Saskatchewan: Land of living skies and a racial divide


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I posted this to stir up the pot to see how many of our resident racist would pop up and they did. Ain't that just fukking great? Y'all popped up like a giant zit and win the prize for being assholes. And Nick, you don't know shit about the history of this continent.

You started it because you didn't know it was already posted then blamed your onset senility.

Smoke another one white boy.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Study Proves Racism Linked With Low IQ

Does you intelligence level effect your level of prejudice?
A recent study by Mark Brandt and Jarret Crawford looked to answer just that, and the results will not make racists very happy.

According to the study, people of lower intelligence, as measured by cognitive ability, tend to be prejudiced against non-conventional or liberal groups, as well as groups that have little choice in their status, such as people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Study Proves Racism Linked With Low IQ

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Study Proves Racism Linked With Low IQ

Does you intelligence level effect your level of prejudice?
A recent study by Mark Brandt and Jarret Crawford looked to answer just that, and the results will not make racists very happy.

According to the study, people of lower intelligence, as measured by cognitive ability, tend to be prejudiced against non-conventional or liberal groups, as well as groups that have little choice in their status, such as people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Study Proves Racism Linked With Low IQ

People who agree with studies like that are all idiots that should be sent back to where they came from.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Study Proves Racism Linked With Low IQ

Does you intelligence level effect your level of prejudice?
A recent study by Mark Brandt and Jarret Crawford looked to answer just that, and the results will not make racists very happy.

According to the study, people of lower intelligence, as measured by cognitive ability, tend to be prejudiced against non-conventional or liberal groups, as well as groups that have little choice in their status, such as people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Study Proves Racism Linked With Low IQ

What about people who just love hating?

People that are like Cobras who go around eating other snakes?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Study Proves Racism Linked With Low IQ

Does you intelligence level effect your level of prejudice?
A recent study by Mark Brandt and Jarret Crawford looked to answer just that, and the results will not make racists very happy.

According to the study, people of lower intelligence, as measured by cognitive ability, tend to be prejudiced against non-conventional or liberal groups, as well as groups that have little choice in their status, such as people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Study Proves Racism Linked With Low IQ

Could be that there is a greater purpose to why living things prefer similarly coded living things to themselves like family members and others with a similar DNA heritage.The universe really never had a consept of equality like we have developed.
But realizing that would require a bigger IQ, then what you have.

Maybe without racism within life, New species would have never developed. Biodiversity could very well never have happened without seclusion.

Think of all the animals that might not have existed.

Maybe you should use that IQ and try thinking of all the consequences not having racism within life could have had.

Maybe black peoples would have never existed;). In the old days it was a sin to marry outside you're own "race".

Wouldn't that blow you're mind.

Try and think a little bigger then you're politically correct IQ.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Clouds and sky should be same color
The color booze would be good

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Could be that there is a greater purpose to why living things prefer similarly coded living things to themselves like family members and others with a similar DNA heritage.The universe really never had a consept of equality like we have developed.
But realizing that would require a bigger IQ, then what you have.

Maybe without racism within life, New species would have never developed. Biodiversity could very well never have happened without seclusion.

Think of all the animals that might not have existed.

Maybe you should use that IQ and try thinking of all the consequences not having racism within life could have had.

Maybe black peoples would have never existed;). In the old days it was a sin to marry outside you're own "race".

Wouldn't that blow you're mind.

Try and think a little bigger then you're politically correct IQ.

That is one of the most moronic defences of racism I have ever read. Apparently the higher IQ that comes with racism skipped right over you.

Saskatchewan is so racially segregated that Jay Silverheels, who played a significant role in the movie, isn't even listed on the cast.

That's because Shelly Winters was cuter and he was busy playing Tonto. mean the Wagon Burners! Because they weren't the first ones here....they just annihilated the ones who were.

Perhaps you could publish a paper on your amazing theory. Who exactly did Aboriginal Americans annihilate when they arrived from Asia?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
That is one of the most moronic defences of racism I have ever read. Apparently the higher IQ that comes with racism skipped right over you.

Still emotionally compromised are you? :laughing3:
Remember that human intelligence is fairly limited.

Anything more complex then immediate consequences are usually always ignored. Progress of millions of years of evolution easily escape our understanding.

Eliminating what is considered a bad behaviour to our standards could have long term consequences we could have never anticipated.

I don't really expect racism to ever go away, because it's more complex then our simple equality code of conduct that must constantly give a immediate consequence to a behaviour we consider bad.

I don't believe in social reprogramming. Its more like social policing.

Consider this. In the absence of police service, court of laws, and rehabilitation facilities. How long would it take to return to Tribal existence?

Not very long is my guess.

In the absence of constant policing, political correctness would disappear overnight.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
It's all sneetches with stars or sneetches without stars
Whoever makes the most money off the divide gets to say who's in the "in" group this week.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Still emotionally compromised are you? :laughing3:
Remember that human intelligence is fairly limited.

Anything more complex then immediate consequences are usually always ignored.

Eliminating what is considered a bad behaviour to our standards could have long term consequences we could have never anticipated.

