Saskatchewan: Land of living skies and a racial divide


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
What is tiring is attempting to have an intelligent discussion with someone who is so blinded by racism he can't think straight. Obviously racism has not been eliminated; almost all of your posts prove it. And immigrants tend to have slightly higher birth rates than non-immigrants so they are clearly the answer if your racist attitudes did not get in the way of accepting it.

I've got a suggestion for you. Rather than attempting to convert other Canadians to your bigoted way of thinking why don't you emigrate to the Southern US. I'm sure you'd be well received down there. Oops, I forgot there are non-Whites in the US South. I guess you are screwed no matter where you live. Mind you - there is still Russia. Do you speak any Russian?

There is no racism where i live so, I really don't know what you're talking about. Truth be told i get along better with Muslims then Canadians. You're obviously just upset and saying anything incoherently out of emotional Stress.

Calm down little feminist. Multiculturalism is alive and well.

Id be watching yourself with the racism and bigotry if i were you. Only bigotry and racism in our conversation is committed by you.

What are you saying? All Russians and southerners are all the same? You got a filthy racist mouth don't you? And you're bigoted too.

Talking about Russian like that is pure racism . What did the southern states ever did to you you bigot?
Carful when you point fingers at people Three is pointing right back at you

Lets be clear. Being bigoted and racist is not how multiculturalism works Bar Sinister so ship up or ship out

Start by controlling with your own racism and bigotry before you start getting off on how racist and bigoted others are. ;)
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You mean they hire FNs as a special program thing ? Wow, that's pretty racist,
hiring someone because of their heritage.

you claim to be from Edmonton, and this is the second time in 2 posts that you slag the military.

Please, tell me, do you wander around the bars in Edmonton saying those kinds of words,
or is this some kind of special internet hero hating ?
Calling the military low paying, while inaccurate, is not slagging. That would be like someone saying "roughnecks don't get paid enough for the work they do" and responding "why do you hate roughnecks?"

And soldiers aren't heroes. Some are, but that depends on the individual and her circumstances. Spending a few years as a motor pool mechanic in Saskatchewan or a chaplain's clerk in Manitoba don't make a body a hero.


Council Member
May 19, 2017
Calling the military low paying, while inaccurate, is not slagging. That would be like someone saying "roughnecks don't get paid enough for the work they do" and responding "why do you hate roughnecks?"

You obviously missed this part of the post, how utterly convenient of you.

As for the military it is a pretty limited occupation, offering low pay and apparently racist and misogynistic attitudes.

Although to be fair, he was probably whispering it under the table in the bar, so no one could hear it. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I find most of your observations in your post to be in error. First of all, there is little doubt that immigration boosts the economy. Numerous studies have proven this.
For Canada, immigration is a key to prosperity
I didn't say they don't boost it. I just question how big of a boost considering the number who come in that will never be qualified to work here.

I am afraid your comment about masses of unskilled immigrants entering the country appears to be in error.
Nope, it's not. Having inside information beats your Globe & Mail report hands down.
However, you may be partly right if you look at the low level employees in Canada's retail sector and employees of places like Tim Hortons. I wonder where they would get their help without immigration. Apparently few native Canadians want to work there.
Maybe if the various federal and provincial govts made things more attractive for living wage jobs we wouldn't need to keep bringing in immigrants to fill shit jobs that quite frankly are destroying the climate you're so concerned about. I'm talking about the fast food industry of which Timmies has become a part of. You can't keep an economy running on minimum rage jobs either.

Secondly, there are three methods of dealing with an immigrant population. One is assimilation which is to completely absorb immigrants into the mainstream culture. France has long been very keen on this idea. A second is segregation, which is to allow immigration, but deny them citizenship, making use only of their labour skills. Germany practiced this until recently. A third is integration which is a blending of the immigrant culture with that of the mainsteam culture.

