Saskatchewan: Land of living skies and a racial divide


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Firstly, Canada has never had a true multiculturalism policy other than in name only. PET referred to it as 'multiculturalism within a bilingual framework.' The B&B commission was even more explicit in referring to it as bilingualism and biculturalism. What we have in Canada is a policy of biculturalism dressed up as a policy of multiculturalism but only on the surface.

There are many levels of multiculturalism some weak some stronger. Racism and sexism have many levels as well. From ultra racist to slightly.

Id say Canada is one of the world leaders in multiculturalism would you agree?

Your a bot and generate replies. Angstrom the bot.

I just have time on my hands atm. Nursing a soor back.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
The question is. Why is racism still alive? What are the potential causes? Don't you find it odd that racism is still happening after so much effort to stop it. Why do you think that is?

I bet you don't have a single clue in you're little head as to why ;)

Cause if you did you would have told me already

If my idea of Hardwired is wrong in you're opinion, then what is the other possible argument.

Racism is still alive because some people can never see beyond ethnic differences no matter how minor they are. However, Canada, with its hundreds of cultures has shown that it is possible to be tolerant of others and even embrace certain aspects of foreign cultures. The ethnic mix in modern Canada would have been pretty much unthinkable 50 or 60 years ago, but somehow it seems to be working.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Multiculturalism is NOT working in Canada, those who say it does have no proof that it does and only say it does to make themselves feel important.

I have made this Post before;

There is only one race that does all the heavy lifting in Canada, you just have to open your eyes to see it,,,it is so very obvious.

Hint: 22% of Canada is made up of visible minorities, yet less than 4% of the vis mins are contributing to our military (military should be 22% if all carried their share of wt)

Just look at who is fighting in all the forest fires,,,mostly all caucasians,,,minorities are mostly lined up waiting to get free stuff.

Get the picture yet!!

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Multiculturalism is NOT working in Canada, those who say it does have no proof that it does and only say it does to make themselves feel important.

I have made this Post before;

There is only one race that does all the heavy lifting in Canada, you just have to open your eyes to see it,,,it is so very obvious.

Hint: 22% of Canada is made up of visible minorities, yet less than 4% of the vis mins are contributing to our military (military should be 22% if all carried their share of wt)

Just look at who is fighting in all the forest fires,,,mostly all caucasians,,,minorities are mostly lined up waiting to get free stuff.

Get the picture yet!!

Maybe it is not working for you, but it is working for me and the majority of Canadians.

As for the military it is a pretty limited occupation, offering low pay and apparently racist and misogynistic attitudes.

And I think you better open your eyes about firefighters. British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Alberta make a point of hiring Aboriginal Canadians as firefighters.

And I am going to echo your words: Multiculturalism is working in Canada and those who say it isn't have no proof of their position.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Racism is still alive because some people can never see beyond ethnic differences no matter how minor they are. However, Canada, with its hundreds of cultures has shown that it is possible to be tolerant of others and even embrace certain aspects of foreign cultures. The ethnic mix in modern Canada would have been pretty much unthinkable 50 or 60 years ago, but somehow it seems to be working.

I don't really feel any pride in that. I really can't point to one benefit that justifies the insane resources spent supporting that much immigration. But im glad you're happy.

Maybe as a Canadian of origin i wish we spent that money on our own children to help them reach higher potential. But lets just keep spending most our money on foreigners.

Data keeps showing that Canadian families are suffering and weakening. But lets keep spending billions on immigration and settling them.

Im sure glad i had to pay 30000$ in income taxes last year. Unfortunately we have nothing but the bare necessities for ourselves and our kids. Its to bad they have to grow up in such a limiting financial environment

Imagine all the potential they will never realize. But at least we helped a bunch of foreigners.

I know im so racist for saying that


House Member
May 18, 2010
racist and misogynistic attitudes.

