Oh for...seriously? Racism is a 17th century European social construct. If humans were inherently racist, very few of the things we enjoy today would exist outside of where they were developed.
Even slavery itself isn't inherently racist, but it IS classism. The simple fact is there's only one race and that's the human race. There are no other races of humans currently inhabiting the planet. The various ethnicities and skin colours are a product of evolutionary adaptation and nothing more. There's a very biological reason that everybody is the colour they are and it's got dick to do with being a different species of human.
There is racism in Japan, Korea, Africa, India. Everywhere. In all society it was not well viewed to marry into other races.
My opinion is you are living in denial of the truth. There is proof of racism everywhere on earth.
To classify racism to 17th century European society is racist in itself.
There have been clan wars before mankind even existed.
Please consider how can a new species develop? Dose it simply magically appear? Or does a race of a species eventually branch off into a new species after millions of years of involuntary & voluntarily seclusion from other races of its same species?
If you eliminate the impossible, Then the obvious possibilities are the only answers.
Without voluntary and involuntary seclusion, a race will never develop into its own species.
Biodiversity is extremely important to the survival of life in the Universe.
Thats why the promotion & creation of biodiversity will always be a basic instinct in all living things.
And that's why you need to constantly police equality.
Because equality is at odds with basic living survival instincts. Billions of years of evolution that weeded out the less capable at doing two simple things. Not dieing and having the most possible number of offspring.
If only one species of life existed in the universe.
Would it be easier or harder for all life in the universe to be wiped out?
Over millions of years life that voluntarily secluded themselves and help create more biodiversity will have a advantage over life that doesn't.
The universe shapes behaviour of life towards a behaviour that gives it better odds of survival.
Over the period of billions of years of evolution, Behaviour that promoted survival becomes basic instincts.
Spending billions of dollars social policing ourselves against our own natural survival instincts built in our DNA from billions of years of life achieving survival seems to me like the biggest waste of our earthly resources.
Spending money on having less chance of surviving long term seems counter productive.
There are many much better investment I value above policy that lowers our chance @ survival.