Why the teachers’ unions rule


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Teaching used to be a fairly honourable profession. That was back when teachers were concerned about the kids. Nowadays, it is different. The teachers unions have taught them about entitlement, ridiculously high pensions, shovelling kids into the next grade regardless of whether they have learned anything or not (because it makes the teachers look good when they have no flunkers), etc.
When I was paying for my college education, I worked in a couple pubs as a quenchwench as well as a mixer and discovered the stingiest people were not doctors, lawyers, politicians, mechanics, cops, firefighters, nurses,etc. The stingiest people were teachers. Almost all of them seemed to think they were a special, lofty breed of humans and the rest of us are around just to cater to teachers.
And later, as a mother, I discovered the indifference that a lot of teachers have towards teaching and kids. As a result, we taught our own kids most of their primary ed. And the few classes our kids had in school were covered more in depth here at home.
It also does not help that students who are brighter are bored silly in schools because classes only progress at the rate of the slowest learners.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I guess the one you use to shovel your BS is to big.

"Too" big. If you didn't find education "funny", you might know the difference. No need to thank me for educating you. It's the least I can do for the disadvantaged among us.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Sad isn't it? And the fact that he has to resort to dishonesty, only makes it even more sad.

It went far beyond sad a long time ago... In fact, I think he passed pathetic a few mile posts back too

I guess the one you use to shovel your BS is to big.

Still not big enough



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
"Too" big. If you didn't find education "funny", you might know the difference. No need to thank me for educating you. It's the least I can do for the disadvantaged among us.
Oh my!!! He's so upset he's resorting to pointing out spelling mistakes.

You're right, the salt you keep depositing in here, is getting bad. You should use your big shovel.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I learned more in a two-room schoolhouse where teachers heeded a calling and were hired by a local school board. It was a real eye opener when I went back to school and discovered I was one of the few who could actually spell. Now, teaching is just a job

I work with a very good natural mechanic who at just under twenty can't read a shop manual and has no idea about the basic physics that he intuatively performs. His time in high school was a total waste of misguided almost criminal neglect of talent imposed by an education system that refuses to reinstitute a proper apprenticeship when the student shows a keen interest and can perform. It pisses me off that they are left to rust in frustration rote learning establishment conformity.

Teaching used to be a fairly honourable profession. That was back when teachers were concerned about the kids. Nowadays, it is different. The teachers unions have taught them about entitlement, ridiculously high pensions, shovelling kids into the next grade regardless of whether they have learned anything or not (because it makes the teachers look good when they have no flunkers), etc.
When I was paying for my college education, I worked in a couple pubs as a quenchwench as well as a mixer and discovered the stingiest people were not doctors, lawyers, politicians, mechanics, cops, firefighters, nurses,etc. The stingiest people were teachers. Almost all of them seemed to think they were a special, lofty breed of humans and the rest of us are around just to cater to teachers.
And later, as a mother, I discovered the indifference that a lot of teachers have towards teaching and kids. As a result, we taught our own kids most of their primary ed. And the few classes our kids had in school were covered more in depth here at home.
It also does not help that students who are brighter are bored silly in schools because classes only progress at the rate of the slowest learners.

I still resent to this day not being able to get my X to see what you have just described. For her it was by the establishment book, she even encouraged two of my kids to get student loans which I judged to be unnecessary and encumbrances which they have become. My oldest son has a degree to teach english. My daughter is an RN, smarter than he is.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Outside of a few primary grades, I think it would be wiser for gov't education to teach kids what they become interested in rather than trying to force the same basic ed into kids for 12 years. As they learn skills, they will also learn the rest of stuff about life and how to get along in society anyways. I'd suggest sticking with language, science, social studies, sports, and Canadian history and then let them figure out a direction after that. Some will show interest in something in particular earlier than other so let them. Some will take longer to figure out what they are interested in so keep teaching them the 5 basics I mentioned. They have a lifetime of learning things other than what they want to make livings doing. Let them do that at their own speed and quit hobbling the brighter ones.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Outside of a few primary grades, I think it would be wiser for gov't education to teach kids what they become interested in rather than trying to force the same basic ed into kids for 12 years. As they learn skills, they will also learn the rest of stuff about life and how to get along in society anyways. I'd suggest sticking with language, science, social studies, sports, and Canadian history and then let them figure out a direction after that. Some will show interest in something in particular earlier than other so let them. Some will take longer to figure out what they are interested in so keep teaching them the 5 basics I mentioned. They have a lifetime of learning things other than what they want to make livings doing. Let them do that at their own speed and quit hobbling the brighter ones.

Perfect, you will remember the information highway that was to employ every student and the service industries that were to sprout like grass and feed golden egg laying geese. Well how'd that work out ? Buddy can you spare a loony?


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I work with a very good natural mechanic who at just under twenty can't read a shop manual and has no idea about the basic physics that he intuatively performs. His time in high school was a total waste of misguided almost criminal neglect of talent imposed by an education system that refuses to reinstitute a proper apprenticeship when the student shows a keen interest and can perform. It pisses me off that they are left to rust in frustration rote learning establishment conformity.
Hubby knew a fellow that went through tech school for auto mechanics. The guy was supposed to change pads and shoes his for father's brakes one time. He bought a set of shoes for the back brakes and could not install them. So he went back to the auto store and got another set. He could not install them. Finally, he skipped across the road and asked my hubby to help. Hubby walked over, looked at the shoes the guy reassembled and shifted them up a cm and skid the brake drum on slick as banana peels. The main idea behind education should be to teach kids how to THINK and give them a few basics. After that, they pick knowledge up like sponges.

I still resent to this day not being able to get my X to see what you have just described. For her it was by the establishment book, she even encouraged two of my kids to get student loans which I judged to be unnecessary and encumbrances which they have become. My oldest son has a degree to teach english. My daughter is an RN, smarter than he is.
Yeah, gov't knows best, right? :roll:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Oh my!!! He's so upset he's resorting to pointing out spelling mistakes

If you weren't so silly, you would understand that I wasn't pointing out your spelling mistake. I was pointing out the irony of an idiot that dismisses education and is unable to get "to" and too" correct. I realize you feel your shortcomings are do to your disadvantaged position but I doubt many will buy what you're selling. Intelligent people understand that, other than the mentally ill, there really are no disadvantaged people in 21st century Canada. You keep it up though. It makes you sound like a Dipper... a salty one at that


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Teaching used to be a fairly honourable profession. That was back when teachers were concerned about the kids. Nowadays, it is different. The teachers unions have taught them about entitlement, ridiculously high pensions, shovelling kids into the next grade regardless of whether they have learned anything or not (because it makes the teachers look good when they have no flunkers), etc.
When I was paying for my college education, I worked in a couple pubs as a quenchwench as well as a mixer and discovered the stingiest people were not doctors, lawyers, politicians, mechanics, cops, firefighters, nurses,etc. The stingiest people were teachers. Almost all of them seemed to think they were a special, lofty breed of humans and the rest of us are around just to cater to teachers.
And later, as a mother, I discovered the indifference that a lot of teachers have towards teaching and kids. As a result, we taught our own kids most of their primary ed. And the few classes our kids had in school were covered more in depth here at home.
It also does not help that students who are brighter are bored silly in schools because classes only progress at the rate of the slowest learners.
I would blame gubmints, too. The unions didn't ruin public education by themselves.