And I am going to echo your words: Multiculturalism is working in Canada and those who say it isn't have no proof of their position.
Maybe you have difficulty reading, I just gave a couple of examples on how it is not working, i.e. Firefighters and military.

If our military is acist and has misogynistic attitudes, why don't these visible minorities fix it, why are these useless vis mins waiting for the caucasions to fix evething for them, can't these useless vis mins fix anything, do the caucasions have to do everything for them???

No, multiculturalism is NOT working, it only works for the visible minorities because the caucasions are always wiping their asses for them.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Maybe you have difficulty reading, I just gave a couple of examples on how it is not working, i.e. Firefighters and military.

If our military is acist and has misogynistic attitudes, why don't these visible minorities fix it, why are these useless vis mins waiting for the caucasions to fix evething for them, can't these useless vis mins fix anything, do the caucasions have to do everything for them???

No, multiculturalism is NOT working, it only works for the visible minorities because the caucasions are always wiping their asses for them.

I've happily kissed the ass of a visible minority, but I've never wiped it.

It would seem to me that we've lived different experiences. Do you work in palliative care?

Also, when you're married to a visible minority, you quickly discover that Canadian policy is i
bicultural in fact, multicultural I name.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Immigration has over the last decade has changed Saskatchewan and upped the Multicultural ante by 20%.

Guess what?

Filipinos, Muzzies, Chinamen, East Indians and Botswanans don't like Injuns either.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Immigration has over the last decade has changed Saskatchewan and upped the Multicultural ante by 20%.

Guess what?

Filipinos, Muzzies, Chinamen, East Indians and Botswanans don't like Injuns either.

My China woman does.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Immigration has over the last decade has changed Saskatchewan and upped the Multicultural ante by 20%.

Guess what?

Filipinos, Muzzies, Chinamen, East Indians and Botswanans don't like Injuns either.

it would be racist to say only certain races are racist so at least we aren't racist about that :roll:


House Member
May 18, 2010
Immigration has over the last decade has changed Saskatchewan and upped the Multicultural ante by 20%.

Guess what?

Filipinos, Muzzies, Chinamen, East Indians and Botswanans don't like Injuns either.
No really???? Dam racists eh

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Maybe you have difficulty reading, I just gave a couple of examples on how it is not working, i.e. Firefighters and military.

If our military is acist and has misogynistic attitudes, why don't these visible minorities fix it, why are these useless vis mins waiting for the caucasions to fix evething for them, can't these useless vis mins fix anything, do the caucasions have to do everything for them???

No, multiculturalism is NOT working, it only works for the visible minorities because the caucasions are always wiping their asses for them.

No, I just ignored your idea that immigrants prove their worth by entering a low paying occupation like the military. And Apparently it is you who cannot read as you missed my reference to the number of indigenous firefighters in the Western provinces. But I do see where this is coming from with your racist reference to visible minorities.

I don't really feel any pride in that. I really can't point to one benefit that justifies the insane resources spent supporting that much immigration. But im glad you're happy.

Maybe as a Canadian of origin i wish we spent that money on our own children to help them reach higher potential. But lets just keep spending most our money on foreigners.

Data keeps showing that Canadian families are suffering and weakening. But lets keep spending billions on immigration and settling them.

Im sure glad i had to pay 30000$ in income taxes last year. Unfortunately we have nothing but the bare necessities for ourselves and our kids. Its to bad they have to grow up in such a limiting financial environment

Imagine all the potential they will never realize. But at least we helped a bunch of foreigners.

I know im so racist for saying that

Apparently your racist ignorance extends to not understanding that immigration boosts the economy. It is perhaps one of the reasons why Canada's economy is doing so well right now.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Apparently your racist ignorance extends to not understanding that immigration boosts the economy. It is perhaps one of the reasons why Canada's economy is doing so well right now.

Doing so well, I wish. Racist ignorance, not really we have already determined that racism no longer exist. I have no problem with multiculturalism.

