Saskatchewan: Land of living skies and a racial divide


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
If only this was true.

It is true. Do you want examples? When do you think multiculturalism "was adopted?"

Cosmopolitanism is what allowed tribes to merge to form city states and city states to merge to form nation states.

The modern concept of the nation state is actually an anomaly of the more traditional multicultural form of government. Monoculturalism (i.e. nationalism) is an ideology component of the early nation state. It didn't work.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
It is true. Do you want examples? When do you think multiculturalism "was adopted?".

A long time ago, Like you are trying to point out. 2000 years we have tryed to achieve it and we still haven't succeeded. That should give you a clear indication its a waist of time.

My point is. Police it to maintain peace. But you have to be a fool to think racism will ever go away. It can be controlled with police but won't go away.

Now lets imagine why we have tryed to make multiculturalism work for thousands and it hasn't worked. What makes this goal unachievable?

You would think that with the billions in resources we have spent we would have achieved equality by now.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
It is true. Do you want examples? When do you think multiculturalism "was adopted?"

The modern concept of the nation state is actually an anomaly of the more traditional multicultural form of government. Monoculturalism (i.e. nationalism) is an ideology component of the early nation state. It didn't work.

At the time of the city state though, the nationalism was an expansion of one's identity. Today, nationalism limits one's identity in the modern world. Nationalism served its purpose long ago, but it's time to move on to supranationalism.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I think we can establish some kind of level of respect and live with one a other. As long as we maintain resources policing that. But the current obsession of achieving more then that is unrealistic.

I believe its due to natural survival instincts behaviour. And i believe its due to evolution and survival.

Life is hardwired a certain way because of the difficulties of survival. The difficulties of survival are promoting some things over others, due to better chances of survival.

There has to be something inside of humans that makes use naturally prone to racism. If not it would have been wiped out a very long time ago, given all the efforts towards multiculturalism we have made. Why is it we still are so far away from reaching success ? There must be a reason.

What are other possibilities other then the hardwired theory?

Unfortunately to lay claim of ownership over land, You have to have the ability to defend it. Sovereignty.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
A long time ago, Like you are trying to point out. 2000 years we have tryed to achieve it and we still haven't succeeded.

So you're saying we adopted multiculturalism at least 2000 years ago? Do you still support this statement then:

I doubt that it will help our odds for survival as our very low birthing rates indicate since we have adopted multiculturalism .

Has humanity had "very low birthing rates" for 2000 years?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
So you're saying we adopted multiculturalism at least 2000 years ago? Do you still support this statement then:

Has humanity had "very low birthing rates" for 2000 years?

Canada has implemented multiculturalism, Very publicly arround Trudeau señor period of history. With his Charter of rights Laws.

I was talking about that in my original post you pointed out, but you made the conversation about multiculturalism starting two million years ago. And i agreed because to a certain level its true. There are many levels of multiculturalism.

Im not sure why you want to argue about something thats as irrelevant as this fact. But sure let's waist our time on irrelevant things.

I mean if this is the only point you have in you're argument against my opinion, You have to agree with me thats its a weak argument. The fact that racism is still alive and well today after so much effort and time to beat it. You're point helps support my opinion.

You choose to ignore everything else to cheery pick a point that's completely irrelevant in trying to understand why we have racism still to this day after spending so much time and resources putting a end to it.

The question is. Why is racism still alive? What are the potential causes? Don't you find it odd that racism is still happening after so much effort to stop it. Why do you think that is?

I bet you don't have a single clue in you're little head as to why ;)

Cause if you did you would have told me already

If my idea of Hardwired is wrong in you're opinion, then what is the other possible argument.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It is true. Do you want examples? When do you think multiculturalism "was adopted?"
You mean like the Egyptian civilization, the Minoan civilization, the Roman empire, united Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland (to name but a few)?

I'd also say China, but they're not real humans.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
You mean like the Egyptian civilization, the Minoan civilization, the Roman empire, united Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland (to name but a few)?

I'd also say China, but they're not real humans.

:) tec the funny guy. Good one.

Lets end our argument and all agree racism is dead. After millions of years of multiculturalism we have finally extinguished the evil that is racism. Let us never again waist our time discussing it since it no longer exist.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Poor li'l guy. Didn't mean to traumatize you there, bud.

Actually, wasn't even talking to you. But it's OK, we all understand your need to be the center of attention.

Don't be jealous tec :)

Its settled. Racism is a urban myth.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

Saskatchewan is so racially segregated that Jay Silverheels, who played a significant role in the movie, isn't even listed on the cast.

