An Egyptian tribe released a video that showed what they claim to be an ISIS militant being burnt alive in Sinai.
In the video the al-Tarabeen tribesmen are heard threatening to burn and kill other ISIS members in response to a threat from the extremist group for cooperating with the army and police against them.
One of the tribe members said to Al Arabiya, that they burnt one of the most important ISIS leaders, who previously killed and burnt three citizens and a police officer.
The tribe issued a statement on Thursday evening denying what ISIS and other extremists’ claim of killing 40 members of al-Tarabeen tribe.
They said that this was “completely false,” and asserted that they are going to fight ISIS “bravely and courageously as the sons of the tribe do not fear the battles.”
The statement called on all tribes in Sinai to unite with them, saying: “It is time to get together to face ISIS, which did not have mercy on the elderly or young, and filled the earth with corruption and destruction.”
“To anyone who supports ISIS by word, action or by monitoring, he has to surrender himself immediately,” the statement said.
Ibrahim al-Arjani, one of the elders of the tribe said that several tribes agreed to clear all Sinai from ISIS in coordination with the army under a tribal alliance lead by the presidency of Sheikh Abdul Majid al-Mainaei.
He added that ISIS members are centered in the areas of Mahdia, Shabana, al-Athraa, Jihad Abu Tabal, Al Mosama and other few areas in al-Arish.
Egyptian tribe burnt alive top ISIS commander in act of revenge | Muslimpress