I know its hard for you to understand because of your low intelligence. So let me explain slowly, My concern is about low birthing rates of Canadians. And yes immigrants are part of those low birthing rates. I think i have to clearly state that to you. Your obvious very low intelligence. Its very tiring talking to stupid people like yourself but ill make the effort to include you in our conversation even though its likely a waste of time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
No, I just ignored your idea that immigrants prove their worth by entering a low paying occupation like the military. And Apparently it is you who cannot read as you missed my reference to the number of indigenous firefighters in the Western provinces. But I do see where this is coming from with your racist reference to visible minorities.

Apparently your racist ignorance extends to not understanding that immigration boosts the economy. It is perhaps one of the reasons why Canada's economy is doing so well right now.
Apparently the fact that we have a resource rich beautiful area with plentiful economic oppurtunity and a highly educated work force adds no benefit .

My China Woman has nothing against injuns.
Did she Wing the Wong Number ?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I asked you when you thought it was adopted and you said "A long time ago, Like you are trying to point out. 2000 years we have tryed to achieve it and we still haven't succeeded"

If you wanted to make it clear you meant the official multiculturalism policy in Canada, you should have said so when I asked the first time.

Earlier in this thread someone said racism is a recent human construct. You are arguing that it's innate. My comment was that when people argue something is "natural" or innate or human nature, they often ignore contradictory human behaviour that is also seemingly "natural". As such, I pointed out that multiculturalism is social human behaviour as ancient as you say racism is.

Your argument seems to rest on the idea that racism is innate, and my counterpoint is that the same argument that applies to racism being innate applies to multiculturalism being innate. You seemed to agree with that, which surprised me, so I wanted to make it clear that you were agreeing. Now I see you're focusing on the Trudeau-era multiculturalism, which seems odd as that can only be applied to Canada and yet your argument seems to be applying to all of humanity, and even all of life itself.

I ignored the rest of your posts because I felt that this was the crux of your argument .I started writing a reply to your question about other possibilities to the "hardwired" theory, but stopped because I wanted to be sure you were abandoning the idea that multiculturalism leads to low birth rates. That is the main point I was discussing.
Actually, I think I know where he's going with that. There's a difference between multiculturalism occurring naturally and forced multiculti. Forced multiculti brings with it the idea that you have to accept other cultural or religious practices even if they are diametrically opposed to the nation's own cultural mores. It also gives new comers the impression they don't have to try to fit in or assimilate and that's where the problems start.
My mother, rest her soul, was not the least bit racist or prejudiced, but even she saw through the multiculti bullshit years ago. At one point it was referred to as "The Great Canadian Mosaic", which she called a fancy way of saying "ghettoization". And she was bang on with that definition. Look at what we have today, not just in Canada but all over, ethnic and religious enclaves. In Ontario we have public housing that you just won't qualify for unless you belong to a particular ethnic or religious group.
When did bigotry regarding housing become acceptable to our govt? How is that multicultural? For that matter, when did denigrating Canadians just for being born in Canada become acceptable behaviour from a PM? A PM I might add who was born in Canada and sure thinks he's something f*cking special.

One last thing. When you look at multiculturalism throughout history, you'll also note that predominantly, the cultural practices that were beneficial or at least not harmful to the absorbing society were generally accepted while the undesirable practices were ruthlessly weeded out. Not today. We're expected to accept the bad with the good.
Of course the major difference is back then there weren't exactly a whole lot of city and nation states being ruled by knuckle dragging, White-guilt goobers who think we somehow owe everybody everything.

No, I just ignored your idea that immigrants prove their worth by entering a low paying occupation like the military. And Apparently it is you who cannot read as you missed my reference to the number of indigenous firefighters in the Western provinces. But I do see where this is coming from with your racist reference to visible minorities.

