The Dumbing Down of America – By Design


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So what you're saying is that you really do not know much about US schools.

We have charter schools because our schools in the inner cities are complete disasters.
Might I suggest it be worked into a GTA game that is neighborhood based. That is also the inter-school sports game, also played from home.
The bathroom is also the safe-room with kevlar shower curtains.

Free tracking tags that automatically switch to whatever camera is in range so you can follow the kids or the bikes, whichever is more important.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
Yikes!!! a lot of supposed smart people are compromising everything, including their integrity to support 'The Donald'. Whatever credibility Giuliani had, it is gone, buried with his brain. His poor family now has to live not with pride, but with the fact that is must have been an ignorant, stupid man all along!. To even try to justify not paying taxes, and to go further and say the person was smart is truly sh%$tting on people's intelligence. This guy is in the same league as Madoff, or any of the huge ponzi schemes crooks, or the Lehman Brothers!! What a shame this much ugliness is being televised all around the world. Britain better get their act together quickly and take back the World Currency Exchange from the US. I say it's time the subject is brooch and the world starts seriously looking at this move to Britain?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Just aiming for your and the others Cons intellectual level.

You have no hope of ever reaching that level of intellect.

Yikes!!! a lot of supposed smart people are compromising everything, including their integrity to support 'The Donald'. Whatever credibility Giuliani had, it is gone, buried with his brain. His poor family now has to live not with pride, but with the fact that is must have been an ignorant, stupid man all along!. To even try to justify not paying taxes, and to go further and say the person was smart is truly sh%$tting on people's intelligence. This guy is in the same league as Madoff, or any of the huge ponzi schemes crooks, or the Lehman Brothers!! What a shame this much ugliness is being televised all around the world. Britain better get their act together quickly and take back the World Currency Exchange from the US. I say it's time the subject is brooch and the world starts seriously looking at this move to Britain?

Using whatever legal means of not paying taxes is just good business sense. Got a problem with it blame the government.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yikes!!! a lot of supposed smart people are compromising everything, including their integrity to support 'The Donald'. Whatever credibility Giuliani had, it is gone, buried with his brain. His poor family now has to live not with pride, but with the fact that is must have been an ignorant, stupid man all along!. To even try to justify not paying taxes, and to go further and say the person was smart is truly sh%$tting on people's intelligence. This guy is in the same league as Madoff, or any of the huge ponzi schemes crooks, or the Lehman Brothers!! What a shame this much ugliness is being televised all around the world. Britain better get their act together quickly and take back the World Currency Exchange from the US. I say it's time the subject is brooch and the world starts seriously looking at this move to Britain?



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Using whatever legal means of not paying taxes is just good business sense. Got a problem with it blame the government.

Over and over again courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging one's affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everybody does so, rich or poor; and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands: taxes are enforced exactions, not voluntary contributions. To demand more in the name of morals is mere cant.

Commissioner v. Newman
, 159 F2d 848 (1947).

Oh, and by the way, we may indeed be dumbed down, but at least we ain't throwing fainting panics about pronoun genders in our national anthem

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
We have charter schools because our schools in the inner cities are complete disasters.

And you have charter schools because educational corporations paid the usual bribes to various elected officials. Also your inner city schools are a complete disaster because they are not properly funded; unlike schools systems in more progressive nations.

So what you're saying is that you really do not know much about US schools.

Actually it appears that I know considerably more than you. Mind you that is not much of a stretch.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
And you have charter schools because educational corporations paid the usual bribes to various elected officials. Also your inner city schools are a complete disaster because they are not properly funded; unlike schools systems in more progressive nations.

Again you've proven you do not know much about the US Education System. Our inner city schools are well funded, but for some reason the students aren't doing well. That is why people are taking their kids out of public schools and putting them in charter schools.

Price Per Pupil
Boston $18K+
Westwood $15k+

Westwood students are doing far better.

Top Ranked School in Massachusetts... Sturgis Charter

Actually it appears that I know considerably more than you. Mind you that is not much of a stretch.
Looking at your opening comment above you know nothing about price per student and charter schools.

They're not properly funded... Elected officials are taking bribes.... lmao, how foolish.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Smacky's cherry-picking aside, nationwide charter schools do about as well (and as poorly) as public schools in both cost and student achievement.

The best educational deal for the money remains Catholic schools.

Which is kinda horrifying.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Smacky's cherry-picking aside, nationwide charter schools do about as well (and as poorly) as public schools in both cost and student achievement.

Top Massachusetts High Schools | Best High Schools in Massachusetts | US News
Top Ranked Massachusetts Schools

To be eligible for a state ranking, a school must be awarded a national gold or silver medal.

Outside of the charter schools in the top 10 the rest are the lily white liberal towns. To get into Boston Latin a difficult test is required for entry and that is not sitting well these days within the Boston Community.

