The First 100 Days in Trump Land


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Did any of them single out specific ethnic groups for exclusion and possibly for arrest? The Third Reich did that but no President in my memory ever did anything remotely like that.

Iranians have been banned. Haitians have been banned. I don't know if it was by executive order or not but banning is banning.
It's a TEMPORARY ban, FGS! Deal with it.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
He is behaving like the Emperor and most people don't even see
the danger this crowd is to democracy itself. I think he about to
receive a rude awakening. See despite the closet fascist regime
in power the American People have risen before when the have
had enough. Already the defense of democracy has begun with
people taking to the streets. Is Donald really a fascist? I don't
know for use he's behaving like one, but then again it might be his
advanced insanity. The Republicans are going to face obliteration
if they don't step in and pull this idiot back into some semblance of

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
He is behaving like the Emperor and most people don't even see
the danger this crowd is to democracy itself. I think he about to
receive a rude awakening. See despite the closet fascist regime
in power the American People have risen before when the have
had enough. Already the defense of democracy has begun with
people taking to the streets. Is Donald really a fascist? I don't
know for use he's behaving like one, but then again it might be his
advanced insanity. The Republicans are going to face obliteration
if they don't step in and pull this idiot back into some semblance of

Let's hope that the United States of America still works and that you're right.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I posted this in another thread because most people do not understand what an executive order is. Trump is not the first president to use this instruction, nor is it directing any government department to break the law, or do anything that has not already been acted upon by Congress.

Part two explains what an executive order actually is. Most of the panic artists do not understand what it is that they are railing against. Knowledge is power. I suggest reading the article to the end.


"Basically, an executive order is an official statement from the president about how the federal agencies he oversees are to use their resources.

It falls under the broader umbrella of “executive actions,” which derive their power from Article II of the Constitution, and it is the most formal executive action. Executive actions also include presidential memorandums (which are a step below executive orders and basically outline the administration's position on a policy issue), proclamations and directives.

An executive order is not the president creating new law or appropriating new money from the U.S. Treasury — both things that are the domain of Congress; it is the president instructing the government how it is to work within the parameters that are already set by Congress and the Constitution

(the underlining is mine - murphy)

The rest is here.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
A Clarifying Moment in American History

There should be nothing surprising about what Donald Trump has done in his first week—but he has underestimated the resilience of Americans and their institutions.

Precisely because the problem is one of temperament and character, it will not get better. It will get worse, as power intoxicates Trump and those around him. It will probably end in calamity—substantial domestic protest and violence, a breakdown of international economic relationships, the collapse of major alliances, or perhaps one or more new wars (even with China) on top of the ones we already have. It will not be surprising in the slightest if his term ends not in four or in eight years, but sooner, with impeachment or removal under the 25th Amendment. The sooner Americans get used to these likelihoods, the better.The question is, what should Americans do about it? To friends still thinking of serving as political appointees in this administration, beware: When you sell your soul to the Devil, he prefers to collect his purchase on the installment plan. Trump’s disregard for either Secretary of Defense Mattis or Secretary-designate Tillerson in his disastrous policy salvos this week, in favor of his White House advisers, tells you all you need to know about who is really in charge. To be associated with these people is going to be, for all but the strongest characters, an exercise in moral self-destruction.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
What you have quoted might come true, but it is an editorial piece. It is an opinion. What I posted is US federal or constitutional law.

There is an important difference.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Judge Blocks Part of Trump

trmp's own lawyers baffled by travel ban.

Let the in-fighting begin

The way this was handled suggests more of an authoritarian style of decision making .with-little care for the consequences and doing the important what if scenarios


Trumps first constitutional crisis.

Tat didn't take long. He might just rewrite the whole constitution to fit HIS ideology.:-(

Trump is ceiling the travel ban a massive success story. What planet does this bloke live one. He is so out of torch with reality it is scary.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Judge Blocks Part of Trump

trmp's own lawyers baffled by travel ban.

Let the in-fighting begin

The way this was handled suggests more of an authoritarian style of decision making .with-little care for the consequences and doing the important what if scenarios


Trumps first constitutional crisis.

Tat didn't take long. He might just rewrite the whole constitution to fit HIS ideology.:-(

Trump is ceiling the travel ban a massive success story. What planet does this bloke live one. He is so out of torch with reality it is scary.

When a President issues an Executive Order, how many of the fine details of execution does he get involved with? Is there a possibility that it's just aides that do the fine tuning? Does he actually sign off on the finished product? I'm no bureaucrap, so probably appear to be ignorant.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I hear there is no cure for Trumpaholics, once you catch it and that is a free choice kind of thing so you don't want to lose that ability. If opposition to change can be rated by the amount of opposition (and from where and funded by whom) that exists. When it is well organized the odds increase that deception becomes part of the package.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
When a President issues an Executive Order, how many of the fine details of execution does he get involved with? Is there a possibility that it's just aides that do the fine tuning? Does he actually sign off on the finished product? I'm no bureaucrap, so probably appear to be ignorant.