Apparently your racist ignorance extends to not understanding that immigration boosts the economy. It is perhaps one of the reasons why Canada's economy is doing so well right now.
Nah, it's because it's seasonal labour season. Immigration does boost the economy I'll give you that. But it doesn't really boost it when you have mass immigration just for the sake of having mass immigration in a welfare state. Almost half of the working age immigrants that come here are completely unqualified to work here. They have no discernible work skills, they're often illiterate in their own language which makes it extremely difficult for them to learn either of our official languages and basically will never work a day in Canada.
Canada has always had immigration from most of the countries we get immigrants from today, we were just choosier about who we let in. Then the govt started playing games with their lives, so desperate to get them to come here. Back then if you were told your qualifications were good for working in Canada, you didn't have to re-qualify once you got here. Today, that's not what's happening. Many people are being told their qualifications/certifications make them eligible to work in Canada only to come here and find out they have to re-certify in order to work in their field. As a result they end up driving cabs or delivering food or get stuck in some minimum rage grunt work for years trying to save up the money.
The simple fact is, the govt lies to immigrants and refugees all the time the these days, even before they get here. How many Syrians were lied to just so Justine could prance around making himself look good for the UN?


Council Member
May 19, 2017
As for the military it is a pretty limited occupation, offering low pay and apparently racist and misogynistic attitudes.

And I think you better open your eyes about firefighters. British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Alberta make a point of hiring Aboriginal Canadians as firefighters.

You mean they hire FNs as a special program thing ? Wow, that's pretty racist,
hiring someone because of their heritage.

No, I just ignored your idea that immigrants prove their worth by entering a low paying occupation like the military. .

you claim to be from Edmonton, and this is the second time in 2 posts that you slag the military.

Please, tell me, do you wander around the bars in Edmonton saying those kinds of words,
or is this some kind of special internet hero hating ?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
you claim to be from Edmonton, and this is the second time in 2 posts that you slag the military.

Please, tell me, do you wander around the bars in Edmonton saying those kinds of words,
or is this some kind of special internet hero hating ?

She's just a feminist who hates men in general

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Doing so well, I wish. Racist ignorance, not really we have already determined that racism no longer exist. I have no problem with multiculturalism.

I know its hard for you to understand because of your low intelligence. So let me explain slowly, My concern is about low birthing rates of Canadians. And yes immigrants are part of those low birthing rates. I think i have to clearly state that to you. Your obvious very low intelligence. Its very tiring talking to stupid people like yourself but ill make the effort to include you in our conversation even though its likely a waste of time.

What is tiring is attempting to have an intelligent discussion with someone who is so blinded by racism he can't think straight. Obviously racism has not been eliminated; almost all of your posts prove it. And immigrants tend to have slightly higher birth rates than non-immigrants so they are clearly the answer if your racist attitudes did not get in the way of accepting it.

I've got a suggestion for you. Rather than attempting to convert other Canadians to your bigoted way of thinking why don't you emigrate to the Southern US. I'm sure you'd be well received down there. Oops, I forgot there are non-Whites in the US South. I guess you are screwed no matter where you live. Mind you - there is still Russia. Do you speak any Russian?

You mean they hire FNs as a special program thing ? Wow, that's pretty racist,
hiring someone because of their heritage.

you claim to be from Edmonton, and this is the second time in 2 posts that you slag the military.

Please, tell me, do you wander around the bars in Edmonton saying those kinds of words,
or is this some kind of special internet hero hating ?

I guess you missed all the stories about the mistreatment of female soldiers in Canada's military. And I guess you have no idea of the pay scale. You can make as much working for Walmart without having the possibility of being sexually harassed or shot at. Most immigrants know this, which is why the children of immigrants tend not to go into the military.

And stop reading your own shallow attitudes into my post. If you've read my posts in the history section it should be obvious that I have an extensive knowledge of the Canada's military history. Your comment displays not only ignorance, but outright stupidity.