The best educational deal for the money remains Catholic schools.

Which is kinda horrifying.
Horrifying. lol
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Smacky's cherry-picking aside, nationwide charter schools do about as well (and as poorly) as public schools in both cost and student achievement.

The best educational deal for the money remains Catholic schools.

Which is kinda horrifying.
Why ? Most catholic educators are dedicated people as the results show .

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Again you've proven you do not know much about the US Education System. Our inner city schools are well funded, but for some reason the students aren't doing well. That is why people are taking their kids out of public schools and putting them in charter schools.

Price Per Pupil
Boston $18K+
Westwood $15k+

Westwood students are doing far better.

Top Ranked School in Massachusetts... Sturgis Charter

Looking at your opening comment above you know nothing about price per student and charter schools.

They're not properly funded... Elected officials are taking bribes.... lmao, how foolish.

Interestingly, although I don't live in the US I seem to know more about the discrepancies in your school system than you do. I think this is a more accurate picture of educational spending in the US. I do have one question - if charter schools work so well why does the US rank so poorly in basic education? You might also try explaining the problems listed in the two articles below.
The dramatic inequality of public-school spending in America

By Emily Badger May 23, 2014

An Apple Inc. iPad sits on a desk used in a second-grade classroom at Park Lane Elementary school, in the Canyons School District, in Sandy, Utah, U.S. on Monday, May 20, 2013 (George Frey/Bloomberg)
During fiscal 2012, New York City's school district, the largest in the country with nearly a million students, spent more money on each one of them than any other large public school system in the country. New York spent $20,226 per pupil, according to updated Census data released Thursday on the finances of the country's public schools.
That's twice as much as was spent on children in the Prince William County public elementary and secondary schools outside of D.C. ($10,090, below the national average of $10,608). Among school districts with more than 40,000 students, New York's total even farther surpasses what's spent on children in El Paso, Tex. ($8,209), Brevard County, Fla. ($,7801) and the biggest school districts in Utah (all below $6,200).
Per-pupil spending alone doesn't tell us everything about the quality of education in any given school district, although a shortage of money certainly says a lot. Underfunded districts, as The Post's Valerie Strauss wrote this week, inevitably struggle to afford special-education staff, smaller classes, better computers and teacher development, among many other things.
But this latest Census snapshot underscores the reality that a public education may imply vastly different resources depending on where you get it (and what local tax revenues look like). These numbers -- note that they're not adjusted for differences in cost of living -- do not include spending on capital outlays or paying down long-term debt. They do include money spent on teacher salaries, instruction and support services. By state and region, the variation is broad:

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In this latest accounting, the nine states in the Northeast all rank among the top 15 states by per-pupil spending. Of the 20 states spending the least, 18 are in either the South or West.
To drill down to the school district-level, these are the per-pupil rates in the highest-spending school systems with more than 40,000 students. Seven of the top 18 are in Maryland:

Denver ($10,075), San Francisco ($9,842) and Fulton County around Atlanta ($9,304) don't even crack that list. Meanwhile, much smaller school districts in the Northeast far outspend even New York City. Two dozen smaller districts in New York State spend in the range of $30,000 or more.
Families don't generally shop around for education by this metric; knowing that Baltimore spends slightly more than nearby Howard County probably won't lure a parent to move there. But when we think about the consequences of funding public education as we do in America — a system heavily reliant on local revenue that produces wide variation both across the country and within individual states — these numbers make plain the reality that where children live matters for how much we invest in them.

And this is closer to the truth about charter schools, the fact that many are for profit institutions that skim off school funds in the name of profits.

Charter Schools Are Frequently Dogged by Corruption Scandals - Why Is It So Hard to Hold Them Accountable? | Alternet

Charter Schools Are Frequently Dogged by Corruption Scandals - Why Is It So Hard to Hold Them Accountable?

The finances of charter schools receive less oversight than the average public school bake sale.

By Bobbi Murray / Capital and Main
June 27, 2016



Photo Credit:

