Like i've said folks, these guys aren't Mickey Mouse.
Unfortunately, many people will call you racist for saying that something must be done. There is a huge difference between being racist and reacting to a bad situation.
Many, having spent their lives in relative comfort in Canada or the US, have not seen what happens. They do not believe, or more accurately, do not want to believe. They stick their heads in the sand and hope that it will go away.
And the problem continues to worsen.
Just out of curiosity, what's so bad about the situation?Unfortunately, many people will call you racist for saying that something must be done. There is a huge difference between being racist and reacting to a bad situation.
Many, having spent their lives in relative comfort in Canada or the US, have not seen what happens. They do not believe, or more accurately, do not want to believe. They stick their heads in the sand and hope that it will go away.
And the problem continues to worsen.
So, there was no violence in the Philippines until the eee-vil Muzzies started kicking up a ruckus?Violence that was contained mostly within the ME, is now spreading. It has been for several years. The most recent troubles being in the Philippines.
So, there was no violence in the Philippines until the eee-vil Muzzies started kicking up a ruckus?
And how have the activities of ISIS spilled into your yard and affected you or your community?Certainly there was, but the violence has escalated.
WRT the world situation generally, as long as your activities do not impinge upon me, have at 'er. The line is drawn when your activities spill into my yard and impact me or my community in a negative way.
Have you considered that maybe staying out of the Middle East might be a good idea?Yes. We have people where I live who lost friends and relatives in the ME. I lost two friends to IEDs, and have spent time in the ME.
Nope. Done some regime toppling, but no peacekeeping. Unless you consider squaring off with the Soviets for 12 out of the 45 years we were at it peacekeeping.Have you done any peacekeeping?
Have you considered that maybe staying out of the Middle East might be a good idea?
Nope. Done some regime toppling, but no peacekeeping. Unless you consider squaring off with the Soviets for 12 out of the 45 years we were at it peacekeeping.
I sure do. I love Germany. Go over at least once a year.The govt didn't give me that option.
I was stationed in Germany in the late 70s and early 80s, and deployed several times. I do not miss my time there.
There's always the possibility that those who do not actively participate in the violence, but say nothing about the barbarity, are trying to keep breathing. ISIS (nor nobody else in the ME) ain't real well-known for engaging its critics in civil debate.I do not like the violence. The killing, raping, destruction and agony to which families are subjected.
ISIS is not helping. They are taking the violence farther afield. Those who do not actively participate in the violence, but say nothing about the barbarity, are accomplices to those acts.
He's no worse than the other alternate-reality dwellers hereabouts.They shy away from debate because of their culture. It is very male dominated, and, for the lack of a better term, very caste organized. The only thing that I can suggest is to spend some time around them and listen to what they tell their children, wives and friends. Read their history. You have a person on this board who is typical of Muslims. What is telling is how he presents himself and what he says to others, not the ad nauseum quotes.
You need to spend more time in Texas.The big difference for me is the blame and hatefulness associated with everything that he espouses. Having seen it first hand and then repeated here reminds me of the differences between people. I have met very few Christians, Jews and Sikhs that are that spiteful or brutal.
What would you have us learn from our past? What do you think the lessons are?At any rate, as has happened in the past, the world will ignore what is going on (it's not happening here!) until something occurs which will demand our attention. N. Americans and Europeans live in a very touchy feely environment. We do not learn from our past.