Actually, I think I know where he's going with that. There's a difference between multiculturalism occurring naturally and forced multiculti. Forced multiculti brings with it the idea that you have to accept other cultural or religious practices even if they are diametrically opposed to the nation's own cultural mores. It also gives new comers the impression they don't have to try to fit in or assimilate and that's where the problems start.
My mother, rest her soul, was not the least bit racist or prejudiced, but even she saw through the multiculti bullshit years ago. At one point it was referred to as "The Great Canadian Mosaic", which she called a fancy way of saying "ghettoization". And she was bang on with that definition. Look at what we have today, not just in Canada but all over, ethnic and religious enclaves. In Ontario we have public housing that you just won't qualify for unless you belong to a particular ethnic or religious group.
When did bigotry regarding housing become acceptable to our govt? How is that multicultural? For that matter, when did denigrating Canadians just for being born in Canada become acceptable behaviour from a PM? A PM I might add who was born in Canada and sure thinks he's something f*cking special.

One last thing. When you look at multiculturalism throughout history, you'll also note that predominantly, the cultural practices that were beneficial or at least not harmful to the absorbing society were generally accepted while the undesirable practices were ruthlessly weeded out. Not today. We're expected to accept the bad with the good.
Of course the major difference is back then there weren't exactly a whole lot of city and nation states being ruled by knuckle dragging, White-guilt goobers who think we somehow owe everybody everything.

Nah, it's because it's seasonal labour season. Immigration does boost the economy I'll give you that. But it doesn't really boost it when you have mass immigration just for the sake of having mass immigration in a welfare state. Almost half of the working age immigrants that come here are completely unqualified to work here. They have no discernible work skills, they're often illiterate in their own language which makes it extremely difficult for them to learn either of our official languages and basically will never work a day in Canada.
Canada has always had immigration from most of the countries we get immigrants from today, we were just choosier about who we let in. Then the govt started playing games with their lives, so desperate to get them to come here. Back then if you were told your qualifications were good for working in Canada, you didn't have to re-qualify once you got here. Today, that's not what's happening. Many people are being told their qualifications/certifications make them eligible to work in Canada only to come here and find out they have to re-certify in order to work in their field. As a result they end up driving cabs or delivering food or get stuck in some minimum rage grunt work for years trying to save up the money.
The simple fact is, the govt lies to immigrants and refugees all the time the these days, even before they get here. How many Syrians were lied to just so Justine could prance around making himself look good for the UN?

I find most of your observations in your post to be in error. First of all, there is little doubt that immigration boosts the economy. Numerous studies have proven this.
For Canada, immigration is a key to prosperity

I am afraid your comment about masses of unskilled immigrants entering the country appears to be in error. However, you may be partly right if you look at the low level employees in Canada's retail sector and employees of places like Tim Hortons. I wonder where they would get their help without immigration. Apparently few native Canadians want to work there.

Secondly, there are three methods of dealing with an immigrant population. One is assimilation which is to completely absorb immigrants into the mainstream culture. France has long been very keen on this idea. A second is segregation, which is to allow immigration, but deny them citizenship, making use only of their labour skills. Germany practiced this until recently. A third is integration which is a blending of the immigrant culture with that of the mainsteam culture.

Canada has chosen integration, which allows immigrants to become Canadians at their own speed and does not inflict undue pressure on them to abandon their traditions, provided they are legal in Canada. This means that many first generation immigrants cling to aspects of their culture, including language and dress. However, this is not true for their children who tend to move right into the mainstream culture. This is what has happened to almost every immigrant group that has ever entered Canada. A welcome side-effect of integration is that many immigrant customs are adopted by the host culture. Think Caibana or the huge number of ethnic foods in Canada.

Nations that attempt to force immigrants to completely change their lifestyle have had little success. Note the nonsense in France regarding the wearing of female headgear. It is not only counter-productive, but it alienates the very people France is trying to assimilate.

I find your example of Syrians to be rather bizarre. For one thing the Syrians were refugees and thus not part of the regular immigration program. They were offered Canada as a better place to live than a refugee camp and they took it. Somehow I don't think that was a lie.