The original concept of charter schools emerged nationally more than two decades ago and was intended to support community efforts to open up education. Albert Shanker, then president of the American Federation of Teachers union, lauded the charter idea in 1988 as way to propel social mobility for working class kids and to give teachers more decision-making power.
“There was a sense from the start that they would develop models for the broader system,” John Rogers tells Capital & Main. Rogers, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles’ Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, is director of UCLA’s Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access. He adds that charter schools were to be laboratories where parents and educators would work together to craft the best possible learning environment and to serve as engines of innovation and social equity.
But critics of today’s market-based charter movement say monied interests have turned those learning labs into models for capital capture in the Golden State and beyond–“the charter school gravy train,” as Forbes describes it. Charters are publicly funded but privately managed and, like most privately run businesses, the schools prefer to avoid transparency in their operations. This often has brought negative publicity to the schools – last month the Los Angeles Daily Newsreported that the principal of El Camino Real Charter High School charged more than $100,000 in expenses to his school-issued credit card, many of them for personal use.
“Information belongs to the public,” says Daniel Losen, who conducts law and policy research on education equality issues. “To the extent that you think choice should benefit parents—good choices are made with good information.” Losen co-authored a March, 2016 report about charter schools’ disciplinary policies, produced by the Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the Civil Rights Project at UCLA.
Billions of taxpayer dollars have flowed into expanding America’s privately-run charter school system over the past two decades, including $3.3 billion in federal funds alone, reports an analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy. California has the nation’s largest number of charter schools, with most of them located in Los Angeles County. But in an age when words like “accountability” and “transparency” dominate political discourse, the financial mechanics of charters receive less oversight and scrutiny than the average public school bake sale.
The National Alliancefor PublicCharter Schoolscandidly spells out the Golden State’s laissez faire rules of the game on its website: “California law provides that charter schools are automatically exempt from most laws governing school districts.”
The California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) has explicitly opposed state legislation that would clearly define the existing transparency laws and codes for charter schools — standards charters can now avoid despite their use of public funds.
“Charters don’t have to disclose budgets,” says Jackie Goldberg, a long-time Los Angeles school teacher and former Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) board president, who also served in the California State Assembly. “Once a charter is written, it’s not subject to the Brown or the Public Records acts.”
The CCSA opposes several bills currently progressing through the state legislature that would bring charter school transparency requirements into line with those expected of public schools. One measure spells out the expectation that charters would follow the same standards as public schools when it comes to the Public Records Act that guarantees access to public records; CCSA argues thatmost charter schools already voluntarily comply—so the law is therefore unnecessary.
Below are several of areas of concern often cited by charter school critics.
Open Meetings
California public schools are required to follow the Ralph M. Brown Act that requires regular meetings with notices posted in advance, along with public testimony and the availability of agendas and minutes. Open meetings guarantee the right of local parents, teachers and taxpayers to participate in discussions about policy, funding, disciplinary standards—all the heated issues that arise in local schools or that go before school boards.
But a group called the Charter Schools Development Center provides advice and wiggle room to attorneys representing charter schools on Brown Act requirements. Charters are frequently run by a nonprofit whose board members are chosen and named by previous board members. The CSDC’s Guide to the Brown Act pointedly raises the question of whether governing structures fit the profile of “local legislative bodies” required to comply with the Brown Act and recommends charter school boards “cover their bases” and follow at least the spirit, if not the precise requirements, of the Brown Act.
Disciplinary Protocols and “Counseling Out”
The California Education Code stipulates that a public school student undergoing the drastic disciplinary measure of expulsion is entitled to a due process hearing that includes district administrators and the principal, and allows the student and parents to present arguments and information.
That doesn’t apply to California charter schools, according to a 2013 state Court of Appeals ruling that holds charters can “dismiss” a student without due process. The ruling differentiates between expulsion and dismissal. Following a dismissal, a student is then sent back to the public school system. (The UCLA report that Daniel Losen co-authored found national suspension rates at charter schools were 16 percent higher than those of public schools.)
Charter schools depend on their reputations for teaching students who hit high test-score marks. The practice known as “counseling out” is used to winnow out difficult students, and extends beyond California—the New York Times has detailed incidents in a high-achieving charter school in Brooklyn.
Counseling out can happen for a variety of reasons, not just disciplinary. Jackie Goldberg says she personally witnessed a counseling out session at a South Los Angeles charter, where a student’s mother was simply told by a school staff member that her son was better off finding “a school that meets his needs.”
Public schools, on the other hand, cannot “counsel out” challenging students.
Conflicts of interest
Public school governments are required to follow California Government Code 1090, which states that officials can’t vote on issues or contracts wherein they have a vested interest. Charter decision-makers are not subject to the conflict-of-interest code.
Veteran educators and administrators interviewed by Capital & Main have expressed deep concern about the disparities between transparency requirements for public schools and publicly funded charter schools.
Most California charters are run by educational management organizations (EMOs), which are described by the National Education Policy Center at the University of Colorado as “private entities [that] may not be subject to the same financial or other document/records disclosure laws that apply to state-operated entities and public officials.”
Steve Zimmer, the current LAUSD school board president and a former high school teacher and counselor, has been critical of the lack of oversight of charter funding.
“You don’t have to go through a procurement process, you don’t have to follow labor standards,” he says. “This is playing out on a multiplicity of levels.”
Audits are not routinely required in the California charter system. It was only in 2006—some 14 years after California became the second state in the nation to pass legislation to create charter schools—that the state Charter Schools Act was amended to allow local school officials to request a state audit of a charter school’s financial transactions when they suspect something is amiss.
It took a state audit—triggered by a request from the Los Angeles County Office of Education—to uncover $2.6 million in payments that went to Kendra Okonkwo, the founder of Wisdom Academy for Young Scientists charter school, and to her close family members—with no oversight from the governing board of the nonprofit running the South Los Angeles school.
Another audit uncovered an Oakland charter school founder directing $3.8 million to companies he owned. American Indian Model Schools founder Ben Chavis is presently under IRS and FBI investigations related to his dealings with the school district.
More recently, a San Jose Mercury News investigation of California Virtual Academies, an online charter school chain run by the Virginia-based, publicly traded company K12 Inc., found that not even half of its enrollees graduated with a high school diploma and even fewer—almost none—were qualified to attend a California state university. The online chain, launched by former Goldman Sachs banker Ronald Packard, with seed money from Larry Ellison, cofounder of tech giant Oracle, and former junk bond purveyor Michael Milken, has collected more than $310 million in state funds over a dozen years. (An April 12 statement from K12 Inc. criticized the investigation as incomplete.)
A study commissioned by the Center for Popular Democracy calculates the lack of oversight has cost California $81 million.
Jason Mandell, Director of Advocacy Communications at the California Charter Schools Association, says that charter school opacity is changing. “There’s an increasingly thorough review process. If a charter school isn’t meeting standards, the charter can be shut down. When you know you’re going to be scrutinized and people are watching, you better perform. [Charters] have more autonomy in exchange for greater accountability.”
Last year, however, Governor Jerry Brown, himself a charter school founder, passed on a chance to tighten that accountability. He vetoed a bill approved by both houses of the legislature that would have made it explicit that schools should be subject to the Brown and Public Records acts.
David Tokofsky, a former member of the LAUSD Board of Education who has also worked for a charter school operator, cautions that the push for charter schools has been framed in terms of “education reform,” although the movement behind these schools, he says, is really one for deregulation of financial oversight and management.
“Deregulation was supposed to be about curriculum,” Tokofsky says, allowing teachers and parents more freedom to craft education and programs to fit the students. “It has become deregulation about every aspect of the school.”
“We know,” he adds, “when deregulated banks fail; we know when deregulated airplane doors fail. Do we know when deregulated schools are hurting your kids?”
Bobbi Murray is a freelance journalist based in Los Angeles.