I cannot answer the first part of your question, but the president does sign the finished product.

I think it's reasonable to assume that some or most of the details are checked by staff. Trump is not a lawyer , and an EO is a legal document.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Hollywood goes political

SAG Awards 2017: Stars Speak Out Against Trump's Immigration Ban

it is truly astonishing to see how much damage one person can do in just over a week.

He continues to behave like the spoilt stubborn 5 yrs old mindset he adheres to...and continues to mock others who express emotional dissdain for his radical policise.

Makes one wonder what it was like when Hitler first took office.... Did they go through the same kind of process until the damage done was so atrocious that barbarism was more humane.

He is using the Quebec shooting as a justification for his actions..even though all the facts are not out yet. Of course facts and reality are starnangers tothe bloke.

America is no a p place of the free and brave. It is not brave t o isolate yourself with over protectionism. It also restricts the so called freedoms

His followers are so far gone they can't see the trees for the forest. They have been conned by a professional conman.

Inover a week. this conman has upset most of the planet. If he keeps this up.he will be the one fostering terrorism with his radical policies. One cannot foster anger and pretend you did not contribute to the consequences. very short sighted and one dimensional.(or mentally irrational)

I hear there is no cure for Trumpaholics, once you catch it and that is a free choice kind of thing so you don't want to lose that ability. If opposition to change can be rated by the amount of opposition (and from where and funded by whom) that exists. When it is well organized the odds increase that deception becomes part of the package.
excellent: love the analogy. (so fitting);-)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It's all that salt.....Progressives seem to be suffering with hypertension ...don't you know....

Poor Das. It must be tough for you to drag your sorry a$$ out of bed every morning knowing that 75% of the population is progressives.

He's a little hint for you...they aren't. You're a moron

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Wonder ho w long using Chaos Theory as a leadership premise can "work" before going int full self destruction mode. Do the hard core Trump supporters not see that the principle character in Washington is truly unhinged ........and has no clue as to what he is dong. Seems that photo ops offending/insulting others ,being antagonistic and provocative and doing Exec orders for the camera (and doing crass , unintelligible twttering are his " fine" points. One is inclined to think that he operates from a level of a juvenile and his verb age reflective of-same.

No one ever said that the US is a sophisticated place. But this is a whole knew level

OTOH.....perhaps this time the US is represented by exactly what it is....

If these first two weeks are a sample of what is to come... and there is no reason to think is likely downhill from here..UNLESS the lunatic ia reigned in by those with a modicum of reason in their sensibilities. And this erratic sod is leader of the free world. Go figure.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Wonder ho w long using Chaos Theory as a leadership premise can "work" before going int full self destruction mode. Do the hard core Trump supporters not see that the principle character in Washington is truly unhinged ........and has no clue as to what he is dong. Seems that photo ops offending/insulting others ,being antagonistic and provocative and doing Exec orders for the camera (and doing crass , unintelligible twttering are his " fine" points. One is inclined to think that he operates from a level of a juvenile and his verb age reflective of-same.

No one ever said that the US is a sophisticated place. But this is a whole knew level

OTOH.....perhaps this time the US is represented by exactly what it is....

If these first two weeks are a sample of what is to come... and there is no reason to think is likely downhill from here..UNLESS the lunatic ia reigned in by those with a modicum of reason in their sensibilities. And this erratic sod is leader of the free world. Go figure.
Hey, look at what Caligula acheived?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Wonder ho w long using Chaos Theory as a leadership premise can "work" before going int full self destruction mode. Do the hard core Trump supporters not see that the principle character in Washington is truly unhinged ........and has no clue as to what he is dong. Seems that photo ops offending/insulting others ,being antagonistic and provocative and doing Exec orders for the camera (and doing crass , unintelligible twttering are his " fine" points. One is inclined to think that he operates from a level of a juvenile and his verb age reflective of-same.

No one ever said that the US is a sophisticated place. But this is a whole knew level

OTOH.....perhaps this time the US is represented by exactly what it is....

If these first two weeks are a sample of what is to come... and there is no reason to think is likely downhill from here..UNLESS the lunatic ia reigned in by those with a modicum of reason in their sensibilities. And this erratic sod is leader of the free world. Go figure.
It appears there are a lot of people that do not quite see the end of the world as we know it , as you do .
But that is okay , your use of language is exemplary .

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
It appears there are a lot of people that do not quite see the end of the world as we know it , as you do.

There are a whole lot who do. Maybe the know-it-all Trumpites are deluded zombies who are missing big, important, details.