NEB vs Province of Quebec

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
The Province of Quebec really demonstrates how it is done when it comes to the NEB
Via Energy East pipeline hearings or lack of
What they don't know or know is they are a Board which goes under the guise of public interest,
Not do,
I had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with the NEB and their contribution to the circumstances surrounding Karman Willis death
I bet the NEB is making this process their own or there were actors hired,
Who knows?
I am not a betting type but I figure the NEB will walk all over the people and province of Quebec
I wonder if there were cartoons involved


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
The Province of Quebec really demonstrates how it is done when it comes to the NEB
Via Energy East pipeline hearings or lack of
What they don't know or know is they are a Board which goes under the guise of public interest,
Not do,
I had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with the NEB and their contribution to the circumstances surrounding Karman Willis death
I bet the NEB is making this process their own or there were actors hired,
Who knows?
I am not a betting type but I figure the NEB will walk all over the people and province of Quebec
I wonder if there were cartoons involved

F^ck Quebec and everyone in it. Slimeball a$$holes living off the backs of the rest of the country. Not only does Quebec rape the economies of the western provinces but they also want to have special rights and treatment above and beyond what other Canadians get. The sooner Quebec separates the better off the rest of Canada will be. One day they will let all Canadians vote on the separation issue and the French f^ckers will be gone.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
It sure is quiet about the NEB and the situation in Quebec
I would love to know more information about these hearings
Like the prelude of the design of information exchange
I have some ideas of what is there because I audited the NEB
Alberta has great involvement with NEB and administered process's,I was a lucky girl
I guess I could google,any bright opinions on this forum regarding the NEB
What I have seen or heard regarding Quebec is familiar and unfamiliar to me
I recall how the process is carefully designed to cause division,,,upset,rationale, and to make further opportunities
In Alberta process can be administered to be a catylist for prescribed intent of legislation

Even legal murder

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Perhaps the Albertans should tie the continued transference of money to Quebec to the acceptance of Alberta's oil export pipeline through Quebec territory.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Perhaps the Albertans should tie the continued transference of money to Quebec to the acceptance of Alberta's oil export pipeline through Quebec territory.
Yes, do it please. It's gonna be fun to see.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The government should not even be wasting everyon's time and money with these ridiculous hearings. Just build the pipeline. ANyone that doesn't like it can move to some third world country.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
The government should not even be wasting everyon's time and money with these ridiculous hearings. Just build the pipeline. ANyone that doesn't like it can move to some third world country.
OK it's the way it should work... ?

So Hydro-Québec will be able to make his power line that we ask since decades on the NB territory... Wright ?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Yes, do it please. It's gonna be fun to see.

It will be a shock to find out where your various social give-away goodies actually originate from.

p.s. No. You eon't be allowed to leave. You will be stoped by several entities.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
It will be a shock to find out where your various social give-away goodies actually originate from.

p.s. No. You eon't be allowed to leave. You will be stoped by several entities.
When I look at my paycheck, I perfectly know where the governments money is coming from .... including the federal government that never forgets me.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
When I look at my paycheck, I perfectly know where the governments money is coming from .... including the federal government that never forgets me.

I pay for goodies (and the overall inefficiency of the place) in Quebec, so do taxpayers in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Newfoundland. You also pay for goodies in Quebec, almost exclusively. Canada feeds tens of billions of dollars into Quebec every year to placate the sovereigntists who ultimately deny that it even happens.

If you believe that we are a foreign country to you, then it is foreign aid to a backwards, inefficient and corrupt regime.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
When I look at my paycheck, I perfectly know where the governments money is coming from .... including the federal government that never forgets me.
You do realize that Québec has the highest provincial income tax rate of all the provinces in Canada


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
I pay for goodies (and the overall inefficiency of the place) in Quebec, so do taxpayers in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Newfoundland. You also pay for goodies in Quebec, almost exclusively. Canada feeds tens of billions of dollars into Quebec every year to placate the sovereigntists who ultimately deny that it even happens.

If you believe that we are a foreign country to you, then it is foreign aid to a backwards, inefficient and corrupt regime.
Yes, stop bawling and do it. I absolutely don't care about it.

The federal will stop collecting taxes from us, we will take back the Seaway and everyone will be happy.

Please, do it :)

You do realize that Québec has the highest provincial income tax rate of all the provinces in Canada
Yep I know. So what ?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Have you figured out what your tax rate would be should you seperate?
I expect a lot more than what you are paying now....combined!


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Have you figured out what your tax rate would be should you seperate?
I expect a lot more than what you are paying now....combined!

The dignity of a nation is priceless and it is long-term pay.

Some are willing to endure to be scorned and the racism for a few dollars. Not me.

in the meantime you can keep your oil with you ;-)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Il est bon de savoir, q'avant le dernier référendum, Québec n'avais pas une majoritée de trous de cul.
Ca peu avoir changé, mais j'pense pas!


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Il est bon de savoir, q'avant le dernier référendum, Québec n'avais pas une majoritée de trous de cul.
Ca peu avoir changé, mais j'pense pas!
Quand on parle de mépris et de racisme......

Ça donne le goût de vous faire une fleur et prendre le risque de votre pipeline sans en tirer aucun bénéfice. Vraiment.

Mais je suis habitué, c'est comme ça le canada. ça ne changera pas.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Yes, stop bawling and do it. I absolutely don't care about it.

The federal will stop collecting taxes from us, we will take back the Seaway and everyone will be happy.

Please, do it :)

Yep I know. So what ?

It's not your Seaway. The Americans built, own it and they will take it away from you. The Seaway is their access to their Northern coastline where 50million people live. The Americans have been adament about maintaining their control over all of the sea lanes that are vital to them, everywhere on the planet and the St. Lawrence Seaway is very close to their homeland ... in it, in places.

This is what will happen an hour or two after you take "your" Seaway: The 10th Mountian Division in Watertown NY will take the Upper St Lawrence Valley perhaps as far south as Vercherres. US Marines will land all along your St. Lawrence shore. Old, St Laurent Quebec will henceforth be occupied, maybe annexed. The Aboriginal people of the North who have no histoic love of the French will go to the UN and get their independance, based on thousands of years of occupation. Your rump, little country will consist of the Kingdom of the Saguenay with people who truly and totally hate your guts on all of your borders. That ought to kill off the French language and culture in North America in no more than, say, two generations.

The Canada that picks up your lunch tab also protects your extremely fragile existance. You owe it to Alberta to help them with their exports.
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