Charter schools in my province were given a chance by a previous right wing government - almost all of them failed primarily because they couldn't compete with public schools.

Top Massachusetts High Schools | Best High Schools in Massachusetts | US News
Top Ranked Massachusetts Schools

To be eligible for a state ranking, a school must be awarded a national gold or silver medal.

Outside of the charter schools in the top 10 the rest are the lily white liberal towns. To get into Boston Latin a difficult test is required for entry and that is not sitting well these days within the Boston Community.

Horrifying. lol

Just for the hell of it I Googled funding for the number one ranked school, and guess what? It receives funding that the average school does not get, enabling it to provide superior services to its students at the expense of students in other jurisdictions. It really is not hard to provide quality education with superior funding. The real trick in public education is to provide the same level of service to all students.

Dennis selectmen challenge charter school funding - News - - Hyannis, MA


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Is "free thinker" a euphemism for "spaced out moron" because everybody I personally know that claims to be the former, is the latter


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Interestingly, although I don't live in the US I seem to know more about the discrepancies in your school system than you do.

Interestingly you don't. Just by saying that you do does not make it true. You've swallowed the Teacher's Union propaganda.

I think this is a more accurate picture of educational spending in the US. I do have one question - if charter schools work so well why does the US rank so poorly in basic education?
It ranks poorly because our inner city schools are an absolute disaster! Not just the major cities but the smaller surrounding cities.

Boston city school kids get more money per pupil than most of the other cities and towns... and they're the worst schools in the state excluding Boston Latin.

So I read the article and there is nothing new. The people wanting to crack down on charter schools are upset that they are outperforming the public schools. Plain and simple. Charter schools are a threat, so they want to control them, regulate them, control curriculum, and basically dumb them down to make them irrelevant.

Just for the hell of it I Googled funding for the number one ranked school, and guess what? It receives funding that the average school does not get, enabling it to provide superior services to its students at the expense of students in other jurisdictions. It really is not hard to provide quality education with superior funding. The real trick in public education is to provide the same level of service to all students.

Dennis selectmen challenge charter school funding - News - - Hyannis, MA
Is that school receiving the most funds per pupil than all the others?

And why are they losing funding? Because Sturgis is outperforming Dennis-Yarmouth Regional HS and parents are sending their kids there instead!

The Teacher's Union/Lib Pols want to force parents who cannot afford private schools back into the inferior public school system.
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