Highway will soon let regular drivers reach Arctic Ocean for first time


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Highway will soon let regular drivers reach Arctic Ocean for first time

To hear Kevin McLeod describe it, the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway being built across a dramatic and challenging landscape to the Arctic Ocean is like a living thing.

It breathes, it sweats and, if its temperature rises too high, people get worried.

“The critical task for this whole thing is to keep the permafrost frozen,” says Mr. McLeod, who is heading a historic construction project that for the first time will extend Canada’s highway network from coast to coast to coast.

“We are tracking the temperature of the highway much like a human body,” said the director of the Northwest Territories Department of Transportation. “Permafrost makes a great foundation if it remains frozen and that’s our aim, to keep it as frozen as possible.”

The route, which will bring both new opportunities and new social stresses to the North by opening a small, isolated community to the outside world, won’t be completed until next year.

But a key milestone in the $300-million federal-territorial project was reached last week when two massive Cat 740B trucks – one coming from the North and one from the South – backed slowly together and dumped about 50 tonnes of gravel and rock on the tundra. That closed the last gap in a raised roadbed that snakes 137 kilometres from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk, across a landscape laced with thousands of lakes and streams.

Until now, the only way to drive to Tuk, as the hamlet with 950 residents is commonly called, has been over an ice road built each winter when the watery landscape and spongy tundra is frozen solid.

While the surface on the Tuktoyaktuk Coastal Plain thaws seasonally, the land beneath remains frozen, leaving a solid permafrost foundation on which to build.

But Mr. McLeod said in an interview that constructing a highway atop permafrost is a delicate and tricky business, with few examples to learn from anywhere in the world.

“This was ground-breaking building in terms of the location and the permafrost,” he said. “I like to note this highway is kind of a 130-kilometre-long laboratory.”

Rather than bulldozing the route, in traditional “cut and fill” road building, the Inuvik Tuk Highway features an elevated road bed stacked atop an insulating layer of synthetic material to keep the permafrost beneath it frozen. When the highway is completed, there will be 65 temperature sensors strung along its length.

“We are making sure if it gets warmer … that we are alerted to it,” said Mr. McLeod.

As permafrost warms, it loses its load-bearing strength. Bridge piles, which are driven deep into the permafrost, are of key concern. If the temperature near them rises above minus three, a contingency plan calls for warm air to be siphoned off and cold air pumped into the ground.


Fukking Eh.. :canada:

Edmonton, Alberta.. Gateway to the Arctic.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
I'm one of the few southern Canadians who have visited the high Arctic. This road will make it easier for a lot more to do just that. However, accommodation is going to have to improve in order to make that popular.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I'm one of the few southern Canadians who have visited the high Arctic. This road will make it easier for a lot more to do just that. However, accommodation is going to have to improve in order to make that popular.
One of the few , LOL , you really hold yourself in high esteem .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
We drove to Inuvik, and then did a day trip flight up to Tuk. It was awesome.
You are one of the few . The Dempster is kind of cool . I liked the red fox den on the side of the hwy .
Hey of the few Canadians here in these forums three have already been among the few to visit the artic .
How many more are there ?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You are one of the few . The Dempster is kind of cool . I liked the red fox den on the side of the hwy .
Hey of the few Canadians here in these forums three have already been among the few to visit the artic .
How many more are there ?

Worked it.

Huh that pretty fukked up.. and amazing. I thought transportation costs would have raised the prices exponentially.

Gas prices NWT

Gas prices Vancouver, BC

It is f-cked up but true.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Huh that pretty fukked up.. and amazing. I thought transportation costs would have raised the prices exponentially.

Gas prices NWT

Gas prices Vancouver, BC

Vancouver has a special super double sekrit tax for transit. So those that have to drive to work pay for those that ride the bus.

Glad the new highway is going in. WHat with Globule warming and all my Beaufort Sea resort properties will be worth much more.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Spell after me, glass igloos=$$$ tourism. Chalk up deaths from freezing to Polar Bear kills. Polar Bear protection package. $$1,000 extra dude.

Driving to the Arctic Ocean is not on my list of things to do.
How about 1080 3D VR from your couch or car as they act as the controller for the 'tour'? 2 weeks with the dozers in high gear are needed to go not very far on a map, 2 weeks in 'the shop' to travel that same distance needs a way to leap ahead for the paying customer.
Fly in and rent at destination and explore that segment first. Trust me when I say nobody wants to have anything with being stuck in muskeg, let alone at altitude. Not a trip for a young man. However as part of a heritage package you could ride a bike in VR mode and get all the hill and none of the dust or bugs or cold. The natural attraction is the northern lights and even experienced travelers find one or two that stand out.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Vancouver has a special super double sekrit tax for transit. So those that have to drive to work pay for those that ride the bus.

Glad the new highway is going in. WHat with Globule warming and all my Beaufort Sea resort properties will be worth much more.
I bet you cash them in about the same time I sell my Arizona swamp land .