So you're saying we adopted multiculturalism at least 2000 years ago? Do you still support this statement then:
Has humanity had "very low birthing rates" for 2000 years?
Canada has implemented multiculturalism, Very publicly arround Trudeau señor period of history. With his Charter of rights Laws.
I was talking about that in my original post you pointed out, but you made the conversation about multiculturalism starting two million years ago. And i agreed because to a certain level its true. There are many levels of multiculturalism.
Im not sure why you want to argue about something thats as irrelevant as this fact. But sure let's waist our time on irrelevant things.
I mean if this is the only point you have in you're argument against my opinion, You have to agree with me thats its a weak argument. The fact that racism is still alive and well today after so much effort and time to beat it. You're point helps support my opinion.
You choose to ignore everything else to cheery pick a point that's completely irrelevant in trying to understand why we have racism still to this day after spending so much time and resources putting a end to it.
The question is. Why is racism still alive? What are the potential causes? Don't you find it odd that racism is still happening after so much effort to stop it. Why do you think that is?
I bet you don't have a single clue in you're little head as to why
Cause if you did you would have told me already
If my idea of Hardwired is wrong in you're opinion, then what is the other possible argument.