You won't convert anyone willingly -

Certainly, I cannot convert or guide anyone.
So you think it is merely the arguments and people will believe by means of the arguments, and that some have not believed because the argument is defective.
No, not like this. The argument is established, but none may be guided unless God Himself guides whomever He please.
Wrong-doers are not included in the guidance, but the argument is established against them.

Therefore, in the Next Life, atheists and idolaters will not be judged, but will be asked with rebuking:
Why didn't you believe? Hadn't you minds to think and realize that God is True, and the Next Life is true? Didn't anyone tell you about this? So why didn't you believe?
So away with you, wrong-doers; none can help you now and none can intercede for you.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
All such events and massacres whether in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, or Palestine are done directly or indirectly by the intelligence agents of Tel Aviv in cooperation with the CIA.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
House is a lunatic like you; this series I saw some of its movies: a blasphemer, atheist, porn like a harlot, and not in fact any true medical stories, nothing like this in reality; the series intend to mitigate and moderate the ugly image of Zionists among people.
ho ho ho!

This is because you have not read the post carefully, and so you have not realized the point.

Certainly, I cannot convert or guide anyone.
So you think it is merely the arguments and people will believe by means of the arguments, and that some have not believed because the argument is defective.
No, not like this. The argument is established, but none may be guided unless God Himself guides whomever He please.
Wrong-doers are not included in the guidance, but the argument is established against them.

Therefore, in the Next Life, atheists and idolaters will not be judged, but will be asked with rebuking:
Why didn't you believe? Hadn't you minds to think and realize that God is True, and the Next Life is true? Didn't anyone tell you about this? So why didn't you believe?
So away with you, wrong-doers; none can help you now and none can intercede for you.
There is no next life you pathetic fool.

Hugh Laurie is an excellent actor.

And you are a complete waste of skin.

All such events and massacres whether in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, or Palestine are done directly or indirectly by the intelligence agents of Tel Aviv in cooperation with the CIA.
Rubbish. If you had a brain you would be dangerous.

We can all rejoice that your mother dropped you on your head in infancy.

If she hadn't, today you might have been human.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
There is no next life you pathetic fool.

Gilgamesh .. Gilgamesh, has not Noah taught you about the Next Life? So am I the fool who considers the Next Life, or you the fool who neglects about the Next Life and will certainly lose?

Gilgamesh, are you a communist from Iraq? and now you spread your poison abroad .. damned you, the disobedient of the parents, the evil-living and the wrong-doer, who commits every disobedience of God.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Gilgamesh .. Gilgamesh, has not Noah taught you about the Next Life? So am I the fool who considers the Next Life, or you the fool who neglects about the Next Life and will certainly lose?

Gilgamesh, are you a communist from Iraq? and now you spread your poison abroad .. damned you, the disobedient of the parents, the evil-living and the wrong-doer, who commits every disobedience of God.
The story of Noah comes from Sumerian legends that predate the Torah by at least 1000 years so dont show your ignorance.

I am a Canadian who is very much anti Communist.

You need mental help very badly

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
What arrogant are you!
Your ancestors who were arrogant like you, they stooped their heads (as they were frustrated and went down from Mount Horeb), after being thunder-stricken.
I laugh as I imagine this scene. :lol:

The story of Noah comes from Sumerian legends that predate the Torah by at least 1000 years so dont show your ignorance.

On the contrary, it is the confirmation of the Torah.

I am a Canadian who is very much anti Communist.

Certainly, you are a Canadian and son of a Canadian .. since your seventh grandfather. :D


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
What arrogant are you!
Your ancestors who were arrogant like you, they stooped their heads (as they were frustrated and went down from Mount Horeb), after being thunder-stricken.
I laugh as I imagine this scene. :lol:

On the contrary, it is the confirmation of the Torah.

Certainly, you are a Canadian and son of a Canadian .. since your seventh grandfather. :D
Wrong again.

I am not surprised that you laugh. Your skull is too empty to do anything else.