Churchill Manitoba would be a brilliant choice. They need a new mission there and they have critical infrastructure in place such as a decent harbour. Westward navigation from there is predicated by a warming Northwest Passage, which IS happening.
Our RCN AOPS are being launched in a nick of time.
The NWP won't be open anytime soon as a dependable route. Maybe in another couple of hundred years.
As for the wet coast Vancouver area truly isn't the best place for oil ports. The outside of Barkley sound would be far superior from a maritime point of view. Likewise for Kitamat, 30 miles or so down Douglas channel would be superior. It is just the oil producing and transporting people are all flatlanders and they think the first drop of salt water is it.
WHen BC finally throws off the Ottawa imposed shackles of offshore drilling ports away from the inside waters will become even more desirable.
Two different courses of the Trans Canada Highway plus the CNR plus the CPR plus the Algoma Central are all built over thousands of kilometers of muskeg north of Lake Superior.
We have the technology.
You just have to do maintenance on them as they slowly sink into the goo.
How about pilings sunk to hard ground?