Teaching used to be a fairly honourable profession. That was back when teachers were concerned about the kids. Nowadays, it is different. The teachers unions have taught them about entitlement, ridiculously high pensions, shovelling kids into the next grade regardless of whether they have learned anything or not (because it makes the teachers look good when they have no flunkers), etc.
When I was paying for my college education, I worked in a couple pubs as a quenchwench as well as a mixer and discovered the stingiest people were not doctors, lawyers, politicians, mechanics, cops, firefighters, nurses,etc. The stingiest people were teachers. Almost all of them seemed to think they were a special, lofty breed of humans and the rest of us are around just to cater to teachers.
And later, as a mother, I discovered the indifference that a lot of teachers have towards teaching and kids. As a result, we taught our own kids most of their primary ed. And the few classes our kids had in school were covered more in depth here at home.
It also does not help that students who are brighter are bored silly in schools because classes only progress at the rate of the slowest learners.