Canada's Economy Takes Biggest Hit In 7 Years


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I think while many forms of energy will assist the use of gas and oil, very few will be an actual replacement for them. Wind and solar are not ALWAYS there when you need them. Wind also has the added feature of noise pollution!

Let's not forget your standard windmill turbine generator has to run at full capacity for 60 years solid to break even on the emissions resulting in its manufacturing and installation


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Is Ontario gettin manufacturing back yet???

Let's not forget your standard windmill turbine generator has to run at full capacity for 60 years solid to break even on the emissions resulting in its manufacturing and installation

Be careful for what you wish for folks. Some politicians are stupid enough to give it to you.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Is Ontario gettin manufacturing back yet???

Be careful for what you wish for folks. Some politicians are stupid enough to give it to you.

Obscenely high hydro rates in Ontario does not encourage manufacturing. Nor does the knee-jerk NDP thing to constantly increase the taxes on corporations. The net result is not more tax revenue. Rather, corporations fold up their tents and move to friendlier juristictions and the tax revenues go down, unemployment goes up.