Canada has chosen integration, which allows immigrants to become Canadians at their own speed and does not inflict undue pressure on them to abandon their traditions, provided they are legal in Canada. This means that many first generation immigrants cling to aspects of their culture, including language and dress. However, this is not true for their children who tend to move right into the mainstream culture. This is what has happened to almost every immigrant group that has ever entered Canada. A welcome side-effect of integration is that many immigrant customs are adopted by the host culture. Think Caibana or the huge number of ethnic foods in Canada.
Oh my. I didn't realize that Canada wouldn't have become such a great country without a parade, jerk sauce, curry and falafel.

Nations that attempt to force immigrants to completely change their lifestyle have had little success. Note the nonsense in France regarding the wearing of female headgear. It is not only counter-productive, but it alienates the very people France is trying to assimilate.
So it's better to alienate those who are already living there. Yep, worked great for the Native people over here.

I find your example of Syrians to be rather bizarre. For one thing the Syrians were refugees and thus not part of the regular immigration program. They were offered Canada as a better place to live than a refugee camp and they took it. Somehow I don't think that was a lie.
Yeah, it was. The comparison is quite apt considering the federal govt has been lying to immigrants for years and now they're lying to refugees. There have been more than a few stories of Syrians who were convinced to come here despite NOT being in a refugee camp. You see, the govt lied to you as well. The majority of the Syrians who were brought over were not in refugee camps. Many already had a place to live in a host country and several of them had jobs they could support their families with. Why do you think the vetting process was practically non-existent. The assumption was since these people found somewhere else to live in the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey for example) they didn't need proper vetting. What Trudeau wanted was more voters. Interesting isn't it, that he also wants to fast track their citizenship just in time for the next election. The purpose of taking in refugees is to give them a safe place to live until it's safe for them to go back to their home countries. It's not supposed to be an opportunity for the govt to start virtue signalling by rushing them into citizenship.
Add that to the fact that they live in hotels and motels while they struggle to find work that will allow them to actually support a family is not really helping them when they already had a home and a job.

Of course I do like how you deftly avoided the subject of religious and ethnic discrimination in public housing. Yeah, I guess it's okay for a muslim to reject a disabled applicant for public housing because he wasn't a muslim. Just like it's okay for Armenian Orthodox Christians to discriminate against anyone who isn't an Armenian Orthodox Christian when it comes to public housing. All of which is sanctioned by govts that constantly espouse the virtues of equality, non-discrimination and multiculturalism.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There have been more than a few stories of Syrians who were convinced to come here despite NOT being in a refugee camp. You see, the govt lied to you as well. The majority of the Syrians who were brought over were not in refugee camps. Many already had a place to live in a host country and several of them had jobs they could support their families with. Why do you think the vetting process was practically non-existent.
Even though this is true BS will never believe that Trudeau's 25,000 were living in Amman and Beirut in their own apartments or with sponsors. They weren't wanderers.

To paraphrase a refugee interviewed by CBC that ended up in Vancouver. "I don't know why we left an apartment and job in Jordan to come here to live in a flop house hotel in a city with no affordable housing or work".


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You obviously missed this part of the post, how utterly convenient of you.

Although to be fair, he was probably whispering it under the table in the bar, so no one could hear it. :lol:
I found it a little off, and rather negative, but not hating. Certainly no further off the truth than your "hero" comment.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Low population growth in Canada started at generally the same time as Trudeau's multiculturalism period, and this may or may not have had a influence since many other factors From this period could have influenced low birth rates. Like the women revolution. Gender equality. Modernization.

It looks like Trudeau's multiculturalism policy didn't have an impact on Canada's "low population growth". For one, Canada doesn't have low population growth or even decelerating growth, but I'll assume you meant declining birthrates and not population growth. Canada's birthrate began declining in the late 50s. It plummeted in the 60s, in fact. I don't think Trudeau's policies had an effect before Trudeau became PM in 1968.

So your theory on multiculturalism, which you yourself have given tepid support, does even have correlation, let alone causation... let alone a coherent explanation as to how it works.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
It looks like Trudeau's multiculturalism policy didn't have an impact on Canada's "low population growth". For one, Canada doesn't have low population growth or even decelerating growth, but I'll assume you meant declining birthrates and not population growth. Canada's birthrate began declining in the late 50s. It plummeted in the 60s, in fact. I don't think Trudeau's policies had an effect before Trudeau became PM in 1968.

