Canada's Economy Takes Biggest Hit In 7 Years


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It had nothing to do with her policy.

The link to drops in oil prices and production stoppages has already been established.

Conbots just hate hearing the truth.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
It had nothing to do with her policy.

The link to drops in oil prices and production stoppages has already been established.

Conbots just hate hearing the truth.

It has lots to do with her policy. I'm not guessing at this. I'm in the heart of the patch and most of my friends and neighbors are involved in the industry. I think the people actually involved know a hell of a lot more than you and the liberal media.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Meanwhile bio fuels have been subsidized for years in Ontario. Turns out they pollute even more then fossil fuel :laughing3:

Brought to you by those educated progressives. ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Is this the change the Libs were offering?

Canada economy takes biggest drop in 7 years

That would be the one. Poverty for everyone except trust fund kids. And party faithful of course.

Canadians are furious! I am reading the comments... WOW!

People complaining about Justin not doing anything. LOL. What did you expect ? To the morons that voted for him, you hired a SKI INSTRUCTOR !!!!!! ~ G

An what is our PM doing? Flying around the world doing #$%$ all. He has no interest in Canada's well being. What a jerk.. ~ Lawrence

Actually if he did nothing would be a blessing.Mostly he is borrowing money to give to third world countries.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Actually if he did nothing would be a blessing.Mostly he is borrowing money to give to third world countries.

You could be right about that. He should have stuck to being a ski instructor because he's a disastrous PM.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Its the sunny way of Trudeau's economic strategy. Don't vote Liberal anymore if you want it to change. I wish Trudeau would read some of these comments on his flight home so he knows what Canadians are feeling about him. He thinks he's God but that's typical of an over inflated ego. He ought to be truly ashamed of his performance. ~ OWG

You don't have a fukin clue do you. Try reading the link you posted. It has more with the Alberta dippers incompetence.

Floosy is just very salty TS. The stitches are becoming undone and he's popped.

This is just the beginning. Trudeau has a mandate to destroy Canada. Wait until his tenure as P.M. ends in 3 more years. Canada will be virtually bankrupt, and he will still be cruising the planet on tax payers dollars, unaware of what his job was. He thinks he can play politics. ~ Concerned Person


Sunny Ways....It seems like only yesterday.

our best hope is the economy tanks the next few years, enough that people realize how useless the liberals and trudeau are so we can get in an economy friendly conservative govt. ~ bob

The Liberals had such hope.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
It's only going to get worse. Like they have no problem raising taxes or pushing they're green plan right away. But when it comes to the economy they stall and blames the conservatives.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Manny Montenegrino ‏@manny_ottawa

Welcome to begining of a PMJustin self imposed made in Canada Great Recession. Exports huge drop in this quarter.



The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
What I would really like is to hear from these Liberal and NDP retards is just how they plan on paying off any of the debt they are accumulating. BC Liberals have taken the total debt from $22 billion to $65 billion since they took over and are projected to be at $71 billion by 2019. Alberta is now projected to garner $80 billion in new debt in the next 6-8 years. Ontario has $308 billion in debt and is projected to hit $350 billion by 2020. The federal government is projected to add $50-60 billion in new debt by the end of JT's first term.

The fact that Trudoh is actually the best of the 3 speaks volumes about the Dippers but both parties display their complete lack of understanding of finance or how to effectively govern.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
What I would really like is to hear from these Liberal and NDP retards is just how they plan on paying off any of the debt they are accumulating. BC Liberals have taken the total debt from $22 billion to $65 billion since they took over and are projected to be at $71 billion by 2019. Alberta is now projected to garner $80 billion in new debt in the next 6-8 years. Ontario has $308 billion in debt and is projected to hit $350 billion by 2020. The federal government is projected to add $50-60 billion in new debt by the end of JT's first term.

The fact that Trudoh is actually the best of the 3 speaks volumes about the Dippers but both parties display their complete lack of understanding of finance or how to effectively govern.

They don't.

It had nothing to do with her policy.

The link to drops in oil prices and production stoppages has already been established.

Conbots just hate hearing the truth.

Could have implemented policies to support the industry but didn't. Instead we are waiting for manufacturing to return. In a market where demand for manufactured goods is falling :roll:

And the Chines devalue their currency 6:1. Oil was our only hope ;)

Detroit is dead, But these educated progressives think manufacturing will return to Canada . Real intelligent these folks.

Our manufacturing was to service Detroit :laughing3:


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
The economy has been a bouncing ball on a downward staircase, bottoming out at lower step and never achieving its previous height.. since the Free Trade, Free Market paradigm clenched its grip on us 40 years ago.

Our industrial vitality and integrity has been gutted, we have no more primary manufacturing in steel or resource processing (metals, timber, oil). Our fabrication and secondary manufacturing in equipment, and autos has been shipped south, tertiary manufacturing in assembly, textiles and small product likewise shipped to China. Wages have stagnated and are now in an inexorable decline, wealth is polarized to a small cartel of financiers and traders, as taxes become ever more regressive, economic planning and investment in infrastructure non existent.

We are going to see hit after hit on the economy.. of ever greater magnitude and with ever shorter periods between downturns. But its not just Justin who is responsible, even though he is an incompetent little fart... bitch whipped by the feminist cabal that controls the Liberal Party.. its Mulroney, Chretien, Harper.. there has been not been anything but changes of small cosmetic phrasings to the economic policies of the last 30 years.
It's just capitalism failing as usual, eventually it will fail irreparably.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
It's just capitalism failing as usual, eventually it will fail irreparably.

Socialism has never succeeded. Capitalism would succeed. What we have now is Crony Capitalism with socialist government policy which is like sticking a pencil in your eye then hitting it with a hammer for good measure


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Socialism has never succeeded. Capitalism would succeed. What we have now is Crony Capitalism with socialist government policy which is like sticking a pencil in your eye then hitting it with a hammer for good measure
There's no such thing a crony capitalism, it's only a sad pathetic execuse capitalists turn to when capitalism is failing. Tell me when capitalism ever in its history without government/business collusion.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
They don't.

Could have implemented policies to support the industry but didn't. Instead we are waiting for manufacturing to return. In a market where demand for manufactured goods is falling :roll:

And the Chines devalue their currency 6:1. Oil was our only hope ;)

Detroit is dead, But these educated progressives think manufacturing will return to Canada . Real intelligent these folks.

Our manufacturing was to service Detroit :laughing3:

Manufacturing is gone forever from North America. Free trade has ensured that. There is no way to compete with $1/day wages in China and Indonesia. You can't even use quality to compete now because they can do quality overseas for $2/day.

There's no such thing a crony capitalism, it's only a sad pathetic execuse capitalists turn to when capitalism is failing. Tell me when capitalism ever in its history without government/business collusion.

Sure...Capitalism in a free market is the worst kind of economy except for all the others.