I don't really expect racism to ever go away, because it's more complex then our simple equality code of conduct.

I don't believe in social reprogramming.

Consider this. In the absence of police service, court of laws, and rehabilitation facilities. How long would it take to return to Tribal existence?

Not very long is my guess.

In the absence of constant policing, political correctness would disappear overnight.
You really miss legal, formal race discrimination, don't you, Angst?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
You really miss legal, formal race discrimination, don't you, Angst?

Not particularly. I'm just honest to everyone and myself that there is more to it then we understand. Its not a binary problem, And that without continually policing racist behaviour, things wouldn't take very long to return to how they were not long ago. I don't live in denial about it.

How equal and just of a society do you want to live in?
Are there no limits to the money and resource we will spend in policing behaviour?

Perfect equality is achievable as long as you spend the required resources to maintain it.

Could be spending that money on going in space instead. What do you want to prioritize?

What is the illusion of equality worth? How much money do you feel we should spend on it?

You're sociaty will be as equal directly proportionate to how much money you are willing to spend policing that.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Could be that there is a greater purpose to why living things prefer similarly coded living things to themselves like family members and others with a similar DNA heritage.The universe really never had a consept of equality like we have developed.
But realizing that would require a bigger IQ, then what you have.

Maybe without racism within life, New species would have never developed. Biodiversity could very well never have happened without seclusion.

Think of all the animals that might not have existed.

Maybe you should use that IQ and try thinking of all the consequences not having racism within life could have had.

Maybe black peoples would have never existed;). In the old days it was a sin to marry outside you're own "race".

Wouldn't that blow you're mind.

Try and think a little bigger then you're politically correct IQ.
Oh for...seriously? Racism is a 17th century European social construct. If humans were inherently racist, very few of the things we enjoy today would exist outside of where they were developed.
Even slavery itself isn't inherently racist, but it IS classism. The simple fact is there's only one race and that's the human race. There are no other races of humans currently inhabiting the planet. The various ethnicities and skin colours are a product of evolutionary adaptation and nothing more. There's a very biological reason that everybody is the colour they are and it's got dick to do with being a different species of human.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Oh for...seriously? Racism is a 17th century European social construct. If humans were inherently racist, very few of the things we enjoy today would exist outside of where they were developed.
Even slavery itself isn't inherently racist, but it IS classism. The simple fact is there's only one race and that's the human race. There are no other races of humans currently inhabiting the planet. The various ethnicities and skin colours are a product of evolutionary adaptation and nothing more. There's a very biological reason that everybody is the colour they are and it's got dick to do with being a different species of human.

There is racism in Japan, Korea, Africa, India. Everywhere. In all society it was not well viewed to marry into other races.
My opinion is you are living in denial of the truth. There is proof of racism everywhere on earth.
To classify racism to 17th century European society is racist in itself.

There have been clan wars before mankind even existed.

Please consider how can a new species develop? Dose it simply magically appear? Or does a race of a species eventually branch off into a new species after millions of years of involuntary & voluntarily seclusion from other races of its same species?

If you eliminate the impossible, Then the obvious possibilities are the only answers.

Without voluntary and involuntary seclusion, a race will never develop into its own species.

Biodiversity is extremely important to the survival of life in the Universe.

Thats why the promotion & creation of biodiversity will always be a basic instinct in all living things.

And that's why you need to constantly police equality.

Because equality is at odds with basic living survival instincts. Billions of years of evolution that weeded out the less capable at doing two simple things. Not dieing and having the most possible number of offspring.

If only one species of life existed in the universe.

Would it be easier or harder for all life in the universe to be wiped out?

Over millions of years life that voluntarily secluded themselves and help create more biodiversity will have a advantage over life that doesn't.
The universe shapes behaviour of life towards a behaviour that gives it better odds of survival.

Over the period of billions of years of evolution, Behaviour that promoted survival becomes basic instincts.

Spending billions of dollars social policing ourselves against our own natural survival instincts built in our DNA from billions of years of life achieving survival seems to me like the biggest waste of our earthly resources.

Spending money on having less chance of surviving long term seems counter productive.

There are many much better investment I value above policy that lowers our chance @ survival.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Id spend that money on getting the fuk off this rock. Survival could depend on it.

How retarded is it to argue for "natural" and "biological" on a computer?

As retarded as arguing social justice and equality on a computer I think.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Good luck with that. When you get to Mars, be sure to go out and do some hunting and gathering.

Yes and that way you can have all the internet too yourself too argue social justice and equality without any intelligent disagreements

How retarded is it to argue for "natural" and "biological" on a computer?

Because we build tools to help in our survival we are no longer natural & biological ? What are you trying to say?

Please explain how current humans are no longer natural & biological.

When did this happen? When did we become gods?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yes and that way you can have all the internet too yourself too argue social justice and equality without any intelligent disagreements

Because we build tools to help in our survival we are no longer natural & biological ? What are you trying to say?

Please explain how current humans are no longer natural & biological.
I would except for one thing.

I don't explain to whimpering cowards. I just toss out an insult or two, and spend my time on people of more worth.