His legalization of homosexuality back then ended the baby boom abruptly!

Troo fakt!


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Come spend a week in Regina in one of our spare rooms during welfare week.

I won't say a word and give you full 24/7 come and go priveleges.

By day two you won't want to leave the house.

Have you not tried to make friends with the neighbours?
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Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
You're funny.

Many, many years ago, my neighbour living one floor down from me and I became friends. Not close friends, but we were still on friendly terms. I soon discovered that she was a drug addict. I'm not sure where she got her money from though, whether she was employed or if she was on social assistance. Like I said, we still weren't the closest friends so I didn't know her comings and goings.

Though I was a teetotaller even then (perhaps the least likely person to tolerate a drug user in the building), I still figured that she was still quiet and didn't bother me. I didn't agree with her lifestyle, but she did not bother me. The only time she bothered me was when I'd pass by her front door and smell pot. I figured the least she could do was keep that stench inside her flat.

However, that still did not warrant vilifying her. So I figure if a teetotaller like myself could befriend a drug user, however superficially, I don't see why youd couldn't befriend an Injun.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
It looks like Trudeau's multiculturalism policy didn't have an impact on Canada's "low population growth". For one, Canada doesn't have low population growth or even decelerating growth, but I'll assume you meant declining birthrates and not population growth. Canada's birthrate began declining in the late 50s. It plummeted in the 60s, in fact. I don't think Trudeau's policies had an effect before Trudeau became PM in 1968.

So your theory on multiculturalism, which you yourself have given tepid support, does even have correlation, let alone causation... let alone a coherent explanation as to how it works.

I already agreed, so ill agree again for the slow people.
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House Member
May 18, 2010
. For one, Canada doesn't have low population growth or even decelerating growth, but I'll assume you meant declining birthrates and not population growth.
You should get an education before you start trying to make any statements on birth rates.

For your information, it takes about 2.1 births per women to sustain a modern culture.

There is a correlation between birth rate and population growth


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
You should get an education before you start trying to make any statements on birth rates.

For your information, it takes about 2.1 births per women to sustain a modern culture.

There is a correlation between birth rate and population growth

She was not talking about worldwide population growth but specifically growth within Canada's borders. for worldwide population growth, yes, we need a sufficient replacement birth rate. But for population growth within a given geographical area such as Canada, then a combination of birth rates supplemented by immigration can contribute to growth.

Was that clear enough for you?


House Member
May 18, 2010
But for population growth within a given geographical area such as Canada, then a combination of birth rates supplemented by immigration can contribute to growth.

I can see that you're as dumb as she is, we are immigrating about 300k people a yr into Canada at an enormous cost.

If we had a higher birth rate, we could reduce the immigration numbers and reduce the costs accordingly.

We are not benefiting from high immigration numbers.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
I can see that you're as dumb as she is, we are immigrating about 300k people a yr into Canada at an enormous cost.

If we had a higher birth rate, we could reduce the immigration numbers and reduce the costs accordingly.

We are not benefiting from high immigration numbers.

High immigration numbers stimulate the economy and so increase the birth rate. less immigration would probably reduce the birth rate too due to fewer opportunities.


House Member
May 18, 2010
High immigration numbers stimulate the economy and so increase the birth rate. less immigration would probably reduce the birth rate too due to fewer opportunities.

Absolute nonsense.

Too bad you never got an education,,, otherwise you would understand how stupid your statement is.

Do you know our national deficit,,,our debt??


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Absolute nonsense.

Too bad you never got an education,,, otherwise you would understand how stupid your statement is.

Do you know our national deficit,,,our debt??

Yes I have, and that is why I support open borders. The larger the tax base, the easier it will be to pay off the debt.

Just for comparison, Japan, one of the least tolerant of immigration, has a massive debt.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Yes I have, and that is why I support open borders. The larger the tax base, the easier it will be to pay off the debt.

Just for comparison, Japan, one of the least tolerant of immigration, has a massive debt.
You are totally clueless.
You're not worth my time.