The First 100 Days in Trump Land


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Ann Coulter is now mad at Trump.....
So she got almost a full hour interview with Whoopi and the other snowflakes on "The View" to-day:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I am sorry that you are are so salty TP.



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. And he was really angry that -- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, “There's no reason for this.”

-- President Donald John Trump.

For the rest of the world: Andrew Jackson died in 1845. The Civil War began in 1861.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I didn't expect much from the first 100 days of the Trump Presidency. I didn't get much. I'm happy a conservative, pro life, constitutional constructionist was appointed to the Supreme Court. But with Syria, and now with North Korea, Trump is continuing the debacle of the military interventionism of the last 50 years, which has produced nothing but the futile 'little wars' so characteristic of an Empire.

Trade has clearly taken a back seat to these hot button issues. North Korea is a backwater swamp of a country.. isolated, politically cloistered of no particular threat to anybody but their own people. But Trump is using it as wedge to back off confronting China on currency and trade.

NAFTA has now become something that has to be 'renegotiated' rather than repealed. We all know that means a few cosmetic changes, and no real change at all. The steel, auto, primary metals processing and small manufacturing sector will continue to rust.

His tax policies have an uncomfortable resemblance to disastrous 'supply side' Reaganomics, with tax cuts for all supposed to stimulate growth and compensate for deficits. It has never worked. It never will.

Wall Street and investment deregulation will be every bit as catastrophic as Bill Clinton's dereg of the late 1990s which led directly to the Derivatives/Housing bubble and collapse (and Depression) of 2008.

His Health Care policies seem a capitulation to 'states rights' and insurance company profits. The only thing that will work is a public, one payer insurance system supporting private, competitive health care providers. That 's not even on the table.

Essentially America did not vote for a NeoConservative Agenda.. they've had their fill of that from BOTH parties. And in economic terms that is what has been delivered. Trump, in this arena, is following Ideology and ignoring his working class Constituency. The world is reeling from the failure of global, free market, regressive, post structural economic ideologies. The only alternative in national, dirigiste, progressive, populist economics.

Trump has been useful in blunting and disorganizing the Global Free Market, Monetarist momentum.... but he has not stopped it and he has not articulated a coherent alternative. The success of his Presidency and the prospects of a second term all rest with that, and the rebuilding of a national, integrated, industrial economy.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003

well, this is pretty low...but I bet trump could get lower...

Trump Just Canceled A Tribute For Jimmy Carter

Trump has just as little respect for his office as he does the men to have previously held it. Former president Jimmy Carter, who has devoted himself to humanitarian efforts since leaving the White House, is the reality tv star’s latest target.

Carter was supposed be awarded Argentina’s highest honor, the Order of the Liberator General San Martín for his tireless work, in particular his advocacy of humans rights in Argentina during the seventies and eighties. The event had been officially announced by the Argentine foreign ministry.

Trump’s administration contacted the Argentine government directly, and told them to withhold Carter’s award.

Carter, a president known for his strong moral compass, has been a vocal critic of Trump. “[Donald Trump] seems to reject the most important moral and ethical principles on which our nation was founded,” Carter said prior to the election. Thin-skinned Trump clearly has not forgotten, and blocking Carter’s well-deserved award is his childish means of revenge.

The Twitter account for the Jimmy Carter library has also taken shots at Trump. Recently they tweeted Jimmy Carter’s approval rating after his first one hundred days. Carter was sitting comfortably at 63%. Trump’s approval rating of 43% is historic, giving him the ignominious distinction of having the least popular first hundred days in the history of American polling.

Carter is a former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, and is the only American president to have received the award for his actions after leaving office.

Trump’s attack on Carter and his sterling human rights record comes at the same time he is inviting the president of the Philippines – who is conducting a homicidal campaign against his own people – to visit the White House.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think a few people may be in for a big surprise when it comes to Trump. There's a lot of crap he has to work his way through, not to mention people who wish he fails just for the sake of failing. Slowly but surely he'll start making headway before the half way mark of his first term. :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I think a few people may be in for a big surprise when it comes to Trump. There's a lot of crap he has to work his way through, not to mention people who wish he fails just for the sake of failing. Slowly but surely he'll start making headway before the half way mark of his first term. :) :)

Geez JLM... as if the Snowflake Libs don't have enough to be salty about.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I think a few people may be in for a big surprise when it comes to Trump. There's a lot of crap he has to work his way through, not to mention people who wish he fails just for the sake of failing. Slowly but surely he'll start making headway before the half way mark of his first term. :) :)

He already has accomplished what he promised, just ask him. He's on track to stop the civil war now, too.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I must say, the libtards, snowflakes and SJWs are so salty from all of this winning lol

1. Muslim Ban - two failed Exec Orders, Obama's border policy remains.

2. Healthcare Repeal - no congress approval even with a Republican majority. Obamacare remains in place.

3. NAFTA - Not tearing it up and he actually likes it now as manufacturing continues to move to Mexico.

4. Mexican Border Wall - No funding from congress, not approved

5. Drain the Swamp - Hiring Wall Street Bankers, economic insiders and lobbyists.

6. Climate Change - Staying in Paris Agreement and China kicking US butt on renewables.

Feels good man. :lol:
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