That movie was made in 1954 gopher and back then that was the way things were done. Not saying it was right or wrong - just putting things in context.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Canada has implemented multiculturalism, Very publicly arround Trudeau señor period of history. With his Charter of rights Laws.

I was talking about that in my original post you pointed out, but you made the conversation about multiculturalism starting two million years ago. And i agreed because to a certain level its true. There are many levels of multiculturalism.

I asked you when you thought it was adopted and you said "A long time ago, Like you are trying to point out. 2000 years we have tryed to achieve it and we still haven't succeeded"

If you wanted to make it clear you meant the official multiculturalism policy in Canada, you should have said so when I asked the first time.

Earlier in this thread someone said racism is a recent human construct. You are arguing that it's innate. My comment was that when people argue something is "natural" or innate or human nature, they often ignore contradictory human behaviour that is also seemingly "natural". As such, I pointed out that multiculturalism is social human behaviour as ancient as you say racism is.

You choose to ignore everything else to cheery pick a point that's completely irrelevant in trying to understand why we have racism still to this day after spending so much time and resources putting a end to it.

Your argument seems to rest on the idea that racism is innate, and my counterpoint is that the same argument that applies to racism being innate applies to multiculturalism being innate. You seemed to agree with that, which surprised me, so I wanted to make it clear that you were agreeing. Now I see you're focusing on the Trudeau-era multiculturalism, which seems odd as that can only be applied to Canada and yet your argument seems to be applying to all of humanity, and even all of life itself.

I ignored the rest of your posts because I felt that this was the crux of your argument .I started writing a reply to your question about other possibilities to the "hardwired" theory, but stopped because I wanted to be sure you were abandoning the idea that multiculturalism leads to low birth rates. That is the main point I was discussing.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
That movie was made in 1954 gopher and back then that was the way things were done. Not saying it was right or wrong - just putting things in context.

Racism didn't exist in 1954. Multiculturalism has been arround for millions of years. Stop it with fake news of fake racism .


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Racism is learnt. Unless the parents teach it to the kids, the kids couldn't care less what colour you are.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I asked you when you thought it was adopted and you said "A long time ago, Like you are trying to point out. 2000 years we have tryed to achieve it and we still haven't succeeded"

If you wanted to make it clear you meant the official multiculturalism policy in Canada, you should have said so when I asked the first time.

Earlier in this thread someone said racism is a recent human construct. You are arguing that it's innate. My comment was that when people argue something is "natural" or innate or human nature, they often ignore contradictory human behaviour that is also seemingly "natural". As such, I pointed out that multiculturalism is social human behaviour as ancient as you say racism is.

Your argument seems to rest on the idea that racism is innate, and my counterpoint is that the same argument that applies to racism being innate applies to multiculturalism being innate. You seemed to agree with that, which surprised me, so I wanted to make it clear that you were agreeing. Now I see you're focusing on the Trudeau-era multiculturalism, which seems odd as that can only be applied to Canada and yet your argument seems to be applying to all of humanity, and even all of life itself.

I ignored the rest of your posts because I felt that this was the crux of your argument .I started writing a reply to your question about other possibilities to the "hardwired" theory, but stopped because I wanted to be sure you were abandoning the idea that multiculturalism leads to low birth rates. That is the main point I was discussing.

Low population growth in Canada started at generally the same time as Trudeau's multiculturalism period, and this may or may not have had a influence since many other factors From this period could have influenced low birth rates. Like the women revolution. Gender equality. Modernization.

If anything multiculturalism helped birth rates by attracting immigrants who generally have way many more children then Canadians.

Multiculturalism will promotes mix race marriages and distinct racial traits will likely blend. (have no problems with that personally). . Its like someone else mentioned It will blend and make a new "dialect"

The blend could even eventually become the start to a new Canadian race of humans

Racism is learnt. Unless the parents teach it to the kids, the kids couldn't care less what colour you are.

That would be very convenient and simple. But i would argue that racism would already be vanquished if it were true.

Maybe its a little bit of 3-4 different things. Learning is definitely one factor.

Some things are easier to learn then others. Racism seems to be learnt at a much easier rate then other behaviour.

Have you ever tried to teach kids to eat healthy? Teaching them racism sinks in way easier.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Firstly, Canada has never had a true multiculturalism policy other than in name only. PET referred to it as 'multiculturalism within a bilingual framework.' The B&B commission was even more explicit in referring to it as bilingualism and biculturalism. What we have in Canada is a policy of biculturalism dressed up as a policy of multiculturalism but only on the surface.